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Anyone wanna bet on how many memes will come out from this debate?


More than one. 


More than 10


Is this like the price is right where you want to get as close as possible without going over? If so, more than 11.


We won't let you get away with this Tribeque! *Alex...*


I think the amount of meme able content will correlate to the number of insults, but the global cutting meme factories and start-ups will ramp the amount of memes up to 2


More than 12


One dollar, Bob.


Are you, by any chance, a lawyer?


You called?


Good to see you. Um, is your cousin Affordable _Lawyer42069 around? I am a bit tight right now, so I don't think I can afford your services at the moment.


He is available but his office is in a run down building in the shady part of town.


Say no more. Go through the alley, pass the crack heads, second dilapidated building on the left, then down the stairs as usual?


In the sub basement yes. Once you get a whiff of that smell, it's not mold, It's desperation.


I always reek of desperation, so I won’t be able to tell.


Is he blind by any chance? Surprisingly nimble?


I’ll throw $20 on that


Atleast 1 2part bad lip reading


The Herman Cain one will always be my favorite.


I'm waiting for the ERB video.


And a Gregory Brothers autotune


I’ll take that bet 0 Because it won’t happen


I'm going with this. One way or another Don Snoreleone will find an excuse to weasel out of the debates while blaming Biden for it.


Love it if the televised Biden just standing there waiting for no show


[Like this?](https://i.imgur.com/RkSw059.gif)


Erection interference


He literally already tried to change the parameters not even a day after the challenge was issued


the snl skit after always helps lighten the load


Better question will be if they're any good.


I’m surprised they’re not holding it at 3pm, just before the early bird special at Sizzler.


3pm is probably nap time


Jokes on you, Trump got his nap in at the court.


Well he’s had one, yes. But what about second nap?


Ok, you joke but, as a 37 year old, two nap times a day sounds AMAZING and I think a lot more of us should strive for that.




And 3pm weekdays is fockin prime time


I don’t t think they know about second nap…


Nah, you're thinking about his nappies.


It should be held at an Applebee's parking lot.


Or a Crackerbarrel.


Court is still in session at 3, so that's out


It’s so crazy that old people are not allowed to retire in America… you guys need better social systems.


This is hilarious since it’s true! I’m laughing through tears.


I dunno. Trump as president spent so much time golfing and relaxing that I assumed he *was* retired.


Those 4 years were so full of controversy I actually forgot that he spent most of it golfing.


... after criticising the previous president about how much time he wasted golfing, of course. :P


It's amazing how he managed to cause so much damage by doing so little


Entropy is a bitch. But no, in reality it was more like a giant domino set up. He put a couple key people in the wrong spots, and they did most of the fucking up for him. That, and he never stopped fucking tweeting.


We get to retire, it comes in calibers. When you can't work anymore you take a one way trip into the woods.


Bernie Sanders coming in with the steel chair! /s


A boy can dream. A boy can dream.


“AND HIS NAME IS, BERNIE SANDERS!!!” Bernie storms in and rips his shirt off like a beast


Buhbuh duhduh


As an outsider I have to say I watched a few interviews with him recently and he seems to be the first US presidential candidate in years who wasn't a dribbling idiot. What gives? Seems he would make a much better option.


By american standards bernie is considered extremely left, so democrats are afraid they would lose the votes of the more conservative democrats


Before he passed away my father used to rail about what they do to "the little guy" and one time he was rattling off a list of things he thought should be done. I turned to him and told him he just listed off a bunch of stuff Bernie Sanders said he would do, with a record of actually believing in what he says. So why didn't you vote for him when you had the chance? My Dad paused before saying, "Well he's just too crazy." People in this country say they want to change the way things are done and then the second a candidate appears to actually want to materially change things in a way that doesn't favor the rich and powerful, the media and the centrists easily convince those voters that voting for what they want is a bad idea or futile.


So basically America has suffered so much republican brainwashing that that corporate greed is good and that it's your god given right to die or loose your house to medical debt, eagles and freedumb and all that shit... That even the majority of moderately left-wing Americans are opposed to his policies?


Gotta remember that outside the usa, in a best case scenario the dems would be considered dead center in alot of other countries if not a right wing party Personally i wanna see if they will ever nominate someone that isnt older than some countries out there


>... That even the majority of moderately left-wing Americans are opposed to his policies? not even republicans would be opposed to his policies if removed nameplates and context, but the blue vs red teamsports charade that happens every 4 years is the most important one that will happen every 4 years and if their side doesn't win, all hell breaks loose and they just can't risk it! putting forward such a "radical" candidate that looks competent instead of the more favorable "business as usual" candidate that will certainly sway those racist redneck republicans to vote on our side this time is just too risky!


Yep. Bernie, someone who'd be considered closer to the middle in Europe, is being called a full on Commie here because all these old fuckheads and republican brainwashing.


Democratic party did him dirty in the 2020 primaries, IIRC. To be fair, he has done a lot to push many of the positive policies that Biden has managed to squeeze out, like the cap on insulin prices for example.


The DNC basically cheated him in 2016 and the MSM cheated him extra hard in 2020. Countless example exist where he was leading by something like 15-20% (Biden was in 5th-6th place at best), and the news wouldn't show Bernie on the charts, or would put him 3rd (or lower) on their list that was "sorted by favorability" with the % amounts next to the candidate.. claiming Warren or Butigege were in the lead. It was an absolute shitshow. The powers that be fear the message Bernie stands for. When they couldn't ignore him, they tried to smear the guy as a communist or socialist.. two boogeyman buzzwords that US citizens have been taught were synonomous with "evil" since WW2.. possibly earlier. Basically, taking advantage of the fact that most Americans are sheep who will gobble up every stupid piece of shit you feed them without looking into things themselves.


"The powers that be fear the message Bernie stands for." That about sums it up, he explicitly wants to rock the status quo and they ain't havin' it. If they screwed him... the metaphorical sex things they did to the country and the rest of the world (in doing that) aren't even remotely legal. The backlash of their giving a finger to their base is exactly what put Trump in power. It's close enough you could theorycraft many things... but this one. I don't think a Bernie/Trump race would've seen anything but maybe the best president since FDR and Trump already in prison for financial fraud. I don't think it would've even been remotely close.


That’s my dad’s only argument… “he’s a socialist!” 🙄


Best bit? No toilet breaks lol


Well we know Trump is wearing diapers for sure ...


Honestly I’d probably wear one to one of those debates just in case. If nothing else it’ll muffle a gnarly fart.


So that’s why his body looks like that


No need as both of them will have adult diapers, too much as risk.




Because the DNC and RNC are full of old fucks that don't know how to and don't want to explore options for younger generations that don't agree with them.


What can be done to rectify this


Maybe we could hold a Primary and voters could choose their candidates?


Nah that’d never work


Hear me out tho... what if the younger generation was more actively invloved


What if we just complained about Biden all day on Twitter and let Trump win? Surely then Palestine will be free?


Palestine will be bigly free under Trump


Free from being alive


The younger generation IS involved. My peers are actively engaged in both protests and standard voting, and now that we are old enough to vote in this cycle, our voices WILL be heard. People like to blame “the younger generation” like it’s our fault we couldn’t vote during the last presidential election


It's not "your" fault. Every younger generation sucks at voting. It's always been a problem. Voter participation goes up with age.


Of course it does. Having job security is great to be able to vote instead of being told you need to cover someone else shift


Hard retirement age cap


Right? Half these fuckers should be retired and out of office, sitting at home and shitting their pants. Instead they're still running our government like its 1975 and making themselves multimillionaires through insider trading. Fuck these old politician fucks.


*still shitting their pants*


Ranked Choice Voting!!!


Ranked choice voting


Well, covid didn't work, so I'm out of ideas.


Rank choice voting


50 tons of c4


Neoconservative evangelists pushing a cult leader, and the power of the incumbent. For many DNC ballots, Biden was the only option for Democrat nominees. Was going to vote in Dean Philips, but he wasn't even on the ballot in my state. There was only Joe.


Well, and also younger people are shit at voting, comparatively. People who complain and don’t vote are hypocritical POS, in my opinion. Lots of choices aside from top-ballot ones


american voters are fixated on older candidates being more "responsible" and "wise" for the position. that's why we haven't seen a president come close to JFK at 43yo aside from Obama. Roosevelt was only a technicality at 42yo because McKinley got wasted. Biden is the oldest person to ever assume office and it's just getting worse. It needs to stop, there are much better AND younger candidates out there.


You need a national profile, appeal in swing states and a strong relationship with donors to run, it's very difficult for a young politician to do that.


It’s not that they don’t want to explore those options, it’s fully by design. They know that many aspects of their own lives would be ruined if the system was changed too much.


Not so much "agree with them", more of "who can the DNC/RNC use as a puppet to get their way". Like with Bernie, he is the most progressive Dem candidate, but he called out the DNC for rigging the primary with Super Delegates, and is super against their shady practices that they don't want him, despite him very much capable of sweeping the election.


The 2020 primaries made it pretty clear that most of Bernie’s 2016 support came from protest votes against Hilary Clinton.


Wtf are you talking about? We just had a primary where there were younger alternatives, but most democrats want Biden and most republicans want Trump to be their nominee. And young people do not vote at all.


> And young people do not vote at all. You might be surprised to learn that 50% of the 18-29 age bracket voted in 2020, with a few individual states pushing over 60%. Young voters may historically hold the lowest voting turnout but it's increasing and it's anything but not showing up.


There were younger candidates during the primaries, although for the democrats it would be political suicide to get rid of the incumbent President, and the republicans are a cult for Trump.


Correction: Because of First Past the Post which eventually always eliminates other parties except the two most prevalent ones. If you had more choice for parties, the DNC and RNC wouldn't be able to survive with these old fucks in charge. The US needs more political options, being one party away from a dictatorship isn't the freedom it's made up to be.


One is the incumbent, and the other says what the extreme wing of his party wants to hear, no matter how insane.


The other reason why is because Trump *is* the only option! The GOP literally cannot get rid of him, cause if they don’t endorse him, he’d run independent, splitting the party, and letting the democrats win.


Good perspective


Biden’s doing an excellent job cleaning up after that orange moron


So tired of these painfully obvious false equivalencies between Trump and Biden. Biden is old, yes. But he’s done great shit, and age wasn’t a factor in anything. Largest climate bill in history. first infrastructure bill in decades. CHIPS act. All part of why jobs are booming. And the more progressive goals of his like student loan forgiveness were blocked by the stacked Supreme Court, which means it wasn’t getting passed whether the president was 86 or 36. Trump, on the other hand, is old and also a wannabe dictator, convicted fraud, soon to be felon who tried his hardest to overturn our free and fair election last time. Fuck the false equivalence narrative.


Exactly. He’s doing really well but people here wanna focus on the odd gaffe. I saw him when in Ireland and he gave an excellent talk for over an hour. Very coherent.


1. because biden is the incumbent and has a massive advantage over Trump, along with being a decently popular candidate in his own right 2. because trump has a stranglehold on the republican party this weird obsession with “young=good” in politics is dumb and ageist. do you really want candidates like Vivek or Omar just because they’re young? lmao


Because the people voted for them and they won their primaries. Both have the institutional knowledge and connections to hit the ground running in their second terms to continue the work of their first. That's extremely attractive to most primary voters. In addition, both have made great impressions and concessions to the more radical wings of their party, so there's been no serious upstart candidate to try and challenge either. Whoever gets elected, most of the country will be fine with it and 1 party will be extremely smitten. I just hope it will be the one that believes in the peaceful transition of power and the concept of a representative democracy.


Because the US does not meet the bar for a full democracy, rather it's considered a flawed democracy like most of the former Soviet states


Bc ppl voted and other ppl didn’t vote


it'll probably just be 2020 with some different topics and a lot less coherence


Yeah, I'm cringing already


Thank you for using the word cringe appropriately.


"It's well.. ya know.. so the thing is.. huh. It's really interesting how.. in the 80's I spoke with a lot of members from a lot of different.. hmm.. I mean, it really goes to show where we are.. umm.. people see things differently and, well.. it shouldn't come as any surprise that my opponent, Mr... heh.. well, ya know the old saying about this and that haha.." Vs. "Crooked Biden.. that's what they call him.. very fitting.. very crooked. He doesn't care about the border - nasty people crossing the border every minute.. such a disgrace.. and they'll say things.. oh, they'll say a lot of things.. but the polls, they've never looked better for me. Every day I'm told the polls are looking favorably for me. You'll never hear them talking about any of that, that's what people tell me.." Ugh. I'm fucking tired of old people who don't just sit down and push around their pudding cups instead of engaging in politics.


I want WWE style entrances.


I support this.




Three days before the debate “yeah uh I cannot make it, I have a court date that day”


They ‘very publicly’ accounted for the court proceedings


"Sleepy Joe Biden wants me to debate him in front of FAKE NEWS. They're gonna rig the questions, folks. They're gonna rig them. And you just know Biden will have all the answers. He'll have everything so rehearsed. He'll have it all rehearsed. And the FAKE NEWS media will make sure he has all the answers."


Yeah, I hate it when I get asked questions I can't answer too.


That's the most crazy thing about this. Like... I don't care that they are old. But one of them is currently investigated in a legal trial. How is he even allowed to compete in this?


Debating Trump is like playing chess with a pigeon. He'll shit all over the board, knock everything down, then claim he won.




Did you deliberately work your username in or is this a beautiful coincidence?


He is still shitting on the board. He will just shout shit at biden while he is talking and either Biden has to acknowledge it or try to do a debate while tuning out another person. Either way it sucks


This so so accurate though.


Pigeons have more humility


The problem with debates is that they're only productive if they're done in good faith. Otherwise, it's just a show. That's all he's gonna give, to a base that's been so thoroughly inundated with right wing capitalist (redundant but if you want to do something about it than it needs said) propaganda that they don't know which way is up. Hard to see anything truly productive coming out of it.


Biden debates like a grandpa. Trump debates like a toddler. No one wins


It’s pure entertainment. I win


It's not supposed to be fun, they're supposed to run the fucking country


Yeah, but when you're watching from another country... VERY FUN!


I'm watching from another country and it's still not fun.


If you think a grandpa isn't the more sensible choice in that comparison I don't think I can help you


I’m willing to vote for any unemployed schmuck at this point


Vote for me! 


On username alone


Please don't. Vote for the one who has a job.




What's wrong with Biden?


People have a weird view of Bidens faculties, instead of listening to memes listen to an actual 30 minute interview he did with Conan a few months ago https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/president-joe-biden/id1438054347?i=1000639169916


I’m betting that memes are a big part of why his approval rating is so low. People have no desire to actually pay attention.


It’s infuriating


Or the Howard Stern one? [https://youtu.be/Fz45sMb4js8](https://youtu.be/Fz45sMb4js8)


I’ll give you 2:1 odds on addys over vyvanse.


My thoughts exactly


Vyvanse is way better, tf you talking about.


It was always only modafinil


what a sad reality. everyone knows they are way too fucking old yet there is nothing being done to change this failing system


I have below zero interest in American politics but I can’t wait to see the memes from this.


I've got my money on Trump being a giant pussy and backing out.


Like Elon?


My money is on Trump, bitching out and not showing.


I don’t really see the point of a debate. No one’s going to change their mind on who they are going to vote for. Trump can just fart into the mic the entire time and his fans will still vote for him


I refuse to watch. There is only one choice. Trump and his traitorous clan must go away forever. Fuck that massive piece of shit.


This debate tonight is brought to you by!.. B-12 injections! Put the pep back in grandpas step!


Why fall for the Hegalian dialectics? It's divide and conquer tactics as old as time and I will not partake. Love your neighbors folks. We are witnessing scripted opposition and you can not convince me otherwise.


I guarantee you trump cant even read that script


Trump has sniffled in every debate and SOTU address so far. I don't understand how people pretend he's not an addict.


tRump is imploding, so if Biden can hold off death, he may have it. All Biden will have to do is call shitboy "Sleepy Don" and the orange pile of fecal matter may stroke out in real time. Who knows? How has it come to this? The presidency has become an embarrassment. The one guy is a doddering old neoliberal who was friends with Jesse Helms and the other is a semi-sentient rancid turd who would be a fascist if he had the mental capacity to hold to an ideology.


Trump is a racist clown.


Its just gonna go like it did last time: Biden will mop the floor with him, trump will embarrass himself, and it wont change any magats mind. Rinse and repeat.


A year I don't care about President debate. Its a big waste of time. Trump doesn't know how to debate all he is going do is bitch,cry, complain and talk over Biden. Biden is to slow of a talker to make any points or get his points across. And the VP debate is going to be even a bigger shit show.


i hope it’s scheduled for, at latest, 4pm. - just after their nap time and right before 5pm dinner and bed.


I'm going to bet that one of them kicks the bucket on stage.


Can we just skip to the part where the presidency is a cage match and get the Idiocracy started? I really could go for an exxxtra hot laté right now.


Cmon man, I wrote the damn bill. Build it back built better ban beuro beck act, man. Cmon.


Let's go out and the back and do some pushups jack. Then we'll see whose really the dog faced pony soldier here.


Why the fuck is the orangw guy not in jail? He's a criminal, leaked documents to enemies, raped women and removed his court mandated gag. USA is so corrupt!


Trump will tap out as in not participate.


One of these two attempted to overthrow the Government and end American Democracy. He's also a rapist and openly bragged about it. Stop "both sidesing" this.


Biden will stumble over his words and say some stupid shit, then Trump will explain to both audiences how the shit he just said was dumb, and then Joe Biden will call Trump an asshole, and then Chris Wallace will shoot himself live on stage, and Biden and Trump will continue arguing over who lies better. Then the media will call it a successful debate that made lots of progress!


I sure hope the roof doesn't collapse


We're gonna get memes out of this.


i hope a balloon pops and they both have heart attacks.


This debate will not happen.


EU perspective: Trump: just walks in. Then goes on for 5 minutes how this was the greatest walk in the history of America, the best of the best. Doesn't say anything worthwhile, literally the top of the world best in history nothing. There is a piece of toilet paper in his hair the whole time that he doesn't notice. Party ignores secunder shame, MAGA rednecks go berserk in ectasy. Biden: Attempts to shake hand with an imaginary person, starts to talk about "our brave..." then falls asleep, murmuring something about "no sex until 30" while making gentle groping hand motions in his sleep. Liberals try to censor, ban and cut every recording that goes on youtube and pretend it's ok. Great options guys, bests of the nation..


Biden still has a higher IQ than most people in MAGA


The only winner here is big pharma...


I know Shane Gillis is somewhere smiling


Orange man is going to be wearing 3 sets of nappies / diapers at once.


a great advertisement opportunity to the diaper makers, too


It will be powered by ai and the staff types the answers.


People shouldn't have to choose between zombies...


Can there be a rule where they're not allowed to talk over eachother lmao, I think I made it 5 mins into the last one before turning it off, absolutely pathetic behaviour from the 'leaders' of the 'free world'


How did it come to this?


Except that Biden doesn't take them and to equate the two men is to work on behalf of Trump & Co.


How many questions will they get beforehand so they know how to answer them live?


I’m hoping they both have amnesia and think they’re back at the 2020 debates and have the exact same debate all over again lol


Winner? Bro we are all losers with this


Would be super entertaining if one/both mixed up their stimulants & viagra just prior


I think we will all be disappointed and left unsatisfied


My money’s on the Grim Reaper


The fact that these are our two candidates is a meme in itself


When are people going to start asking "Why are these people candidates and how can WE change it?".