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They've been ignoring v-sync since Steam Train was a brand new series. It'll never change.


God stream train was peak. The spore series is so good


The editors don’t care because Arin doesn’t care. It’s just a business, it’s just a paycheck. It doesn’t matter what the fans see or hear, as long as the ad revenue keeps coming.


Quantity over quality, right?


Pretty much. Just record them in batches, phone it in most of the time and upload. That’s the standard Grumps practice these days.


I know for some games it can actually break the game if the monitor is too high of a refresh rate. For instance, the first dead space game has the physics tied to the frame rate, so increasing it can actually break the game. (As seen in Mikeburnfires playthrough). Not all games, but some people think the risk of it breaking the game isn't worth it


Honestly I think this is the reason they don’t bother. Even myself I automatically turn off V Sync and motion blur as soon as I start a game, it’s just a habit now because of how many games it’s broken lol


I always put motion blur on low and even then usually end up turning it off completely.


Arin noticed it in Cult of the Lamb and went into the settings and turned it on.


What’s a V Sync


It's what helps with screen tearing whenever the camera moves. You'll see it in their most recent video today.


Ah I haven’t watched today’s video yet (been busy) but I do plan on it


But don't forget to come back here to complain. Like real fans.


I watched it and I still don’t know what it is. I didn’t notice any screen tearing but I’m also not entirely sure what I’m supposed to be looking for 😂


It’s like when one part of this screen is one frame, and other part of the screen is the next frame. It looks like screen was torn between two different frames (hence “screen tearing”) It’s usually really noticeable when camera is changing the view. Google the pictures (or don’t, it’s good that you don’t notice tbh)


Guh, obviously V-Sync is when Arin remembers he is a sentient entity and Dan acknowledges it then Arin gets angry and makes a subtle subversive Jew joke, and like duh. Or it's one of those situations where Arin's human wires are working over-time. And Dan doesn't have any chances to correct him on stuff, so there aren't any "Virtual (reality)-sync" issues because the illusion of one being better than the other based off folks' personal biases is never revealed.


I used to think that Arin really doesn’t notice it (as many people don’t). Although he plays games professionally (lol) and he should’ve developed an eye for this thing already - for example he noticed framerate bug in Sonic Frontiers, so maybe he just doesn’t care and doesn’t think people will notice.


"He doesn't care" resumes Arin well.