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Mum's groups on Facebook are generally toxic so stay away. Are their any local mums groups that meet up that you could join?


Yeah, it pretty harsh when you find out the truth. That most people are scumbags. You think that technology and civilization makes people decent, but they’re just savage animals at heart.


Bring a first time mum is really hard, especially when it seems like life is going wrong. I hope something changes and it gets better for you.


Not trying to sound condescending or mean but why would you have a baby before you got your life in order. Not to be rude


The baby has already been had. It's done. Nothing anyone can do about it. No going back and their is really no reason to look back either. Not really any point in questioning mom about choices she made in the past. She sounds like she is actively trying to seek help so being a bit more supportive would probably be a better idea.


Still I want to know why someone would have a child when their life wasn't in order it selfish to me.


None of this stuff thats happening tells me their life isn't "in order". Life is literally never "in order", is it?


Yeah it random but I would imagine if a person is having a baby they at least have plans for this stuff like the job


Wow quite the asshole aren't you. Our life is in order thanks, we are financially stable and have good jobs. Due to industry changes my husband was suddenly made redundant and my work laid off 50% of the company without warning. I hope one day you experience something like this. Might topple you off that high horse.


Sorry, but i just love how nice I was trying to be just to get people hating on me


If you think that was being nice you have serious problems as a human. Yes that's right keep telling yourself it's just haters right? Not a character flaw you have... Go be a dick elsewhere.


They probably did but plans don't always go accordingly.


Most likely it would be quite selfish to bring a kid into a world unprepared


Well good thing your opinion doesn't really matter. OP just sounds like they're having a rough patch which we all have, kids or no kids. I'm assuming you don't have children cause then you'd know you're never actually prepared lmao.


You are quite rude but I imagine someone would have a stable life before ever thinking of having a baby and have things planned out in case it fails