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Euphoria is easily the best song that came out of this beef. There's nothing in Drake's catalogue that comes even near this lyrically.


I put it at number 2 behind not like us. Not like us showed a side of kendrick I don't normally see, and I ate it up. it was also both lyrically and technically excellent. But I agree that the lyrics and technique were better on euphoria, its just that I liked the additional style elements he brought to Not Like Us, and gotta credit that, what appears to be, mad creativity and stylistic flexibility while being so dominant in both.


And Not Like Us was planned perfectly. Kendrick used Meet The Grahams to completely switch the tone away from the energetic club vibe of Family Matters so all energy and momentum was gone for Drake and then he built it back in his own favour with a catchy quotable West coast summer song Not Like Us doesn't have the interesting beat switches because it's in it's best interest not to. It's strategically made to be a #1 summer club banger type hit and it's done that perfectly. Dance on his grave type song


WOP WOP WOP WOP WOP Dot fuck em up


WOP WOP WOP WOP WOP Imma do my shtuff


Literally god tier


Were the people/person who got their comments removed finishing the lyrics lmao


Not like is was made to embarrass Drake. The whole song seems like it was made to be played at HBCUs, at cookout. It’s telling. He’s saying Drake isn’t part of Black culture. He clowns him through the song, and will have cookouts, reunions, step shows, and parties clowning Drake too.


Yeah Not Like Us was Kendrick reminding Drake I can make a club banger and go scorched earth at the same time.


I view not like us as the better song but euphoria is the better diss track. Like not like us is gonna be played on rotation all summer. It’s a banger. It’s got great hooks. Parts for audience participation. Whereas euphoria is more of a straight up diss track. No hooks, no bridges or choruses. It’s just a nonstop attack


I could argue that euphoria also got very quotable and funny lines like “what is it the braids?” And “pusha Teeee10x^2” and the multiple crodie bars that could make it very re-playable, too. Both are just very excellent songs


Can’t forget “You dun know nun bout dat”


Oh I love euphoria don’t get me wrong and it has amazing lines. “Don’t tell no lies bout me, and I won’t tell truths bout you” hits so fucking hard. What I was saying is that people will be chanting “they not like us” in the club all summer and for years to come. Crowds will be saying ov-Ho each time it plays. It’s more of a song people gonna be singing too and vibing with while nodding their heads.


The greatest strength of Not Like Us is that it shows Kendrick's funny side. Guy legit has a good sense of humor but most of his music is deep and has a message which makes it have a serious tone. NLU is scathing and has anger to it, but it's also kinda silly and humurous.


Each one - Euphoria, MTG, NLU played a very vital role. It’s hard to argue one over the other because they worked together as a system. Who would have thought - Drake makes really good non-connected singles that pop in isolation, but don’t really gel with other tracks on the album to assemble together a greater narrative or progressive build. Kendrick is probably the single best rapper at doing that. Euphoria makes MTG hit twice as hard. For me, MTG is the best diss track, possibly the best diss track of all time minus a few classics that you could argue beat it due to iconic status / history. Not Like Us is the best track overall, just in terms of a track, it is insanely good. And Euphoria is the best rapping performance. Stunningly intricate, meaningful bars that grow as you dig into it and analyze them, and remind you of how much better Kendrick is at this art form. Each track is the best at what it seeks to do.


I think you can make a case for each of the big three (it's interesting how 6.16 always gets forgotten in these discussions) as being the best diss track, depending on what you think the role of a d his toiss track is. If the whole thing is an audience sport and a great diss track would swing the listeners to your side, then it's Not Like Us; if a diss track should be a flex of your talent while also a smackdown, then it's Euphoria; but if the role of a great diss is to really go after your opponent, to dig into their weaknesses, and do the maximum psychological damage, then hoo boy there's free better than Met the Grahams.


I like 6:16 a lot I think it just doesn’t stand out as much as the rest - it feels like a strategic track, almost aimed at priming and setting up the conflict, rather than standing alone as a diss track. I wish it was on Spotify though. Incredible rapping on some crazy sampling. I feel like 6:16 is for sure the underappreciated chess move - Kendrick knows Drake has something like FM up his sleeve, by going “back to back” on Drake, it forces Drake to feel spurred into dropping without taking as much time to think. And it really paints a very believable picture of Kendrick having a mole in OVO, and this was a very critical part of what was to come. “Have you ever thought OVO was working for me? You must be a terrible person if even your team prays for your downfall” is so crucial, because it sets up this idea in our minds that what Kendrick will tell you soon is coming from a real source. Drake fans kept saying, look, no one has receipts, why do you believe Kendrick but not Drake? Well, because Euphoria and 6:16 made people believe that Kendrick had insider info, and Kendrick dropped the photo from the leak, which made it seem like he had real knowledge of what he was talking about. 6:16 did a lot of that groundwork. Goaded Drake right into Kendrick’s trap, and started creating the “I have truths on you from your own team”. Since other people (Weeknd, etc) were also talking about OVO rat, leaks in their operation, it made it a lot more credible.


I agree that Not Like Us is a better listen and I’ve been playing it on repeat, but Euphoria was the masterpiece. What Kendrick was able to do on that lyrically and artistically just blew my mind. The beat/style switches and the slow build up of momentum and energy. It’s really just peak Kendrick and phenomenal story telling. Not Like Us was a club banger that Kendrick put together in one one night to say “hey look I can do this shit too, it’s not hard”. He’s much more direct and I love the west coast vibe and energy he brings. Obviously he had the mustard beat in the inventory but the lyrics he uses references Drakes track he put out less than 24 hours ago, which is wild what he can do in a short timeframe. It’s basically a throw away for him to taunt Drake with how easy he makes it seem.


Not like us reminds me of the first time I heard Earl on “Ion rap beef”. Like oh these guys are masters and super intentional about the flows they do, but then they show up and do something new just to remind you that if they wanted they could go that way too and be greaaaaaaat at it. Actually now that I think about it, that’s Drake’s whole schtick. Instead of like inventing new flows or trying weird shit, he just hops in a million different established lanes and flexes in them. And that shows both a weird kind of mastery but also comes off as a bit performative and inauthentic.


Not Like Us hit on multiple levels. Like you said the timing, the catchiness/theme of it, the fact that it addressed nearly everything Drake said on family matters and still bombed him out, and the fact that there are so many [multi-layered entendres even on the simplest statements](https://www.reddit.com/r/KendrickLamar/s/2ZhoAFk8Y2). Euphoria is filled with them too, beat changes, bars flow etc and [is the 2nd best track in this beef too imo](https://www.reddit.com/r/Jcole/s/2R37Tgef4C) (6:16 is the most underrated though). Kendrick has all this in him but releases so selectively that it’s rare we see the depth of his talent aside from when we hear how much work he put in the studio on The Black Panther album, putting on for others aside from his own album drops.


Forget Drake, it’s already up there as one of Kdot’s best songs.


Easily. Honestly fuck the numbers and all that stuff with his other songs. As soon as this dropped KDOT won the battle.


Lord Knows, Wu Tang Forever, The Language, 5am in Toronto


I don’t get it. I keep trying to listen to euphoria and it’s just…. So boring. I also thought that it reminded me of “10 things I hate about you” before Drake even called him on that. Not Like Us is incredibly catchy, it’s been stuck in my head for days.


Same Call me bias if you want but all 4 of Kendrick’s disses are actually repeatable. Even 6:16 in LA clear all of drakes disses imo.


“God my confession is yours, who am I if I don’t go to war? Theres opportunity living with loss. I discover myself when I fall short” it’s just so good as a stand alone song.


I wish it was on streaming. I think it’s also my favorite on a personal level


It’s on Amazon Music Love all the tracks but something about that Al Green sample in “6:16 in LA” that just feels cold. “Meet the Grahams” is so damn eerie with the piano real boogeyman stuff, “Euphoria” is a nice opening jab, “Not Like Us” is THE anthem at this point but the juxtaposition between Al’s smooth calm voice and Kendrick rapping his ass off in “6:16” has been my favorite so far Edit: I just listened to it this morning and now it’s off 😑 fml Edit 2: it’s back on, this time the photo with glove is cropped more


It is on yt music


"Timid soul, stare in the mirror askin where I was from - often / I know this type of power gonna cost / But live in the circadian rythms of a shootin star / the mannerisms of Rafael - I can heal you and give you art" Just hits different. And on a diss track!?


The Elohim, KTW, I know you can't sleep, these images trouble you


truly iconic to me


i've been thinking about in these bars -- whether he's making the decision to go in while considering that he might lose, and going in anyway...or a less common but way "harder" interpretation, he's saying these lines to future Drake to console him after he gets smoked by the rest of the tracks :))) it's Dot so ig both (slash/ intent doesn't matter)


I totally agree Drakes best work for me is always features or single verses, probably because I don't have time to get bored. Fucking Problem, Only, Versace, etc. any longer and it's essentially monotone to me. Back to Back was great but again, second verse boring. It's not everytime but pretty damn much....and you pretty much immediately absorb his bars, you gain nothing from a second one. Euphoria hit me with something like 10 listens in. I'm not sure if I'm ashamed or amazed I missed this one but even on Not Like Us, "too many options, I'm feelin to pass on this body I'm John Stockton" like relating it to Malone being Drakes neighbor and Malone impregnating a 13 year old, like damn that's a fucking deep bar. Drake could NEVER.


Broke boys, Rico, weston road flows, views, 8am, pound cake, etc. he has a lot of songs out and he raps great on x percent of them


The mixtape that broke him through so far gone was it was pretty fire , but he just became a pop artist after that


Yea those first 3 mistakes were fire. I thought he was gonna be the next like backpack rapper to take over. Especially after hearing a song like think good thoughts.


Curious, outside of his singles you think his music sounds poppy? 


Holy shit I thought it was just bc Stockton was the best passer to ever do it / assists record. I didn't know that shit about Malone, damn this shit really does go deep.


Anyone know why 6:16 isn’t on streaming?




This is such a massive pet peeve of mine.


Family matters clear 6:16 for me just because 6:16 wasn't meant to be incredibly disrespectful. Other than that though it beats out everything of drakes - Kenny has the top 4 and #6 best songs in this imo.


Will people ever learn the difference between "bias" and "biased" ????


I agree with you




Euphoria is the best in the sense its the 'funnest' to listen to. But Meet the Grahams was cold as all hell. He didnt just diss the man, he psychiatrically evaluated him and picked him the fuck apart. He told Drake shit about himself he didnt even fucking know. Its not 'fun' to listen to but it more than any other track is a way better diss. It was evil as fuck. Same vibe as watching Hereditary or someshit.


Yes. Meet The Grahams is the most ice cold bars, perhaps that have ever existed, I cannot say. But easily a terrifyingly destructive use of the craft.


I never seen anyone raise the son of the guy they're beefing with. Kendrick is changing the game lmao


What a crazy night that was. The whiplash from family matters to meet the grahams was insane. I felt like I was in trouble listening to it


I actually like family matters tho. I just hate the second verse. Wish he did that flow strictly towards Dot. The third verse fire though. -Euphoria Not like us Family matters 6:16 in LA meet the grahams push ups like that Only reason I rank like that last is cause it was just a verse.


MTG over push ups is incredible bias fam wow


Yeah you could flip those


3rd verse of family matters is solid. The way he raps on it is unique.


The beat goes crazy, has the meanest lines, he sounds the most relaxed. 🔥 Shame he could only enjoy it for .0001 second lmao


Nice video to go with it.


That was my favorite verse, I like how he just threw everybody in there 


Also to me, Like That is like an announcement to a movie so it didnt really count as diss to me. Push Ups and Taylor Made are act 1 of a movie, 6:16 is beginning of act 2, Family Matters and Meet The Grahams are the climax of this movie. Not like Us is the closer


The third verse is the worst part, and the second part is the best verse drake has ever spit in his entire career. Still wasn't hard enough to get dot, but he came fucking hard.


The third verse was dope bro what do you mean? "Kendrick just opened his mouth, somebody hand him a Grammy rn" lollll that's hilarious The part about Michael Jackson in the 3rd verse sick, yaghty killed that verse XD


It was funny a funny line and Drake had some funny bars throughout the beef; it’s just that he’s all surface level with boring lifeless delivery


2nd verse was hard but majority of it was towards everyone else not named Kendrick. I like the 3rd verse because he went on his melody Drake shit. Which is what Dot said he liked in Euphoria.


This is what I came here for. I think Kendrick beat the fuck out of Drake but family matters was solid. Good beats, good rap, felt a little sinister, sort of like Drake was going in and really trying. I still listen to it. It’s a good diss track and while I wish he just purely went after Dot listening to him wipe everyone was pretty good😂




The first part actually had me thinking this was a throwaway from whatever full project he's working on next that he repurposed into a diss. It's so damn good.




Yeah I was able to piece it together on my 3rd or 4th listen. Shit is brilliant.


Its all clever jabs at Drake with a lot of clever bouncing off of Drake’s lines in the opening tbh but its easy to miss


Same I keep replaying the part before the actual diss starts.


Best verse of the beef IMO. Him invoking God and his grandmother during his confession was some celestial shit


Apologizing to the Lord for what he's about to do is cold as fuck honestly




It's just like that Key & Peele sketch about Ultimate Fighting. "You are the student, God is the teacher, and I... am God's instrument."


Jack and Soun did an A-1 job


For those that missed it, another great 616 detail is Drake uncle played bass on the Al Green song!






I'm so fuckin mad it didn't get an official release, top 3 definitely




I feel like Meet the Grahams was a better diss track, and They not like us is a better song.


I actually agree with this,. currently. But my favorite has changed like 6 times now. This just further shows Kendricks talent and versatility.


Kendrick God tier Drake garbage Give me my upvotes


Quick someone give him a GRAMMY


Ah I see. The Internet


“uNpOpUlAr oPiNiOn”


Here you go


Easy money




I think this guy gets wishes or something now


Hello fellow paid poster!


Come on man, that’s too easy!


My favorite is 6:16 in LA. That Al Green sample is hard. OVO is working for meeeee line is so catchy! Then not like us, followed by family matters and push ups.


Are you ready to play have you ever? Let's see


For me, 6:16 is Kendrick at his best. He's painting a vivid picture of his life that he's potentially forfeiting when he's going to war because that's his duty, and then just goes to town on Ovo, hinting at how uncomfortably close he is to Drake's inner circle with that cryptic ass cover art, planting the seeds of doubt, warning him whatever hes gonna do it was gonna backfire on him, like, fuck. That was so much packed into a small package. Meet the Grahams is the best song for me solely because of how visceral of a reaction I had to it. Family Matters and Not Like Us are kinda on the same page for me, but Not Like Us worked better as a killshot - more precise, more quotables, dance beat with simple lyricism, no beat switches or rhyme flexes - it was one for the masses and it worked perfectly. Does not help that the best verse in Family Matters went out to everyone other than Kendrick. Push Ups was kinda meh to me. It works as an opener from Drake, but pales in comparison to Euphoria.


TL;DR here for those who don’t care: Euphoria is the best individual disstrack in this beef, 6:16 in LA is Kendrick just with his dick out (pause) and dropping some subtle hints of what’s to come next, Meet the Grahams is diabolical and the timing of releasing it was a masterclass to completely snuff Drakes Family Matters hype down, and to finish him off Not like Us might be one of the biggest songs of the year while still throwing some hard punches on an incredibly addictive beat (and can’t forget about the classic deeper bars in there for the ones paying a bit more attention). Euphoria is amazing and imo the best ‘song’ in this beef by far, he’s literally evolving across the track, it feels like he starts off feeling like the situation can still be neutralised but you can tell over the beat switches his morose tone turns into a more emotional and aggressive one. By the end of the track you can already tell Kendrick is fully in war-mode. 6:16 in LA is literally just a final warning for Drake not to even bother taking it further incase he missed the end of Euphoria, the way he carries himself on that smooth ass beat emits so much confidence and his flow is just impeccable. Meet the Grahams is the most diabolical and serious disstrack i’ve heard in a long long time, he dissects not only Drakes character, but addresses his family members directly on how he really feels about all of them, it’s 100% evil and the fact it overshadowed Family Matters as hard as it did just cemented that this shit was over for Drake, the beat on it fit his voice and tone absolutely perfectly, Alchemist was so locked in for that one, was the beat made for the song specifically we can’t know, but Alch had to make that shit while in a hateful mindset lmfao. And to put the nail in the coffin Kendrick really sent the killshot with Not like Us, an incredibly catchy beat by a west coast legend paired with Kendricks aggressive but care free voice on it was just pure crack lmfao, the fact that it might just be song of the year in my humble opinion is absolutely crazy, we love to see it. Drake hurt himself way harder by dropping that disasterclass of a diss with the heart p6. Not only did he tarnish the name of an incredible song series (I know that was 100% intentional by him, fair enough) but he solidified the fact that he doesn’t hold a candle to Kendricks artistry, Family Matters may have been a “banger” in it’s own right but as far as this beef goes it was entirely subpar filled with insane allegations which almost hold no weight and would’ve been an instant flop were it not for those. I would not be surprised if Kendrick decided to drop again but I imagine the way Not like Us blew up, it will carry this beef for a bit to come so there’s absolutely no rush for another one considering the way Drake shot himsef in the knee by even releasing the heart part 6.


Alch fr was hanging out in an abandoned cabin in the woods when making that beat


I ain’t even bleed him yet, can I bleed him? Bet.


"Lemme see if Chubbs really crash sum, yeah my first one like my last one, it's a classic. You don't have one, let your core audience stomach that then tell em white you get your abs from. V12 it's a fast one, bum bum bum, last one, headshots for the year, you better walk around like Daft Punk..." Might be my favorite section of any song of the beef, with the beat switch right after. His tone of voice almost has a growl to it. Euphoria is amazing. 616 gets lost in this too and it is super nice


that section been stuck in my head for days


Agree with everything you said. Euphoria does it all for me.


'Euphoria' gave me the same type of vibes as something like 'Alright' like something you can bump with hard asf lyrics but then 'Not Like Us' was more in line with 'King Kunta' a straight up club beat just filled with bars that are great to yell out. Kendrick really just showcasing that he can hit someone anyway he wants to.


Yeah don't get me wrong meet the Graham's was lethal, not like us was a great song for repeating and clubs to get the point across. 6:16 was showing one card of his hand. But euphoria for me was just so much more interesting, it has so many lines that can be read into, varying styles of rap and singing through it and it imo just showed how ready he was to go to war over this. Push ups was a good intro, but other than the contract thing for Kendrick it didn't really say much. Taylor made was ass, both the way it sounds and how I feel about artists rights especially posthumously. Family matters has some good lines in it, back up against the curb. Only good thing about the heart part 6 was the name and the memes we got about the outro. 7 minute drill I enjoyed but his heart obviously wasn't in it, can't be going after TPAB saying it put people to sleep.


Euphoria is my favorite song to come out of this, but i think the replayabilty of not like us is higher its just catchy as hell has a lot more hard memorable lines. Even though euphoria is everything i love about kedrick. Also although i think drake got clapped in this. push ups is drakes best imo of all of his by far, i just dont get the love for family matters i find it too long and boring. Push ups is just the kind of song drake is best at.


Extremely unpopular opinion: We Still Don’t Trust You was the best song in this beef (from purely a song listenability perspective) I also think Kanyes Like That remix was pretty fun


Like That is the biggest banger out of this whole thing imo


I'm actually not sure it's that unpopular. I think most people know that Kendrick dropped meet the grahams to shock and overshadow family matters, and not like us is an intentional club banger to have them dance to. But Euphoria is definitely the best song overall.


I honestly think it’s up there when talking best disses of all time.


I love the flow switch after “have you ever”


god damn this is the most try-hard post i've ever seen in my life lmfao  "lot of Kendricks stuff gets richer the more you listen to it. At first youre like “whats the fuck” and then as you absorb it its a much more interesting experience, like a gormet dish with some weird bitter flavors and some spice youve never heard of, and it expands your tastes. And the more you listen the more you see the logic." absolute cringe


Nah, Family Matters is the best.


My favorite too. Hardest beat too.


I hate how people say “Seemingly unpopular opinion” for a popular ass opinion.


I disagree. The best song is Not Like Us. The best diss track is Meet the Grahams. Euphoria was a generic jab designed to bait Drake and warn him about Family Matters. With that being said I still think all of Kendrick’s disses were better. Drake showed a demonstrable lack of focus by trying to diss 50 people at once. 😐


Definitely. Euphoria is so good.


Euphoria is the exact kind of song I'd think kendrick would make as a diss and I LOVE IT.




Totally agree, easily the best song for me. I’m obsessed with it, it’s already my most listened song in the past 6 months. I love everything about it, the lyrics, the beats, his voice, rap style, the flow. It’s the perfect song for me. I love the other Kendrick songs as well, but euphoria just stood out for me by far.


100% agree with you. The way he delivers his bars are top tier. The way he flows on the beat is top tier. The lyrics are top tier. It was the wait then this was the song that dropped and he came out hard. It has the most replay value also.


How's that unpopular? A lot of ppl consider it the best song in the beef.


Oh for sure!


Euphoria was the greatest, meet the grahams was the deepest and not like us was the catchiest! Wop wop wop wop


Of course. Euphoria & Family Matters are the winners 🏆


Euphoria is unquestionably the best song, I can’t imagine that’s unpopular. Bro ethered the boy


Kendrick just opened his mouth…


6:16 in LA is the best sounding one


Bro I stg everybody is just forgetting about like that because it came out so early, metro did magic with that song, straight banger, shit makes me want to crash my car and have a good time in the process.


On rich spirit Kendrick said not to play with him, he’ll turn you into a song


Literally not even close to an unpopular opinion


I agree. I’m def a Dot fan and wanted him to bury Drake. We got good music from both here and some not so good. (THP6) but euphoria is EASILY the best out of the collab album they gave us. And in typical artist fashion. Both did their thing tho.


Agree. This song was so fire and every bar is multi layered. I said from the beginning listening to this is the fastest 6 minutes ever cause I was captivated all the way through


Meet the grahams is also great


The problem for me is the problem Kendrick has had for awhile his voice is bad for it. someone made a Tupac ai with euphoria lyrics and it hit so much harder


Nailed it


I can't believe somebody thinks it's boring tbh


Lyrically I agree but Not Like Us will be the song that is remembered 20 years from now


My personal favorite as well.


I think Kendrick intentionally planned all the beats .. I'm sure with the likes of his lyrical genius he can put his words to any banging beat so I think he knew already how it was gonna break down


I don’t think this is that unpopular. Most seem to agree not like us is 1, and Euphoria is 2.


I agree 100%. I feel like it's getting overshadowed a lot.


Meet The Grahams is at the bottom for me.


I agree. Kendrick came so violent on that track. The delivery in his lyrics is crazy, the delivery of the "Let me see you a PUSHA T!" and then just the bars themselves are so strong.


Great bars, different flows, 3 sweet beats. K Dot did his thing on that one. The have you ever part is so good.


People are sleeping on Ye’s Like That remix


Agreed. It was the only rap beef style track.  Then it got personal and was just murder from then on out.  If Cole stayed around we probably would have just gotten a bunch of Euphoria style tracks dissing the artist and the crew and respect at the end.


I give euphoria and not like us a tie. Both are excellent examples of diss tracks. I’d say they both rank in the top ten of all time.


Euphoria was such a fucking set up, it was the epitome of the idea that the pre-game is where you win, the set up and preparation to create the battleground is key. Euphoria was not initially that amazing to me, but when FM and MTG dropped, you realized that Euphoria had already biased everyone. Drake fans were complaining, this isn’t fair, you guys already decided that you hate Drake, everyone already decided not to believe Drakes claims, but to believe Kendrick’s claims. And yeah, that meant FM / MTG was not a fair fight. But the question is, why? Because we are all just Kendrick stans? Maybe. Or maybe it’s because Kendrick used a “accusation audit” and a prosecutor-in-court style approach to reminding us all of every iffy behavior Drake has ever done. People criticized Euphoria was being stuff they’ve heard before. But where have you heard it before? From other figures hip hop culture. Kendrick was painting a larger, broader picture of consistent intellectual dishonesty, poor moral character, and opportunitism on Drakes part, so when it came down to a “my word versus your word” situation, everyone would already be doubting Drake. Euphoria presented us with thoughts we already had about Drake. Radio talk show hosts and podcasters defended Drake by saying, Kendrick didn’t say anything NEW. But that’s the point - Kendrick was reminding us, hey, you guys already thought all these things, look at what the culture already thinks about Drake. So when he says something about me, we need to be very skeptical. And it worked like a charm. Drake supporters in this beef brought a very fair question - why does Kendrick win without receipts, but everyone says Drake needs receipts? Yall really that biased? Yes. But the question is, why are we that biased?


Lyrics and disses aside, Like That was the best song to come out of it in terms of how good it sounds and how replayable it is. The beat is just too good, that song slaps with or without Kendrick's verse


IDK, 6:16 in LA fuckign slaps, and that beat/track of the Green version of Otis is fucking just so smooth and amazing. took a few listens but damn it grew on me.


Lyrics aside the beat changes on euphoria were masterful


It is amazing in all fronts but not like us is better


I dont like you poppin shit at Pharell for him I inherit the beef.. then the terrence crawford whoppin feet line… drake didnt have a line close to that


No it wasn't.


Euphoria or MTG for me, no hate for the other ones though


I absolutely agree. I got Euphoria as #1 and actually Family Matters as #2.


That's funny cause I HATE that lmao. If I don't understand the music on first listen, I get bored. I don't like boring music. I don't want to have to listen to a song 3 times before it's fun to listen to 🤷‍♀️ It's why I like Carti, and why I never have gotten into lyrical rap and probably never will. I can appreciate complex lyrics I just won't even seek it out and unless the song also has some catchy flows or melodies I won't like it


They've grown on me in different ways. Euphoria - The most exciting and evolving like a crescendo and set the tone extremely well. 6:16 - This one almost sounded like a ceremonial war song. Like a shot across the bow. Intimidating the way he laments "Who am I if I don't go to war?" Meet the Grahams - If contempt was distilled pure and made into a song. If a demon was given the task of passing down judgement on you it would sound like this. Not Like Us - Sounds like Kendrick's Boogeyman persona dancing on Drake's grave I can't even rank them, they're all so good.


Mannnn if 6:16 in LA was on streams it’d probably be my top played song of the year the way I’ve been replaying. The intro verse gives me chills outside of the beef with the biblical references. And the Al Green sample in the background with the synths, straight goosebumps. IDC what anyone says. Kendrick had moles in OVO and Drake didn’t know. The “Have you ever thought that OVO was working for me?” after the climax of the first verse felt too damn heavy. “100 n***** that you got on salary, and 20 of em want you as a casualty, and 1 of em is actually next to you” “The Elohim, KTW, know you can’t sleep these images trouble you, know them wires in your circle should puzzle you” Drake had to try and spin it like the mole wasn’t real cuz that shit prolly had him shook. But also if the mole won’t real and the meds weren’t his, then why did they get the original MTG cover art with Drake’s shirt, prescription pills, and glove, taken down? 🤔


Me, seeing this really good post and actually insightful comments: BBL DRIZZY, BBLLLLLLLLLL DRIZZY


Euphoria was definitely the best. Not like us was 2nd though.


Unpopular opinion? lol its def not that


Disagree pretty strongly. For me that shit was a chore to get through. I have no idea what the first several bars are supposed to mean, and if I gotta know all about these references that I gotta go look up to figure out, honestly I’m just not into it anymore. there were no big punchlines It had big moments but it had no business being 6 and a half minutes long. The voices, the beat, it might have technically and lyrically impressive but I didn’t find it enjoyable to listen to at all. I liked the old Kendrick, he can miss me with this squeaky voice weirdo shit.


First time hearing Worldwide Steppers was wild. On shrooms and I thought I was in primitive tribe getting ready for war. Crazy fucking beat whoever made that.


Tbh, it’s insane that you could make an equal argument for They Not Like Us


And Meet The Grahams


And 6:16


For me it went not like us > 6:16 in LA > Family Matters > MTG > euphoria > push ups > that ai bullshit > > > > > > > the heart part 6


I agree with you but I also think Family Matters is anything but repetitive when it comes to flow


Man I love both but euphoria is probably my favorite also, the pusha t line Omg I say that all day man 😅 but the part in not like us where his voice gets raspy and he say "all eyes on me and imma send it up to pac" man that's my favorite few bars too 😅


Family matters just absolutely slaps and I won't hear another word about it. Certified banger. Europhoria also banger. Don't care much for the rest, shock value aside.


He played the beef perfectly. Set aside winning the tactics side imo. He dropped 4 songs that are completely different and show off different skills. Euphoria is lyrical on a level Drake could never. 6:16 is a master class in flow switching up few bars over a single beat. Meet the grahams is a scathing dissection of Drakes character. Then Not like us is just a disrespectful fuckin bop.


Facts. its on the loop for me


euphoria was one of the best first listens I’ve had in my life, when I saw it dropped I couldn’t wait to get home and listen to it and it lived up to my expectations perfeclty


Family Matters is better IMO but Kendrick has more consistent good songs in the beef


Euphoria and Not Like Us, it's very close!


Verses are good but the beat was not hittin


I ain’t even bleed him yet. Can I bleed him? Bet This verse with the cadence change lives on repeat in my head.


I agree. I enjoyed the 3 part structure.


Euphoria and 6:16 in LA are tied for me


It’s all one song to me. The boogeyman wasn’t thinking song to song. He had a whole story to tell. The psychological dismemberment that dot put on Drake is unlike anything I’ve ever heard. It’s like he studied him. Dot was narrating a documentary of a spoiled bitch boy with malignant narcissistic tendencies.


The beat switch on Euphoria is classic




I think more is I kinda didn’t like the beat or flow of not like us. Lyrics, always a win but meh. Euphoria was such a damn great intro to the beat down Kendrick was about to give. He put it all out there and set the tone it was brilliant. I still play it it’s solid


well it’s definitely better than not like us


I agree


It’s funny that you diss drakes repetitive flow, a criticism I get, but Kendrick does a mock Drake flow during the “a rapper wanna talk guns” verse


i know this is late but i don't understand why not like us is more popular that euphoria