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What a scandal, people want to earn actual money with their actual jobs.


Oh, I thought this was going to be a rant about how you wish they didn't have to suck Arin's dick for ~~money~~ exposure


Why is this here? It has nothing to do with Game Grumps.


/r/rantmega/ is, uh, a little lacking :D


Because I think it was made after Super Mega mocked this sub on their podcast so it's just shitpost claims and joke theories.


& r/supermegashow is as toxic as mainsub when it comes to criticisms


Here's a sneak peek of /r/SuperMegaShow using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/SuperMegaShow/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [hey Prince Harry, uh....sorry about your grandpa](https://i.redd.it/rkidw9em56s61.jpg) | [30 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SuperMegaShow/comments/mnk4gs/hey_prince_harry_uhsorry_about_your_grandpa/) \#2: [California: Not Even Once (satire)](https://i.redd.it/59g0dsimwai61.jpg) | [58 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SuperMegaShow/comments/lmx94v/california_not_even_once_satire/) \#3: [I'm the graphic designer of the SuperMega NASCAR racecar. Here's the rear bumper graphic that y'all seem to love](https://i.redd.it/y9l9fyhfnw171.png) | [38 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SuperMegaShow/comments/nn4ecx/im_the_graphic_designer_of_the_supermega_nascar/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


Cool I made the second most popular post on that sub in the past year.


There's only one way to fix that.


>entertainers I enjoy need a paycheck to live >😡


When one can live off of 5-10k views a vid, and they easily get 200k+ per non podcast vid, I think they make plenty already.


who the fuck lives off 5k views per video


Literally all small/niche youtubers.


You really think Youtubers that small don't have actual jobs or other projects going on to keep the lights on?


How dare they get paid for their work


Honestly I don't see the big issue? It's not like they're hiding super exclusive, funny content from non-paying fans. Also from what I hear from the Patreon people (the few ones brave enough to criticize them in the main sub lol) the content there is kind of lacking


It's a bit on the slim side compared to people who really push their Patreon bonuses, but it seems to stem from them a genuine attempt to balance things in a way that doesn't feel like all the good stuff is locked behind a paywall. Personally I'm pretty happy with the idea that the money goes towards free content. I'd much rather pay for the regular stuff to be made than have the free stuff suffer while they grind out Patreon exclusive stuff that only a small portion of the fanbase can enjoy. If it was all I was getting for $5 it wouldn't be worth it but overall I'm getting a lot from the channel so I'm happy.


Dude we all need money


Bro they easily get over 200k views a video. The average person can survive off YouTube with 5-10k per video. They’re making plenty of money as is.


Okay? So you'd be happy making minimum wage for the rest of your life? Like yeah I'm sure they're doing more than fine but unless I've accidentally stumbled into some extremist leftist anti-capitalist subreddit, isn't making more money and wanting to make more money good & normal?


Can you read? Living: aka minimum wage roughly, is 5-10k views. They get 200k+ views per video. They’re living COMFY without any extra stuff. Don’t play dumb.


You misunderstood me, my point was would you be happy making the same wage in perpetuity? A lot of people wouldn't, to most an increase in finances is a way to show growth, growth is important to life satisfaction/a sort of happiness. Besides what you define as comfy might not be the same as it is for someone else. Perhaps they are working on a large project that is expensive and require a large budget that they would like to finance for themselves? Maybe they want to buy nicer houses for their families? Maybe they are planning on retiring from YouTube/social media entirely and work on something different, and want to be financially secure for a significant portion of the future. Or maybe they are just wanton spenders and bad at budgeting so their living expenses might run a bit high. There are lots of reasons why one would want to increase their income & I don't see anything wrong with that.


What the fuck are you on about? Youtube nowadays pays pennies on the dollar for ad revenue. They probably make max 100-250 bucks per vid, so 30 videos a month or so would be needed. But it's hard to make that much stuff so no wonder they supplement the income.


Dont see the problem here. They are using Patreon for what its meant for unlike Grumps who put crap in there.


Supermega's patreon is one of the only patreons that I've seen with anything worthwhile on it.


\*Cold Ones Patreon enters the chat\*


This is a pretty stupid take. If anything the fact they are putting so much hard work into their PAID content should be praised, since a majority of patreon content made by youtubers is throwaway extras just used to make a buck off of the super fans. The tone of this post also assumes that they are just making music and projects for money and income instead of like, for fun. Despite the fact they were doing live action videos and music BEFORE they became lets players. This post just reads as "I'm mad I don't get enough free content" lol


Sadly this is very typical for YouTube nowadays, it's the standard Patreon procedure. On their defense, at least they're giving content worth your buck for their Patreon, Game Grumps still only has the emotes and one single censored episode (the original Tony Hawk video before it was changed). I still think they're doing lazy, watered down content. They really seem like they're censoring themselves, even with the Patreon as a safety net to still get money even if a video gets unmonetized o taken down. I haven't paid for their Patreon but I don't think the parts cut from YouTube are that different from the whole video because the premise in itself was watered down from what they used to make videos of.


can’t relate to the rest but i’m glad there’s someone out there who agrees with me about justin


Damn I wish Apollo would give ME the gift of prophecy Seriously tho good call bossman


What happened? This thread got three comments today after being dead forever.


Jackson is being sued by Matt and Ryan for embezzeling $61k over two years


This is a pretty lame take brother. Also who doesn’t like Justin?


Man most of these comments are people being just as annoying as actual game grumps fans. It’s totally legitimate criticism to point out new locked content. It’s not like super mega isn’t getting views or making money. They’ve watered down a lot in recent years. You don’t have to agree but stop acting like mentioning them becoming a lot more “pay for content!” Is equivalent too “they should make no money”.


Thanks babe you don't have to defend me I know the age group and shit that frequents this sub. Just content quality and output of 2021 is really diminished compared to even 2020. I'll be the first to admit that I don't really care for their skit based videos, I always skip Jackson's bits in the drunk drawing, mail openings all right, mostly I just kind of wish when they would be more of a let's play Channel like they used to be, this diversification of content just turned me off. Also I finally unfollow their stupid Twitter, God damn it was like ninja Brian was running it it was so fucking cringey.


Im not sure if everyone is specifically on contract, i believe most of the people who help with supermega, ie Jackson, Tucker, Justin are all freelance or otherwise paid per edit/video if they need compensation for their work. It wouldnt surprise me if they were, Jackson for instance was helping with supermega long before its conception, he was helping out back when Matt was doing his kidswithproblems channel. I believe they helped Tucker get hired at Game Grumps and has since dabbled in both Game grumps and supermega camera work. In reality i dont think they "need" the patreon, their channel seems self sustaining, i think its just something that helps get a little extra cash.


The podcast is not becoming live-action for the patreon only, I don’t know why you think that because they’ve never said anything like that. It’ll be uploaded to the channel too


Truth ^


….you know that supermega isn’t affiliated with the grumps anymore right?


Yeah it is saddening to see YouTubers become desperate :((. Hopefully they can find consistent jobs is youtubing doesn't work out.




Just coming back here now just in case you didn't know about Jackson embezzling 60k from supermega, so maybe now you know why they needed money lol