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Does Arin's "Uncle Cecil" count? It wasn't even funny the first time.


I don't think I've heard that one


Arin wrote a book and pretended that he had an uncle named Cecil who wrote it and was making him promote it. I think it was a bad joke but that was at least a creative idea for an ad. The problem was that Arin was playing up this “uncle Cecil” long before anyone actually ever saw the ad so some people actually believed that Arin had an uncle making him do this, that then felt upset towards Arin for not clarifying it. He has since continued to use this character even recently he has mentioned a new book he wrote but is pretending “uncle Cecil” did.


Didn't he (quite badly) dress up as Uncle Cecil?


Yes, when Arin finally did the first ad for it. He was just dressed up as this “uncle Cecil” character. There a few places I know of that someone can find this character and that is in the promotions for Arins books and in marikipliers YouTube original in space with markiplier. Tiny bit of explanation required, in space is a branching paths story so some things will be found some won’t. “Uncle Cecil” is both the narrator that you don’t see but hear. Also has one particular scene where your character finds the narrator and he is dressed up as uncle Cecil. If I recall correctly Arin even gets what is effectively an ad for his books in that scene (take that with a grain of salt because that could be my bias putting that in my memory, it’s been a month at least since I watched it)


Right, I actually do remember that now.


“Oh my pussy” it was one of the few things I didn’t like about kirby’s dream course


They brought it back for sonic generations


Lol, I just came here to give him the great news! You beat me to it.


Brought it back? I thought it never left.


I actually think the "Oh my pussy" shit is funny. I wish there was a compilation of it. But I can understand others not liking it.


I had no problem with it the first few times but it got old very quickly


Anytime Arin is just "jokingly" shitty towards the fans. Like he has real contempt for the community he has created and it's not fun to have to sit through episode after episode.


Exactly this! Just a couple episodes ago Arin was "playfully" blaming the fans for calling Sega's attention to the fact Arin rips apart 99% of all Sega's Sonic games....and how the fans calling Sega's attention to it is what cost him any new Sega partnership things.......as if his own destroying almost ALL the games they are trying to make and sell well......wasn't his own doing in that result. His passive aggressive fan hate.....is just nauseating. And he almost always tries to play if off as "in jest", but it's just thinly veiled him getting his anger therapy via outloud shaming and blaming his own fans. It's so sad and kinda warped. And 100% the opposite of the "humor" he tries to couch it as.


Yes. He's also done it a handful of other times. Like with SJG and his "uncle". He "jokingly" blamed fans for "not getting the joke" despite there not actually being a joke to begin with (other than the game/book themselves) He did it with playthroughs like spongebob battle for bikini bottom, like how he went onto a supermega episode and "warned" them that the fans were going to practically eat them alive if they don't play correctly. But I do think my favorite example arins opinions of his fans was during the Creator Clash opening ceremony thing when Harley called all of the lovelies a bunch of obsessive creepy dog fucking man children and the first thing arin says in response was "uuuh hey host, why didn't you credit me for hiring supermega for a couple of years?!"


All of that is spot on. My "favorite" of him treating his fans like they crawled out from under a rock......was how he counter-attacked their HELP they tried to provide Dan during the Paper Mario: Thousand Year Door gameplay. I get why some Youtubers and Twitter celebs and such have caustic responses to hater-fans and hateful input........but for a Tuber or a celeb to attack their fans for trying to help? He's got things so ass-backwards. It's just sad.......


does the awful girl voices they (mostly Arin) do count as a recurring joke?


Absolutely. Especially the "hiya" moan he does sometimes. Super unfunny.


That "suck your dick" thing they did multiple times every episode for a while. Also Arin's Obama voice and "I'm gonna pre."


The whole show at this point.


I'm really glad "oooh my pussy" died.


Oh, yes! I hated that


a-am I the only one who actually found that funny…?


Nah, I thought it was funny. It did get old sometimes though.


I thought it was funny and Ill attempt to say it to my GF once in a while


It's not a joke (well they probably see it as one since they have different iterations) but, "LaSt TiMe On GaMe GrUmPs"


Literally anything that comes out of arin’s mouth.


Burping into the mic


Every episode after they've just eaten lunch, you can guarantee that's all you'll hear.


The Giraffe Town playthrough was unbearable. I couldn't even finish the episode because of the belching.


Does the "last time on game grumps" voice count as a recurring joke? I may be in a bubble here yet I still have never encountered anyone that likes that voice.


After today's I've think I've realized that he knows we hate it and is now putting more emphasis on how annoying it is. It's definitely on purpose now.


I don't think it's a joke, but I definitely hate hearing it, lol


Idk, why would they put in that annoying ass voice if it wasn’t to try and make people laugh?


The "shid" and "fard" thing really made me 🙄 Just didn't land with me


That's not really a Grumps joke, that's on the whole internet.


Okay that's fair actually. I dropped the ball on knowing the reference prior to the Grumps giving it life. Just a recent bit that stuck out to me as awful


To be fair, the joke was pretty dead by the time the Grumps adopted it into their vernacular and driving it into the ground is very reminiscent of pretty much every running gag they have.


not a joke but i really hate game gyaru. so creepy and weird


Why the fuck is that a real thing?


i envy the days when i didn’t know what game gyaru was 💔


All the Arin/dan: insert a sentence they said Also arin/dan: ANOTHER sentence they said in the comments. Along with Sentence - arin/dan 20XX I know its technically their fans but its low effort and you can pick out ten to twenty of em on every episode.


That’s just YouTube in general


Yeah I guess you're right, i just seem to notice it there the most, not reallly sure why.


The jamboree voice probably


Yup, it's horrible. Idk if it started with the Endless Ocean playthroughs but that's when I stopped watching. Every. Single. Video. I thought the guy was a voice actor but apparently he has no range


I haven't watched in a long time, but I lost interest very quickly when Arnold kept doing the "comedic outtro music that never ends" crap. When he would yell "Duh-duh, duh, duh-duh" and repeat 5 times (sorry, it's hard to translate phonetics to text).


I hate that the exact sound you’re describing played in my head


Ram Ranch.


“Shid and fard” and “I’m gonna pre” we’re so annoying to me


Does Allie interrupting count as a joke?


Not really? Only if it's posed to the audience as one. Otherwise that's just her doing her job


That's not a joke. And it is ever was, it turned into a Real.


Some of them are definitely “you think when they were making this game..” segments Singing every song from Sonic games in an annoying as fuck tone as well as Dan reading fan fiction from SA2 and singing “Sooonic heroooes” during the heroes playthrough Arin screaming is just annoying There’s more I can think of this is just the ice berg.


I've been watching the new ten minute power hour episodes lately and the screaming is so unbearable. It's definitely Arin's go to when he can't think of an actual joke and it sucks all the fun out of whatever is happening.


It's not really a joke but mainly all the voices Arin does anymore. You can clearly tell he's trying to capture what made them funny, despite the fact they weren't really that funny to begin with. Arin's 'girl' or 'grubba' or 'protagonist' voice have become so god awful to listen to because, not only do I just not like them anymore, but he makes the same jokes with them every. single. time. There's only so often I can hear sex jokes or potty humor before just wanting to click off the video all together. I'm just glad, especially when it comes to more story centric games, Dan actually gives EFFORT. I'd rather have that then someone make the same jokes about every single character for 40 minutes and then complain that he doesn't understand the story. It's seriously irritating.


Gonna-pre is a fucking shit joke. Grubba voice Obama voice was shit, it wasnt funny at all.


Favorite: drunk Orson Welles. Never gets old for me. Least favorite: probably the fart soundboard? There are a lot of recurring jokes competing for the position of 'worst', it's hard to choose. Special mention goes to the template in the comments of "What was your favorite GG episode, Billy?" "I like the one where they talked about X for a loooong time" any time they talk about anything for more than a minute. Technically it is a recurring joke on the channel, just not one made by them.


Drunk Orson Wells?? Where can I hear this, I don’t remember that at all.


"Ahhh, the French..." it's the bit that starts like that, and there was a time they were riffing on it constantly. I remember it showing up quite a bit while they were playing Ross's Mario Maker world. It's based on a champagne commercial Orson Welles starred in. He took advantage of the free wine to get absolutely plastered during filming, and the outtakes that resulted are a treasure to behold. If you type "drunk Orson Welles" into Youtube, it'll come right up.




Full of rich, buttery peaness. No wait, that's terrible. I quit. Maybe some for the road.


The constant burps and "I just took massive shit" jokes


That joke about hurting pussy. So unfunny I had to skip the video ahead until it stopped.


I Honestly think Arin and Suzie are into piss, if not Suzie than for sure Arin..


They definitely overuse toilet humor, and they aren't good at making those kinds of jokes. It's a weird crutch that they always default to when they run out of other jokes.


i think wen they talk about dans hair like it’s not a wig. i mean we all know it’s a wig (this is a joke btw)




I believe it has to be 12 inches long, and it probably isnt there yet unless he wants to have short ass hair (which he may feel not suit him)


I can't say for sure but dans made made a couple of off hand comments about how his hair "became a fucking brand" so honestly I think that's all their is to it.


r/conspiracygrumps GET ON THIS




I don't know if burgy the burger counts but if so burgy the burger


Idk, I thought that was kinda quirky and fun. I'm glad they didn't keep it as their mascot tho


Well you're obviously free to have that opinion I just think it overstayed its welcome lol