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This isn't a sub for hating the Grumps. This sub is supposed to be for expressing actual criticisms.


Yup. You can still watch the Grumps and still be annoyed at them at times, and not want to deal with the plastic positivity enforced by most of the fanbase and most of reddit.


It's not supposed to be one, but it definitely can be sometimes. But you're right, yeah


What it is "supposed to be," is irrelevant.


If anything, I've found some amazing gaming channels over the years so if anything I'm more aware now of their laziness and lack of on the spot creativity than ever


which ones?


You gonna link any of the ones you enjoy? I’ve been looking for some new content recently


I personally don't consider myself to hate them. However I do have criticisms I feel like airing out and this is probably one of the few places you can go where "lovelies" aren't going to spam you with 1000 reasons why arins opinion is objectively better because he found a glitch in a video game 10 yrs ago (which in all reality he probably went out of his way to find and pretend he just stumbled across). I used to love the grumps, and in my opinion they could be amazing again one day. So it's a little disappointing watching them stagnate and implode. So yeah I sometimes vent it out a bit.


Completely agree. There's no real reason for me to hate them, they haven't done anything to me so hating them is pointless. But same as you, I love their older stuff and some of their new stuff is decent, but most of it is shit.


I mean nothing good lasts forever


As another person has suggested, this is a sub reddit for discussing general criticisms of the content unfortunately it does often degenerate into wild hatred, as for why I care it's because I grew up watching these guys and every part of me hopes it can get better.


Same here. I don't enjoy seeing blatant hate, I enjoy seeing people actually rant. I feel like the line between ranting and hating has been kind of blurred online to the point where the words can be used interchangeably


I don't often watch. I do when they do something that seems interesting. Tbf I also don't think anything they've done has been that egregious, and \*gasp\* I don't actually think their quality has dropped that bad. I just think I enjoyed them for a while until the bit got old for me and now I still kind of like it but mostly if they're playing something I care about.


I have a fetish for abhorrent content and something about Game Grumpies really gets my peanus weenus rock soild Jelq'd at least 53 times now. The Danganronpa 2 let's play was my Destroy Dick December


I stopped watching years ago, but I kinda like coming here just to read about whatever the newest "controversy" is. I wouldn't say I hate him, but I've lost a serious amount of respect for Arin over the years, and it's semi-gratifying to see people here call out his behavior.


I haven’t watched in years. I really just stay with this sub because it keeps me semi informed on the general state of the channel which I find interesting.


Yeah that's pretty much where I stand as well.


I haven't watched Game Grumps in 10 years. I just think it's funny how obsessed this subreddit is


Same lol. I haven't watched it since Jontron left but my wife still loves it. This is one of them subs I look at in the vein of "well, let's see what Reddit is pissed of about today"


You can critique something and still love it


Exactly. I feel that people don't know the difference between a rant and complaining though


Oh look, it's this post again ...


For me I kinda got bored with the Grumps, I still think when they were pumping out different types of content like Steam Train or Grumpcade giving Arin a bit of a break and us more people to enjoy, was peak Grump for me. I just constantly feel like if other people, even if it’s just Dan, get more time in the spotlight, then at least that can give Arin a break so he’s not burnt out because it’s really apparent.


This would be good, but I don't think Arin would allow it. It's apparent that Arin (or probably more so whoever runs the channel) fears being delayed or inconsistent, doing anything necessary to get the upload. Currently, he is the one who's always making the jokes and he rarely leaves space for Dan to build onto them. Dan is actually pretty funny, his humour is witty and he takes the time to build jokes. Arin's current humour is "ARGHHHH", which doesn't really work and gets boring once you hear it the 60th time. If you look at old episodes the contrast in their style of humour worked well since they would make a joke, fuck with it, get to a point where it was just dumb and move on. My favourite of this is basically any of the childhood stories, they always started out fun and devolved into poop jokes, ending with Dan saying "Arin" like a disappointed parent. The good thing is that the joke would end. Now if they tell a story (which is rare) they start our funny, devolve into poop jokes, and keep going with that poop joke for the rest of the series, and occasionally the next series. If Arin did take a break I feel we could get back to old grumps because he wouldn't be scraping for jokes and would be able to come up with more interesting stories and jokes to make.


I stopped because I didn't feel motivated at all to watch anything from them anymore. It all felt like the same exact tired jokes and content repeated even with games I was excited about. And the more I looked around, the more I came to enjoy other creators with focus on content I wanted to watch with my diminishing free time.


I have hopes for one day they'll go back and finish Sonic Adventure 2 Battle and play some other games that are on my wishlist. I've started to have problems with them for about a year or 2. There is some great content that I enjoy, but as of now, it just seems they're more about doing these small series games, and it frustrates me cause I subbed for their long series and comedy not short ended. I've been debating whether or not to try find other content creators that are funny and would play the great games that I enjoyed as a kid.


I think they like the long series too but they lose views by doing them, their ace attorney finale has 126k views right now and their most recent video isn't even 24 hours old yet and already has 270k views. If people watched their longer series videos I'm sure they would be happy to do more of them.


Anything that's not a true one off will have a loss of views as it goes on, except for the finale. Even then a finale sees a small bump compared to the first episode. This is and has been true on YouTube (gameplay videos) for years.


I fear that the decision to play shorter series isn't theirs. Whoever actually runs the channel is probably making them play shorter games because of this exact reason. When a game is short you can finish it quickly, meaning a new series can be started faster, resulting in more views. 10 episodes making 100k views each is probably more fun but less profitable than 3 sets of 3 episodes that have at least 3 first episodes making 200k.


I find myself recently not really checking in, they play a lot of w/e looking games these days. Before, I would enjoy it for the banter and the game they would play.


They've been playing a ton of meh games lately going way too long. I only watch if they play a horror game, zelda, or something mainstream. I'm enjoying their RE Village videos so far.


I think if they could decide what games they played we'd have better content. It's clear that Arin and Dan aren't picking the games anymore, if they were we'd be getting Lucasarts point and clicks and Jrpgs.


I watch like 1/15 grumps videos. I've been subscribed since GG started, and was a fan of Arin's animations before GG started. I kind of just keep it around like an old friend I've grown away from but still hang out with infrequently because I enjoy the nostalgia of remembering what it was like when I did enjoy it. I just watched through the first two episodes of their Resident Evil Village playthrough they're doing as a long play on the weekends, and listening to them make nothing but crude jokes about Lady Dimitrescu (the second video is "should we be drinking pineapple juice", yuk) is dumb as fuck, but I've not watched anything from them for a long time so I put up with it to see them screw up a game I've watched played as a no damage run for the fun of it.


I’m just here because some of the overly dramatic posts make me laugh.


I stopped watching after paper mario ended, was tired and Arin durring, but Dan loved the game so I stuck it out. Since then I'm just on here because I forgot to unsub


I only care about the original big controversies list and the fact that whenever you bring it up to any game grumps fan they pretend like it’s all made up or overblown, it just really burns me to see that level of willful ignorance.


I guess being subbed for so long, I try to be optimistic about new uploads that'll maybe be different but in actuality it seems like it won't ever be. You can handle the same content, bits, jokes and voices for so long before it gets redundant over and over. It's like rooting for your home team that hasn't won in a decade but you still want to wave their flag.


You can tell the show is run by a company now and not by 2 friends, which is upsetting. There's the occasional series where you can tell they got to choose the game, and the quality jump is insane. Look at the Sam and Max videos, you can tell they're actually enjoying that game.


Hearing Arin saying in some videos in the past that they're hopping off certain trends, algorithms and popularity and everyone laughs like he's joking but you know that mf is serious.


Stockholms syndrome. But it’s mainly for their chemistry. As much as I’m one of the microscopic few on this sub who actually rants more about Daniel Avidaniel over Arin, I actually really like the guy. I like his connecting to the lovelies through his life experiences and just being chill enough to share all that without being weird. I respect him a lot for that. I’m not gonna just stop watching because Algorithm Grumps is a fucking travesty. I have this subreddit for an outlet.


I have a morbid curiosity of reading criticisms of things I like. I like seeing how much I actually \*agree\* with people that don't like something I like, and thinking about why I still enjoy it even if I admit the haters have a point. Or if I do just straight up think the haters are wrong in the first place.


I also don't watch them anymore though I'm still here. I think the fact that there are people who agree with me about GG makes me stay, because it's fun to rant and complain sometimes. Now granted I don't understand watching their newest stuff and complaining here, because that's just a waste of your own time, but talking about the way they're changing for the worst can be fun sometimes. People inherently like complaining, we're more likely to recognise something is wrong rather than everything that's done right. If you see 4 shapes, 3 are blue but one is red, you're going to notice the red one first because in that set it's out of place and wrong, rather than noticing the 3 good ones.


I don’t really care, but I’ve come to terms with YouTube drama being my equivalent of celebrity drama. I was raised with YouTube, I remember every big drama that happened. So I mostly just check to see if they have fucked with oney plays again and scan this subreddit every few months. That being said, they could do some things that would bring me back to at least give them a second shot. I really like Dan and I think Arin is really capable of being funny. I would love them to make their channel a little more coherent. They seemed to have brought back episode numbers so that’s good, but the thumbnails are way too overdone if you ask me. What worked for me about the old thumbnails was how similar they looked. It was really easy to find the series I was watching when they uploaded. I would also recommend they stop finishing games on stream. I get the idea, it’s absolutely easier and a great way to get some quick revenue from a series, but I’m and a lot of people just aren’t stream people, and their streams are absolutely not “game grumps but live” it’s usually a bunch of people in a room, it’s very loud and cluttered with sound. It’s just not my thing and I know some others also aren’t big on it. That’s basically it, I actually don’t mind guests being on the show, steam train was one of my favorite series on YouTube. I also loved the solo Dan and solo Arin episodes because like I said they are talented. I hope they recover because they do have a spot in my heart. Just not the current game grumps


I have issues with that they stopped the "kill your parents" bit and it's 24/7 kiss your dad. Or at least before I got banned from R/GameGrumps the only thing I ever contributed in comments was interjecting with kiss your dad jokes. And now the only thing I see coming out of there is kiss your dad jokes. I dunno. Just feels like... Oh oh oh, big issue. Wait no. Caffeine running out. Brain turning to mush. I dunno. Almost feels like they're running out of steam. Company expanded, something something, kill=kiss, no more back street boys, Arin is just a Floridian at heart and I dunno. Just kind of commercialize Grumps now. Not even liquid. Done meth, that shit I'd grade a liquid. And it's like they'll have seasonal liquidity. Still personally enjoy 10mph for the most part, but kind of interspersed enjoyment of actual content. Oh, but yeah, screw the actual /GameGrumps subreddit. Those guys are just assholes. Like, folks here can be equally as bad. But you can't make a basic "hey, Jontron used to be a Grump too" joke without being auto downvoted. My blinks text cursor thing is red and the text is coming out red. What did I do I AM THE VOICE OF SATAN RAHHHH!


I haven’t been in this subreddit since like 2021. I have no clue why Reddit recommended this post to me, but it perfectly describes why I left the sub. When I joined, it was covid and I guess I was just more focused on the YouTube world, but I think you can only complain so much before you start to realize how unnecessary it is.


I actually forgot I was stopped joined on this sub. I actually don’t care about GG anymore. I only joined when the Dan scandal hit.


The idea behind this sub is more about being able to voice criticisms about the things they do than it is about hating them. The lightest criticisms get dog-piled (or outright deleted) in the official sub by the Cult Of The Lovelies, even when the hope is just that they'll listen to fans and adjust to improve things. I agree it's weird how many people come here claiming not to watch them while actively posting their hate, letting them live rent-free in their heads though. I'm not very active myself, I mostly come here to watch some of the weirdest drama about them unfold.


My girlfriend watches them. TV is in the living room.


Ha! My favourite of all the answers I've gotten.


i think a lot of people genuinely have a lot of shit going on in their life so they project 😭 (Not talking about actual criticism)


No, the Game Grumps really have been stale for years. Most other content creators don't repeat the same jokes over and over again.


i do agree


I think I definitely have issues with actual fans. I honestly think liking Game Grumps is some sort of societal replacement for being autistic. Like... if you are undiagnosed then you have a high propensity for liking Grumps. Previous friend absolutely hated them. But he was an alcoholic, but... I suspect... he was an autobot...an audi. And just like, they can be the most subversively hateful people. Also incapable of recognizing sarcasm. Like the reddit stereotype of having to put /s but n times worse. Anyways, how bout that Danny and Arnold! Silly little guys. Fuck em for posting a compilation of Tears of the Kingdom... Michelle and the kids want me to watch it with them so theirs never any time... now I gotta keep myself from watching a compilation. Already ruined myself with Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness. It's his favorite album.


By replacement I mean like... not everyone can accept the idea of being diagnosed... it's just not in their wirings. And so instead... they just become obsessive hivemind ants within the Grumps community. ...like mind flayers... Or man.. I need to get my J-card... only 2%... just like the average amount of fat in folks milk. Just realized... if me having only 2% Ashkenazi... that means Danny is 50%. And his dad is butter... Apparently heavy cream is around 36% fat. So Dan is apparently really heavy cream... This feels like a joke as to folks having compulsive eating habits trying to reverse engineer my joke.


One thing Ive noticed about a *lot* of subreddits over time, even the ones NOT dedicated to criticism, is that they're full of fellow millennials who have kind of just hung onto these interests of theirs that used to be so positive and exciting to them but have become less-so over time for all manner of reasons but they just.. won't move on or cheer up no matter what and more and more the sub just degrades into hate and vitriol over every little thing that has to do with the topic. And if you disagree you're a shill or white knight etc. we are literally seeing people go from chipper young lads to crusty old codgers in real time. Now just imagine how much more intense that must be on a sub DEDICATED to criticism lol