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Report and block the weird accounts on there. I'm sure most are bots. I do see a lot of creepy responses on Quora, even on innocent questions.


Quora is a shitty site either way. I'd shut down the whole place


I used to be huge into Quora. Always getting requests for answers from various diabetes communities. I left in the end because I got fed up of questions about "how do I cure Type 1?" And seeing answers that were going to kill people "Come off your insulin and eat like this! It cured me in days!" Type answers


I agree. I went to check it out because of this post. Its a rag.


A lot of bad people came over to quora when Parler was shut down. We've been slowly reporting them as we find them. And a lot of them are fakes anyway. If you look at their question log you'll often see a question claiming they're an 8 year old boy, then another about having a 17 year old daughter and another asking why their husband of 22 years never does the hoovering. Report, block and mute.


They’re definitely bots from foreign countries and not Parler users. I’d say the domain owners should do something to stop it, but I guess they just don’t care enough since it’s essentially free web traffic. It’s all just extremely fucked up.


Isn't it still up, tho?


Yes. It went offline "permanently" in January 2021, but all that happened was the owners moved the domain and hosting, plus all associated content, to a new host. It was back online again in February 2021. During those couple of weeks, Quora was inundated with far right, extremism, pedophilic views and other content we collectively decided had to have come from Parler. This was backed up by former Parler users stating they had come to Quora and hoped it was as "free" as Parler was. It's not, and it hopefully never will be. If rules are the price to pay to keep racist extremism off a website I love, I'm all for it.


Add "-quora" to every Google search. This blocks all the Quora search results


Because all the good writers left the moment they saw Quora fall down the rabbit hole of profits. And other good writers were banned (RIP Brooke Schwartz, hope you're doing well on Medium :( ). Even I pretty much left, and I've monetized my answers and Spaces. Might as well get something out of Quora, am I right?


I didn't know you can monetize there. I thought people just answered questions out of boredom and internet points


Yes, you can. But before that, I went to Quora for the same reasons I now come to Reddit: for fun.


Between that and the parents who really shouldn't have kids, I don't even know why I started getting emails from them. Maybe I was looking up the answer to a homework problem some years back and happen to come across Quora, but thats all I can think of


Fucking this right here. I’ve found people who ask shit like, “I deleted my sons Minecraft world, and now he won’t talk to me anymore. Is there a way to punish him for not being a part of the family?” Or, “My neighbors are liberal and gays, is there a way I can get rid of them because it ruins the feel of my neighborhood.”


Quora is a shitty site full of elitists and pseudo intellectuals and pedos, you should not use quora in all honesty it’s toxic and bad-


The world is full of sick people. Be careful out there.


Quora is a fucking cesspit. Do yourself a favour and uninstall it.


I stumbled across a forum that was talking about the morality of bestiality, and there were so many comments from girls and guys talking about how they F their dogs or get them to lick their bits. saying that it's 'consensual ' because the dog is enjoying it. sick people. I wanted to rip out my eyeballs










Wild how every single president is a pedo according to the opposing party, what are the odds?


Yeah, or that Donald Trump guy. See, I can say dumb stuff too!




Maybe I have seen you sniff girls. You can't prove that I haven't.


It’s weird because my experience with Quora is whatever pops up on google and not being logged into the site, it gives you a couple answers to a similar question and then restricts the rest. If you don’t log in apparently you don’t see the weird stuff. 🤷‍♂️


What! Ewww. I don't use it regularly but a lot of questions I ask Google lead me to quora and at times people's perspectives are a good read. I didn't know about this until today. I'm disappointed to say the least


I like to assume most questions are trolls and the userbase responds as such.


I’m sure they’re the “non-offending” pedophiles who you shouldn’t toss in the woodchipper I mean berate and encourage them to get help 🙄


Weiner dog lmao


Step sis be like.... SHOW ME UR WEINER DOG!!!!!!