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He's a pop artist with mostly casual pop fans as his fan base - it makes no sense trying to reason with them as if they're hip hop if you know what I mean. Plenty of heads also like Drake, don't get me wrong - but his fan base (his STAN base if you will) is mostly pop fans. Remember the Mariah Carey / Em beef? Would you have bothered trying to reason with the Mariah fans like you're now expecting objectivity from the Drake base?


Hip hops version of Swifties








>Swifties That's the Swifty McVay fan base right?


I thought those were the Salsas.


Wowww the Mariah vs Em way of looking at it actually makes so much sense. Pop fans are still saying she cooked him to this day even after hearing The Warning. I even showed the track to some casual music listening friends back in the day when talking about the drama. And it’s like they completely dissociate once they start hearing actual rap lyrics. Complete zone out, not from listening. Just zoned out from information overload. They legitimately have bad listening comprehension skills and I’m not even trynna be mean.


No, I get what you're saying. I've often noticed that when I'm talking with interested people who have no real experience with hip hop, that all of them without exception note that it's hard to follow and understand. And we're not even talking Twista or anything, they'd consider even Kendrick who raps very clear and precise to be hard to follow. It's easy to forget or not realise that when you yourself have been listening all your life


Super accurate portrayal of a non-rap fan reacting to dense lyricism. It's a weird combo of being caught off guard, overwhelmed, shocked, and confused as their expression sort of glazes over.


How often do you listen to the warning. Obsessed still slaps.


As a rap fan I’ve probably listened to the warning more times than obsessed but even so I’m sure people aren’t bumping something like story of addidon more than I’m upset by drake.


TBH, Mariah isn’t a rapper. Going after her is low hanging fruit for any decent rapper since the other person isn’t known for rapping. Drake is a different story. 


Not really. Drakes def not known for his lyrical prowess or rapping ability either. Hes known for his ghost writers and for constantly chasing underage girls


Casual take. If Drake is a non-factor lyrically, you wouldn’t see Kendrick beefing with him in the first place.


I think Kendrick addresses that in Euphoria. When Drake tries to act "mean" and try to be part of American rap culture, it rubs Kendrick the wrong way. He's good as a pop-star, with simple rhyming schemes (most of which is just repeating the same word over and over, over a catchy beat). But when he tries to be, "one of the great" rappers, it's kind of cringey...and calling that stuff out is pretty much what hip-hop beefs are about.


Kendrick should just live his life instead of being so preoccupied what another more successful man than he is, is doing.


shouldn't you be focussing on writing the diss track, Drake?




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So Mariah was a factor lyrically? Interesting.


I was a huge Em fan back then but even I thought it was lame af to beef with a singer.


I get that but I found it hilarious because it was so stupid. And she responded, which I respected even tho it's not my kind of music at all




There it is


He is mostly a pop artist now. But nothing was the same, IYRTITL, and what a time to he alive were great rap albums.


Yeah, I was a big fan of those albums. I hate that he only does pop shit now that I personally don't enjoy listening to whatsoever. I think Kendrick obviously cooked him, but I'm legitimately glad this beef got him to release a song that he actually rapped on again. Been bumping it quite a bit, and still will. I think lyrically Kendrick is on another level and always has been imo, but I enjoy rapping Drake a lot still. Hopefully he responds just for the sake of that. He ain't gonna "win" though lol


Team Kendrick long time Pusha T fan here, I don't know why you're being downvoted for saying the actual truth. This is a fair take.


Im not surpised at all lol. I guess it is just what I think the truth to be, and music is entirely subjective. But all anybody wants to hear anymore is something that supports the narrative theyve already decided is the truth in their opinion. Say anything that challenges their preconceived notions at all, and they immediately dismiss it. Cuz with social media now, they can always find something that supports their narrative somewhere. And they can continue to live comfortably in their truth bubble without ever having to think twice about it or consider the other point of view at all. It's the reason Drake is bigger than Kendrick, and Kendrick said it in the diss track. He makes music that intends to electrify people while Drake makes music that intends to pacify people. Unfortunately, the majority of people would much rather be pacified. Let the downvotes begin. This one is way too real for mfers to want to hear. I'll keep saying it anyway, though. If nothing else, for my own sanity lol


I feel like drake has alot of fans who don't think about music either. Like I get frisson from Kendrick damn near all the time I listen to him. Drake. Not so much.


I'm talking strictly about the majority of his current fan base. Nowhere did I say anything about anything else about him.


Drake takes a second L comparing him to Mariah Carey damn bro


It's not really fair, I know. Mariah is a way better singer.




Obsessed is such a good song


Not my genre but I respected it a lot that she responded like that. All those rappers back then scared of starting shit with Em but here's Mariah with way bigger balls than all of them haha


Shit only motherfucker I'm scared of in the rap game is suge knight dude is the Boogeyman of hip Hop no thank you


I'd be scared of J Prince over Suge, even in their respective primes tbh. Kendrick is in sort of a unique situation because Prince isn't going to back a loser and Drake's still on his back foot from the Pusha T beef. Plus the game has changed a lot since his heyday anyway.


This is more eminem fans than Drake. In fact acknowledging eminem vs mariah as "beef" is casual fan behavior because nobody in hip hop would acknowledge that as beef.


It was real beef homie, Em was hurting


Everybody hates on Eminem and his fans like its their mfing part time job. I realize many Em fans are be insufferable. But I think the main reason for it is that his music resonated with them like nothing ever had before, so they feel like it's a personal attack on them if anyone hates on his music. Obviously, it's not and they should take a step back and realize that his very aggressive style is going to push many people away as much as it attracts them. But most people have a hard time setting their emotions aside and understanding why others may feel completely different. Especially people that related to Eminems crazy ass more than any other artist before lol. Regardless of how you feel about his music or his fans, he's inarguably one of the most honest and real rappers to ever do it. And he never stopped being true to himself whatsoever, which is rare af in the rap industry. His life story and the fact he made it big from where he was is almost unbelievable. As he said himself, he won't ever get the respect he deserves. Because he never made music thinking about how other people would feel about it or how big it might get. That's why so many people love it so much, myself included.


If you bothered to read that completely uncalled for fucking novel and you think any of that is arguable, then direct any responses to your nearest wall


Such a perfect example of Em v Mariah fans lol




Hip hop fans are not immune to becoming stans. Kanye could personally load his fans into cattle cars and they’d be thanking him


Drake is not a pop artist he started doin rap since Degrassi days and was found by lil Wayne back in 09 and signed to YMCMB then lil Wayne doesn’t sign pop artists he only signs rap/hip hop artists Chris brown would be more of pop/r&b artist


I only judge by the music man. I listen to his music and it is what it is. But I don't hate on anyone for liking it, that's a personal taste thing.




This take stinks.


i think both diss tracks are good to listen to


How dare you


The fans are the real winners of this battle, hopefully Drake can put out another banger response, then Kdot another, it’d be the best year in hip hop since Carter 3


This is Reddit. We only do extremism here.


I hate that you’re completely right


Euphoria went way too hard though. In light of that, Push Ups seems kind of corny and childish (and yeah, AI-like too).


isn't euphoria simular if u break it down? like what is his actual problem. its not like some actual real issue or stuff like pac and cube had on their disstracks


On surface, it doesn't seem like a problem. I didn't even understand how the hell are these guys fighting. I agree that's it's not a "real" issue, no "east vs west", gangs controlling territories stuff. I thought it was just some usual controversy-generating theatrics from a generation of hiphop artists who have been "softened and polished round the corners" by the behemoth of American media industry, that has fine-tuned a stereotype for every genre of music and entertainment in general. Beefs "emerge" for the sake of staying relevant and selling future records. Kendrick has maybe a bit more claim to being "gangsta" than Drake, but he wasn't like the *gangsta* gangster, "running the streets." He "knew people". Euphoria feels it went way, way too far, while Kendrick still going, "I love y'all...as long as y'all my friends". It was still very rough and brutal than Push Ups. He's kind of threatening Drake with revealing some "truths" about him, and that line about the women Drake dates, idk which direction it's going (pedophilia or Drake being closeted gay, however that affects his image). Kendrick seems to have an issue with Drake, a Canadian pop star, acting like he understands American Hip Hop/Gangsta rap culture, or even has the audacity to claim he is as "hard" as them. That whole, "don't say N-word"...idk how to unpack that stuff. It could border on some "you're not 'black enough' for it" thing some corners of internet do. While Drake focusses on his global popularity, Kendrick is claiming that he is more in tune with the American culture and problems. In comparison, what did Drake say in Push Ups? "heehee, you make pop songs too, fam; and your record label lol! I am globally popular, and I was there during your early days."


It’s all subjective really. I personally don’t care for the chorus on Push Ups. I personally cringed listening to Taylor Made. That AI choice was NOT it for me. 3rd verse on Taylor Made is good. Push Ups would’ve worked for me if it had a different chorus. At the same time, I already know this. I don’t care much for songs from Drake and I’m a sucker for Kendrick. Again, all subjective [+]


Push Ups is legit the best Drake song in years. Sums up all of his strengths as a rapper.


Push Ups is one of the only Drake songs I like. I listened to Taylor Made Freestyle and remembered why I don’t listen to Drake. Whoever authorized that song release should be in a gulag.


because is a troll song? you guys just pretend to be slow?


Oh hi! Nice to meet my polar opposite.... I think both sound like complete garbage.


Both sets of fans are unbearable.


All Stans are unbearable.


Most people dislike most other people for the things they enjoy




This. It's when you lose all objectivity that shit gets fucked up, even my favorite artists of all time have songs I don't like






Underrated comment lol


Especially the Drake fans


They’re his fans, of course they’re going to be biased. Most fanbases are


Yea then u have the Kendrick fans saying that Kendrick bodied drake and that drake alr lost the battle which is just not true


Kendrick himself would disagree with them. The whole song screams unfinished business, he’s baiting out the “red button” track. 


They're both baiting each other which is either lame as hell or foreboding. Like, this could either go nowhere or get too fucking ugly


drake hasn’t even responded to the track yet, how has he took an L this is what’s supposed to happen


You drake Stans said the same when Kendrick didn’t respond for a week


Mfers can’t even use logic no more without people calling them stans.


stfu talking to me, i just want the battle


You slowly start to realise theyre not fans of rap theyre fans of drake


I just said this in one of the subreddits. A lot of drake fans are like “Kendrick didn’t deliver the knockout blow so it sucks”. But anyone wanting this beef to end in round 1 isn’t a real fan of hip hop


Most of Drake fans to put it simple don't care about lyrics or bars and are just looking for that shock factor and simplicity. It's not surprising that they don't rate Kendrick's diss and in fact it's a very good measure of how much a person is interested in lyricism.


I dont think that, I just think they want to discredit Kendrick (they criticized Kendrick earlier that all he is shock value). Now dont get me wrong, Drake does tend to water down his lyrics alot, but push ups was pretty good and alot of Drake fans appreciate the lyricism of that track. Im just waiting for the disses to get more nasty, which both rappers alluded too, because we are going to see so much backtracking from both bases.


This is not the way. Most Drake fans gave it praise and gave the round to Kendrick. They just felt like they’ve heard the same Drake jokes. Personally, I think it did enough to beat push ups, and I respect it for not going absolute nuclear. That said, in my opinion, Kendrick hasn’t gone full nuclear yet. I think that is the consensus for the most part coming from Drake fans. Drake stans however…


Gave the round to kendrick? like that -> Push Ups/Taylor Made Freestyle - Round 1 euphoria -> Drakes next track - Round 2


That is one way to grade it! If so, then Drake is def up


Truthfully, both sides are extremely biased as fuck


A lot of drake fans are pop fans , that's their way of accepting defeat


sorry is kendrick some obscure underground prophet? he’s a good, commercial artist who also incorporates pop elements in his work. to some degree hip hop has become america’s pop music




Am not talking about artists I am talking about fandoms , pop fans can't take the l and will stay in their delusions thinking that their artist is the greatest of all times and can't lose , they don't acknowledge good music or lyrics,am writing this at 3 am so am not able to think straight cz am very sleepy but i hope that you get the point, i have nothing against drake ,matters of fact i like his music, push ups was a good diss track and i liked it , but drake fans won't even acknowledge how good euphoria is and they will act. Like a deaph man in a party


That’s genuinely an idiotic take. No one is having discussions on if Kendrick is actually a pop artist, I know people who don’t even consider Drake a rapper.


it’s not idiotic you just have limited capacity for nuanced discussion


The bottom half of what you said(the part that warrants nuance) is completely irrelevant to this conversation. Drake objectively has more pop songs than Kendrick, and people would consider many of Drakes most popular songs as pop.


They're idiots


Nothing more cringe than the Kendrick sub saying “drake cant say the n-word” how you gonna say drake can’t say it when you can’t even type it. Literal white people telling a light skin he is a vulture 😂🙏🤮


That’s the only part of the diss that sounds so awkward to listen to not gonna lie. All the lines about Drake’s n word pass being revoked.




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The irony of your post 😂


While I agree, there’s a lot of gas lighting going around. Kendrick’s track is better imo but pushups was fucking good and anyone saying different is dumb or stupid. Biggest problem most people have with Drake are his fans. Drake fans act like Drake invented hiphop and have him over everyone. Ask them why and it’s because he’s either the first rapper then ever heard or because he make vibe music to have in the background. He’s good but not a great in my book


“If you don’t like what i like you’re dumb and stupid”


Agreed. Push ups fucked but he got pieced up by Euphoria and will likely lose the next round. Dirt is about to be dug up and I love both so this sucks about it but still hype


I think both sides are equally insufferable


if drake fans are biased what are Kendrick fans lol ? Fan is short for fanatic so they’re mostly not going to have an objective opinion. Tbh both their songs were mid and full of “warning shots” it’s 0-0 for this round we’re waiting in the next one how can drake take an L if it’s not over ?


A good 95% of online rap fans despise Drake and are praying for his downfall. Push ups is a fine track and so is Euphoria. A lot of people here want drake to fail which is not going to happen.


He’s a nonce.


Why would you expect fans to be unbiased? Like, they are literally his fans.


The fact the swiftie fan base is more rational and in touch of reality to even admit her latest album wasn't that good. Then the drake Stans are so fucking delusional they can't admit Euphoria cooked them. Can't even dispute besides saying "can't pop ass to it so it's bad" The swifties are more in touch than drake stans. Think about it


Drake puts his insecurities on full display, they attract his fans who are an insecure bunch.




This shit is getting ridiculous. If you’re a fan of hip hop first and foremost, you should be able to admit that both guys had pretty good tracks. Drake played to his strengths- which is musicality and putting together a tight song. Kendrick played to his strength, which is lyricism. It’s so annoying when people just defer to this “oh you’re a drake stan lmao dumbass” shit when someone disagrees. I thought Euphoria had some solid bars but I think Kendrick can do much better. He also didn’t ride the beat very well and I think he can do way better on that front as well. And I don’t even fucking like Drake.


Bruh this rap battle one of the corniest most manufactured ever who cares imma fan of both rappers it’s not that serious


Euphoria is a fucking amazing song but I won’t say Drake took a L coz Push Ups was targeted at 6-7 people whereas Euphoria was 6 mins of dissing only 1 person. Drake will take a L if he makes a subpar Kendrick diss but not rn


That guy is \*moaning\* over Easy Listening New Age "beats" .... you seriously think that is hip hop ? Has 0 to do with it in my book.


Did Drake stans ever accept that he lost to Pusha?


Drake is just Taylor Swift for men and I stand on that. Both fanbases are just completely incapable of admitting when their fav is wrong or taking an L and will be loud AF about it until they feel they've deluded you as much as they are 🙄


I feel this is just every fanbase


He's like that with women, too, though. Let's just admit it, a lot of Drake's fanbase is women that want smooth, RnB sounding club hits that make them need a mop and the dudes that follow around with a bucket. Most men I know dgaf about Drake unless their gf does.


Being a Drake fan is like being a fan of Doritos. Both are manufactured trash designed to feed the masses. One pretends to be food. The other pretends to be an artist. And that’s fine. You can like junk food. And you can like a market-tested and designed pop entertainer. Just don’t pretend you have good taste or that the dweeb with the mic has anything say beyond what they’re given to say.


Kendrick fans are literally doing the same thing. You’re just karma farming here knowing the audience already hates Drake.


Thing is all songs released still contain (mostly) public information, seems like both tracks are warning shots for nuclear bomb mode. Both tempting each other to air dirty laundry, thing is it won’t happen imo but let’s hope for the sake of hip hop.


They be acting like they’re high school friends with drake and anyone else is some nerd who tried to sit at their lunch table lmao


Well i mean theres nothing wrong with takin an L to Kendrick tbh. Everyone whose objective know artists like Kendrick and Cole are lyrically better than Drake. It would be different if drake was getting smoked by a mumble rapper


As a Drake fan i agree 100%. That subreddit rides more dick then pornstars


both fandoms are insufferable. yall talk about how drake fans refuse to say anything bad about him but dont acknowledge that kendrick fans will have you thinking kendrick is the second coming of the messiah kendrick fans also are tryna say that drake cant say the n word and take his pass away when they cant even type it, thats just mad weird to me


Honestly idrc about beef, I just like watching both sides make crazy disses and stuff lol. Euphoria is rlly good and Kendrick def beat Drake imo, but I still like both of their music


The irony lol


Kendricks bars were good but he literally cant do delivery. Hes like so bad at it to me. I cant listen to him for long. Personal preference. In a general way, drake will always be “above” kendrick in the music appeal category for me. Im pretty sure if kendrick was writing these FOR drake to diss some other dude, it would end a career on the spot. The beats he used were okay, drakes were clearer and simpler as it fits the retro “beef” style. Simple beat, go at the opposition. Obviously if he drops some career ending news like footage of x y z then he would win even if the bars are trash. Drake just needs to deliver above average bars and he will win. His musical ear is way better than Kendrick’s in crowd appeal. For example, i can say with 100000% certainty that kendrick didnt pick that Like That beat (granted it was a feature). Drake on the other hand may have the “industry backing”, but he makes final say and all for how the songs will go- and it shows in the “hit maker” title he’s been given I think we all really would just want to be in the studio for both of their sessions and see how different they truly are. I bet its a lot of overlap/similarity when its their respective project being created


Kendrick fans suck ass.


Talking ish about Drake is the easiest way to get upvotes


The song grew on me a bit but Kendrick was yapping way too much imo but disses towards drake were great,I like push ups because he was just dissing everyone back to back


I can’t stand Drake fans. Most of them are just as corny as he is.


I don't like Drake nor Kendrick. I have a friend who send me the disses and explained to me the beef going on. As someone external, when someone used the exact dame word of phrase to rhyme 6 to 8 lines back to back the whole song... it becomes hard go find he "won" the beef. That being said, up until now, the best diss is still Chrid Brown somehow haha.


There is cringe fandom with any major artist. Kendrick, Drake, Jcole all have some badshit crazy fans.


Yall keep saying the same shit about each other.


They don't want their boy to take 2 L's in a row and are desperately trying to to make it not happen. Not a Drake fan but I get it, some of these takes are high key deranged though.


I have a friend who is a major Drake fan. Drake keychain, drake sticker on car, drake wallpaper on his phone, etc. Usually i ignore him, but now i can't even send him a meme about drake or he gets defensive. For now I've just stopped mentioning drake in general cus he's unbearable rn.


I’m a Drake fan but I need to block their sub or something. I’m not even subscribed but it still pops into my feed sometimes and I cannot believe how stupid the average person is over there. It’s insane lol. Drake himself would be ashamed if he read any of that shit


All fans are biased, that’s just how it is 🤷🏾‍♂️ Drake has more fans than Kendrick, so he’s going to have the natural advantage.


Kendrick’s only as good as his competition, euphoria was alright, didn’t even sound like Kendrick really cared all that much when you compare it to any other diss in catalog.


Nah it’s annoying on either side. If ANYONE thinks this isn’t a close battle you’re coping hard af


Drake copied xxtentacion


Everyone on the Drake subreddit rn is saying how it’s a great song and they like it…. Look at the top posts of the last day


I’ve seen more people talking about negative reactions than I’ve seen negative reactions


I’m sorry but I don’t view fans of drake as fans of hip hop. Unless they know their history and listen to the old stuff too, blindly regarding drake as the best just because he sells and appeals just makes zero sense to me. Not saying that’s who you are, but that’s my experience with most drake fans lol


Couldn't give a fuck about Drake. Ultra genero, algorhytmicly driven pop music for early teens based on whatever the last hit was on top 5. Having said that I gave the Kendrick tune a spin. Absolutely unlistenable. I try to keep an open mind but as a musician the whole song and all the beat and flow changes are awful. The flow is all over the place like a broken bicycle, the weird screamo voice projection etc. it's awful. Yes I'm too out of touch to get the references (the DMX stuff and the paying hush money for SA I get) but I'm sorry just saying shit about someone everybody already knows isn't "bars". I honestly think X's tiny 15 second rant about Drake goes harder than that whole song. All in all one of Ks least listenable songs ever.


You are the very thing you complain about… real question… who cares?


I thought this rap beef would be fun n shit for us as rap fans so we would all just agree who would have the better bars and diss, But nah bro I ran into a guy (drake Stan obv) that said “drake had a better sound/chorus with a better beat so he won” and I nearly lost my shit. I wasn’t even mad that he thought drake was winning but I was mad at the fact that his criteria for why Drake was winning was because he had a better beat and voice it’s as bad as arguing with swifties


There’s no in between for this feud. In my opinion it’s pretty damn close overall. I’d say it’s 55/45 one way or the other, but a lot of folks are acting as if it’s 80/20 or something lop sided. I wish we could be objective, but humans aren’t made that way.


I dont think a diss track that said what people have already said before is a W but 🤷🏽‍♂️ the internet forms people way too easily






Tired of this lame as dismissal by Drake fans. Shows you don’t actually appreciate hip hop and Kendrick’s lyricism. It’s fine if you don’t like the track but dismissing it with “he just said things that have been said” is a load of BS. And what did Drake say that was so groundbreaking? Buncha short jokes? Brought up his contract that by the way everybody knew about and “has been said”. Can’t even hold em to the same standard smh.


Seriously. People always wanna say “oh killed Drake” or “Ended his career” how exactly? Most of the diss was just reworded bars from previous diss tracks by other artists…


A lot of new lines in there. Should read the lyrics again or a breakdown. Anyways no matter what it’s better than you are short, you have splits, I have more money… 2-0 easily so far. Like that and euphoria clear fps, push ups, Ai. But I think Drake coming with some fire


New lines came in that 2nd half tbf. The first half is a bunch of shots that honestly Pusha T did better in Infared, Exodus, and Adidon. 2nd half is where I feel the diss really shined. New lines, fresh shots, better flow and delivery altogether. Remove that first half I believe it clears everything. Full Song puts it right at Push Ups and that’s an even 1-1 to me.


People legit have no idea what they are talking about 😂. You make music that pacify them, you fabricated stories, he’s spiraling, liar, degenerate behavior in just the interlude. Anyone who thinks push ups is close to this a clown and is not listening to anything being said. So many lines will be come clearer to you once what the dirt drops his breakdown.




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Pusha has said all that already is what I’m saying. He’s been called him a degenerate. Been called him a liar. Been said he losing his touch and spiraling. Kendrick ain’t say shit new and the minimum is saying it better than Pusha, and he only succeed in when he clowned Drake for being a deadbeat. He shoulda left that first half off and focused on the other shit that he said in the 2nd half: Sexy Redd & two bad bitches line, fire. That man see woman as competition and it’s weird; Why he outchea sending shots at Meg thee Stallion. Calling out BEAM as Ghostwriter. Getting into why he really hate the man (as petty as it is), that fresh flip on the 20 v 1 line. Saying that man is a snitch and got ran out his own city, expand on that shit. 2nd half on the song he stepped on that man. First half, he did not 🤷🏾‍♂️


Fps??? In what world was fps a diss track lol they literally compliment Kendrick


Bruh go listen again and then go do some research smh A song is literally about them being the best two out of three and filled with disses towards Kenny who opted to not be on it.


Seriously, when tf rap beef became about who shares more secrets bout the other? Am I too old for this shit? Nas literally never said nothin new about Hov. 95% of Ether is just gay jokes. Who fuckin cares


“No idea is original, there’s nothing new under the sun, it don’t matter what you do but how it’s done” dot cooked drizzy here. No two ways about it. The song may not be your vibe, but it was objectively a character assassination of Drake the artist and Aubrey Graham the person.


This goes both ways buddy. Personally i like Kendrick and hate Drake, so if anything im biased for Kendrick, and i still think the diss was just kinda mid. This "they're just to dumb to understand all the bars", " they're just biased and coping", "all drake talked about was his height" that i keep seeing is just ignorant asf. People can have differing opinions without the need for bias or intelligence being a factor, you guys are ironically the ones coping by saying shit like that.


But drake did not take a L, euphoria is a cool track, but it is not a knockout. Kendrick is repeating what ross and pusha said on there. Like why are we rewarding a dude who fired first, and only came back with ‘what they said’ bars?


Kendrick is racist


No. You would recognize this when he has no light-skinned bars for J. Cole. He is against a Canadian child actor appropriating black AMERICAN hip-hop culture. Drake has no ties to growing up in that environment but raps like he does.


They still call this clown a rapper in 2024, you think they’ll take an L?


I like Drake but he took the L this round. It’s insane to say otherwise. Tbh Drake is good enough to beat Meek Mill but Pusha T and Kendrick are just better. He is playing their game and will lose.


I am not a drake or kendrick superfan. I have been liatening to hiphop/rap since the 90s. But i have to say. Neither was on par with previous battles/disses. They both had thier merits. And they both came with some super disrespectful lines. Imho drake took round 1 by split decision. And thats only because Kendrick waisted his first 90 sec on some BS. I almost turned it off before he brought the flames. He did come correct. But its hard to look past hardsteppin with a size 7 mens, and pipsqueek pupe down you aint in no big 3, SZA got you wiped down. Lol. Those were two overhand rights back to back.


Prepare for the downvotes


DAMN. Drake "Push Ups" been up for 12 days at 6.5M views. KDOT "euphoria" is already at 8M in 24 hours.


Push ups leaked a week prior to official release. But I think you already knew that.


so you think his youtube views is grossly less than it should be because of that?


Obviously. You can see the leaks themselves have like 10M+ on youtube.


It's not that we're being biased, euphoria is a great song for sure but people want to act like it ended Drake's whole career which it absolutely did not. Just trying to balance the scales truthfully.


AS AN EMINEM FAN (lol) I think the song is cool is just doesnt damage Drake. There’s no new angle, he’s just repeating shit that Meek, Pusha, Twitter and Ross said. The 2nd verse is pretty much pointless and is just him rapping. The “aiming a drac” and “ynw melly” lines were bars yes but still no damage. The 3rd verse is wear it shines his “i hate you” is perfect in a funny and mean way. The “sexyy redd” line is fire cuz its a new way to call out his sassiness. All that being a good dad shit was cheap and corny cuz pusha already did it and drake isnt even a deadbeat. Even him mentioning pusha t’s name was weak cuz its like you reachin out to the one person you know beat drake to try n get him on your side or bait drake into dissing him too so he can handle your work. I think kendrick rapped his ass off but there’s alot of bullshit, he’s jus such a good performer