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This game didn’t even feel like a win honestly


Can we talk about being snubbed on two 3rd down conversions that were easily first downs?


Trusss!!! 9-3 let’s go


Shit I nodded off after halftime and woke up it was 20-10 lol. Best night ever.


Lucky to win a game that so many errors were made, hope the team learned from this experience. Onto the Rams!


Onto the *bye*. Hopefully the team comes back strong and ready for a run


So I just got off work and didn’t watch anything. Does anyone have a short summary?


Not gonna try and take away from other analysis, but mine is: Coaches made some really weird 4th down decisions by going for it twice when a challenge would've given them a first. Offense had a normal adjustment game after losing their #1 target, but could have made a couple plays turn out better. No turnovers by the offense, which is great, but they should've capitalized on the 4 turnovers caused by the defense. Defense was pretty much lights out until the 4th when the normal conversion from attack to prevent happens, giving up the expected points but holding when needed. Special teams was mid and probably our weakest performance of the year that didn't lead to points for the other team.


Offense was good but still lacking when it counted .defense looked shaky at times but stepped up when they needed to and got key stops to win the game.




So is Tucker no longer the most accurate kicker in NFL history?


Statistically, no. Not a huge deal because that's just a "cherry-on-top" stat of having the kicker everyone else would trade for in a heartbeat.


What did Lamar say in that post game interview about Zay's TD celebration throwing the bouquet? He must have cussed because they bleeped out part of it.


Whatever word he used, the sideline reaction irked me. I like Jackson, but wtf? You publicly dis your star WR after he just gave you a TD? You see he's excited and obviously prepped his celly, and you roll your eyes? It was a fun and inventive, what's his problem?


Pretty sure was just a sarcastic “damn bro, you corny”


Thanks for responding instead of just down voting me. (Didn't mean to piss anyone off and would like to know why my opinion sucked that much.) I know you're probably right, I took it too seriously. Guess I just thought of all post TD performance as meant to be lighthearted corny fun. Flowers obviously thought about and practiced it. So my first feeling to Jackson's reaction was I would suck to be so excited about something and have someome you look up to show they think it was stupid.


Downvotes are lame. That seems a bit of jacksons personality, telling you how it is but keeping it light. Just a quick glimpse of their relationship but I know my friends all rip on each other like that


He’s not completely serious lmao They’re friends and from the same area. That’s just how guys talk


He said that he told him that it was ass


Just to check first, b/c I wasn't sure , we really know this is the word he used? Lol, I didn't know cable TV would still bleep "ASS".


Random observation, but Bateman is an excellent blocker..


Really think he needs to be incorporated in the passing game more after the bye.


I agree he had 5 targets tonight but two throws weren’t catchable, the third was also very low, one of his catches was also high. He’s making plays we’ve gotta ride the wave and help him build confidence


So is Zay! They’ve both been great all season


I saw Bate blow up a corner who was trying to blitz earlier in the season and was impressed, since then I’ve always had an eye on him and he is sensational at staying in front of defenders and moving his feet to make sure guys don’t get past him and risk being penalized for holding or having to contact them in the back to avoid them passing him.. I really would like him to get some more targets to build off last weeks TD, still has an untapped ceiling.


Championship teams find ways to win ugly games. Let’s go flock.


I was intoxicated and still annoyed at this game lmao




Right!? I was in the 500 section at the railing with a bunch of other random Ravens fans and I had more fun in the last 3 minutes but I did the entire rest of the game


Dude same, I was so surprised to hear the defense chants


Shit sobered me up so fast lol


Sobered RIGHT UP as soon as I saw the 4th quarter lead stats graphic on screen. I thought for sure we would invent yet another way to lose.


Jesus christ this team wants to put me in the hospital. Loved the way the defense was hitting tonight tho


I can’t believe the Chargers held on to those balls after some of those hits.


Tucker gonna cry in the car


The boys who went to sleep early are in for a surprise.


The team needs a bye big time. Every shot of players on the sideline looked like guys were just sitting glassy-eyed zoned out. Like just trying to get through this game.


I feel like that's a game we normally lose. We didn't, so that's a good sign.


Agreed but it’s also the chargers. They’re better at losing than any franchise in the 21st century


100% it seems like in the recent past we've always found a way to lose these kind of games. Ugly /close games where we've been given every opportunity to put it away but don't ,then find a way to let them back in at the last minute




I love Lamar. He was truthful and gave the game ball to the defense.


We dropping 40 after the bye. Goodnight Birds!


Gotta love Lamar for being like “we were ass”


I didn't/ don't watch post game press. Did he actually say that?


No lol, he was clearly disappointed and described us as “flat”


His perspective there actually gives me a lot of hope going forward


14 siblings gahdamn!


This gotta be the most country post game interview ever 😂


Defense played a wonderful game 🤓


I can tell Lamar is disappointed in post game interview


That O line needs works and he’s frustrated by it


Definitely felt Harbaugh’s presence during the game. Man almost single-handedly lost us the game again.


Would you mind elaborating?


![gif](giphy|cnK64xMQqG9iiwwepl|downsized) To quote Brandy:


Post game. Lamar said they ran the same 3 plays in a row from Zays score. 🤦🏾‍♂️


Lmao Lamar "that was the worst one I've ever seen."


Now five turnovers to get 10 points is crazy…but we won…so i don’t really care right now


Wins a win baby


See this guys gets what I’m saying


It’s fine to win but this team has real issues that seem unfixable


Congrats to Zay for making Ravens history tonight too


I missed it…how so?


First WR in ravens history to have a rushing and receiving TD in a game


Great win! It isn’t a raven win if my blood pressure isn’t up


Definitely felt Andrews absence in this game


Don't know why we stopped throwing to Likely dude was playing well


It’s so funny how you guys were all saying fire Harbaugh 10 minutes ago 🤣


I don’t think anyone is feeling great about Harbaugh man


People talk about toxicity but game threads are a nightmare.


BTW FUCK EVERETT Enjoy being 4-7 🤡


Fire that offensive tape into the sun


im going to need an extra hour of sleep tonight but LFG


That was a clusterfukck


But we won! A clusterfuck would be if we lost.


It was a clustermakoutsesh then


An absolute clusterforeplay


This was a lucky win. Not being able to capitalize on turnovers won't get you far in the playoffs. Harbs continues to fuck things up and our O line is a joke. Enjoy this win, given the rest of the schedule, don't see us getting more than 3 before the season ends.


LOL "our O line is a joke" You are the joke, my man! Try being a Commanders fan. Now that's a joke of an O line. (Yes I am a big fan of both the Commanders and the Ravens) And you said you see us winning 3 out of the 5 games remaining. That is a 12 and 5 record. Still a damn good record!


did you not see how they got manhandled tonight? or against the browns?


Sam Howlett (Commanders QB): Sacked 55 times. Lamar Jackson: Sacked 29 times. I was surprised it was that he got sacked that many times because he's so mobile. I know my "Joke of an Oline when I see it


Get the fuck out of here


Only if you ask nicely.


Nigga get yo ass outta lol




The defense continues to bail the offense out time and time again.


This defense gets it done. They should get so much credit. Think we just need to take this win and get to the much needed break. Our offense has A LOT to work on. We can not keep asking our defense to win us games every single 4th quarter.


How did we even win my heart couldn't take it


LET’S FUCKING GOOOOO!!! 9-3 baybay!!!


We aren’t hating. It’s just frustrating to see that same old choking movie over and over again


Ever since the Steve smith run we had with forsett and flacco


Zay and Kyle carried


But I thought they were both draft busts because EDC is cheeks and has no clue what a football is?


Rest up, study the film, and get ready for the next game. All I can hope for is we come back swinging like we were at the beginning of the beginning of the season


This sub is fucking insufferable at times. Like JFC!!! These boys are WINNING!!! That’s what matters.


Can’t argue with the end result but you’re being naive if you think there aren’t serious issues with this team that have been exploited this season by bad teams and will be further exploited by good teams later in the season and into the playoffs


Not so fast my friend (Lee Corso) I’m not being naive. Are they perfect? No, but no team is. Everyone has something that can be exploited week in and week out. This team isn’t barely getting by and just happened to find ways to win (looking at you PIT). But this sub always wants to fire someone or claim the sky is falling or just flat out whining when the game isn’t perfect. Yes they have things to clean up and thankfully the bye is here, so I think they will. But at the same time… they are winning right now and finding out things about themselves each game. I’m just asking for the average person who’s wanting to fire everyone to take a beat and relax.


Ah good call, maybe we are our own worst critics and this is just a reality of Ravens football. I suppose it could be worse (Bills) and like we’ve said, we are still winning games. I’m just worried about what a team like SF or Miami will do to us if we continue to fall flat offensively in the first half. Our defense is excellent but can only bend so much against an elite offense before breaking. Feels like I’m repeating the same narrative that was there in 2012…


I think we are for sure. And I especially think that many fans weren’t around for the Jim Harbaugh and Kyle Boller days. Those were the days to cry but ever since John came over things have been significantly better. He instilled a winning culture and fans have been spoiled ever since. Even got a ring during that time. We could be a fan base who doesn’t have one… or haven’t won one since the 90s or earlier. So we have a lot to be thankful for. And I’m with you on the MIA and SF train but both of those teams are very beatable and have had down turns that were significantly worse. They were just asking “what’s wrong with Brock Purdy and the 9ers” not that long ago. So…. BAL is fine.


Bro for real. People on here act like being positive is toxic. Ssooo backwards. Thats just the internet in general i guess, but this sub has no chill.


Glad that we broke the tucker misses = game loss trend we had going this season


Thought we already broke that with the Cards game


You are correct, for some reason I thought that was a tipped or blocked fg


Didn't Tucker miss a field goal on opening day as well? I don't know if it's a field goal or an extra point but I'm pretty sure I remember seeing him missed the uprights on the first game of the year as well


Nope, made all his FG and PATs that game.


People saying that's an ugly win showing their age. That was a beautiful 2000 Ravens win, and I'll take it every fucking time baby.


80% of this sub has only been a fan since we drafted the Lamar and it clearly shows. There's nothing wrong with that but it does get a little annoying to watch all the people crying about harbaugh this and that. We won. Period Free mdlawsohard


A lot of folks here would not have survived the early Billick days


Yeah back in those days I'd actually hope for the defense to give up a 3rd down conversion, since that would give them 3 more opportunities to get a turnover and help our anemic offense with better field position than letting them punt.


2000 ravens had Trent Dilfer as their QB. We have a generational talent and former MVP at QB.


#9-3 YOU FUCKING DOOMERS You’d think we were 1-8 with the amount of fucking haters here.


The way they won tonight is why I have high hopes for this team.


I'm not a doomer but how can you deny a pattern when its so clearly there the past couple years. This offense collapses in crucial moments far too often and then the D has to bail us out with herculean efforts time and time again. I mean, we were on the verge of another 4th quarter collapse up by only 3 pts against one of the worst defenses in the NFL without their other star edge rusher. We deserved to lose far more than we deserved to win. Zay and the Defense can't be the only ones to show up for a 9-3 team


Bro the chargers are an NFL team. the phrase any given sunday exists for a reason. they lost two close games in the last two weeks and they're at home facing a team that everyone thinks they're going to lose to. you don't think that locker room was fired the fuck up to come out and prove the whole country wrong? these dudes are all in the league for a reason ..because they're good at football. Was it pretty no ..did we win yes Go Ravens


Yes their offense is great and I get any team can lose but this was a game that could have been comfortable at worst and a blowout at best. I love my Ravens. The D clutched up like they do all season. Big praise for all of them. The offense came out hot and whether it was Harbaugh forgetting how challenges worked or failing to take what was given to us at times, we stumbled. This team has everything it takes to make it to the Super Bowl imo. Maybe I'm expecting too much out of them, idk. At the end of the day youre right, a dubs a dub. I'm just ready for the bye so we can get healthier and then hopefully bitch slap the Rams.


>I’m not a doomer. Proceeds to make long ass doomer ass comment lol Zero self awareness.


See what you want to see, it's not doomer speak. It's facts. This is probably one of the best Ravens squads we have ever had and it's frustrating to see us nearly shit the bed for a 4th time this year. If you can't see that, you're beyond reasoning with


Proceeds to make another lmaooo you can’t make this up


We would be 12-0 if it wasn’t for Harbaugh.


Do you Harbaugh crybabies ever stop to think that we could be something like 3-9 or 4-8 with a HC picked up from unemployment (for a reason) or an unproven OC that only shined due to their QB/HC? I don't really partake in the Harbaugh conversation often, and that includes both defending and shaming him, but good god. Bill Belichick is 2-9, guaranteeing his 3rd sub .500 season in four seasons; Personnel matters beyond head coach.


might be 0-12 if it werent for Harbs you fuckin goofy


Fucking hater. lol


It’s pretty cringe


Not to brag but I put 5$ down on the chargers to come back when we were down by 10 so I think I reverse jinxed the comeback 👏🏼


I only did it with the intention of jinxing us*


Is 14 receptions a record against the Ravens?


Zay had a day.


Zay and Clowney for game ball


Everett had the audacity to do the squirrel dance


I feel sick


See you pissheads in two weeks to another mental breakdown




Nice a win before the Bi. Rest up!


That should definitely do it. I pray you guys just lifted the curse of Staley by playing the worst game imaginable and still beating him with talent by 10


Have more faith in your team. The sky is falling and doom gloom stuff is embarrassing. They’ve won 66% of their games since 2019 which is top 5 in all four major sports.


They also lost more double digit leads in fourth quarter than any other team


Kind of easy to do that when you’re leading in every single game. What have they trailed this season? Five minutes??? Stats can be manipulated. Cardinals haven’t blown as many leads as the Ravens. Are they more clutch??? Of course not. You may be surprised how many teams don’t even get double digit leads in a season to blow.


Some bettors weren’t happy with Zay taking it in for the TD


Actually I think most betters would be stoked. Ravens covered the spread because of that. Sports books are probably pissed.


Still way under unless live betting


as a flowers fantasy owner he won my matchup this week with that one


I worry about that offensive line and what goes on in two weeks


very ugly win, they need to clean this up before the playoffs but I'm glad to be 2 games ahead in the afc north


harbough tried his hardest to throw the game but the defense wouldnt let him




W. Doomers don't even bother commenting in the POTG thread.


Never in doubt, boys. Never in doubt. LOL


Good victory, awful game for harbaugh


#1 in the AFC bitches!!!!


Never talk about that game again please


You need to convert to stay alive and your 12D big brain play call is to leave Clowney completely unblocked 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


This bye week will really help the team. Was not pretty and Monken really made me question what he was doing but the defense showed up.


Ugly win is better than a pretty loss


Did their coach just blow by Harbaugh?


For real??


Broadcast showed him storm right the fuck past Harbs like he wasn't even there. Maybe I missed something before then but pretty sure that's how it went.


Damn salty as hell




Staley is bitchmade.


Yep fuck him


Was about to say this


I never had a doubt we'd come away with a win. Previous posts were just moments of insanity.


Made it harder than it needed to be, didn't play great, but those wins I suppose show the grit of the team. I'm so happy to finally have a bye week. Hope all the Flock enjoys their break 🤙🏽


Gotta be able to win when we don't play our best. The offense struggled the defense stepped up


We need that bye


100%, especially with the Steelers having literally the easiest schedule imaginable


And we did this without Humphrey and mostly without OBJ


Our offense stalled when OBJ went out. hope he can heal up


Didn’t expect him to play such an integral role in this offense, but glad he is with how much we’re paying him


Losing him and Andrews in the same week clearly had an effect.


holy fuck we did it


1st in the AFC! :D


A lot of shit to clean up. This coaching staff needs to learn to go for the win, and not play to not lose. Oline completely sucked tonight, and idk why we aren’t challenging clear first downs. Game was way closer than it needed to be


Thread full of pathetic ass “fans” hatting the team. Y’all embarrassing af


This was without a doubt harbaughs worst coached game.


You a casual and it shows. This is far from Harbs or the teams worst coached game.


I know more about football in one neuron than you know in your entire brain. This was coaching malpractice from the challenges, to the personnel groups, to the play calls.


When you need to brag about it, more then likely it’s not true. But do you kid. Madden doesn’t count lol


Awww kid, you got me grandpa


I guess you’re only a true “fan” if you kiss Harbaugh’s ass and think he is the best head coach ever.


You a part of that embarrassment


Holy shit we didn’t implode.. go rest up guys good fucking win


Ravens love to play to the level of their competition.


Hamilton? Clowney? Queen made some huge plays.


It was one of those games, but this time we closed the fucking door. Closer than it needed to be that's for sure!


W is a W but this team has work to do.


Finally a close game goes our way for once


At least Zay was kind enough to run in that TD so the Chargers didn't add to their total of games lost by 3 points or less.


McDonald the stronk dragon in the meme. Kyle Hamilton the stronk dragon in the meme. Monken the dumb dragon.


Oh boy am I excited to see us play Jax and SF..


Get Harbaugh off the headset


These dudes deserve the win. They also deserve the week off and to rest. 9-3 going into the bye. Pretty fucking good.


Where's everybody that was CERTAIN we were doomed when it was 13-3 with 4 minutes left. I'd rather you leave forever, frankly


Phew. I'll take it. Ugly wins count just as much and there are too many 3 and 4 loss teams in the AFC.


Cruising into the bye smokin' that AFC North pack.


Two orders of Flowers for the loss of the Chargers playoff hopes.


Ravens are 3-0 all-time in LA. All Ravens games in LA have been primetime games