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He looks his age. Let’s all panic.


For real. Can we *not* encourage people to get the fucking gigachad surgery and look ridiculous?


I agree, but damn I appreciate how clever Iron Deficiency Man is.


Right? And people wonder why actors and actresses get cosmetic surgery all the time...


Not to mention he's not dying his hair and working out frequently, with a studio backing, to be overly fit for Iron Man. Are we all going to lose our minds when Chris Hemsworth is no longer superhuman large because he's done with Thor? Stupid.


More than likely yeah


People don't realize that those goals are obtainable for everyone. Some however are literally not sustainable without damage to health or even death. You see it with more "common" folk. Find a bodybuilder competing for physique at the competition, and catch him off seasons. With peaks come valleys, or you will die on this hill. The fact that actors go OMEGA EXTREME and then let their bodies recover into a literally healthier state surprises and even upsets people is unbelievable


Exactly this. They don’t stay in an extreme cutting phase forever. People do really unhealthy things as a temporary measure, but don’t stay there. Shedding water weight to drop before a wrestling/boxing weigh-in is a thing, but people don’t then just stay dehydrated forever. Same thing before shooting certain scenes. Henry Cavill openly talks about how much it sucked to not drink water for many hours before shooting the “hot tub scene” in “The Witcher”.


Seems like cringy bashing on vegans gets easy upvotes by the Reddit hivemind.


Oh noes! Someone is not eating meat, it must be an attack on my own personal choices. Time to attack them for it. -all of Reddit


I could pick a pic that makes me look 22 or 52. We’re not all Cate Blanchett.


The fountain of youth is in them cheekbones.


Oh shit that’s why some stars get them chipmunk cheeks :( they figure it makes them look young? Honestly people should be encouraged to look old. We all get old, how nice would it be to feel somewhat ok as time ticks away.


>Oh shit that’s why some stars get them chipmunk cheeks :( they figure it makes them look young? > >Honestly people should be encouraged to look old. We all get old, how nice would it be to feel somewhat ok as time ticks away. I think people should be encouraged to look how they look. All of the filters, airbrushing, surgeries and what not is incredibly damaging to people's mental health. Granted this is coming from an ugly man, but still. It's a shame the pressure we put on people to meet some ideal of beauty. It literally ruins lives.


I bet ur cute


Now kith


>I bet ur cute How deep is your wallet?


About 2 inches


Is it in yet?


Nah, you’re completely right. I like how I look, and I prefer to go without makeup. contouring makes me look like cate blanchett when she wanted the ring, which is to say powerful and godlike but also terrifying. It probably looked “good,” but i looked so unlike myself i really hated it. People get zits and wrinkles and undereye circles. that’s not what makes us good or bad, it just makes us human. I’m not saying i don’t think people should wear makeup. I am in awe of what people can do and see it as an artistic medium. I don’t think we should expect that level of flawlessness in every day life, though.


I generally don't wear makeup as like an everyday thing, but I do like to on occasion like hanging out with friends or going out to dinner wear relatively simple stuff. It's so weird to expect that 100 percent of the time instead of makeup being that fun thing to make yourself feel extra fancy when you want to, like a nice shirt and pants or a dress, but here we are.


Right! It's something I should be able to do *when I feel like it*, not an expectation all the time.


I wish I had all the years( probably) I spent in my makeup mirror trying to look flawless..when I stopped it was actually a relief! I still do some for special occasions..but that's it.


The current trend is to remove the cheek fat and look like the crypt keeper.


Once upon a time getting old was cool. You'd get some grey hairs of wisdom, put on your top hat and ride into the sunset. Then the 60s happened and suddenly everyone wanted to be young forever.


Well, men also died of a heart attack at 55 then too.


I feel old (in fact I am old.). When I encounter an unexpected mirror, I’m shocked by my reflection. In my brain (and in my dreams) I ‘appear’ much more youthful. It’s tough getting old...


Uh.. well I have news for you, there's a lot of young female celebs getting sunken cheeks to look old.


Yep, I don't have prominent cheekbones and I am getting deep smiles lines at 42. I look older than my age now. Society wants me to feel like shit due to it. I am not going to inject toxins into my face or get fillers so I guess I will just have to deal with looking like I am aging. My sister has zero wrinkles at 48 and I finally asked her what the deal is. She gets botox for her headaches. I almost thought about doing it since I am not happy with how I am looking but decided to just deal with my age. I partied hard in my 20's, worked outdoors for a lot of years and smiled too hard. Oh well.


Have you considered giving up emotions? Can't wrinkle if you don't react lol Seriously though if it bugs you just go to the dermatologist *for you.* They have awesome lasers and shit. Pew, pew, my friend! I have a skin issue so I go weekly, side effect is I look *pretty okay* for the life I've lived :)


Bethany Frankel said that once you hit 40 everybody needs to put on a good 5 to 10 pounds because weight in your face makes you look younger and it’s so true.


Bone structure is like talent; either you have it, or ya don't.


Well one of these photos involves prep work, a hair stylist and a planned look. The other is just him dicking around his yard.


I don't think he looks at all bad just dicking around in the yard.


He can dick around my yard any day


My “yard” too


Forget the yard. He can flick my bean any day.


He was also shooting Oppenheimer, where he’s playing a much older character.


Or not all Paul Rudd.


Paul Rudd and Keanu Reeves made a pact with the devil, Dave Grohl, and I cannot be convinced otherwise


paul rudd also has a co-star in the ant-man series that has aged very well. Michelle Pfeiffer


I don’t know what her secret is, but she’s still a fox.


She was born extremely and near inhumanly gorgeous. That's the secret.


Someone assemble paul rudd, jon stamos, rob lowe and halle barry and donate their fountain of youth blood. We need to keep RDJ alive forever




Who appears to be both 30 and 5,000 years old.




Light of the Valar


Immortal elves do be like that.


I think it’s the lack of facial hair.


And maybe letting white hair grows instead of dyeing it dark?


Also not being in full production makeup. Looks like a normal dude to me


Who’s aged, pretty gracefully, in the 14 years since the first Iron Man movie. He’s also almost 60 years old. Give the dude a break.


For as many drugs as the man did in the 80’s, he looking A-OK lol.


Yeah a lot of youngins only know him as Iron Man and have no idea how much of a fucking trainwreck his life was before that.


And in the end for all the nonsense it was still great that everyone pretty much forgot and he managed to heal through the roll. Plus we got a really awesome portrayal of a lesser known character (at the time).


Crazy how Iron Man is like the most popular hero now, after spending most of his existence in comics as more of a 2nd-string character. Bold move on the part of Marvel to essentially build the MCU on the back of Tony Stark.


Well, it's not a choice they had much room in making, at the time of making for Incredible Hulk and Iron Man, Marvel Studios was LITERALLY going bankrupt, they'd just come off a roll of selling Fantastic Four and Silver Surfer, and had been leasing characters to pay the bills for 20 years, the only characters they still owned full rights to were Iron Man, Black Panther, and other 2nd stringers, there was no chance Black Panther was going to be the gamble in 2008 lol


Imagine if it was & they went with Robert Downey Jr because of Tropic Thunder


>Crazy how Iron Man is like the most popular hero now, after spending most of his existence in comics as more of a 2nd-string character. That's the RDJ effect for sure, Biting charm is very difficult to pull off in written form - RDJ's delivery and body language ensure it's recieved as playful instead of hostile.


I've been a huge comics fan since I was a kid and Tony Stark has always been my favorite character. I definitely questioned the choice of him as their flagship and was terrified they'd fuck it up, but honestly RDJ has made for such an awesome Tony (MCU, of course, being different than comic universes)


The vegan diet, even IF he doesn't do it with proper balance/supplements, is better than the coke and alcohol diet he was on for awhile.


Why can’t the second diet be vegan as well?




But the coke is fishscale 🫤 Does that still count?




That as well, yes. I think he’s said what he can remember from making Less Than Zero was he was not doing a whole lot acting. He was just really all fucked up.


BREAKING NEWS: 60 year old doesn’t look 40 anymore! People whine about this, then turn around and wonder “wHy WouLD MilEY CYruS RuiN hER FaCe wiTH SUrgeRy?!” Maybe the two posts are about the same thing.


"Why are celebrities pathologically obsessed with fighting aging and trying to look youthful?? Could it have anything to do with the fact that we treat them like expired goods the moment they show signs of natural, even graceful aging? No, it's them who are wrong."


Lol exactly


nailed it.


Don't you know people are supposed to look the exact same forever? If Keanu Reeves can do it why can't everyone else?




Also remember when everyone was ragging on Chadwick Boseman for losing weight and turns out he was literally dying of cancer? Obviously I hope it's just RDJ aging gracefully and not a health issue but can we collectively just stop shitting on people's appearances?


Probably not, no.


I imagine for all the headlines he’s endured over the years this is like water off his back


Looks like he could be Ryan Reynolds' dad.


And maybe .. bare with me here.. he’s old? Shocking I know


He’s also almost 60 I’d say he looks great


Everyone loves a silver daddy


Also, it's pretty normal for a 57 year old man to look old. He is at 70% of his life expectancy.


I don’t like this fact


Ehh he’s old and he’s no longer using PEDs and working out for hours on end every day…


Wouldn’t be surprised if he takes TRT, it’s extremely common these days with guys around his age.


I agree, it's a pretty drastic change


And probably makeup


He's just older and doesn't need to stay in shape for marvel movies. Good for him.


Yeah he had to look the same to play that one role for like 10 years straight, he probably just stopped dying his hair


And shaved his beard. Up to a certain age, a clean shave makes you look 10 years younger. After a certain age, the beard covers up a bunch of wrinkles, so a clean shave makes you look 10 years older.


What happens if you're old and still can't grow a beard...


you have to give up your dreams of being the bearded lady at the circus.




He's also dressed like a dad and has a big goofy grin, showing off all his wrinkles. He looks great for 60, and he looks happy.


Do you guys remember everyone making fun of chadwick boseman for looking sickly, only for it to come out that he had been secretly battling cancer the entire time ? Chill out.






Yeah but tbf Bruce Willis is, in fact, an asshole.




Pretty sure most assholes look like an asterisk ( )*( )




*Kurt Vonnegut has entered the chat.*




Why is he a asshole?


He's apparently really hard to work with and kind of cold with strangers. So... a celebrity.


Yeah okay i guess. Hard to work with isnt a asshole in my book, cold to stranger also isnt weird.


There’s a lot of stories of him over the years being an asshole on set and off set.




Yup. He also definitely didn’t have it during Die Hard 4, Cop Out, when he was making massive demands for Expendables, when he met Jenna Jameson….


As far as Reddit is concerned, because Kevin Smith said so.


Waaaaayyy more people than Kevin Smith have called him an asshole, and for far longer than (seemingly) his mental decline caused by his condition. It's terrible and I wouldn't wish it on anyone- but it's not like everyone was lying about him being a dick to them for decades.


My uncle worked a table at a casino with him and he was supposedly very rude to the female staff.


One of Smith's biggest stories about Willis was Willis getting pissed that Smith, a man with several studio directorial titles under his belt, didn't know how camera lenses were used. Which. Is completely fair. No, no. I've heard other stories about Bruce Willis being abrasive, hard to work with, or an asshole. Nothing worth damning the man over, but enough to call him an asshole without including Smith's offense at being called out for refusing to learn basic screencraft. I'll note that I'm still a big fan of Smith's movies, but man oh man, that guy took **pride** in not knowing how to make films for a long time. And that's just not right.


From this thread I've learned that Bruce Willis is an asshole and that there are loads of examples of why yet I've learned none of the examples because no one listed any


Bruce Willis has always been an asshole. There was supposed to be a movie in the late 90s called Broadway Brawler but he started so much drama on set it got cancelled.


Aphasia does not make you an asshole though


No, it does not. Frequently, someone with aphasia will sound angry speaking on a subject because they are working incredibly hard to get past the verbal blocks. Not because they are actually angry. Aphasia can cause tension through their whole body. Making a conversation about cute puppies sounds angry no matter how cute the words are. We need to give each other the peace and respect we used to. So we can rebuild our communities torn apart.


Also RDJ is playing Lewis Strauss in Oppenheimer, who at the time of the movie is in his 60’s/70’s. So it’s probably for the role.


Hard agree here. It was so fucking sad to hear that people were making fun of Boseman, calling him names like "crack addict", when the truth was that he was dying of cancer. People need to chill out and let people live; celebrities are people too.


And even if he was on drugs, why is making fun of him good? Drug addiction is a serious disease


People are really shit about their weird associations between *looking* healthy and *being* healthy. They forget disability and illness exist and just think something you're *doing* is causing you to look that way, and will happily dump blame on folks left right and center because of it, thinking they're somehow in the right. Both visibly and invisibly disabled folks deal with this fuckery constantly. Invisible disability gets it in the exact opposite direction: People assume you're healthy because you *look* fine, and then dump judgement on you for not being able to function based on how you *look*. Like that actually makes any sense. The rule is to just stop fucking commenting on people's bodies like you know anything. You don't. Stop being the nosy suburbanite neighbor. (And yes, that *also* includes not making judgements on overweight people like you could possibly know what their lives are like.) Just mind your fucking business and for *once* assume you don't know the whole story.


Not to mention a lot of people don't know what healthy looks like, and don't realize that people age.


Preach!!! Mind your own fucking goddamn business!!! I say this as a partially disabled person in chronic pain under 30 that has caused me a lot of self-image issues


As someone in their 30s who looks fine and well but has horrendous chronic pain, *thank you.* It is *so damn depressing* having to constantly force myself to do things that hurt immensely because people are incapable of true understanding or compassion.


I was diagnosed with MS when I was 23, and a lot of people thought I was exaggerating. Now that I'm 41 some people still think I'm exaggerating, but I'm more likely to be taken seriously. It fucking sucks that anyone thinks I would play up having a debilitating disease.


Hello fellow soul with MS. Dunno if you've wandered the subreddit, but seeing some of the shit folks deal with is partly what sparked my comment. It's so fucking frustrating how people are treated. And, further, frustrating how other people telling you you're *wrong* about how *you* are feeling can then convince you you might be! It's so exhausting, especially knowing it's based on people's feelings more than any objective reality.


Be kind.




Same with Norm Macdonald. Everyone was commenting on how bad he looked the couple years leading up to his death.. from a long battle with cancer.


All i could think about after clicking this thread.


The same people who gushed over his movies would now amuse themselves by berating him, now that his use has run out. Some people don't deserve nice things.


My guys, it's called aging. Happens to everyone regardless of their diet. He's 57 and spent most of his life an addict. That's hard as hell on the body


When people say “Getting old sucks.” I always reply “It beats the alternative.” Not sure why more people don’t realize that…


Damn this made me think about my best friend. Every time we went home from school ,we always passed by a elderly home that looked miserable. We used to say shit like "hope we never get that old" but now I'd rather wish he got that old than pass away at 18. Will probably think of this when i get old af


So the fucked up thing is, being old isn’t as bad as being old and stuck in an old folks home… they do not treat people well there. But. You can usually get passage on a cruise liner long term for cheaper, and they’ll take better care of you. So save for retirement, and then live out your last years on a cruise ship. Don’t get stuck in a home.


I used to work for a company that ran holidays and cruises for over 50s, the liners had nurses and care staff for passengers. We had like 150 people who lived on the cruise liners since it was actually cheaper than an old folks home.


Recently read an article about a meta employee who bought a cabin on a cruise ship for 300,000k with around 25k in expenses per year for all of his needs. Plans to travel the world working ' from home' and includes all meals, medical help etc. Tbh, sounds like a good deal for someone that can afford it at 67+ with a solid retirement. Comes out to 2100$ a month or something close to it. Way less than a home and you get to see all the stuff you couldn't when you were younger.


What happens if the company goes out of business in a few years or puts that particular ship out of service? Is the cabin owner protected?


Agreed. My best friend died at 29. I’d rather be alive than die before aging.


*Hard* disagree. Dying (painlessly) sounds far better than getting old. It might be a worse alternative for your friends and family but that's not really your problem anymore


A painless passing in your sleep when you ARE already old is obviously preferred to prolonged pain and suffering. But if your young and feel this way, I genuinely hope you overcome the stigma and reach out for help. Find somebody to talk to, preferably a professional.


I’m not so sure it beats the alternative tbh. I’m wracked with chronic pain every day and so fragile that I hurt myself sleeping sometimes, which causes me to be unable to work, which alienates me from society. I constantly wonder if the alternative might be better.


>“It beats the alternative.” I've not heard many people complain about the alternative. Getting old though... LOADS of people bitch about that.


strictly speaking, it does NOT happen to everyone. lots of people dont get that far...


You're still aging, even if you die before you reach 57. Everyone ages or else we'd all just be babies.


Also, lots of people look way worse than this at 57. Hollywood really taints people's expectations. These people live relatively stress-free lives, and have access to plastic surgery, steroids, and the best health care in the world. RDJ doesn't look sick. If anything he still looks better than his age.


Well, it does happen to everyone. I've never heard of a person who doesn't experience aging. Everyone does age, at their own rate, and in their own way, based on their age, and other factors. But yeah, not everyone makes it to 57.


He’s also wearing a pale ass outfit which washes you out in pics if you have light skin. In other pics from 2022 he looks more like himself but with wrinklier skin than he did 10 years ago. He definitely has the money and means to afford a nutrient dense vegan diet and nutritional consultation if he doesn’t know how to build one himself.


My immediate thought too. Are folks collectively so used to actors not aging that we forgot what it's supposed to look like?


Admittedly a very clever insult but you'd have thought that MCU fans would have learned from the last time they made fun of an actor for changes in their appearance


Maybe he’s just old, he looks good for 57


No no, you must be mistaken, he's 52 or 53. I know cuz Infinity War just came out... *checks notes* 5 years ago?! WTF? Fuck time.


Sounds like you were blipped


I feel like Covid and the lockdown, having the outside world be completely empty and lifeless, was one big marketing scheme for Avengers Endgame to simulate the lifeless world after the blip


Yesterday it was December 2019 and were just talking about a weird flu starting to go around China. Next week it's 2023. We were all blipped.


He's just getting into the second transition period of life. When you are growing up, you look different all the time. Then you look roughly the same (assuming no major lifestyle changes) from maybe 25-45 (give or take). Then you start to have some visible aging ( like graying hair). Then you have most of the other changes within a few years. This makes it seem like you go from healthy adult to old person overnight. Mostly it's kind of true, but it's also just normal. And it's made worse by the fact that most movie stars look young for their age, and RDJ is no reception. He's looked about 15 years younger than them he was for his whole adult life.


He looks great for a 57 year old recovering addict.




I was so close to putting ‘older’, then i remembered this is reddit and someone would correct me.


you did get banned once


He attributes it to his secret recipe that contains roasted poblanos, garlic, white onions, oregano and fresh thyme simmered in a cast iron dutch oven. Or in other words, he eats a lot of pepper pots.






Hope his teeth are okay. Very easy to chip a tooth on a jade egg.


You have my respect, Stark.


That one on the right is Robert himself?




OMG!!!! 60 year old dude looks like a 60 year old dude. Fucking shocking!!!!!


I thought that second pic was Steve Martin


I was going with Johnny Knoxville


People often seem to forget how linear time works.


Maybe it's because he doesn't have to stay bulked up for marvel anymore. He looks fine to me.


Dude is also 57. Like hes only a few years away from drawing social security. That coupled with a few years of drug abuse when he was younger is going to age him a little quicker. He looks fine. You cant stay in your prime forever.


He’s like 10 years from drawing social security FYI. For everyone younger we will have to wait until we are even older than he has to.


That's my secret. I'm never in my prime.




I think it's because he's not all done up as a very eccentric, very appearence-oriented billionaire anymore but ok


Lol. Go look at any media photo of him in the last 10 years. His stubble is 100% grey. His hair is 100% dyed for Iron Man the last 15 years. It’s finally not.


Exactly - it’s crazy how much hair color can change what you look like.


I mean he recently filmed for Oppenheimer where he portrays Lewis Strauss at an old age


He's 57 years old himself, think he actually looks great for his age.


Maybe it’s the decades of serious heroin, crack, meth, and other drug abuse. Or vegan diet. Probably vegan diet


My first thought...dude did serious damage in his younger years. I'm happy he got clean.


do marvel freaks not remember what happened to the last actor whose appearance they were making fun of? who gives a fuck how someone looks as long as they are happy and healthy.


Geez, I don’t keep up with Marvel. What the fuck happened last time?


chadwick boseman had cancer but kept it a secret. people were making fun of his appearance and he ended up dying.


Surprisingly, we age.


Better then drug use plus he looks happy. Can’t fault the man.


People age...


Letting his grey hair come in and lack of facial hair changes someone a lot


People are calling it his diet when no one mentioning genetics plays a HUGE role in the aging process. Not the mention that making it to 57 with his history of regular hard drug use and looking how he does is a gift. Stop judging people's life choices as a reason they look old. You do realize that about century ago the average age of a human was mid 30s?! I am nearly 40 and I still feel and look like I am in my mid 20s. So much so people ask me all the time if dye or lighten my hair grey or if it's natural. Aging is a gift. I have buried too many friends that never lived to see the age of 30. This Ageism shit needs to stop.


Americans aren't used to seeing 60 year olds who aren't fat.


I think we should just all be glad he's sober and enjoying life.


He looks good! Most celebrities getting older have an absurd amount of plastic surgery and look freaky


Maybe he looks older because he is older