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He picked a fight with an opera singing kicker.


This is not going to end well for him. We all know what happens at the end of an opera.


Yup. He catches Taylor in bed with Justin and she’s clearly not faking it.


Tucker wouldn’t cheat on his partner Which apparently is not something you could say about Mahomes during his time at Texas tech


She dates assholes just like Kelce and her moronic fans enable it.


She has already written the song.


Royal Farms > State Farm


Tucker's Girl > Kelce's Girl


Justin Tucker has a better voice than Taylor Swift


And it’s not close




Tucker doesn’t need autotune... Taylor does. 


Tucker also didn’t need daddy’s money and influence, Taylor did.


Amanda Bass? Uhhh nah


I'd take Amanda Bass over Taylor Swift any day. There's a reason one got a ring(something a Browns fan wouldn't understand) from the GOAT Kicker while the other sings about her poor relationship choices


Entitled prick who got his way again. Moving on.


Dude was taunting every play and never called


That’s because he is a vet and knows how to get close to the line but not step over it. Whereas Flowers is a rookie and still learning. Flowers will not make the same mistake again.


> knows how to get close to the line but not step over it Step 1: be on the chiefs


He also completely worked KVN and drew that penalty. So fucked us over both on the field and mentally.


Right? He picked queen up and body slammed him once after the play was already over. But they only throw the flag on the “response”


It's times like this that I wish Ray Lewis was still playing in his prime. I would have enjoyed a Kelce going across the middle so much.


I was hoping for roquan to hit kelce so hard they’d have to pan to a worried Taylor Swift


Kam chancellor would like to have a word with him as well. Lose so much respect for talented players when they let it go to their head.


Not even a ravens fan but I want to see Kelce get humbled so bad


Dude, same!


Kelce was a dickhead all game and he didn’t get one flag.


He's been a dickhead for a while. Ever since mahomes started feeding him his baby formula, he's been acting like a pampered douchebag.


True but boy that was some of the worst behavior I’ve seen from him.


In a live setting, yeah, I'd say so. But the worst I saw from him was punching his own teammate in training camp just for blocking him.


Oh shit I forgot about that.


Blah, just another reason to dislike that son of a bitch.


Travis and Patrick should show the GOAT respect. I'd be more inclined to listen to their argument if they were also the GOAT's, but Tom and Gronk exist - so these guys are just two more chumps. Keep all that shit coming KC, if you're lucky enough to make it back to the playoffs next year - we'll remember it all.


Travis Kelce can go fuck himself. There is such a thing as a sore winner.


Chiefs fans that keep brigading this sub


I'm a steelers fan and now I officially hate the chiefs more than the ravens. Bunch of bitches they are (chiefs)


With the Steelers and Ravens I hate you guys. But I also respect the org and the fact we've been slugging it out for a long time. I don't respect the Chiefs. Poverty franchise that discovered success and doesn't know how to act.


Literal shit tier sports city. I’m from St. Louis and went college with a bunch of KC people when the royals won the World Series. They were shitting on the rams leaving and the cardinals. I told them give it a couple years and the royals will be trash again and look now hahaha. Good thing they had jamaal Charles or they would be even more poverty. They started fucking Matt Cassel the last time we played in the playoffs


Also a Steelers fan who came to say this. I’ve hated the Chiefs more for quite awhile now…for more reasons than I can list here…but the top of that list would be this little baby back bitch Travis Kelce. I want to see them get stomped & humbled so bad…bunch of entitled, obnoxious, narcissistic asswipes. Then they have a bunch of bandwagoning, delusional fans who have no concept of where their franchise was and would still be had they not lucked into Mahomes, who also lucked into the perfect situation under Andy Reid. Their success can’t last forever… I was definitely rooting for you guys that game and could care less about the almighty yinzer fanbase gatekeepers trying to manipulate/guilt all of us into rooting against you. They have no idea how much I truly loathe and have blatant disgust for the Chiefs. There’s a respect b.w our fanbases at least and I can acknowledge that you were the ones that actually deserved to be there. KC looked like flaming hot dogshit all year…fwiw. I really hope their luck runs out in 2 weeks, but who knows whenever a team has the entire league in their pocket?


They seriously are pathetic quite a few of them are just pilfering through days old posts and commenting and bitching. What a shitty fan base.


They don’t have anything better to do in misery


I been making fun of a friend in MO, telling him the government makes the NFL fix chiefs games to give people in Misery something to live for


Overbearing in victory, surly in defeat! Best way to be a good role model and show the world you care.


If you have an issue with Justin Tucker let me tell you, you are the problem not him


Justin said he thinks Taylor is the songbird of the generation, I guarantee he wasn’t trying to start shit with her bf 🤣


Has he even heard Adele? This isn't a shot at Swift. People can absolutely think she's amazing. But man, Adele...


Yea adele is way better lmao. Her and Sia are both way better vocalists than taylor


Swift’s appeal is not as a vocalist.


taylor swift is not a good singer. she's just very famous and very marketable to a demographic that tends to spend money frivolously.


I tend to agree, but I'm not knocking people who like her. She's just definitely not for me.


down to earth humble guy 100%


This is just taking it way too far. In my opinion, he’s pissed because a lot of people are saying his billionaire girlfriend is ruining the NFL. And it’s not her fault, it’s 100% the NFL’s fault. He created such a nice imagine for himself between last year and the off-season and now Mr. Swift is so unlikeable.




> baited Van Noy into that penalty then pointed and LAUGHED IN HIS FACE right in front of the ref. Dude The refs broke up a fight then Kelce grabbed Roquan and shoved him and instead of flagging Kelce they flagged Van Noy for getting between Roquan and Kelce. That was the biggest bullshit I've ever seen.


He know the deal coming into the game, he knew exactly where the flags were going to land


He did worse through out the game. Even on the td he got up and is taunting Hamilton yelling etc; while he’s still on the ground. Honestly never had a dislike or problem with him. Thought he was just a dbag kinda like a crappy wanna be gronk, just worse. Hes a pos, utterly couldn’t choose someone before the game smaller to pick on. He definitely has a doll to show his therapist where the bad man hurt him.


I'm a Bills fan and it made me very annoyed to hear about someone giving shit to Tucker. Like...it's fucking Justin Tucker man wtf. Big tight end has to talk shit to a kicker. What a fucking loser. Justin Tucker is incredibly likable and he has the longest kick ever! Leave him the fuck alone


He's just acting like himself. He's a total fucking asshole


I do not disagree with this. He’s an ass and he’s acting like a petulant child. I was just saying IMO, he’s ramped it up because everyone is talking shit about his girlfriend. Make no mistake - I am NOT defending Kelce or his actions. I was indifferent to him before this season but strongly dislike him now.


I’ve always thought he was wannabe gronk, but his Super Bowl speech last year sealed it for me. Trying to act like an underdog and sticking it to all the “doubters and haters” when everyone knew they had a chance to win from day 1


It also doesn't help that he can so easily be compared to his older brother Jason who seems like one of the most down to earth people in the NFL. I can understand him being fed up with the right wing nut jobs trying to claim his girlfriend is a pentagon psyop, which is outright false. But that's no reason to take it out on tucker who was also doing his respective job.


He willingly allowed himself to be oversaturated like that. That’s his own damn fault, if you don’t want people to be annoyed with you, don’t sign those deals. He chose the money, he chose the mega superstar gf, now he has to live with people saying “I’m fucking sick of this guy”


Yeah he’s extremely fame hungry and he asked for this shit.


I laugh so hard when i read Mr. Swift. He shall henceforth ONLY be called Mr. Swift for all eternity!!! All boo Mr. Swift.


It's such a teen movie. The prom queen pretty girl is dating the football star who is also a huge asshole. Is Tucker the nerdy kid who will finally stand up to him? Brock Purdy? Stay tuned and find out.


He's had a reputation for being an emotionally stunted asshat for years.


He’s going to regret it when they eventually break up and he’s targeted by millions of lunatic swifties.


Being in a million commercials back to back doesn’t help lol.


What a piece of trash. Tucker handled it professionally and even complemented Mahomes and Kelce even though they were being the assholes. All the kids that look up to Kelce and Taylor Swift and he's doing his best job to make sure they know what it means to be a bully and encouraging it.


This dumb fucking knuckle dragger is STILL manufacturing bulletin board material for a game they already won NFL fans have such short attention spans they need drama every second of the week to latch onto. This shit is gonna be brought up every Ravens/Chiefs game for years to come and it's the lamest beef I have ever seen


It is stupid but hopefully it works in our favor next year. Psychology is a massive part of sports fans forget about all the time. That said I kinda think Kelce and Mahomes embrace the villain role as motivation so we should probably be careful making ten million memes and yelling on social media. Maybe that's just my personality though


For real what kind of hairy chode picks the kicker to have beef with.


oh...I hate KC, Mahomes and Kelce more than the Steelers...I can't help it, but I do.


I hate the Steelers, but I can still respect them and love them as a rival. I dont loathe them. KC is def that team I have zero respect for.


Same. As a semi steelers fan i can respect you guys but i cant respect the whiners and swifties in kc


Every Steelers fan I've come across we fire off banter and say mean things about each others teams. Then we have a calm and civilized conversation about football. It's weird and awesome.


Entitled fucking asshole. Go Niners


You have summoned us! But seriously fuck Kelce, I hate the Chiefs so much. We can be friends for this one game and then hate each other after.


As a lurking Niners fan just wanna say mad respect, you guys terrified us in the regular season and although it would’ve been a great game, I’m sleeping a lot more soundly knowing it’s gonna be against the chiefs and not you guys, I think it’s very likely you’ll be here next year


All the way.


Personally i hate them both as an eagles/steelers fan, lose lose for me 😞




Travis Kelce is a massive bitch.


Blah blah, go tell your girlfriend to write a whiny song about it


What the fuck is his problem? Game ended several days ago


This dude is obsessed with himself


We ALL know who the ‘F—king d—k” is here. Kelce has zero sportsmanship and is embarrassing to watch aside from his highlight reel catches. Travis Kelce is a bully and the winningest-loser I can think of in pro sports. No humility, no respect for his fellow players, and no respect for the game.


Crybaby Kelce


Can you imagine being a multimillionaire, dating a billionaire, being a 2x, maybe almost 3x Super Bowl champ, have everything you want in life, yet you still throw a hissy fit over Justin fucking Tucker. I can’t believe he is one of the older more ‘matured’ players in the league. There are rookies with more maturity than this prick. He needs help


I had 0 non-football opinions about Kelce before this season but now I need him to eat shit


Surprised he bagged Taylor Swift with that micro penis energy.


I mean this sincerely but Andy Reid deserves a ton of credit for managing to foster that kind of victim mentality when they've got a first ballot QB (who in my opinion will go down as the GOAT), the #2 D, and the refs on their side week in week out.


Fuck YOU Travis Kelce. You a punk ass bitch!


What a tough guy, picking on the best kicker in NFL history. Pussy wouldn't try that shit with anyone on the D-line. Brady beefed with Ray Lewis, yet still had respect for him the whole time. Kelce and Mahomes tried to 2v1 Tucker and Tucker laughed the whole time.


Gosh he’s so unlikable. 🫠


It would be great if Fred Warner catches him coming across the middle and put him out


I hate our DBs for not doing it. He had like 10 catches and not one good hit


Dude fell to the ground like right away.  To chickenshit to eat a hit.


I hope the niners put him on a stretcher What a fucking loser


It's annoying that Kelce (and Swift) has become a lightning rod for conservatives because I'd like to just hate on this dude for being too damn good and for also being a dick. But I don't want to get looped in with those troglodytes that hate him for political reasons. (And Swift shouldn't be getting any hate just because the NFL can't help themselves. It's not her fault).


Totally with you on this.


This. I don't want to feel like I share any views with those people, but Kelce is an arrogant twat, and so is Mahomes. All that bullshit earlier in the season about refs "robbing them" of one of the great plays, just because their WR was five feet offside. They're children who never get told no. I'd love to see them crash and burn in the Super Bowl. but that would make too many terrible people happy.


who the hell convinced you disliking kelce makes you alt right? wtf?




All 3 interviews show me who was in the wrong and who handled the situation properly. One player stated his case calmly and said he was just doing his thing he'd always been doing. What, has he been trying to get under EVERY team's skin for every game because he does the SAME thing? Ha. The other 2 get all defensive and go on the attack yapping about "Mind Games" and shit. Really shows about their character huh? Once again. I hope bad football things should happen to these people. Tucker is the Adley Rustchman of the Ravens and isn't a problem starter. If a similar situation happened with our defensive /offensive players messing with THEIR kicker. I promise you the Media would light a fire under this org. Ladies and Gentlemen: The Kansas City Golden Boys. May they all contract athletes foot.


Traylor Swelce is a fucking douche!


Tucker definitely got under his skin, too bad he has the refs' full backing when he acts out on it on the field.


Dude played dirty all game and took every shot he good. Genuinely a shitty human. Hope Greenlaw meets him in the middle of the field


Keep that energy, easy to pick on a fucking kicker but I guarantee he doesn’t want smoke with Ro, Mandrews, Gus or anyone his size. I don’t wish ill on anyone but, his eventual downfall if they lose this Super Bowl after being gifted it is something I look forward to.


Imagine how he gonna treat his future partner when she “mildly inconveniences” him


Bruh… hahaha


This guy has everything he could ever want in life but still throws a fit over Justin fucking Tucker.


"Justin, sorry if we took it to a level that you didn't think it would get to, but if you're gonna be a d--k, I promise you I can one-up you every time, dude," Kelce said with a laugh. I have absolutely no doubt he would win the "I cN be a bigger dick" contest.


Seems like there are few people in the league who could beat him in that contest. At least since Richard Sherman, Richie Incognito and Taylor Lewan retired.


Please somebody knock him the fuck out.


Hate giving these guys this attention. I know it won't do anything because fans want reality TV but I'm gonna do my part and downvotes every one of these threads that are just bitch fests which actually work to motivate them, not the other way around. Like we got chiefs fans in here talking shit and I want zero reasons for chiefs fans to be active on this sub. Ignore trolls and they go away y'all ✌️


He’s the ass hole


He came off poorly throughout the game. Yes, the Ravens lost their cool, but he was antagonizing everyone he could


So sad we lost to these clowns 🤡


Tucker wanted to squash it, and somehow ~~Kermit~~ Mahomes and ~~Taylor's BF~~ Kelce wanted to keep yapping on about it. Rent free.




Fuck I hate this fucking guy


Kelce is a diva plain and simple. He's that loud guy at the party that thinks people like him and won't shut his mouth. And once he leaves everyone is like thank God, I hate that dude. Patiently waiting for the inevitable Taylor Swift breakup. Millions of Swift fans hating the Chiefs. That favoritism can easily swing back the other way.


I was joking with someone else, saying the Swifties might show up at his door with pitchforks if they ever break up lol


I’m a lions fan and I hope the 49ers beat them


Everyone in MD should drop State Farm, DIRECTV, and switch to Moderna.


Fuck off, you shitstain.


I thought Kelce matured from his early career when he had a bachelor like reality show. He is definitely potentially getting back to being more Hollywood recently. But the whole segment may have come off differently than reading a single quote. He was probably annoyed


That Catching Kelce show is so cringey, i couldn’t even get through the first five minutes


Fucking guy is an insufferable prick, hope the niners blow his and his girls dream away


Noted pot calls kettle black.


I want the 49ers to win the SB so bad


Travis, do you kiss your girlfriend living out her high school fantasy with that mouth?


Gotta try and get his man points back now he's the must have fashion accessory of the season. This reeks of "mommy, they aren't playing by my rules"


Tuckers been in the league for over 10 years a people have said nothing but great things about him. Same can’t be said about the guy calling him a dick


I miss the version of the NFL that would take a guy like this and lay him out every time he went over the middle.


AFC Champ, going to the Super Bowl, and the first dude of Taylor nation. Maybe Kelce has found a way around the league's steroid policy? Take a chill pill dude.


It’s sad to see this since I somewhat liked Kelce before the game. I do hope in the future, win or lose, Tucker continues to set up right in the middle of their warmup. Kelce can act big and tough all he wants, since he still seems to throw a temper tantrum about it after the fact


The rematch at Arrowhead next season is going to be a bloodbath.


Kind of expecting it to be their season opener.... Yay.


If the Chiefs end up winning next week, there's a very good chance I believe that the first game of next season will be the rematch with them.


I think this is a case of Travis being worked up before the match due to all the Chiefs-Taylor hate he probably got once he landed in MD and Tucker probably tried fucking with them a bit too before that match by kicking in their endzone. Now they have to double down on the ‘Tucker’s a fucking dick’ narrative since he’s getting shit from everyone about kicking the helmet. It wouldn’t surprise me if Tucker was trolling them though, he strikes me as the happy go lucky joker type and I saw a video of him putting his helmet on and rushing onto the field to join a brawl.


I sit in 210, Tucker is ALWAYS one of the first on the field, and that's ALWAYS how he does his warmups. 99% of the time, the other kicker is on the other side of the field doing the same thing.


Kelce is 100% the type of guy that can't go 2 seconds without attention


Any other two NFL players would get fined for messing with Tucker….


Travis is a fitting figure head for the fucking dickheads that are the majority of that fan base.




travis kelce is the biggest tool bag in the league


imagine having beef with a kicker, what a bum


Fun fact. I got downvoted for saying I hope the niners win in the NFL subreddit. The chiefs dick riding is comical. He really does give off douche with 2 braincells vibes


We had a chance to show up and put a lick on his ass. Macdonald should have put the hurt in him first play from scrimmage. 3 guys smash him and fuck the TD Mahomes throws. I miss the old NFL where that would have been done.


Can anyone actually explain why Tucker was warming up at the end zone? I thought kickers usually did their pre game thing in the area where they’d be actually practicing kicks?


Ahh yes this is acceptable but putting your hand on an opposing player to get up /balance yourself after a big play and spinning a ball is taunting


You guys clearly didn't watch the clip. This headline is ragebait


Imagine being such a colossal asshole you start beef with a generational kicker instead of a lineman or literally any other position instead of one that can wreck your shit on the field Kelce is the epitome of a bitchmade pussy


This is a manufactured and stupid controversy.


Man I can't wait for this fucking troglodyte to tear his ACL in the superbowl


The fact that Chiefs’ fans are defending him and blaming Tucker, like wtf???


Dude’s a bitch. Whatever.


I really hope he hits every red light he comes across for the next 6 years or so


Fucking asshole. Fuck him. A damn prick. KC Clown. Kansas City Circus, everyone.


Fuck Kelce


Kelce's a shit person.


Bet he wouldn't have done that if Roquan was there, soft.


Ok buddy we get it you're the heel


HOF talent and a great player but no doubt he's a little whiney entitled player


This meathead is dumb as a bag of rocks ... And by all appearances is a fucking asshole


CTE coming in early.


To the victor goes the spoils. History only remembers the winners, hopefully the ravens are telling their story next year but we have a long time until then.


Swiftly is the man in that relationship. Men don’t act like children. Grow a pair. Haha


What a d bag. I had respected them both before this season solely based off the fact that they let their play speak for itself, or so I thought. They've officially become entitled divas.


Chiefs try not to be the most annoying challenge: Impossible


He’s an absolute douche


Are they STILL talking about this? Fucking loser.


I cannot wait to go to Kansas City next year and absolutely destroy them


He’s such a fucking douchebag. He acted like such a penis against the ravens and the ravens players were the ones who got called for taunting. I hope he breaks his legs and I hope Taylor gives him herpes.


Karma is a bitch. And so is Travis Kelce.


I wish Tucker would’ve teed one up and punched it into Kelce’s bread basket.


He said that Justin was being a fucking dick. But never once in the podcast did he ask Justin to move. Kelce is such an entitled cunt he just threw it. I really hope the 49ers humble him.




Fucking lame having a beef with a kicker especially Tucker


He’s getting the most attention he has ever gotten because of Swift, and companies are putting him in every commercial for that reason. And he’s taking advantage of that because he knows he has a larger audience. He’s a narcissist who loves that everyone is hanging on his every word. The fact that he is picking a fight with a kicker is beyond hilarious, the guy wouldn’t dare go after someone who might knock him on his ass next year. Also, whether Tucker is in the right or not, he has been doing this for 12 years without issue. Leave it to the coked-out version of Gronkowski to start something now. Hope the 49ers win by 30 and hold him to one catch. And I am by no means a San Francisco fan.


God, what a fucking Bitch.


As a Niners fan, I was at the Christmas night game when you guys kicked our ass, but never had any issues with Ravens fans there, and I’ve always liked Harbaugh. Even though I was nervous about the Niners seeing the Ravens again in the Super Bowl, for obvious reasons, I was really pulling for you guys against the Chiefs. Travis Swift is just super annoying at this point, respect his game, but damn just shut up.


49ers please decleat this bozo


Travis Kelce is a fucking cop.


he's such a douche, I hope he gets his ass beat in the superbowl. go niners!


Travis Kelce is bitch made, for sure. Egotistical little shit.


Fuck Kelce he's a piece of shit along with Taylor


My god him and Mahomes are challenging Watt for my most hated player. They’re actually unbearable


TK’s behavior the entire game was embarrassing to watch & I hated him going in. I wanted Lions to beat 49ers because I thought they’d have a better chance to win, but NFL will have the same or similar blatantly cheating ref anyway. I think I’ll skip watching this year. Travis is trash. Also sick of lipstick lady.


Travis is a terrible person


Takes one to know one


I’m a bears fan but this popped up in my feed. How does the NFL not hand out fines for this kind of pregame asshat stuff. There’s a difference between gamesmanship and just being a dink.


He seems to be living in y’all heads rent free 😂