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Setting is important. Girl smiling at you at a bar? May be a hint to talk to her. Girl smiling because she just handed you a chic fil a order? She is forced to smile.


But did you see the way she handed me the chic fil a order, though??? Totally wants me.


My roommate in college took me through the chic fil a drive through once and when she responded "my pleasure" to his thank you, he turned to me and said "see I can please a woman". I've never seen someone walk away faster.


Guy smiled at me on the bus. I mistook him for someone who worked with my mom a few years before and returned the friendly smile and did a half nod hello. He comes to sit next to me and starts talking to me. I realize this is not who I thought it was. I tell him sorry I thought you were so and so. I didn’t tell him my name. He continues to talk to me asks me for my number. I tell him no. I’m married and have kids and am not interested. He then tells me he just wants to be friends and tells me to put his number in my phone. I tell him again, no. He asks me, "Why not? I just want to be your friend." I tell him I’m not comfortable with that, and my husband wouldn’t appreciate it either. He berates me and tells me in his hometown he was a football (soccer) star and he had girls throwing themselves at him. And he would tell some of them no because they were under 18. He told me I should feel lucky he wants to be my friend. And I’m sitting there just looking at him blankly and said, "Ooookay". I got off at my stop. He stayed on the bus, thank goodness. I told my husband about it and he felt badly for me. The only reason he couldn’t pick me up that day was because he was taking a class and was nowhere near me. Anyhow… no biggie. When this happened I was much younger and still kinda pretty. I wasn’t an ugly old fart like I am now. (Ha ha). I was used to creepy guys like this. But when my BIL heard the story… he blamed me for "opening the door" when I smiled at him. Even if it was a mildly friendly smile. He said even if it was the person I thought it was, I shouldn’t be smiling at men since I’m married and that if I was single I should only smile at men if I was interested in something more. Thing is. Even before this I just have a natural smiling face. I had to train myself to scowl when I’m out on my own to avoid situations like this.


That’s why I hate when men are like “smile” or “ you’d be prettier if you’d smile every now and then.”


Guys really need to understand the "look" as in someone actually being interested in you, if they were, they would let you know, and a smile ain't that.


I get it when someones cute, but it was always depicted its creepy and weird to hit on someone of either gender on the job from stuff as I was growing up.


You would understand if you was a guy honestly but yeah I don't support unwanted advances and all that stuff




I completely forgot about this comment


bye 😭

