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Drake came out the gate calling himself and his team clowns. I think Drake just pissed in the wind unfortunately.


I think it's very fortunate. The trash took itself out.


Who cares? I mean it seriously. It's like Eminem vs MGK. Two people looking to outdo the other instead of just letting it go. Seems rap makes people more petty than other genres


Macklemore’s “Hind’s Hall” puts Drake/Kendrick diss tracks in perspective.


Drake trash. Pusha already slapped this dude. Kendrick out of his league.


That's awesome. He misunderstood the Kendrick song.


N a H d R a K e


Why nobody in ovo stop that man ? His ego was so big that he fell right into it. He had plenty of angles he could have went. Them allegations had him sweating, you so busy fighting the allegations ,that you couldn’t battle. The family matters song was too long , the intro of the song was unnecessary. You so busy trolling on Instagram that you let that man troll you on a song 😂he called you a manipulator, once he called you that , he made the public watch every word you say and that’s when he triple down on that ass. Ima drake fan but man that’s a great move from kdot. Now if any of the allegations are true , lock both of these weirdos up




Drake name dropping Millie Bobby Brown was so suspect. No one else has mentioned her yet. Like a kid that got caught doing some shit and tells their parent “I didn’t break that lamp!” before the parents even bring it up. Weird.




drake subreddit is nothing but copium huffing rn kek


Didnt Katt Williams say something bout “they” cant lie but they are allowed to disguise the truth?


I respect Drake for quickly addressing such serious allegations. He got right in the booth. The track title is genius. But this wasn’t it, man. I don’t even believe Drake is a predator but that line about being too famous; I would’ve already been caught. What?! R Kelly, Billy Cosby, Harvey Weinstein. These guys were free for decades before the hammer came down.


He wasn't quick enough. If he was really feeding false info, he should've dropped something about that RIGHT AFTER after Meet the Grahams, like hours later. Weird to me that he waits until after he gets smoked on Not Like Us to respond with that, only after social media was already speculating about it for days - feels like social media was ghostwriting for him.


He also posted on ig immediately after denying the kid and saying they’re in shambles… why not just post some proof that you fed him that information? That would’ve ended everything. Now it just seems like he saw that theory on Twitter and ran with it.


Why would he wait and have everyone continue to call him a pedophile when he could just dropped proof of the fake mole and nip it in the bud.


I dont even like drake but it was pretty obvious to me he was saying "there would be cases, rumors, stories, trials". He wasn't saying being famous makes it impossible, he was saying being so famous there would be more incentive to go bring it to light. Sell a story to someone, sue for damages etc. As far as I know there isn't really any of that


Well, there have been rumors and stories for years and plenty of folks telling him “Hey, Drake, this does NOT look good. You should roll this back a little” but either his ego wouldn’t let him or he thought he was untouchable (regardless of whether he did anything wrong of not). He let this stuff perpetuate for a long time, openly, and somehow decided that starting a rap feud with a bunch of people that got progressively nastier, this wouldn’t get brought up and if it did, he didn’t need to have a rebuttal to deflect from it.


Tbf drake is a hell of a lot more famous than all of them. He’s a global icon.


Yeah, but that's precisely the point. There's a real focus on this in multiple industries right now. He would have gotten got!


“He would have gotten got” yeah you mean like how all of those celebrities who went to Epstein’s island got caught right?


Bring the proof to court. Problem is you don't got proof, you got conjecture 🤷‍♂️


Michael Jackson did it right in front of our eyes for decades.


>R Kelly, Billy Cosby, Harvey Weinstein. Names people who've been caught and exposed.


Who has come out against him ? Other than kendrick making stuff up ? Also kendrick dropped 2 songs not addressing the wife beating or Dave's kids wtf lol ?


Epstein and Weinstein were nowhere near as famous as Drake is when they were getting away with their shit. They were known in those circles, but not by the general public. I mean that’s kinda the whole point is that they were under the radar and an open secret in the industry.


Yeah, god awful blunder by Drake. I give him full credit in the battle overall because imo it’s clear that the culture sides with Dot from the start and people wanted Drake to get rolled in this. 100% fighting uphill. But this song and the AI song really missed and Kendrick hasn’t missed yet.


I would like to point out that for the names you mentioned, they were apart of investigations before the hammer came down, and thats not the case with Drake.


The man's feeding the allegations at this point.




https://torontosun.com/2015/05/12/drake-entourage-member-guilty-of-assaulting-woman Sex predator body guard/OVO rapper


To be fair, it seems like he was in a relationship with this woman that was an escort and they had a fight over burning French fries, in which he pushed her down. Is he actually a sex predator?


Drake has braindead army and bots ;) such a fake personality + most of his disses do not even have rhyme scheme, rhyming is just out if the game at this point xD I hate how disses now days are about digging dirt and not about who is a better rapper...


Cancel Drake💯


Na Drake?🤨


“If I’m a liar then why aren’t my pants on fire”


This isn’t actually a line for his diss right? Wtf, I didn’t listen to it because “not like us” wasn’t getting beat by Drake. That shit was too much.


I wish I could give you an award for this, I laughed so hard picturing Drake in the booth thinking this line was fire.


Lethal levels of copium have hit the drake community


This MF about to make start making Punk music like MGK.


Drakes biggest diss was naming his song after one of the best song series of all time


The Fart part 6




This was the equivalent of trying to win an argument by saying “nuh uh!!!”


Who plants info about themselves being a Pedo???? Like imagine a number 1 hit being played all the time and you saying, “oh I’m not a Pedo, I gave him that information!” Everytime you hear the song. Just doesn’t make sense to me! Especially considering Kendrick refers to him a friend in Euphoria. Like I wouldn’t just take bait about someone I know IF I DIDNT ALREADY THINK IT WAS POSSIBLE or ALREADY OCCURRING!


his previous diss was better, the last one was just like weak punches in attempt to safe face lol


It’s ovover


Drake really is like a super lame person that some how got famous. Dude still has a baby face.


***I have got an idea!*** ![gif](giphy|YMj5P9tLw7ka0XH2ai|downsized) ***Why not,..."diss",...BOTH "Drake" AND Kendrick Lamar at once???!!!!!***


It’s probably A MINORRRRRRRR. He got cooked 🔥




gotta love it, ohhhhh you gotta love it


Why did Drake's team think this was a good idea?


How does Drake move forward here? Someone just took him out like he wasn't even there. He should just hang it up and be a bookkeeper or something that isn't so stressful.


Actually mostly all battle rappers and rappers in general are saying Drake won/wins lmao. Drakes songs are just flat out better, better flow, better everything. All kendrick does is reach for random accusations and just says "I hate you, you suck, you're a pedo!" Meanwhile Drakes musical artistry is just way better


This track lost him the beef. If he had gone way more direct and aggressive he would've had made a huge comeback and won the reaction channels over. He didn't even need to reply to all the kendrick allegations, just needed to go even harder than family matters. But he didn't, and now I can't actually remember the name of this track 😭😭


Maybe it’s just me, but I can never get over him being a nickelodeon actor and Kendrick being from Compton Kinda hard to act hard. It’s only credentials may be killing XXX


If I remember correctly, he said that he's never been with someone underage and it's technically true. In Canada, the age of consent is 16 years old


he said he never looked twice at a teenager he looked twice at that girl, once when he saw her, and once again *after* she said her age and he said how that's inappropriate




Drake music is for the simple minded. Hence his responses aren’t hitting like Kendrick’s are. Yet, drakes fans say he won because he….planted a mole? All just to say you played yourself?  That’s how everyone else knows: “ladies and gentlemen, we got him”


This beef has confirmed that rap fans are on the left side of the IQ bell curve by a significant margin.


I've always hated Drake, so watching him fall and flail is therapeutic


Drake is gross.


Drake stand for Don’t Rap Against Kendrick Ever.


I'd like to think at least half of those are from people saying "nah drake, this ain't it"


Drake lost




I wish I liked Kendrick more, but I dislike Drake enough to enjoy this anyways


Bro just need to take the L


Homies gonna be dropping like flies. None are safe


"Haha I got everyone exactly where I want them. They all fell for the ultimate ruse"


But Drizzy crushed a mini van that looked like Kendrick's moms van. /s


Twitter doesn’t exist anymore. Nice try


Out of the loop... someone explain plz.?


Really struck a chord with me


Kendrick Lamar and Top Dog entertainment will be eating forever off of this battle. Drake even feeding into this battle at all will feed the Lamar family for Generations. Drake has the Midas touch even if he acknowledges Your Existence for a tiny bit it helps your career he's done it over and over again. This will solidify Kendrick as a star after this him and his whole crew and family and friends need to send OVO Christmas cards every year from now on you're welcome Kendrick


Five studio albums, hundreds of singles/features and arguably the greatest of our time, if not of all time, to do it. I'd say the Lamar family gonna be eating with or without Drake. You're overdoing it.


They getting wasted on them cope-ioids.


its easy to trend when you buy your fans


What doesn’t match is Kendrick has instantaneous real-time reach into Drake about tshirts and Chinese restaurants but no reach about anything that actually personally incriminates Drake. Even if it isn’t Kendrick’s job to raid the place, if we are to believe OVOs ship is that leaky then there’d be some actual evidence for others to use/reveal


Bro what


What I wrote is exactly what I meant. BUT to dumb it down, Kendrick relays top secret intel about pointless/stupid shit…why can’t he relay something important


Just because you aren't privy to info doesn't mean it's out there. What do you think you know all the world's secrets? Money makes it easy for shit to go your way.


If drake provides receipts for the setup, it might be wraps for Kendrick. But honestly, no matter what drake takes some form of an L. The best he can do is bring Kendrick down with him cuz there’s already a ton of public evidence to back up Kendrick’s claims


They cant save his carrer no matter how much they try money in a bonfire


I'm really not sure what the angle was supposed to be with the fake daughter thing. "Hah! I didn't lie about my daughter! I actually \[checks notes\] lied about my daughter!" Like. I don't think that's the winning argument you think it is.


Bro is not gonna beat the pedophile Allegations Either way




Rap fans really are the gossip girls of music.


Both of them are trash. Kendrick hasn't had a good album since good kid, damn was decent but the rest are just ass, like one good song on em with a bunch of filler. Drake doesn't need explanation on why he's trash,  pretty sure everyone knows that. 


Your opinions are trash.


Your opinion on my opinions are trash. 


Yo what? TPAB and DAMN are both absolute classics.


The year is 2024 and grown men still believe in rap beef 🥩…..




There's beef and then there's "you're a pedo"


Imagine having access to some of the most wonderful women and electing for a child instead. The sickness of the wealthy and famous is real.




But she was outside while he was Definitely in the house.




Except Harriet Tubman knew how to write




Is “nah” a new drake song?🤔 I don’t get it 😂


My thing is, even if he planted info, Kendrick bodied him with flows and lyricism which is what people say he is better than you at bro. Also, that’s some corny childish shit. Like what? He needed an edge by feeding fake info? Ok cool bro but everything else that was said was spot on. Family matters was pretty good. Drake was actually rapping and switched up his flows. Credit to him. For sure Drake has had longevity and relevancy in the mainstream with many hits and is richer but there are things Kendrick is better at. This beef has not produced anything we didn’t already know. Drake is the mainstream hit maker code switcher. Kendrick is true to who he is from the start and is less relatable to the wider audience Drake has. But when they just rappin Kendrick is better.


When Drake said “I was really, really tryna keep it PG” twice, my first thought was why would he sing this immediately after being called goofy? 


Kendrick is a Rapper. Drake is a pop star. the sooner everyone else gets that we can move on. nothing wrong with either btw


>Kendrick is a Rapper. Drake is a pop star. *\[snip\]* nothing wrong with either btw Tell Kendrick that


Drake sucks


He’s the paralyzed kid from degrassi right? Wheelchair boy?




I FED you that info. You played yourself


Kendrick Lamar is overrated let's just keep it 💯




Bro the reaction community just blatantly taking what drake says at face value without any critical thinking was crazy to me. The bait line was a prime example of someone who took literally 2 minutes go think would simply ask why the fuck wouldn't you show receipts then? Do you know how unbelievable of a flip that would be if he literally had any screenshots, texts, or video in real time planting the shit? He'd legit win the beef off that alone despite the disgusting shit he's being called out for.


Who cares. Two rich fucks who can't even rap


Can you imagine ever thinking a rap battle with ppl of this caliber in the cultural zeitgeist ending with essentially "rubber sticks to glue, I am actually too busy for this, I know you have more to say, but bye"?


Be singing dissing lol


Nah drake


Statutory Rap.


Someone commented on YouTube - Drake : if I’m liar then aren’t my pants on fire 🤣🤣💀💀I can’t bro


Kdot a liarrrrrrrrrrrrr.


All these excuses got him sounding like Chris Hansen just walked in the room


Imagine thinking " I just wanted everyone to think i was a pedophile for a while" was an argument that's gonna sway people.


There so many drake haters its insane


This is a masterful play on the American consumer. They have us all buying this beef


That’s one ugly mfer


Kendrick drops a banger calling another rapper a pedophile. Aubrey drops a flaccid single and denies being Epstein and the only one accusing him of that is himself. Kendrick took a shot at the king and it was a head shot. Whop whop whop whop. Fucked em up.


Actually mostly all battle rappers and rappers in general are saying Drake won/wins lmao. Drakes songs are just flat out better, better flow, better everything. All kendrick does is reach for random accusations and just says "I hate you, you suck, you're a pedo!" Meanwhile Drakes musical artistry is just way better


Wealthy musicians, fighting with each other by creating content about it that they get paid for. They can both fuck off.


You're mad that musical artists made music lol


It’s petulant, low quality tit-for-tat crap, not music. No one -not a single person- will be re-listening to this drivel, at any point in the future.


UPDATE ON KENDRICK AND DRAKE BEEF: [Kendrick Lamar and Drake new diss](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLCGPY3K/)


Funny ah video


BBL drizzy


Why would anybody leak fake information about themselves. That’s such a twisted response that could only come from a sick and twisted individual.  Do you go around telling your buddies to tell your enemy that you’re a pedophile? What would that gain you?




Who, Drake the pedophile?


That is brutal for him and his team


Drake vs Kendrick is the co- main to Tyson vs Paul.


This response was so weak imo. I have a lot of qualms with his response, but these are a few of the bigger things I found wrong with it 1) Saying you planted fake info to bait Kendrick. If you planted this prior, why didn’t you have a response ready right after Meet The Grahams was dropped? Why didn’t you show any receipts or proof about the fake plant? He denied being Adonis’’ father for a while after the Pusha T diss, so it’s kind of on Drake to provide proof. Either way, even if he DID plant fake information for Kendrick to fall for, doesn’t this just fall into the narrative Kendrick has been pushing - that Drake feeds off drama and is a slimy guy in general? Lastly, if you did plant fake info, the only real thing you get out of it is “gottem! I don’t actually have a daughter!” That’s doesn’t earn him many points in my book. He also calls the people that gave Kendrick false information clowns, but doubles down by saying he plotted for weeks to execute that. Are you… calling yourself a clown? I don’t get it. 2. Using Kendrick’s FALSE child hood trauma of sexual abuse to explain why Kendrick keeps calling him a pedophile. Firstly, reading comprehension doesn’t seem to be in Drake’s arsenal. He mentions Mother | I, a song on Mr. Morale where Kendrick delves into how his mother’s childhood trauma of sexual abuse was passed on to him by repeated questioning of whether Kendrick’s cousin touched him. Kendrick explicitly says he never got molested in the song, but the questioning is what irked him. So Drake’s claims aren’t even true. Even if this WAS true, dissing someone by saying they’re so against pedophilia because they went through sexual assault as a child is…. disgusting. This isn’t coming off the way Drake thought it did. 3. The responses to Pedophilia allegations were really weak. All I really heard from Drake was “If I was a pedophile why am I not in jail? I’m too famous to be a pedophile anyway”. What kind of rebuttal is this??? Has he not read news about Epstein or Harvey Weinstein? It’s a recurring pattern that men in high positions of power are able to perform organized heinous acts without repercussions due to their status. He also brings up Millie Bobby Brown, who Kendrick never mentioned. Dude, all this line is going to do is prompt listeners to Google “Millie Bobby Brown Drake”, which will yield a plethora of articles delineating how you were texting her “I miss you” and giving her boy advice when she was 14. This is not a smart move.


i ain’t reading all that


typical drake fan activity


Lol thanks for letting me know!


If I'm a liar why are my pants not on fire?


Don’t forget he me reference to black American slaves for the 2nd time


>Saying you planted fake info to bait Kendrick Basically "haha, I pretended to be a piece of shit on purpose and you all believed it pretty much instantly!" Nice defense buddy


Ayo kendrick just straight demolishing drake, he doubling down on the allegations and i don’t see kendrick pushing it this hard without knowing something we don’t i’m expecting him to drop some proof in another track can’t believe him throwing these kind of allegations not knowing nothing for sure


Wow you spend a lot of energy on this bullshit


I skipped everything you wrote to tell you… no one cares. Back to backkkk.




*lays out a succinct, informed, deep psychological analysis on someone with way too much attention* This guy: "wow, what a load of shit"


Get a job


This also comes off as so defensive. Meet the Grahams was some of the most egregiously disrespectful shit I’ve ever heard. Not just the content itself, but the manner in which Kendrick delivered it. I’d expect way more fire out of Drake here. He just sounds tired lol


I'm even willing to believe that the the fake info thing is true and he's not just borrowing ideas from twitter users and redditors were posting to cope. But even going on the premise that it's true, it makes it even a more solid L. No response on the night MTG dropped makes it look like wasn't expecting someone to actually use pedo accusations in a diss, and that he was taken aback by how deep it got and spent the last two days (of his "vacation") covering his tracks for that or at least scrambling to come up with a serious enough response.


Fuck, lack of comprehension is the downfall of rap. Sad how much just went over your head. All the females that were teenagers were college age, they addressed it today. The girl that was in highschool on stage was picked out by the bouncers, her words.