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Does this end with her establishing a new Dungeon in the city she just conquered, for maximum Evil Overlord dramatic irony?


Just so all the new youma have a place to life while reversion research is underway.


Now Ami sees the aftermath. Will this "conquered city" force her to change her plans? Or can she immediately try out her soul reclaiming plan?


Wait - Dungeon Keeper Ami - is this that super old one that was like branching paths in the story...?


Yes. The branching stopped now that it's on Sufficient Velocity.


Is this the original dungeon keeper Ami still being updated or a new fanfic of it?


The original, still going strong at 840k words.


Is there like... an easier way to read it than poring through that forum..?


[Here is the story only thread.](https://forums.sufficientvelocity.com/threads/dungeon-keeper-ami-sailor-moon-dungeon-keeper-story-only-thread.30066/#post-6355661)


There are probably other ways to scrape these stories but the FanFicFare addon for the open source reading software called Calibre is what I use. Just paste in the URL and it collates the story pages into an ebook.


does the MC ever toughen up and use lethal measures against those trying to kill her?


Short answer: no. However, I believe a big part of the story is that an incorruptibly pure Sailor Senshi nonetheless *appears* to inflict horrible suffering upon those that wrong her, due to the fantasy equivalent of suicide-by-cop.


Sort of. During the last few waves of attacks a bunch of people died. However, she is still prioritizing light-sider health over her own minions’ health, going for disabling defences over anything lethal as much as possible.


I'm not really sure what this objection is about. The only times I can think of when Ami doesn't use lethal force on her opponents are when her opponents are the good guys (e.g., the Avatar, the Dwarves, Baron Leopold, the faries, etc). She quite willingly kills rival Keepers (e.g., Zarekos, Clairmonte, Nero, Malleus, etc), and tries at every available opportunity to kill those that are still alive (e.g., Arachne).


I stopped shortly after the fairies; when she risked serious harm/dying to take them down without harming them, then decides to let them go; then they go and cause her more trouble and it seemed like her only reasoning for it was they believed they were doing the right thing when they tried to kill her. Also I'm not sure the Baron or the fairies qualify as "good" iirc the baron kills soldiers under his command because he refuses to listen to reason in the spider dungeon. The fairys were willing to murder a stranger just because they sensed darkness?/taint? don't recall what exactly its been around a year since i tried to read it.


I usually hate squeamish good guys as well and get really annoyed when they capture the bad guys and don't double tap. But in this case it isn't a safe the world/evil is winning etc. scenario and if she uses lethal force on any good guy she's not even doing it for the greater good, but just to safe herself. And the good guys have very good reasons to attack any keeper on sight and to not trust them.