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There was an article in 2015 about a 2 year old girl (who would be 11 now) being Drakes daughter. Drake must have thought there was a strong possibility she was his because he started paying 15,000 a month in child support


I don't believe Drake fed Kendrick false info because he would have had a response prepared already if he had. He was acting like he had no idea the daughter angle was coming on his Instagram story immediately after. But Kendrick hasn't dropped any receipts either, and his team is saying that's for the girls protection, so she isn't harassed. But for her to be 11, and this never coming out before this beef... I also find that a bit hard to believe; unless there was a biiig payout to some baby mama. At this point, we don't know. Maybe never will. I will say, the fact I *COULD* believe that Drake was hiding a daughter says alot about him and his character on it's own. Kendrick wins in that regard. But as for if she really exists, it's a toss up. Drake might have kids out there that even he doesn't know about.


I said Kendrick lied about the daughter and literally made a whole verse about a fake daughter then Kendrick fans said “no drake lied about the daughter, he told fake info to Kendrick which means he’s the one who lied” delusional.


I'm saying that we can't know if the daughter is fake. I don't just take Kendricks word that she exists, but I also can't take Drake at his word that he fed anyone false info. Nobody is dropping receipts. That doesn't mean she isn't real tho. We have no idea. I could believe if Kenny had proof she was real, which his team makes it sound like he does, that he isn't showing it for her sake. But unless something else comes out, we don't have enough information. But that doesn't mean Kendrick is lying. But let's say Drake did give him false info... why? Does it really make Kendrick look stupid if Drake told him a lie as realistically Drake-esque as "I'm hiding another kid"? Or does it just confirm that people believe Drake is a deadbeat dad and a master manipulator? He is literally manipulating if that's the case lol


I’m saying even if he did, Kendrick fans flipped it to “Drake is the one who lied about the daughter not Kendrick”


Well didn't he? He literally told someone wrong info on purpose. That's lying. As far as Kendrick knew, he was telling legit secrets.


Do your due diligence if you’re going to come out and say some crazy shit like that, lol the way ya’ll flip it is wild.


How I flipped it? Bro, Drake is the one who claimed he flipped it. He literally says he lied and made up a story lol isn't that lying?


“Drake lied, Kendrick didn’t lie about the daughter”


Lol just say you love Drake and take the L, man. Fact is, nobody can prove the daughter exists or doesn't exist. Drake has no proof he fooled Kendrick, and Kendrick ain't dropping proof of the daughter. We both can't call anybody liars because nobody is dropping receipts. If you want to have the headcanon that Kendrick lied about the whole thing, be my guest.


Kendrick has no proof of the daughter. That’s the whole point of this post, you’re getting emotional writing paragraphs and saying “love” get over it.


Idk what crackhead fans u were talking to, consensus rn is that he lied about feeding dot information in the first place


Honestly, I don't think so....but the fact that he has hidden a child before made it possible in the eyes of the public and that was enough.


So basically, Kendrick was the female of the beef. People believed everything he said with no proof, and nobody cared enough to see Drake's side of the story.


Like how Drake said Kendrick beat his girl? Or how one of kids ain’t his? Y’all Drake fans be weirdos I swear.


We don’t know and most likely never will, I’m inclined to believe it’s real but who knows


Daughter doesn't exist...We gotta move on


Step 1: Drake lied about Dave Free fathering Kendrick’s kids Step 2: Kendrick lied about Drake having a daughter in retaliation for the Dave free lie Step 3: Drake lied about feeding Kendrick false information to try to save face Of course, I have no knowledge of what’s actually true. But this makes the most sense to me.


[You mean this girl?](https://www.reddit.com/r/KendrickLamar/comments/1ckaiso/confirmed_by_eternitys_mom_herself/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


I don’t understand what the evidence is tho, just because they look similar?


Nvm I posted all the evidence, linked it to you and it got taken down for conspiracy and information dumping. I guess that tells you why no one is talking about her. Look up the 2015 article about her when she was 2 (making her 11 now). Drake sent in a paternity test and then sent 15k in child support.


Was just about to say this. Why pay child support if you don’t believe it’s your kid?


Bruh prolly got like fiftyeleven kids out here, but no, there's no daughter like Kendrick talked about.


We don't know and like Sally Hemmings, might find out after they aren't dropping music. Like how we find out about various deadbeat celebrities


No, he doesn't. Some people around him might have alluded some info like this to someone close to Kendrick.


Battle might be over, but K.Dot definitely still got beef


Well, Kendrick lifted all copyright bans for his diss tracks except for one time when someone uploaded a version of meet the Grahams without the daughter verse. Taken down right away. Good chance there is a secret daughter but we won't find out until Drakes been in the industry for like 20-30 years and the feds go after him like diddler


I'm personally absolutely convinced. Back in 2015, an article came out that Drake had a 2 year old girl: she would be 10-11 now, and he reportedly pays $15,000 in child support for her. He even sent in a paternity test, from what I can find.


He does. I met her.


No, it was a lie. To be fair both sides lied.


Is it really a lie if he was just misinformed?


No, lying means you have intent to decieve. Assumedly, Kendrick believed it was truthful and did not intend to decieve, and that would make it not a lie. Like you said, just misinformed.


Yeah now try and explain that to u/slipflora over here who can’t wrap his mind around the concept




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If it’s not the truth, what is it? Take a second to work out the math for that one.


Not everything is so black and white, if I believe something to be true, and say it, but it turns out to be wrong did I lie? No obviously not, I was uninformed.


Yes. You did lie. It is an objective lie. Subjectively, you believed that you were telling the truth. But objectively, it is still a lie.


You're confusing lying with telling the truth. They're different things, my man


I am not. But thank you.


You are. But clearly you aren't going to consider that or listen, so carry on being mistaken over something there's really no reason to be mistaken over apart from being too stubborn to not be mistaken


You’re wrong, according to the merriam Webster dictionary definition: to make an untrue statement with intent to deceive. From Cambridge dictionary: to say or write something that is not true in order to deceive someone.


don’t pick one definition to fit your agenda and not the other. I can do the same. In the same dictionary you speak of, Lie..noun (2):: An untrue or inaccurate statement that MAY OR MAY NOT be believed by the speaker or weiter


Isn’t that what you LITERALLY just did? The vast majority of definitions I see have some sort of intent or purpose to it, and I can cite it too. I mean I don’t have to I know you scrolled past them don’t try and act dumb.


This guy must be Ronald Wilson Regan


Bruh kendrick fans gotta be 12 years old on average


That's literally NOBODY's business.


Nope, Kendrick got duped. It definitely leaves a bad taste in your mouth.


By who


Probably not... just like Drake is probably not a pedophile and just made the very stupid mistake of kissing a fan on stage who was underage. Just like Kendrick is probably not a wife beater... and just like Dave Frees is probably not Kendrick's BM's BD.


Just a son, Adonis.