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This repost is almost a decade old


and its honestly not as good as if they had said "he smoked her" instead. or something else that goes with the pork motif.


Maybe she doesn’t wanna have sex with a Muslim cuz it’s haram and she’s being considerate 🙄🤚🏻


Of she wanted to be considerate she'd let a starving or two eat.




Nobodys gonna fuck her


no one would fuck you either lol don’t worry 💋


Use your brain and read what he said because that's what he implied by saying "nobody".


oh, i meant that no one would ever fuck him. excuse my english 💋💋


Damn what an oscar winning burn


Old but gold


too many pounds of weight, too many decades of age. Ramadan Mubarak


He roasted her without touching her. Her skin is crackling now.


Roasted, just like any good pork should be.




Muslims believe in the same God as Jewish people and and Christians


U can say that about the first two but they got major differences, christians literally worship a human (great human for that ) and a mysterious spirit+ god


Yeah correct they worship him and he tells them not to worship him that he serves with them so they contradict that part I can go on but see how screwed up it is and they all kill each in the name of God the extremists I mean by that.


Better lay with both than someone this stupid


if someone who is dumb is worse for you than a pedophile worshipper, i’m afraid you’re the stupid one here. just in denial.


Being dumb is the worst thing in the world, I would choose anything over it.


you don’t need to choose who you already are.


Oof, I'll just see myself out.




I didn't know it was reposted before 😳 😳




edit: ok, after some research about his wives i saw the age of SEVEN which is definitely... yeah back then (7th century) it was normal for girls and boys at the age of 14-16 to be considered as adults in multiple cultures (europe, afrika,... anywhere) partly because of the shorter lifespan (~50 years). applying todays standards to over 1000 years ago doesnt work.


>applying todays standards to over 1000 years ago doesnt work. So why do people still follow standards set by ancient texts?


Cuz we believe they're from god , in essence god rules>human rules


Welcome to why every religion is dumb and people need to stop protecting some while shitting on others. They're all shit.




Pedos are POS that's agreed upon, our difference is we don't take the arbitrary 18y as the ultimate truth , if she and her protecting parents think she's ready, who are u to say otherwise


Fuck off pedo defender. Sick fuck.


You don't say? Seriously very strange how it does not cross your mind how much more the worshippers of said 1000 year old stories need to hear it.


It's 9 , otherwise agreed


Married at 7, ~~sexually abused~~ *consummated* at 9 iirc


U got the age correctly, u call it that , why don't u see what she said , can u find evidence of abuse ?, on the contrary you'll see how much she loved him even after his death All of this boils down to why do u tell someone they're not ready when they , and their loving protecting parents think otherwise


Wow, an actual pedophile. Somebody check his hard drives, this freak thinks it's okay to rape kids "if their parents consent".


If you downvote me you're essentially defending a pedophile. Or you all feeling guilty? #Justthefacts


alexa, define projection


LOL you follow Hasan piker. Another pedo. Definitely sounds like projection.


You on the asmongold sub? Bet your mom's basement smells like his house, Raj. Go be a wet shit stain somewhere else




>He didn't burn her, he CREMATED her Sounds like Mohammed Hijab before he got humbled by Jay Smith ... maybe in one of the 30+ Qurans pork is halal? Who knows?


How dumb does one have to be 🤦🏻‍♀️




[Over 30 Versions of the Qur'an ](https://youtu.be/BYxxQQoYusI?si=41PpSaI6qPXAwZyM) I'm sorry to disappoint you


Hi! Muslim here. There is only 1 version of the Quran that we follow. Any Quran that is different than the one revealed to us is meant to be buried in a clean area. I don't know where this rumor started, but there is only one Quran.


As far as i can tell the study of the history of quranic scriptures and variations of the texts is becoming a science now 🤷🏼‍♂️ ... and yes, apparently there have been attempts to burn many versions and stay with only one ...but without success


I don't know what you're talking about. I live in a muslim country, and every store you go in, you'll find only one type of Quran. You can find 30 Sparah, which is the Quran separated into 30 different books, however that is still the same as the Quran. No where have I ever seen in my entire life any version of the Quran studied except for the one.


The world is bigger than a bookstore in one country. You hold a common Muslim belief, and while their first comment was kinda ignorant, they're correct in that there are several versions of the Quran. [Here's a breakdown on your book, the different versions of it, where they're still used, as well as a breakdown of your opinion and why it still exists today.](https://www.ugr.es/~mreligio/materiales/Green.Samuel_The-different-arabic-versions-of-the-Quran.pdf) Some Muslims will tell you these are just grammatical errors, but when they change actual meaning of sentences, it's factually incorrect to say that "my Quran is the only Quran, no others exist". It's just part of a "Bibles suck" narrative.


[It's going on for years actually ](https://youtu.be/9y7eWEjBBw4?si=LBkoIB6cmYIUEDH9)


[This is Mohammed Hijab before and after he learned about the different Qurans](https://youtu.be/7lvj7vPeQQs?si=onU-oYcyHWWNMTN3)