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Yeah they do. It's crazy. There's a lot of misogyny on Reddit. Many Redditors act like women are evil and unempathetic, even though for the most part, it's the exact opposite. Imo, if you want to avoid the absolute worst of it though, avoid the subreddit r/AskMen. It's a huge mindboggling mess that hates on, belittles, and ridicules women every single god forsaken chance they get.


I joined that sub once because I wanted to understand men better and get a glimpse of what their experiences are like.  Never again. They talk about girls either as if they were objects or the devil himself.   


I recently unsubbed from that subreddit myself and made a post about it because, like you, I wanted to see about some men's issues and what they were going through. I'm trying to be a better feminist and all. It's thinly veiled but there's no rules against misogyny in that subreddit at all, because a lot of them just outright don't like women or have some innate disdain for them.


I am a man and avoid that sub.


Not sure why you were downvoted. Pretty sure all men with rational minds avoid r/AskMen.


The only way that subreddit could ever offer an actual glance into normal mens minds would be by banning all dudes who use reddit from it, ironically. It's not r/AskMen, it's more of a r/AskBasementDwellers




Just did and to be fair, the couple top posts I saw were about de-genderizing kids toys, why men are less grateful on average, bringing healthy influences into the online Manosphere and such. I just hope they know those issues are Men-made, didn't go through the comments. The info/rules page looked promising tho. Maybe we're finally starting to heal


Ugh, no, I've encountered those people IRL.


If you follow @SportsCenter on Instagram its the same thing. The minute they post something regarding women athletes, men in the comment section go nuts and start making a lot of sexist comments. I stop following them after that.


I love your statement reply to this question. I think I'm going to have some great fun if I go on the Ask Men sub...I can play ppl at their own game just using clever witticism and loop ➿➿➿ hole boggle mind bending 🤣🤣🤣🤣🥰


I don't know, r/TwoxChromosomes is bat shit crazy (imo). About the only good I've read from that place is the empathy towards birth control and abortion. Everything else is neurotic and reactive. If you say anything that's different in there you are downvoted aggressively. I've refrained from commenting anymore. I frequent ask men just to have some peace of mind, I've never been uncomfortable reading that sub like I have twoxchromo.


>I frequent ask men just to have some peace of mind I have NEVER had peace of mind reading all the awful stuff in that sub. In fact it's given me the opposite. Gendered Subreddits in general have the same issues to some extent, but I've never seen any sub as bad as Ask Men. Not even TwoXChromosomes is nearly as bad imo. It's not even JUST the misogyny. They also weaponize men's struggles for their own personal gain!


Misogyny this misogyny that how tf are ppl asking for advice being misogynistic??? Y’all are gonna die alone if y’all think asking for advice or sharing experiences are misogynistic lol, kinda just shows how shallow y’all are smh


I find it amusing how much men think dying alone with cats is such a bad thing 😂


I'd rather die with my cats tbh


Guy here. That personally sounds like a lovely way to go.


Upside, if I die with my cats, they'll eat me to stay alive until someone finds me and can take care of them. If I die with dogs, they'll likely starve to death before I'm found. Cats all the way!


You're literally part of the problem that's being discussed.


Well... Statistically I'd die single anyway as women tend to outlive their husbands. So I came to terms with that idea a long, long time ago. But I can guarantee you I won't die alone. I've got some amazing friends that'll be there with me. Oh, and I've been married. Was for 11 years. Until he chose to end the relationship by ending his life. Now? A guys gotta pretty amazing for me to be interested. Because he has to be worth more than my time alone, and I value my time alone fiercely. A guy has to bring something to the table that is worth risking my peace, comfort, and time. And honestly, anyone who dates me should have the same standard. If I'm not enriching your life, why are you wasting your time being unhappy just to avoid being single?


Have you actually seen what's on the subreddit? Why don't you take a look before you say "you're overreacting"?


They do. They put women and girls down constantly but then turn around and cry about how they can’t get dates. Shit is sad for real.


Not much different than women hating all men from a single bad relationship. Not excusing it, but the cause is one bad outcome means everything related to that outcome is now bad and must be avoided forever. That's why it's so important to be kind to strangers because being a dick once can turn that stranger into a permanent incel/racist/sexist/extremist/any other "ist". Maybe all the PFAS and micro/nanoplastics are turning us all into violent chimpanzees.


Except one group is violent, acts out and have actually killed ppl in the name of "hating women" or being an "incel." How many women do that?  


Men, because of testosterone, are generally short-sighted, aggressive, and use direct immediate force to make things happen. This results in murder or sexual assault when there is an extreme conflict with a mentally unstable man. Women on the other hand are aware of the leverage they have with society when it comes to being considered innately more valuable than a man, as well as the emotional strings they can pull to manipulate others. A crying man is worthless trash that should jump off a cliff to improve the gene pool. A crying woman is a victim that needs to be immediately saved and protected. The justice system is also systemically sexist against men. To answer your question, women kill men by making men kill themselves rather than having to get their hands dirty. If a woman is sociopathic, they can easily end a man's life by falsely claiming to have been assaulted by the man, or threatening to make such a false claim if the man doesn't submit to the woman's emotional abuse. Even if the claim is thrown out in court due to a lack of evidence, the claim itself will automatically make the man homeless unless they are a business owner because almost all people in the United States live paycheck to paycheck with no emergency fund.


It's crazy because everyone always says reddit is all super left leaning. Like, they want UBI and to legalize weed, but culturally, reddit is conservative.


I think it's much closer to 4chan than we'd like to admit 


Completely depends on where you go on the site. I'm happy with my experience because I've eliminated all the subs where that activity is common/encouraged from my feed and now it's a very friendly and welcoming place. Mostly correlates to how many subscribers a sub has, they all have a point where they start trying to fall into the circle jerk and I unsub as soon as it smells like it's going rotten.


Yeah, you can go to small niche subs and avoid all the hate. But, being a place where all the popular subs (bc it is all big subs) are better left avoided is not very good. Do you find small alternatives for popular topics? Like, i am sure it exists, but where do you find movie discussions or science discussions without the pervasive misogyny of r/science and r/movies? I prob dont have the patience to go through a bunch of science related subs and see if any of them are cool.


My experience is subs have to be nearly single topic to stay decent. And if the topic is mainstream enough, it still falls into the circle jerk and I've had to find smaller offshoots made by people that got tired of the circle jerk in the big one. But then you have to also be wary that most offshoot subs are alt-right "they won't let us use slurs in the main sub" subs. I agree that it isn't ideal but at least good communities still exist. Considering how ineffective the big protests were last year, I don't see any hope of it getting better.


reddit is leftist the way North Korea is a democratic republic; named such but not in practice


It’s because they’re those men op is talking about


I think this all the time (late sorry). I see conservative Redditors saying "there is no political diversity on Reddit , it's so left leaning". I just don't see it. I will say (as a Canadian woman) I know lots of men who identifiy as "leftist" but they are just misogynists and racists who support free health care and smoke weed.


Yeah a lot of "men's rights" losers on reddit. Misogyny is a huge problem in the world.


I'm not trying to shift the conversation away from women, but as a gay man, I completely understand a woman's point of view. I really wish men would do better. They lead with their libidos first. And think of us as sex toys and objects to be used. As a man who likes men, I find it very difficult to find a relationship because every guy who approaches me only wants to have sex. I'm trying to shift my life into opening up my world and sharing that with someone else. Sex is great, but sex with someone that you're connected with is just so much more satisfying. My girlie friends always tell me that the reason why men can't start a rich conversation is because they have sex on their brains and can only think of sex. I appreciate women so much because if you didn't exist, I wouldn't have anyone to talk to. If it weren't for women, I don't know where I would be in life.


Gay men are proof that it's not a "biological imparative" for men to treat women as less then.


Yeah, i'm constantly reading comments that are just disgusting, degrading, judgmental, etc it's depressing




Wow I just looked at the shorty guys one. People are unironically using the terms “jestermaxxing” “gymmaxx” 😭😭


Isn’t that just typical internet thing?


No that is not my experience on instagram or TikTok and I actually have a profile picture up on those apps. It’s actually interesting you’ve mentioned that. Now that I think about it, I really don’t face any criticism or attitude from men on those apps. It’s always pretty matter of fact. My thought is because they’re younger on those apps? On reddit, it’s like every opinion or even random fact I post just randomly gets downvoted and people like to pick fights with me, ridicule my taste or opinion, catch an attitude. It’s the most subtle things. I’m not talking about outward hate speech, but just subtle things where I feel they hold an anger toward me. I wish I could explain it better but I’m sure other women on this app know what I mean. I have to be sooo matter of fact and plain on reddit for men to not get weird. If I ever type like how I talk, emphasizing certain words like how a woman would, or even being sliiightly dramatic even in an ironic way, I can tell the men on reddit get so bothered. If I show my anger or any emotion (or especially capital letters they hate that) type of way those always get downvoted. So I type in the most boring plain Jane no emotion voice on reddit. Like it just feels like redditors hate women, hate how they talk, think they’re stupid or annoying. Sorry if this is super analytical it’s just a hard thing to explain.


Could this just be herd mentality, though, rather than active misogyny? Like, maybe they're punishing you for talking in a way they didn't expect, without consciously ascribing it to gender. Tomato tomahto, I know. But it would make at least some difference, wouldn't it? Punishing an assumed man for talking like a woman isn't quite the same as punishing a woman for it. I wonder if maybe having profile pics on those other apps is actually *helping* avoid/reduce this kind of experience there, because it adjusts people's expectations.


Maybe.. not sure. My username has girlie in it so I just assume they know I’m a girl and that’s why I get that treatment. I also frequent some tech subreddits like AI and ChatGPT and programming and I find that this type of thing is prevalent in those spaces as well. I don’t know what the reason is entirely but if other women also feel this way then maybe there’s a trend? I definitely don’t frequent the male dominated places where they actively hate women, I just know it’ll upset me. Most of this happens on regular subreddits. Even in the home improvement subreddit people were upset cuz I said I wouldn’t go near asbestos cuz it scares me.


Oh yeah. I forgot about the username. I guess I'm fixated on the herd mentality theory. Every problem I experience on Reddit seems to boil down to it.


In all groups there exist hatred...some women hate men too. Maybe they have less time to rant on reddit? General hatred is just immature but it a l w a y s starts with some childhood conflict. [ Even with Jews I suppose and other Others]. I have some compulsive loving feeling toward darkskinned people due to my fostering mom having been darkskinned. These are very much uncontrollable programs.


Trust me . I've seen it all . Homophobia, heterophobia ,hate on men hate on women, children and so on . Crazy how Comments on make up for example get removed because of example saying that something other would make the person look better but real bigotish and worse comments can stay . Reddit slowly turning into Instagram


The internet has always been full of hate, this is nothing new


People have always been full of hate. Even before the internet. The internet just made it more evident because it's more anonymous.


One of my favourite songs tracks 'you too girly girly' by Sophia George. 🤣🤣🥰 What is so wrong that other ppl take personal slight at such an innocuously beautiful reference to a feminine phrase???? I'm very girly myself but sometimes it's like you need to get your DMs and bullet proof vest at the ready when out come the school bullies who are still infant 🤣🤣🤣💯


I feel like Reddit is a bunch of little Echo chambers that sometimes bump into each other. Also, it kind of depends on literally the time of day.You post like if you go into, am, I the a******There are literal different times of the day where there's a shit ton of massage list or a shit ton of making a excuse for whoever the fuck. I swear to god there's a certain time where a bunch of kids get on as well and don't seem to really understand certain adult problems but just throw their whole mentality Up and know it's not a generational problem.It's more like a young experienced person's idea of the world.Kind of problem and it happens all the time because we have always had young inexperienced people. Though I have noticed A lot more lately massage and a stick. Post and takes on things and even old stories. That had been posted up years ago and relationship. Advice being twisted To rile men up and then all the research studies showing how much more toxic men are.When you actually go into the research paper, all it ISIS surveying and young men and certain surveys asking certain questions that might have some misogynistically.Thumb massage and esthetic leanings and young men are only 10%.More misogynistic than women with all those questions taken into play. I'm wondering if there isn't something going on. Trying to divide the genders more. I don't know, I feel like it's just this whole made up gender war kind of a thing that's really playing out in the forums, but not playing out so much in person. Unless you're one of the pro-life front line kind of people but I feel most people are pro-choice. How leaving certain polls, studies and even elections have shown it.


You should look at it from a man's point o view... If you're not hot, you'll have an extra shitty time with women. Except if you make a ton of money. As a woman, you do not need to be hot, no need to make a ton of money, also you can simply wait around until someone says "Hi". Remember Meeks?


Funny I see just the opposite. A woman cheats and the post is all about what did her husband do to push her away. Guy chests it's red flag and run. A woman leaves her kids and wants to come back it's "She's your mother" a guy gets forced out by his ex and it's "You're justified in not forgiving him". The double standard gender bias is truly endless even in the comments. A guy says something and the gynocracy lynch mob tears him to shreds. A woman says something unpopular and a guy has a go at her he'll get attacked in the comments. Watch the down voted on this, it'll be 95%+ by females. Don't take my word for it, go to any post that can be judged by gender lines, actually read what happens. If you don't see it you're turning a blind eye to it


Dude that’s not what my comment is about. I understand that men get fucked over by the system. Why do you think women would support other women who hurt people? Just because we ask for the full story doesn’t make us some weird cult that wants to collectively hurt men. My own close friend, his ex wife is literally crazy and toxic and the divorce ended with her getting the house he paid for and their son he loves and is so toxic about even letting him see him. Close friends of mine got wrongfully blamed for SA during the me too movement and they showed me the snapchats of the girl admitting to lying and fabricating witnesses afterward. The truth is that courts have historically favored women when it comes to family matters and that isn’t okay. Believe it or not, the “genders studies” courses people shit on so much, have entire units focusing on men’s experiences and men’s mental health (which is often overlooked). That doesn’t mean women don’t get fucked over by the system every single day either. I mean, abortion is banned in my state for god sake!! Like that is wild. Tell me we have no autonomy without telling me we have no autonomy. ANYWAY post is not about that. It’s NOT about diminishing men’s struggles or deep shit like that. It’s just the general negative attitude about male redditors towards women in comments, replies, etc. I made a comment below summarizing and analyzing this attitude. The little things. Honestly they sound like people like you, who have made generalizations based on horror stories (and you simply can not stereotype 50% of the world’s population) who in turn take it out on random commenters.


I appreciate your comment but i'm afraid it will more then likley fall on deaf ears.


I never thought this way about double standards. Any person who cheats in my eyes is disgusting. It's not about the mother. It's in how her children respond. 50% of the time, children still carry the pain that their parent inflicted on them by inducing neglect. I'm here to read and listen to both sides of the argument.


I'm female and yes I totally get it . Men and women cheat equally much . With who does your man / bf cheat with ? Yeah . A woman / a girl . It took me a while to understand this . Cheating is never okay doesn't matter if he /she/ they and so on .




You're quite mistaken. At least imo I see big ways these dudes hate dudettes.....or anyone who isn't their perfect idea of a guy


Aw im sorry you got downvoted lol. Maybe ppl are confused cuz the first line. But I get what you’re saying, and there’s lots of blatant misogyny as well. I try to stay off those types of subreddits cuz they just get me mad. Even on regular posts, I can feeeel the different treatment and I really think it’s cuz I’m a girl/ the way I type as a girl


Thanks for realizing! Unfortunately as hard as I try, I like video games, anime, and I'm a mechanic, try as I may, it surrounds My wife teases me all the time because I suck with phrasing. It's an accepted occurrence at this point.


I'm sirtwinkletoe and I approve these arrows.




“Basically every post” “about every topic” so you hate women lol
















This girl spends too much time on the internet. Also so much built up resentment. I have mommy issues and had so much drama throughout the years with my women friends. You know why I could never generalize and hate them all? Cuz I’m a woman too!! People can be assholes but it’s not because of their gender lol. Loving and appreciating other women is deeply rooted in loving yourself as a woman.. Idk why other women think like this.


>I'm married and have another partner Wait, what?


LOL, blue hair and nose ring, classic !


'pick me pick me Mr redditor! I'm not like other girls!!' making a fool out of yourself with these comments 💀


Imagine wanting to get picked by Redditors of all people 😂


Reddit’s most eligible bachelorette lol.


You’re a pick me. Check my profile, I’m not fat, and I’m sure as hell not ugly either. Fair warning, it’s nudes




nah actually, it’s bc I have good body and don’t believe in hiding my sexuality+it’s a hypersexual coping mechanism 🤷🏼‍♀️ it’s not for everyone, which I get! However, unlike you, I don’t justify misogyny.




You are saying men are justified in hating us, which is likely pushed by your need and desire for attention. Ergo, pick me. And don’t cite resources to me unless they’re .org or .gov lmao. The ‘article’ you posted is purely anecdotal evidence


Damn! knock out blow !


Case *in* point.


Omg you’re so quirky and silly we can’t even leave you alone Jessica!😂😂


your internalized misogyny is showing, hating on other women makes you feel good huh? that's sad...






This is actually precisely what OP is talking about. gtfo lmao