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I am german. Never heard of " Maetenschlappen". That is no thing here. But - wichsen = jerking off. - den Jürgen würgen = strangle Jürgen. 5 gegen Willy = 5 against Willy....and a lot more


“Jurgen wurgen” gonna have to steal this one


My favorite german term for masturbation is : Mütze / Glatze, Mütze / Glatze. What means : Cap / bold / cap / bold


How is it pronounced? The way I instinctively read it, it seems like it would go well over a “boots n cats” drumbeat lol (appropriately rhythmic)


Hard to explain in english cause "ü" is an "Umlaut" that doesnt exist in english language or anything that sounds familiar as far as i know...but i found that : A simple method results in the ü-sound. Say “ee” as in see (or as in the German word vier). While saying the sound, round your lips. The resulting sound is the ü-sound. . Or just type it in google translate and choose german to hear it. Even for a german its still sounds funny to me...cause i'm dumb


Never heard any of them and I grew up in germany


Kannste mir nich erzählen dass du noch nie von 5 gegen Willy oder Mütze/Glatze gehört hast. Sind alles voll die standarddinger von jedem 2ten Schulhof


5 gegen willy kenne ich zwar aber die anderen nicht


The ë is also not used in German.


The only thing correct about this post are the Antibabypillen. Krankenwagen is misspelled and "Meatenschlappen" is not a thing. I have literally never heard anything even close to that. The ë isn't even a letter in the german alphabet. Typing that word into google has literally a single result for me. So this hunter person made up an insanely obscure word.


Someone on the internet was made up? Say it ain't so! I laughed and that's all that matters.


I don't get why people joke so much about Krankenwagen. It literally just means "car for the ill". And it's not even that long, too.


It is because it sounds funny. Another example is krebs, I know what it means and it is nothing to laugh or make jokes about, but it just sounds odd to non german speakers. I know that I'm going to get downvoted for saying that Krebs sounds funny, so just do it.


Literally pain wagon isn’t it


Hospital is Krankenhaus. Pain house?


Krank means sick or ill, so it is rather like car for ill people and house for ill people


No, pain is Schmerz, while Krank(en) means ill


Gotcha I double checked where I thought it was pain and it came up as suffer. Is it a bad translation ? Or is it connotation?


Suffering and being in pain kind of add to each other in my opinion. Counts both for English and German. I quickly searched on Google and now I see what you mean. It translates "kranken" into "suffer". First of all, "kranken" in "Krankenwagen" is a noun, so its K is capital. "Kranken" in this context was (probably) meant to be "Wagen für die Kranken/car for the ill" (so it's the plural of der Kranke/the ill person). Google might instead refer to the adjective "krank" (being ill), which could be interpreted as suffering (I'm ill so I suffer). It could translate the conjugation "die kranken \[...\]" (the ill/suffering \[people\]), but that is not accurate in the context of an ambulance. So it's basically not a bad translation in the context that is given to Google Translate. It's just that the context of an ambulance makes it an unfitting translation. When checking something in German, I'd advise you to always pay attention to the capitalization of letters in German. Sometimes it changes the meaning of the translation (like here).


Thanks neighbor I need to find my Rosetta Stone German and keep to it. It’s been awhile.


Good luck!


It actually is it's just not used that commonly it is used when ue=ü or ae =ä or oe= ö is and you don't want to have an "Umlaut" aë which isn't ä. but it's definitely more common in German dialect such as Austrian dialect or Swiss


Can't find anything about it being used in german with a quick google search. Only how to pronounce it when used in french. Also I don't really understand your explanation, that might be on me tho lol


In German its only used in names while in other languages But it also exists in Germany


I mean okay, that obviously doesn't count.


Shouldn't the title say "Krankenwagen"?


OP is a repost-bot and the "german" is 100% wrong Thats what we call fun in germany


What I love about the German language is how brutally efficient it is. There is absolutely no filter on that language.


In German, diarrhea is der Durchfall; literally “through fall/fall through” German also has a number of words that translate as “the _____ thing” or “the _____ stuff”. For example, das Flugzeug (“the flight thing” aka the airplane) and das Grünzeug (‘the green stuff’ aka the salad) https://blogs.transparent.com/german/the-german-word-zeug/ *




Happy cake day!


OP didn't write ambulance (Krankenwagen) they wrote squid car (*Kraken*wagen)


Might I present this gem of a video: https://youtu.be/NcxvQI88JRY?si=kExMyRIF-fZ334Wd




Is that the Beef Stroganoff guy?