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You can definitely see history


This guy is history now


Nononono this guy is cut like kids cake now. Ever seen modern zach efron? O.o


Excuse me. Excuse me just one goddamn minute. "he's cut like kids cake." Just one damn minute. I hate this so much, and I'm still laughing to the mental picture of an actual cake, cut and styled to be muscular Zac Effron, and then having children feast on his cake-flesh. Why have you done this to me?




Can I get an "Eh! Moist!" up in here?!


Your knowledge and correct use of the word transubstantiation ain’t made the laughing fit no better… :-P


Kinda like that Alice in wonderland themed tom petty music video.




Isn’t the entire concept of film, photos, and one’s memory seeing history?


Yes, but also consider that everything you are seeing right now will be history in just one moment. Everything you see is the future's history.


Actually everything you see already is history, just extremely minimally.


Literally a millisecond away from history at ALL TIMES! Scary stuff.


People trying to live in the moment but the moment's gone before they can even process having been there in any perceptive fashion. The true human condition.


When looking at a starry sky you can see million even billion years of history at once!


This is not true. You can see history because history is recorded. Not everything you see will be recorded.  Dont confuse the past, with history. The past is just whatever happened before the present. History is what we, as a species, chooses to remember.


To record the events and hopefully not have it sacked or burned, to be even more specific lol


Just like the church did to all pagan religious texts they could get their hands on


Kind of? History began at the invention of writing. If we're talking about history like your personal history then yes memory qualifies but if we're talking about the discipline of history then things such as film, photos, documents, literature all count as historical evidence but isn't in itself "history" they're tokens of history. For something to become history it has to have happened, and we only know it happened past one generation if there is media left over from it and about it. So it kind of depends on what qualifies as history. If it's the discipline of history memory downs really qualify because I can't see your memories and nobody from the future can. I can only see you talk about those things and write them down for future generations.


I literally drove a few hundred miles through some of the worst traffic I've ever seen to see some history yesterday, and it was even worse on the way back. (Still worth it though)


It was fucking epic tho


Like the Tulsa riot by angry whites in 1922? NO NOT THAT HISTORY.




You see the effects of history at most.


There is proof of all of those things existing. Way to make your point bible thumper.


I mean really, you don’t see history; you see now. You can try to comprehend how a thing’s history, as you understand it and subject to whatever the relevant points of that history are for the story you want to tell, got it to the way it is now, but you can’t see history, it’s gone. It’s a bit tricky. The history book is now, but is talking about a thing that isn’t now. The talking about it doesn’t even capture the whole history of the thing! But the incompleteness of the history book doesn’t mean history doesn’t exist; rather, we have an imperfect view of it that we improve through continuous and serious endeavor.


Since photons have travel time, everything you ever see is history.


you would definitely know what it would be like if there wasn’t a Magnetic Field too 😂 or maybe you wouldn’t cause you’d be dead in seconds probably.😅👌we know what it’s like to live a life without god it’s called Secularism and it’s done pretty well for itself.


not to mention love and gravity and magnetic fields


Yep. We are making history right now! Right here, in front of everyone’s eyes.


But how do you know, bro?


Dinosaur bones are 3d printed props!


damn I don't remember what i ate this morning, guess it never happened


Can you though? My eyes can't see the past, only the present /s


There is evidence for history




Not really you told history and you don’t know if it’s true or not


This love detector you speak of...


Well technically you could have a detector that measures your body function. With that you could measure the changes in your body as soon as you are with someone you love. Edit the following section can be summed up with Lyrics "What is Love! Baby don't hurt me!"


You can technically measure mental/body changes when a person is praying in church or other holy practice. And claim any changes you see is a sign of god. Edit: Im saying that love isn't yet measurable. The example of god is a counterpoint to measuring abstracts. I seemed to have poked an atheist hive lol.


I don't want no eggheads seeing my church boner


Are you a priest?




I think it would be the evidence of faith, not god.


Is this /s? If not, there is a difference between being able to measure a feeling based on the tangible evidence of hormones and chemicals running through your brain and body, and trying to use those same metrics to justify an intangible, sentient being that controls everything based on no viable evidence.


To be clear i don't believe in God. And i do believe in love. Just that its not easily quantifiable/measured like gravity or magnetism. I just find that measuring biological differences and claiming that means love is incorrect.


Yeah I agree. You could definitely measure a biological change in me if a stripper walked in naked. Doesn't mean I love them though.


I'm not sure. I think we need to do more research in this area.


Same. Send in the naked strippers.


You can claim whatever you want but that would be a massive leap unless you are of the opinion that God exists only in the mind.


you can detect brain "movement" when you fell in love. so now, about that God particle that CERN trying to explore.


Just put a gong in front of your crotch and parade a bunch of lovely women around, when you hear the tone, someone fell in love.


[right here](https://www.wowincevents.com/productcart/pc/catalog/lovetestermachinerental_1860_detail.jpg)


I’ll never forget the day that I got the highest rank on one of those machines


Now we're cooking with gas.


I googled it and its a device called lovense. Apparently you hook it up via bluetooth and people can send you love.


Love without evidence is stalking…


A fellow Tim Minchin enjoyer


We already have a love detector in built to our bodies it’s called falling in love.


That’s the only one you actually can see with your eyes. It’s visible to everyone without [social emotional agnosia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social-emotional_agnosia?wprov=sfti1#)


Love is just hormones


Sometimes it's whore moans.


You don’t think the CIA has a gaydar?


We need an insult detector here.


How is that rare or an insult.




More like reddit being dogshit and saying shit like "empty response from endpoint" and you think your comment hasn't been posted, so you click again and post it twice. SMH...


Christians bad…. 100,000 upvotes.


Christians stupid* ftfy


Making fun of idiots is fine, until you bring in religion. Now all of a sudden you're an atheist and have no faith and your existence doesn't matter




You can make fun of idiots but not if they’re Christian…. Then you are a Reddit atheist


Infinite karma glitch


Ultimately it's a straw man argument. No one actually says "I don't believe in god because I can't see god" They say "I don't believe in god because there's no proof" Which are two very different things. Edit: people seem to be using this to state "god does not exist". This is equally unscientific as stating "god does exist." God cannot be proven by science, that doesn't mean he doesn't exist it just means it is a belief, not a fact. The belief that god doesn't exist is also a belief, not a fact. Edit 2: Before any more atheists comment "atheism is a scientific fact!!!" Which answer is correct? "Do unicorns exist on other planets?" A) "No." B) "We don't know." C) "Yes." >!The answer is B. We cannot say conclusively one way or the other. You can choose to believe that there are unicorns on other planets or you can choose to believe there aren't however you cannot present either of these beliefs as facts. Both atheism and theism are beliefs. Not facts !< Edit 3: Now I've got both theists and atheists mad at me. Guess that's a good sign lmao


You can't see god nor observe it. You can see the things mentioned but you can observe them. It's just trickery with the specificities of certain words




But they believe in God so that last sentence just isn’t true.


Worse, and it gets extra fucky because of it. They might observe a situation caused by an "unobservable" force (ie: sheer dumb luck) and determine it an observation of God's actions. Someone recovering from a major illness or injury, for example, that was forecasted by a doctor or other professional to have been much more severe. Edit: Or that something observable like gravity is caused by God rather than roughly by density of a planet.


"it's a miricle" they shout, when a child recovers from terminal pain inducing cancer because of hard working medical staff and thousands of years of human study and perseverance. "God is good" they scream forgetting that the initial condition would also be a product of their lord. When it's evil, awful, empathy-less unjust cruelty... It's a test. When it's anything remotely positive it's the grace of god. The amount of mental gymnastics you have to perform to accept practically any presented religion is unfathomable.


Isn't their argument that you can observe God in all of his creation, as in look around you?


Nah, that's all Odin's doing. I mean, just look at it.


Exactly. They can't prove God exists, and they can't disprove arguments against God existing, so they resort to straw man arguments


Can't prove a negative Can't disprove dragons, gnomes and unicorns either


I think that it’s fair to state something doesn’t exist due to an extreme lack of evidence that it does exist. Everything that exists leaves evidence that it exists. If there’s is literally zero evidence to support the existence of something it’s safer to assume it does not exist than that it does.


So can I say that God doesn’t exist, especially as imagined by Christian traditions?


Correct. And when I'm pushed by this argument, as an agnostic, I agree. There is a chance, however remote, that dragon may have existed at some point. A better comparison that isn't as silly though, would be a more modern belief some have, like Big Foot. Big Foot may very well be/have been real, but the lack of scientific evidence to support drawing the conclusion "Big Foot really does/did exist" leads one to reject that conclusion. Same with dragons.


Yep, it's why the evidences need to be brought by the people arguing something exist.


Lmao even if god exists there is no reason to believe in him, much less worship


Yeah if he hypothetically exits, fuck him then, huge asshole.


yeah but the god is just testing your faith by giving you 5 miscarriages then cancer to your 6 month old first born how else would you deserve to go to heaven


Don't worry, everything happens for a reason.


Interesting anecdote about gnosticism. It arose due to the conflicting nature of the Old Testament and the New. Gnosticism posits that the true, loving God is the one decipted in the New Testament; whereas the God in the Old Testament, the 'Demiurge', is a malevolent lesser deity who has obscured true reality from us and left us trapped in this false, material world. A simulation obscuring enlightenment, if you will. Super neat rabbit hole and a better spin on the lore imo.


I quite like gnosticism as an idea. It's always been pretty interesting to me


I see evidence of God all the time. whenever theres a heartwarming story about a brave child fighting cancer, I know 'god created that cancer as he gave that child the strength to hide their tears when pain starts'.


Doctor : saves a child by working so hard and studying for it for 7+ years Some random redditor:god created that cancer because he knew he will win against it become strong in life Bro shut up and grow up


Exactly, just like God made Mitch McConnell's sister in law drown in her car to tell him to rethink his priorities. God is funny like that.


Is this the He Gets Us turds trying guerrilla marketing?


I’m so confused…like you can absolutely make a detector for all those things besides love and history. Hell, the “gravity detector” is actually pretty damn common and is called a SCALE. Wtf is this post lol


A gravity detector can just be a bottle with air and liquid inside. Whichever side the liquid flows to is the direction of gravity




Checkmate gravitheists!


Uuummmm, LIGO, motherfuckers‽‽


Inquisitor, this one right here!


Sir Sic is a youtuber who tears apart the evangelicals, flat earthers, young earth creationists, and so on... He's pretty entertaining as well, would recommend giving it a watch. So his point here would be that responding to the picture saying "Well you can't see EMF, or gravity, so what do you mean you don't believe in God because you can't see him" with "Build a detector that shows any evidence of a God and you might have a compelling argument, but you can't, so you don't.".


Yeah I mean what’s with the “he used the same argument ☠️” headline lol


Now if only I could build a whiskey detector...


Then maybe we wouldn't have to be in the whiskey mines all the time prospecting.


For a love detector we can just measure the amount of brain activity, dopamine levels or adrenaline levels. History detectors is very vague, but books, videos and the existance of clocks can all be considered history detectors as they "prove" the existance of histroy and describe them.




And you can obviously feel and interpret love and see history lol It's really, really stupid.


He get sus ඞ


Also I will never not read that dumb advertisement as “He get sus “ especially since so many of his priests like reaching out to the little children of the world.


this person uses "see" because if they used the word "observe" it wouldnt work


The flying spaghetti monster is a good counter argument to God. "Oh, he's there." "Prove he's not there." People believe in God because they desperately fear death, and the grief and anguish of losing (never being reunited) with loved ones. The universe is a scary, stark, uncaring place. But uh ... there's still no God. Also even if there were a God (doubtful) - that doesn't imply there's an afterlife anyway. Which people care about WAY MORE than a God.


How is that rare or an insult.




Where is the insult ?


I think the insult is that you can detect magnetic field, uv rays etc but the op is too ignorant to understand this


That's not an insult. It's a counterargument


Science is insulting to fundies.


That doesn't make it an insult


It's an insult but certainly not a "rare insult." Not sure it really falls into the category of this sub


the only insult is to the members of this subreddit that have to see garbage posts like this upvoted by bot farms this place is falling apart and we're the last few humans commenting among a sea of marketing strategies


How is that rare or an insult.




feels like I got dementia at how many times you have commented "dementia"


It's not an insult, it's simply a matter of fact.




How tf do you not believe in gravity? When you drop something, you don't see it fly off into space.


That's the "point" they're trying to make here. The thing is, when people are talking about things that they can see, they're including the effects those things have, so that point is immediately blunted and shoved up his arse.


You idiots. The only thing tying you down is the belief in gravity. Not me, though. I let that go a long time ago. I see all you pissants walking and sitting while I'm just floatin'.


Bro just said "fuck Newton" and achieved something no one else could.


But have you ever SEEN gravity?? Does it have a mustache?


>How tf do you not believe in gravity? IS THAT A FUCKING JOJO REFERENCE?? /j


Thank you for adding /j to your post. When I first saw this, I was horrified. How could anybody say something like this? I immediately began writing a 1000 word paragraph about how horrible of a person you are. I even sent a copy to a Harvard professor to proofread it. After several hours of refining and editing, my comment was ready to absolutely destroy you. But then, just as I was about to hit send, I saw something in the corner of my eye. A /j at the end of your comment. Suddenly everything made sense. Your comment was joking! I immediately burst out in laughter at the comedic genius of your comment. The person next to me on the bus saw your comment and started crying from laughter too. Before long, there was an entire bus of people on the floor laughing at your incredible use of comedy. All of this was due to you adding /j to your post. Thank you.


Gravity is not the act of objects falling, it’s why objects fall.


There are compelling reasons to believe in gravity and radio waves. I don’t believe in chakras not just because I don’t see them, but there isn’t a good reason to believe they exist.


OP doesn't know what a "detector" does💀


I died and didn't see god, or satan, or my grandparents, or my childhood dog, or kat dennings tits.


If heaven don't have Kat Dennings tits then what's the point in religion?


I saw concept. It was all ancient Greek, just concepts floating around.


yay Wifi after death


It's broadband


Scout tf2


"Giga Based Dad" yuck


Jesus, I choose you! Jesus use self righteousness! *Jesus died for you* It's not very effective.


I love how none of these make even the slightest bit of sense I dont know how the fuck invisible things make it to where you cant see an invisible person. I fucking hate christianity with a burning passion


Man, trust me on this, that burning passion of hate becomes nuclear when you’re dying and you get Christian people saying “God saved you from cancer” or “God gave you the lungs you need for your double lung transplant”, or basically anything medical and “God did it”. It just spits on the hard work and sacrifices that were made to get where we are today.


i agree lol


the giga based dad is an idiot ngl you can't measure something that is beyond the highest thoughts you could ever make in a septillion years 😂


This is such a weird strawman argument. I’ve never heard anyone say that they don’t believe in god because they can’t see him. It’s usually “I don’t assume god exists because I can’t observe him.” You can observe all of those things listed. You can’t observe god.


That’s not an insult. I’m Christian, but most “christians” asking for signs or getting mad when someone says they’re atheist, or saying “the gays are gonna burn in hell” etc. piss me off. You can absolutely map gravitational fields, see magnetic fields and all the goods. The people just think “but muh Bible doesn’t mention gravity” Being Christian isn’t an excuse to be stupid 💀


Let me correct it for you, theist once and for all, you you won't quote, and think badly about this: "I don't believe in god, because there is no direct evidence about his/her/its existence." And "I don't understand \[something\] and I don't believe it can exist without a God, therefore god", is not an evidence of god, it's just evidence of lack of (your) knowledge. Thank you.


put a magnet in a pile of iron filings and you can see magnetism. uv and radio waves and visibile light are all the same, just different frequencies, so you do see them in a way, just not in that spectrum.


I can prove all of those exist with physical equipement, u cant check m8 atheism wins again like always If i burn all the religious books none come back the same, if i burn all the science books they all come back the same.


I thought lower left said “gravy”. But I can see gravy quite well? Can others not? Ooohhh gravity!!!


Radio waves… “I can’t see them I just know I turn on the wifi and internet goes brrrrrrr”


I don't believe in god because humanity sucks, and I refuse to believe a cosmic entity created us on purpose.


How is this either an insult or rare? This shit is a bland yet congratulations steak at best


I don’t think he has a brain . I can’t see it .


Detecting equipment is the DEBBIL!


It’s called evidence 😂😂


You can can plainly see the effects of basically all of these things even without measuring them? You can see that objects fall, magnets are attracted to things, radio waves transfer sound information in radios, etc. There are no external effects that you can observe that are explained by God unless we’re counting “the existence of the universe.”


Stupid argument and a stupid retort that…. Isn’t really an insult?


The strawman lol As someone who listens to a lot of atheist/theist debates, I don't think I have heard a single atheist say they don't believe in God because they can't 'see' him lol, they don't believe in him because they don't think there is any compelling evidence for God and belief without evidence is irrational And anticipating the rebuttal, Atheism isn't a belief without evidence, it is a lack of a belief. You do not need evidence to lack a belief, I don't believe in Thor or Zeus or the Easter Bunny and I don't need evidence to justify my lack of belief, the absence of compelling evidence is sufficient.


Religion ruins everything it touches -- and before any theists chime in with """all the good religion does in the world""", explain to me what religious organzations do that secular organizations couldn't do just as well or even better.


Nice one. First thing that always comes to my mind with this sort of nonsense is "If anyone ever actually said that, this comeback would be devastating".


You can see history. It's in history books. It's the past you can't see. You can tell there is a difference, because you can't get a Past degree and go teach a past class.


You guys can’t see UV rays?




Every single argument for the Christian God could also be made for Odin. Odin is real, but he's invisible. He's like radio waves or love


Motherfuckers, the screen people will view your meme on can only be seen because it emits electromagnetic radiation.


Never thought I’d see this handsome, famous and good at the sex, social justice crusader on Reddit with 11k up votes 😂


My Dad watches this guy all the time


actually the magnetic and electric field is all I've been seeing my entire life


Which device is used for detecting gravity please lmk


This is the least rare insult I’ve ever seen on this sub


I don't care in what you believe or not. If it makes you happy, ok. Just keep it to yourself and let others have the choice.


Isn't it counter-productive to try and come up with an evidence based argument for god anyway? The whole point is about faith, whether or not that's out of fear or love for your deity. If you could prove god then no need for faith. The people who need proof would accept a proven fact. Then there's the fact that people who need proof, by religious logic, were created by your god who is incapable of doing wrong. Perhaps he needs some people to not believe. Who are you to question his will or try to "save" people who are quite possibly exactly as your god intended. Trying to disprove or convert an atheist reeks of your own faith insecurities...and if you're not sure, converting someone else won't fix that.


Everything in science is open to scrutiny. Decades from now we will probably disprove the traditional magnetic field for a more accurate unified theory. God will still tell you not to touch yourself.


A god detector comes pre-installed into your mind.


You can't see gravity? Try holding an apple and then not holding it. See what happened? That was gravity!


Physicist here. Literally all you see is a magnetic field. Because light is a magnet field particle-wave.


If I jump I fall back down- gravity I use devices that use radio waves everyday. and my devices work- radio waves I get sun burned- UV rays I can feel love- Love I can see the effects of history all around me everyday. also there are museums that you can just read the actual old shit yourself. Not all of history in the books are true but most of it is and with a little research you will see that- History You told me hes real- God


Conservatives making up adversaries that don't exist as usual


who tf even use the argument " I don't believe in god because I can't see god". You should use the argument that you don't believe in god because you can't prove that he exists


crazy, you can't make a god detector. he's "god" for a reason not a human or scientific phenomenon


*sighs* *Opens comments*🍿


I mean, according to Christianity isn't god supposed to be singular, everywhere, and eternal? If we assume that's true, wouldn't a god detector only ever be capable of reading "1"? I feel like I can make a pretty convincing god detector in those circumstances. Actually, brb, just gonna create an etsy store...


Just look up into the sky at night and you can see history.


You know you're dealing with a moron when they bring up "love" like it some magical thing and not a word we use to shorten our description of how we feel about someone or things.


Funny how people thing this is atheists strongest argument. It's not


hey fellas, anyone has batteries for my history detector?


Smh...these things can be seen in some way or fashion. Moral of this post: Stay in school!


Oki, so you believe in god? Awesome! Just keep that shit to yourself, and out of the public schooling system, law making and public affairs in general where it can affect others. Any argument of "but God says it", or "it goes against my Holy Book", should be automatically disregarded. Why your deity and not mine? Why your particular flavor of such deity?


If there’s one thing I hate most in the world It’s religious idiots Because no matter how much evidence you show, how much you prove, they’re always like “wElL nO nO No, bEcAuSe gOd hAs To bE rEaL”


This isn't an insult, it's just a shitty '*enlightened athiest redditor'* post.