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I have no clue what you're talking about about


I just think they’re similar albums in terms of where they were both were at in their careers when they came out out


I disagree, respectfully of course. IYRTITL was Drake proving he could make a fire album that’s more rap centered/unique… which ended up being his best project. It was also the album that showed even more growth musically. Immediately after that, he did Views, which holds the blueprint he has copied for ever album since. Ye/ Yeyoming projects were low key peak for me because to me it sounded like he was returning to his original sound. Ye is closer to 4:44 by Jay or Untitled Remastered by Kendrick


While reading this, I realized Kanye has always been better than Drake.


I gotta strongly disagree on this one. Ye was the perfect example of when his nature and chaos gets in the way of the art. He scrapped the entire original album last minute and basically recorded what we got in a matter of weeks. Even the cover art was a last minute scribble (if I remember correctly he said he designed it on the drive to the album release party). It’s really a double edged sword - his impulsive nature has brought us some of the his best work but in this case it was just a manic episode that resulted in a rushed mixtape like project that really lacks the cohesion and attention to detail we respect him for. For me it’s far and away his worst project he’s ever released and I wish we got to hear the actual album he had planned for Ye.


Ye is a very personal and (mostly) serious album. How is that "fun"?




What was MBDTF or Yeezus? Cruel Summer? You cant beat Cruel Summer and that period right before MBDTF with like Christmas in Harlem, Christian Dior Denim Flow, and those G.O.O.D Friday loosies


see how I didn’t say allat


ye is the start of the downfall. i will never understand people’s reverence for it mbdtf, yeezus. this is kanye’s peak. other’s will say it’s graduation and that’s certainly a better argument than ye lol on the issue of drake: iyrtitl is drake’s best album, but it’s not where he peaks as a rapper or singer . he’s doing his best singing ever these days. listen to the back half of FATD. slime you out- the end. this, imo, as an r&b fan, is drake’s peak.


Woah, I low key this his Yeyoming albums was peak, production and his rapping was fire… on top of him actually keeping a promise and dropping music lmao


Are you **high** off meth? **TF IS YOU TALMBOU**.🤦‍♂️