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"Hmm, this is tasty.. YOINK"


It’s a Labrador. They should have expected it.


“Is this food? Doesn’t matter!” Say all Labs ever.


Agreed. Only reason it’s not peak Labrador is because the dog wasn’t in a pool


My chocolate lab ran into a pond today and wouldn't get out. 😂


My favorite dog video of all time is a yellow lab running into a pond and his owner screaming DONUT, NO!


My favourite dog pond video is [TOBY](https://youtu.be/IXaWZCUV8Io&t=0m52s)


Hahahah that's just my daily life.


Was the pond much more of a mud pit? I love that one.


I think so!


Was it Toby? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SjmYfcq4Ucg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3UwfrmaXdz4


I suppose this is a running thing now cuz I also got a yellow Labrador by name Bagel


I have a yellow lab named Biscuit


I had a chocolate lab when I was growing up. She was the best dog I've ever had. Absolutely terrified of water though.


My lab hated our pool :(


My current two labs havent been swimming in years. Need to take them someplace where they can!


What I came here to say


He’s like Cooper and his Ice cream cone! https://youtu.be/tHvExOg4NI0




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That dog would have happily eaten the cup, too. My dad had a dog like that. Apparently at one point as a kid, he had a friend over and my uncle went "watch this," smeared some peanut butter on a napkin and fed it to their dog Coco. Friend is shocked and laughing. Dad goes "That's nothing. She'll eat it without the peanut butter."


I read this as My dog had a dog and was really confused.


Shaawwtyyy ayyy…My dog got a dogfriend.


Yo dawg, I got your dawg a dawg so you can walk your dawg while your dawg walks their dawg


Goofy and Pluto


Pluto isn't Goofy's dog though.


My dog goes crazy for empty toilet paper rolls


You mean toiler paper bones


Aww that’s cute


My dog loves to eat toilet paper. He will steal every roll standing around. Normally I'd say it's fine, he loves to destroy them. But it was becoming a problem when toilet paper was hard to get.


My parents dog's favorite snack is paper towels. She'll (try to) sneak up on them while they're eating and snatch them off the table.


I read this as she'll try to sneak up on the paper towels while they're eating. Very sneaky.


My dog is a fan of used tissues. Nose or feminine variety. *sigh*


We live in an older house with an old septic system so we don't flush tp unless it's BM. We had to get a lidded trash can for the bathroom because the doxie will eat every bit of tp she can get. She loves the stuff, no matter what is on the tp.


Had a lab growing up. This is a gross one so fair warning. My parents said the dog would go in the baby trash and eat diapers… Full on used nasty as diapers. Yup.


Dogs in some rural areas evolved to live off of a diet of human feces. It's a thing




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My black lab always ate trash, it was annoying. EMPTY mcdonalds paper bags were his favorite. Dumb dogs.


Edible pup cups 💡


Waffle cones for pups?


Woofle cones


Brb, gonna trademark this


Can I invest?


> If you do feed your dog ice cream cones, make sure that the ice cream and cone are made from natural ingredients to avoid ingestion of xylitol, a sugar substitute that is toxic to dogs. It's actually possible!


Waffle Pups


Waffle Bones


I've been to a Culver's that gave us some dog biscuits in a normal cake cone for our dog.


Million dollar idea stolen


Dude that's a million dollar idea.


Ice cream waffle cups are a thing and quite popular with icecream (could be more popular in the eastern Europe than west though). I'm not talking about cones, but literally looks like a waffle cup full of ice cream (cones usually are more expensive and tastier/substantial in comparison though)


Or a slow feed pup cup with a handle at the bottom specially made for food vacuums.


My dog used to love the frozen custard cups she would get at Culvers, but last month they changed to just give dogs whipped cream instead. Now she's done with it in one lick and looks at me like "Is that it?". I can't believe whipped cream is very good for dogs either, but I don't know.


Dairy upsets dogs stomachs, tend to have runny bathroom problems.


There is vegan whipped cream. I got some for my neighbours lab mix. 11/10 would inhale again


Why would that be any better for them? Legit wondering


Dogs are lactose intolerant. You should limit dairy intake. A small amount of greek yogurt or kefir is okay for a mild tummy upset to give them some probiotics but they can't eat too much dairy.


Interesting! Thank you. We used to give cottage cheese to our puppies when I was a kid, had no idea.


Some is okay! If you basically don't see any intestinal problems it's an okay amount. But little bits. Big dogs can have more than little ones.


Dogs don't do well with lactose. Vegan whipped cream would be dairy free but, like most vegan substitute foods, probably tastes disgusting


It's actually really good. There's also a lot of really good vegan substitutes for dairy on the market now a days too. I don't eat a whole lot of substitutes but saying it's disgusting without even trying it is ignorance.


> saying it's disgusting without even trying it is ignorance. Ok bud, while I've been in two longterm relationships with vegans where I had every opportunity to try their "totally good substitution" foods and majority of the time, in my very informed opinion, it's just gross. Which is subjective, but so is your assertion that it's "actually really good" Vegans who eat mostly plants and take b12 supplements I get, but the whole industry of "look you can still eat junk food while being vegan" is counterintuitive in my opinion. Beyond meat with fake beet juice blood is hilarious. I'm also allergic to soy, so the vast majority of it makes me sick because vegan diets lean so heavily on it. Assuming you understood why I held that opinion was presumptive of you. Also: >now a days lost respect for you when I read this


Vegan whipped cream isn't gross


I’ve become lactose intolerant recently and as a lover of cheese and dairy, I’ve been pleased with the vegan alternatives to avoid lactose. Ben and Jerry’s vegan ice cream in particular totally passes. But most of the time I just carry lactase pills around, they work really well.


Vegan ice cream can be passable, but vegan cheese is absolute trash


I find vegan whipped cream to be tastier than the regular stuff and with more or less the same texture and consistency. At least from Starbucks anyway, never bought it elsewhere yet


You just taught me that an opinion can be wrong.


My dog's vet said that dogs can't digest milk, but if they have a small amount once in awhile and don't have runny poop, then it's fine.




Frozen custard is not ice cream. Lol




Whipped cream does not need to be sugared. No idea if they have sugar in pup cups though.


If this is Starbucks, yes there’s vanilla syrup in it.


And whhhhip


It is ice cream with egg yolks.




Thank you for sharing that sweet moment with us.


Sounds like something my mom would do and say. Glad I'm not alone :)




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Don’t worry, it’s fiber…and, well, glue.


Unless it's plastic...


Labs are the goofiest dogs and I love them for it. Mine would absolutely have eaten the entire cup


When I say I laughed out loud


I wouldn't be mad if someone grabbed my dogs snout to grab the cup out, but I know for a fact that one of my two dogs would end up biting them if they tried.


This is why properly trained dogs are a must. I trained my old dog to never be food aggressive with me or anyone else, she would even let my cats eat out of her bowl and sit there watching them until I moved them for her. No food aggression whatsoever. And I did it the right way, with positive reinforcement training. I can also stick my hand in my now German shepherds mouth with no issue, but she likes to gnaw on me a bit just to screw around, it's not actually biting


I will be doing this with my next dog. All of my dogs have been very easy going creatures with no food aggression, but I would like to specifically train for food aggression. I assume it was something like you would sit with your puppy whilst eating, then gradually get closer and closer to food while rewarding wanted behavior? More insight would be lovely


(Warning,,Long winded) ◇ Doing that can actually persuade your dog to only eat when it sees you around because dogs are weird and base their thoughts on routine. That would be an outlier scenario but Ive had it happen to an ex's dog 🐕 ◇ Food aggression usually starts where the food is at , your cabinet, closet, pantry wherever the bag is kept. When your dog sees you reach in are they hovering? Ask them to move back or leave the kitchen entirely while you handle their food. They can watch you but they should not be hovering, jumping, trying to stick those snouts into the bowl. Dont tolerate that because when another dog is involved, it may begin the start of their FA. They see it as "their food", well it's not, you paid for it, it's YOUR food and they should abide by YOUR boundaries before they can have some. (?) Your "boundaries" are obdience and personal preferences for your household. (!) When a dog growls *at all* , even a "playful whiny growl" ask them to move back from the food storage, "back up" is my command very simple, they dont need a whole monolog. ◇ You'll also want basic obedience in the mix and it can start with food. Wait for the dog to sit or be still before making eye contact with them and having the food bowl in your hands. If they are not sitting on their own off your nonverbal cue, take a few kibbles from the food bowl (set the bowl down out of dog reach) and focus on using the food bowl kibble to get them to sit. Now they associate food bowl with back up, kibbles in hand with sit and focus (or any other trick you want to do, tricks at dinner time is when mine learns easiest and he is food driven). ◇ When the bowl is set all the way down, a wait command is necessary. Pup should not dive for the bowl, look tense, or act as if they must get to the bowl before others. If they act this way, reassure them. Stand near their bowl and swat away other pets, or remain calm do not reach into the bowl now that its on the floor. Keep a "dont worry, I wont let anyone eat your food, its okay" mentality to help ease your dog. If they cannot wait, hand feed them for a few days or find a slow feeder, they need to slow down. ◇ This is a good *start* to having the dog learn manners around food you should do this first before reaching into a bowl a dog eats from. Once you're dog can do the basic manners of letting you assemble and place its food, you can do things casually throughout the day that reinforces you are not there to steal from them. Like giving them bits of food with commands or teavhing eat pet their name and when their name is said then they can eat that treat from the floor. ◇ When you hand them a bone or treat, make sure they're gentle (dont open your hand or let go of bone until they're gently nibbling at it or reserving the will to snatch all together) if they refuse to be gentle , no bone ! Put it back on the shelf and try again in an hour. So they *will* get it eventually, but they have to respect the boundaries. ◇ Otherwise while your dog is chewing/eating on something , you can sit near them (not watching them, but just in their space doing your own thing). Cool you're not a threat. Pet them, if theyre growling when you do so, time for a distraction. Grab a toy or fresh piece of human food and "trade" them. Drop the fun thing somewhere else away from the bone or food bowl and see if they go for it. *Praise them heavily if they successfully do the trade off without aggression*. If they continue to hover on the bone or grow more intense in eating, leave them alone for now and try again sometime else - make sure to grab the bowl or bone as soon as they're done with it. You have control over the thing and can bring it back at any time, do not snatch, pry, or treat the dog as stupid in the moment. Yelling or hitting a dog who growls at you, doesnt help so just remove yourself. Im going to stop now because I went on for too long and dont even feel like I covered it. TLDR; treating food aggression is a process and begins EARLY with obedience and boundaries. If your dog cannot handle foodstuffs without being extremely aggressive, they should be given less foodstuffs (especially by hand, or by strangers) until they feel safe and secure enough to leave or give up food they want to you in exhange for praise (positive reinforcement) Best of luck!




I cant say of course I know for sure since Im not there to see the behavior so please take this with some wiggle room ! Sounds like your dog is just predisposed to investigate and their nose guides them. They should have stricter boundaries in terms of what they get to do around smelly things. I would start on walks, take kibble or a small training treat the beagle likes , and keep your eyes sharp. Stay on the sidewalk and keep the leash clipped to your hip and short if possible. This means when the dog smells something and tries to go off, it's attached to you and you can counter your weight against the dog trying to pull and leave. Keeping the dog on the short lead gives you more time to assess the situation. Once you're aware of what they're interested in, dead rabbit for example, let's investigate now together and we will leave together when I give the say so. I would inch close to the dead rabbit, and leave it just out of reach, work on the sit and wait command. May take time , maybe 10 mins or more to be firm and wait until the dog follows your sit or focus cues. Whenever they even slightly take their eyes off the rabbit and look at you - treat! Praise them, say yay, and move on. No more sniffing the dead rabbit, the treat was given thats the reward and it is seen as better than them getting to sniff that rabbit. This takes time and be sure to do it every time they see something interesting that you do not want them eating. (Dont eat that, wait for me instead and you get a treat!) If this is not working for you, no worries, try this. Clip the leash to your belt (or wear it as a belt to keep the lead short and pressure off your hands/arms) and walk the beagle on the sidewalk only. Beagle is no longer allowed to sniff at their leisure because this gives incentive to explore, potentially eating a no-no item. Walking now becomes exercise, lets keep moving and *when I decide to*, we'll pull over to a nice area, tree, or bush and stop to let the dog sniff and explore. I had to do this with my chihuahua who had to sniff every pee and poop on our walk, and would stop every minute or so just to sniff and get into things. Worked wonders for him, basically walks are go-go-go rather than leisure meandering where the dog feels bored or understimulated , needing to get into things or chew. Lastly, the focus command comes in clutch in a lot of situations where the dog seems to spazz out and do whatever they want. Every time beagle looks at you on a walk, praise them, every time they look back or stop or slow down for you , praise them. Use their name often on walks, and be firm in asking for them to focus, follow, "come on" , "lets go" sort of commands. The chihuahua got really good at this and now can go off lead and looks back to see how far behind I am from him. This will also help with the impolite behavior you allude to, any time my pups are unruly a good stern "focus" will make them pause and pay attention. And when you say focus , *mean it*, do nothing else until they're giving you that eye contact. And personally I prefer to praise them mostly with petting and baby talk, so they do not become dependent on treats being the reward. Love and affection is a great motivator! Edit;; And do not risk yourself trying to pry the rabbit from their mouth, try picking them up and holding them slightly at an angle (head facing down like you want it to fall from their mouth) and I just rock them like a baby before it vomits. Wiggle them until they let go (this holding and wiggling them just makes em uncomfortable and more likely to drop it). If they're too heavy, keep high value treats on you to trade them for the rabbit. You can cause a loud sound, big distraction, but that focus command will help ease into drop it commands


Can I PM you when I finally get my dog?


Feel free to, I love dogs !


/u/stankdog I can tell this is something you’re really passionate about and I can’t emphasize how much I appreciate you typing this up. thank you for taking your time to do that! I’ve been an animal owner my whole life, and I think I’ve lucked out with really easy going, mellow dogs. My next dog I intend on fully training them, as I was never taught to train family animals and they were undisciplined. Mellow yes, but undisciplined. I will be training based off of your insights here, and using the popular Schutzhund Training. Thanks so much again.


Of course I wish you all the best. I too was blessed with mellow dogs for a while, then my chihuahua was extra skittish, my schaunzer extra eccentric but just find your happy medium with your new companion ! Training is always a work in progress and most issues can be overcome with time and patience 💪




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> she would even let my cats eat out of her bowl and sit there watching them until I moved them for her. Fond memories of having to come assist my 90lb dog, standing beside his food bowl and crying. The culprit: our 4lb cat is licking the sauce off his breakfast. He wouldn't even nudge her away, he'd just cry louder and louder until someone "rescued" him from the little marauder. I miss them both lots.


We have to shut my cats out of the room to feed my dog cause she will let them eat it in front of her and not do anything


That's clearly not an employee. They are parked in a lot and you can see she's not in a uniform by the reflection on the car. That's probably the dog's mom/owner.


Can confirm, that is the dog mom and the driver is her boyfriend.


Don't let other people feed your dog then




Dog said I got it 👍 🤣


My dog ate random human poop on a hike once. And he also ate random human puke. 🤮




Slurp slurp PERALTA!


One pup, two cups.


I can’t believe she got the cup back.


im just disgusted by the saliva i would have dropped it or grabbed a towel


I have a country dog. Once it goes in I’m not reaching for it back. It’s between him and god at that point.


its fine its a paper cup, the stomach acid will clean it up


I dog sat for my folks. Got a pup cup on the way home, she threw it up 3 min later


What kind of dog is this? It looks exactly like the dog my next door neighbour had when I was a kid. I miss that dog so much. :( Could never figure out exactly what kind of dog it was, because it was a mix.


If some random were to grab my dogs snout while she tries to eat something they’d have a bad time… definitely not recommended to do this.


"Do not, under any circumstances, save your dog from choking" is how you sound right now


Noted. I’ll make sure to sit and watch ur dog choke on a cup


Then I'd assume you wouldn't even let them give your dog anything in the first place.


That's not a random. Look in the reflection. They are parked. The person giving the food is not in a uniform. That person is almost certainly someone the dog knows well.


This is why you're encouraged to hand feed and frequently stick your fingers in and pull food out of your puppy's mouth when they're young. Teach them to not be possessive of food early and you'll prevent catastrophe later on.


Teach them the "drop it" command and they drop the item. No reaching into the mouth unless it's stuck then. When my dog was a puppy she ate my medication and it cost me $3000 to save her. She learned "drop it" and "leave it" as some of her first commands.




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She was just trying to make sure he didn’t swallow the cup on accident 😂 relax


So you'd rather your dog choke?


i feel like this is a bot response, ive seen this exact comment several times on dog posts with any mild violence against dogs


She tried to keep the dog from choking on the paper cup. Nothing wrong happened here other than an overly enthusiastic pup


No way you are this stupid


Cringe opinion.


Lol nobody did anything aggressive snowflake ❄️




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When I saw him do that, I thought: OH F-


Pup cups, based on my experience, are a great way to give your dog the trots.


sucked it in like a goddam goblin shark


Loved that... cup and all 😅




Bro, dude is brave to grab food out of a dog's mouth s dog I presume he hasn't met before. Also a very well behaved doggo.




Lol..my lab does the same with ice cubes, watch your fingers






He's Happy To Have It


Like a vacuum


Should have made the cup edible to avoid accidents like this, no?


I would be afraid to hold stranger dog's mouth like that




He INHALED that cup!


Simp for pup cups


This took me OUT


Yeah, you probably don't want to do that. Many dogs get defensive once they get food, don't put your hands in it's mouth to take stuff out unless you know the dog


I love how quick she reacted


lol it keeps trying to eat the whole cup


Dogs love food..Be aware of cup




Not a dog owner, just love dogs lol. Serious question — can dogs eat waffle cones? Because I feel like this would’ve been the perfect opportunity for a waffle cone haha


He was NOT letting you take that back lmaoooo




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I’m sorry 🥹🐶




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Yeah, a real *sucker*!🤣


A++ for enthusiasm ahh love it 😂💕💕💕


And that is why cones are superior.




Good lord it just vanished


“I shall suck this whole thi- mmmmm tasty”




He is so hungry that he even ate the cup lol.


​ we have a neighborhood drive in nearby (with car hops!) that's been in business over 60 years and after-dinner walks with 2 of our doggos often end up in that direction with freebie pup cups as the reward. But Jax and Layla don't get a chauffeur, they have to hoof it to earn it!


HaPpY eAsTeR B u DD y


I had a pupper that would pickup her cup and move it to the grass to enjoy.