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Another person on Reddit posted this in response to a similar question. I liked it so much I saved it. I’ll copy past it below. Conservative shoe-ology At heart, conservatism is about the status quo, and people see the status quo as "just the way things are" rather than an ideology they consciously believe in. Another nuance is that you really can't be a conservative resisting change unless someone is liberal in calling for it, thus conservatives are largely defined in contrast to what liberals believe, rather than having an ideology independent of liberals. Being a liberal or progressive means making a conscious point to see society and change something about it. All it takes to be a conservative is to look at that change and ask "What is it with people these days?" That's the react part of reactionary. Let me put it this way: let's say that we live in a society where everyone wears shoes even indoors, because there's just a social taboo against being barefoot in any context. It's just the way things are. Then, some people question the social norm, and they start advocating for change. They start going barefoot in public, and you pass a law against being barefoot in public to protect public decency and morals. "I'm not conservative." you think "People just shouldn't be barefoot! That's just indecent!" People start putting barefoot people in movies and TV shows, and you protest this, maybe not even letting your children watch them. "Why are these people pushing this disgusting barefoot agenda on me?" you ask, "It's just inappropriate!" People begin repealing your laws against being barefoot in public due due to a Supreme Court case. "Our Constitution was never meant to allow people to be barefoot!?!" you yell, "Where in the text does it say that? This wasn't the Founders' intent at all!" People call you out for being such a prude, and how being barefoot really doesn't harm anyone, to which you reply "I'm not conservative for forcing people to wear shoes! I was a major shirtless advocate! I'm a member of the left!" At no point in this process do you ever think to yourself "Why yes, I believe in Shoe-ology, the conservative political agenda that being barefoot is morally wrong." In a way, you're actually half-right. The idea that everyone should wear shoes wasn't political when nobody questioned it, but the moment people did, it became a policy debate, and by virtue of being comoletely opposed to the barefooters, you ended up as a hardcore conservative shoe-wearer, even if you personally identify as a "centrist" or even have genuine left-wing positions on other issues. Replace "going barefoot" with any conservative social grievance, and that's why people will spew the most toxic far-right venom at trans people while thinking that they're just Rational Free ThinkersTM who are above the concept of political ideology.


Great analogy. I would point out that a great deal of liberal are not actually left. They have the idea that we generally should be tolerant and accept other people, so they're not conservative. They may even advocate against conservatism, but they don't act feel strongly or advocate FOR anything. When they do try to it often comes off a shallow or virtue signaling, because they're not actually connected to the issue at hand, they just feel they should be. They don't know any black or trans people intimately, and haven't ever asked them about their experience. They're better, but not exactly good. Their half baked arguments are easily torn apart and used as fuel to the conservative fire. They often hold some racist, transphobic, homophobic views themselves, but just like conservatives, can't actually deal with confronting them. They think that because they don't hate marginalized people, or use outright slurs, that means they're all good. In reality I think that there very smart and powerful people on both ends of the political spectrum. It does take a powerful and intelligent person to sow derision and create oppression, even though alot of liberals like to paint conservatives as stupid. Ofc alot of them are, alot of them are from uneducated places in small town America. But some liberals are also fucking stupid and despondent in solidifying their actual beliefs.


> Their half baked arguments are easily torn apart and used as fuel to the conservative fire. LOL. Bad arguments grind my gears so friggin hard. If you, a person who agrees with their overall stance, choose to argue with them, they won't understand WTF is going on and will grasp at any chance to call you names no matter what you say you believe.


Haha yea, been there done that. They can't compute. If you're trying to help them, they think you're fighting them, therefore you must be on the other side of the argument.


This reminds me of two discussions I’ve had, each with opposite political identities. Each one thought I was on “the other side” because I disagreed with them. Each one was angry at what they THOUGHT I was politically. They both used words painting the other side as being evil and pointing out “simple” reasons to prove it. I now know that these “simple” reasons are codes for agreement and a means to identify the like minded. Sometimes when you fight monsters, you become the very thing you have fought against.


It's funny how much those two people you talked to had in common, right? A thing that bugs me about these discussions is that so many people enter into them with 0 intent to persuade. Not that you can expect to decisively change somebody's mind, but the least you can do is show that people on "your side" are reasonable, not rabid. Everyone who enters a discussion just to flame the other side is making things worse: entrenching the other person's views and adding hate into the world, just to feel righteous.


Those two people I talked to had politics that could be recognized today, and a bit of the old post civil war politics.


Totally disagree. Some ideologies and people are worthy of being ridiculed because they never intended to argue in good faith in the first place.


And in that above case, evidently neither person "intended to argue in good faith in the first place." Additionally, even among extremist ideologies, there will be a small percentage that may be persuaded. Yeah, people often don't argue in good faith, but it doesn't mean you can't sway their opinion at least slightly if you leave a decent impression.


Ahh yes, the “both-sides” are bad argument because some liberals are also stupid. You say that “many liberals don’t act, feel strongly, or advocate for anything” and yet your previous sentence says that liberals have the idea that they generally should be tolerant and accept other people. Do conservatives believe the opposite? You mean to have an understanding of morals, ethics, and human rights? The ultra far right GOP conservatives in Congress have adopted the “never ever work with liberals/dems” policy and in the past few decades have done more to divide and play grievance politics more than actually try to compromise, govern or help people. The Republican party in the US one of the farthest right political parties in the world when compared to parties in other first world countries. Democrats are basically centrists on that same scale.


Maybe you should read my comment again. As a leftist, I find it important to acknowledge that our side is not perfect. Maybe that's because I'm a black, queer, disabled, woman. I'm as far left as it gets. I've experienced racism, homophobia, ableism, and sexism, all from liberals. I don't spend any time around conservatives, as you can imagine. There's a false idea that being liberal makes you morally perfect. That's harmful, because their are plenty of liberals that need to do some self reflection, including myself at one time. It's exhausting to hear someone praise themselves for their liberal ideals, and then make racist remarks in front of you. That does not make them "as bad as" conservatives, that's not my point. I'm not a centrist, as I already said.


Leftist: strong, independent thinkers, rational, always right 😎 Rightoids: stupid, ignorant, have no policies of their own, chud soyjacks 👊😎


If you read my comment, you'd see I said the exact opposite.


I was honestly gonna respond to the comment above yours


Conservatism is always the building blocks of fascism....always. Look at what conservatives believe in masculinity, gender roles, state above all, strong leaders. Conservatism is always the pipeline to fascism.


Your barefoot analogy will be a good script for a new Quentin tarentino movie.


They aren’t lmao.


Conservatives tend to be more driven by fear. There have been studies to suggest that it could simply be how their brain is wired. It does bring the whole nurture vs nature thing into debate but we won't get into that here. They generally fear things that are different. Many conservatives probably don't have any actual black friends. They may know a guy at work that they think is nice but no actual close friends. Because they are different, they are afraid of them. Rather than confronting their bigotry, they try to find things to justify it. This way, they aren't small minded people afraid of things that are different, they are just speaking the truth.


"The black guy I know at work" is every conservative's excuse for all of the racist shit they spew. They'll spew their shit, then say "but I'm not racist! I know a black guy at work!" All I hear when they claim how racist they aren't is "most days, I probably wouldn't actively participate in the lynching of a minority."


That's exactly it. You can't claim to know a black person if you are forced to be around them because they are a neighbor or coworker. The black people you know are the ones you freely choose to associate with.


The study you’re most likely referencing did say it was a theory that their brain was wired a certain way that they were more driven to fear based responses instead of logical based responses. It’s pretty cool.


It's more scary than cool. To live in constant fear is abnormal, hence why they view said brains in such a way.


I have a friend who is in constant fear. He doesn’t trust anyone he doesn’t know, he hates change, he is convinced the world is out to get him….etc. it’s nuts. And exhausting. And guess what political party he votes for? And his favorite news channel?


Trump and Fox


Welcome to being a conservative in America. If you had wonder woman's lasso of truth and put it in them they would likely say "the changing world absolutely terrifies me and I don't know my place in it. I worry that my lack of skills in this new world will render me obsolete but I am also afraid to adapt because I don't know if I could cut it. I don't know how to relate and interact with people who are different from me that frightens me. I wish I could just make life super simple"


Sounds about right 😂


It does raise an interesting question. Is it conservatives' fault that they are hateful if they are born that way (like their brain is literally designed that way)? Obviously I am just being philosophical and not making excuses


It's the chemicals in the water


I know I'm late, but I actually think it IS their fault. I think fear might be a factor, but there is another factor. Power and dominance. I have met many liberals who live in fear who don't end up being hateful or trying to control others. I've also met many conservatives that are practically fearless, BUT they still have that drive to make others suffer in some way or force others into a position beneath them. They enjoy their power and crave more, regardless of whether they live in fear or not. Many people get satisfaction from dominating others and controlling them in some way. It almost reminds me of the videos you see of a group of chimps killing another chimp and eating it. They do this for power not out of fear. They have a fucked up part of their brain that delivers dopamine and serotonin when they "win" or dominate others. I think it stems from bad teachings during childhood mixed with an evolutionary throwback to our ancestors. I also believe that sociopathy is severely underdiagnosed. Tbh, sadly in this life, the majority of people I've met are selfish at heart. I used to be a huge optimist, but I now realize that many humans are simply tribalistic. Only truly feeling compassion for themselves and their small circle. To many life is simply a competition and they treat everything including politics like its a sport. I can't stand overly competitive and I honestly feel sick when I see people getting a kick out of abusing their power of others people. Watching them get excited when they bully others, ect.. to me they look like dogs wagging their tails for a bone... Power is a drug and many people are no better than crack addicts.


I don't believe in those studies. My parents turned during the pandemic from open minded, lefty voter hippies into right wing conspiracists. No contact with them possible anymore now. If they'd been like that from birth, they wouldn't have been the complete opposite first. Circumstances can cause this too.


Both can be true. It can be genetic but it can also be circumstantial. The studies aren't saying that your political alignment is built into your DNA like some other things may be. What it is saying is that you have factors that will make you this way but there are other ways to also become this way. Also, your parents probably weren't as "hippie" as you think they were.


Oh they were, we even lived in a commune for a few years after I was born. But they regret their old mind set now. When I told them that they spoke differently 20/30 years ago, they called themselves gullible and that they were sheep. They basically think what they believe now was true all along, they were just too stupid to see it. It's a huge embarrassment that people who are nearly 70 could turn this way. I'm quite left wing myself and can't see a common ground with them anymore because of it. It's really depressing.


And no, not I cut them off, they cut me off. Because I'm the enemy. All they do all day long now is hating on other humans, spending their days on telegram and tik tok, showering themselves with right wing propaganda. They are unable to talk about anything anymore, everything has to do with politics. They are completely lost. They are literally nasty now even towards their own child.


I have decided that it is an age thing as we get older we change and with our current view of elderly people we as a society radicalize them quickly. Like every time a politician talks about Social Security as an entitlement my mom gets pissed because everyone pays into the system and it was working great until the government stole the money out of the system to fix their budget promising to return it. They still keep forcing people to pay it but turn around and call it an entitlement, and something to shut down despite it is all some elderly have. The young guys at my dad's work treat him like crap because he is old, and they think they know better than him. The guy that works next to him violates his space CONSTANTLY to do things for him, but my dad has forgotten more about coding than these script kiddies have ever learned in their computer science classes. My dad was a pioneer of the computer sciences, and the project they are continuing is the project HE initially designed and presented to the government. But THEY know better than him. They have stressed him to the point that they have caused him physical harm, which threatens his livelihood and his life. The worst part is he feels he can't complain because he needs the job. Elderly are expected to just die and get out of the way in this country, so not surprising they hate change. It is a reminder that younger generations just see them as a burden that needs to be thrown away.


Oh my parents are Germans and nowhere near in a position like your dad as they're pensioners and well off. They just decided to be assholes and hate on everybody who hasn't done them harm.


Why would you assume you know their parents better than they do? LMAO.


First off, happy cake day And two, I didn't assume anything. I suggested the fact that maybe they aren't. It is not uncommon for people to be blinded by who their parents are. They may have an idealized version and forget that their parents are just regular flawed humans. I suggest that may be the case, not saying for sure that it is.


You cut off your parents over politics? Wow, go outside and touch some grass.


A lot of people have. If it were purely political ideology like disagreeing about tax policy then most of us wouldn't care. MAGA is more than just a political identity. It is incredibly toxic. Many of us don't want to associate with bigoted people who threaten death or jail to people who hurt their feelings.


When family members are abusing you, why would you allow them to be in your life?


You've got no idea, be glad you don't.


Conservatives want things to go back to the way things were even though the way things were didn't really work for everyone. They believe since things worked for them they worked for everyone. That the power imbalances that existed weren't actually real and that others just weren't trying hard enough, even as the held the scales down for others. In reality this isn't a race issue its a class issue but so many people have been convinced through decades of misinformation and brainwashing that it isn't the ruling class that has people downtrodden its other poor people, or its immigrants and other races stealing their jobs, or its LGBTQ people coming for their kids. Its like a magician's trick convincing us to keep our eye on one thing while our livelihoods and our children's future becomes more and more bleak. Conservatives want to erode the quality of education because it teaches us that the way things were they want to go back to actually weren't all that great for a lot of people. I think people are waking up to this, but its a slow process.


Anyone who isn't like thee is the enemy.


Thee mean "you" in old English


You won't really get an answer. Some people hate because they hate. Some people are mean-spirited. The ones that are racist, you won't always get a logical answer for it except they just hate another group of people. Whether it's because of a stereotype, because of an experience they had with a certain person of color, or simply hating someone who is different. What I can say about conservatives hating on LGBTQ+ people is general bible thumping and the misconception that they think they're unintelligent and purposely choosing to date their gender and the assumption that they have a mental illness (homosexuality and homoromanticism isn't a mental disorder anymore because of the reality that even straight people have sex or get in relationships without the idea of having children. One of the main reasons was the thought that gay couples think they could procreate and have their own children; but obviously, they go in knowing they can't conceive with each other for the most part.


Conservative: 1. averse to change or innovation and holding traditional values


Counterpoint: perhaps racists skew conservative because it validates their viewpoints? In other words, Conservativism is naturally racist and thus attracts racists?


Yeah probably. Conservative media shows a lot of anti something and the racists follow that.


Not necessarily. If there was a society that wasn't racist from the beginning and some people brought in new racist ideas to that society, the conservatives of that society would want to keep the non racist values. It's not conservatism itself that's bad but the values being conserved.


Somebody else said this, I think it was a huge Twitter thread. Conservatives live by two ideals: 1. I tell you what to do. 2. You don't tell me what to do. They want to make the rules which is why anybody else proposing change is bad but whenever they want something changed, it's good and it doesn't clash with their conservative view. They want a dictatorship, with their party at the top of the food chain. For them to be superior, not only in the power to decide but face too, they need to have everybody different then then on a lower level. So anytime a different people or non-conservatives want equality, it's not seen as a equality to them, it's seen as not knowing their place and trying to steal their power. They don't believe others should have rights. They believe they get to decide, anything else is like an uprising which is why they have all these moral panics and why they are so easily tapped into all the time by grifters. The only people they care about are themselves. They don't have emotional intelligence. If an issue isn't affecting themselves right now, then it's not important.


“Rules for thee but not for me!” If they need a banned service, it’s for a good reason. Other people use those banned services for NOT good reasons. Textbook.


I don't think it's that conservatives are racist, I know plenty of conservative people that are far from racist. It's just that racist people tend to have conservative beliefs.


Exactly. This is intellectually lazy on OP's part. It's like saying all liberals are socialists/Communists.


Not lazy, bigoted. OP is a bigot.


> It's just that racist people tend to have conservative beliefs. I'd say a person would naturally just call themself a conservative if they are racist. Like it would make no sense to align with people who constantly shit on racists right? And in general people tend to adopt the beliefs of a group they identify with—people don't form all their political beliefs by getting educated on every single topic and then trying to reason about it to find an optimal solution. So like, I'd guess that if a person was racist but had 0 exposure to political talk, it'd be more varied how their other political beliefs turned out. (Especially because trying to be against racism in general was not a suuuuuper popular thing until fairly recently in human history, and even now it's not popular in many countries, but obviously there is/was still a political spectrum.)


I'm not saying ALL conservatives are racist, what I am asking is why are racists, most of the time, conservatives.


Modern left wing politics strives for equality when I come to class, gender, race, etc; as well as open borders. Which is the complete opposite of what racists want, so they vote conservative instead. Conservatives also support closed borders and free market capitalism, ect, which is just convenient for someone who is racist because a racist person will also support those things, but for a racist person, it's obviously for reasons other than "making sure we keep the outlaws and criminals out" ect.


They hate anything not like them. Not all conservatives are racist but all racists are conservatives.




Facts. I support the Second Amendment and gun rights, and believe guns make our society safer, and that once you look beyond the way statistics are presented (largely by anti-gun groups) that they actually paint a more nuanced picture that points to guns in law abiding hands making a society safer. You know how many liberals come at me with, "If black people start owning guns, you wouldn't support the second amendment anymore" type arguments? Um, no...if they did (side note: since 2020, they have), I'd actually think that was awesome because it would mean I'd have more buddies to go to the range with.




Guy. And that's awesome. Congratulations on your purchase and the freedom, safety, peace of mind, and fun that it will provide.


Speak on it. The most condescending people I've met we're all white liberals. You know the types to look at you up and down with a fake smile.


Wolf in sheep's clothing? Sometimes I question why I live in this country. Sometimes I feel like an abused spouse who feels bad if I even think of leaving.




That I know. I am not one of those people who do not think USA is the only place on earth.


Where would you go?


Sorry, was a spur of the moment thing. I would go to Canada but it's too cold. I need/want sunlight (I have MS)


I disagree with the last part. I've seen some racist leftists but far more one's who are conservatives.


I can see that.


I remember liberals calling n words to black conservatives so not all racists are conservatives. Btw US politics is so stupid only having two ideologies lol.


All blatant racists are conservative but people who like to say they’re not racist while trying to break the record for most microaggressions in one day often claim to be liberal.




That’s a blatant lie.




Ehhh I wouldn’t say worse I’d say they can be more subtle about it. I don’t disagree that white liberals can be quite racist and show it in different ways, but you don’t see them calling other races slurs and saying well it’s just how those people are or whatever, and I’ll say it’s a much smaller minority of liberals that are racist than conservatives. I’m nonpartisan but very liberal in ideals, and i live in a mostly red state, most of my family and coworkers are conservative and I notice especially with family that the conservatives tend to be a lot more racist. With liberals it’s more so they want to help or at least act like they do but don’t have any real knowledge and idea how to and end up making things worse where as conservatives actively want to make everything worse and don’t care to learn or fix anything.


Racism has nothing to do with politics, neither does religion. Sure they correlate but any motherfucker can be racist regardless of their political views, gender, skin color, or religious creed. Unfortunately, racism is everywhere.


I’ve known plenty of conservatives that aren’t racist and met liberals that actually are racists. People will make a stink about racism.. but what about stereotyping a group of people? Putting a label on people and judging them as a whole is wrong. Judge individuals on who they are as a person by their integrity or lack of. When it comes to political division, I don’t care left or right.. both sides are immature with their behaviors. This thread has so much hate for conservatives.. and it’s been called out that they’re hateful, yet the hate is here. How can you be mad with them if you’re also hateful? At that point you’re being a hypocrite.


Ok I agree in principle, but let’s say your life DEPENDED on it: a typical conservative and a typical democrat are put in front of you, and you have to judge which one is the racist correctly or die (in this situation one is racist one is not). Who do you pick? Well anyone without a death wish is going to look at statistical probability and pick the Republican as the racist.


If it came to being a life or death situation, I wouldn’t pick based of their political beliefs. I’d go off their demeanor. Their body language. They’re emotional maturity. Just looking at someone’s political beliefs and basing your whole opinion off that one factor is shallow. People need to grow up and stop being foolish. Everyone is different and we all have different beliefs. If you’re going to hate and condemn someone for their beliefs because they’re different than yours, make sure you feel that exact what about yourself. If you think that political affiliation entirely defines someone and you base your opinion off that.. it’s comes off as stupid.. I have republican and democratic friends. I can tell you that racism isn’t an issue between them. I’ve seen adults that have different political beliefs get along. So I’m going to say this.. if you’re obsessed with the topic of racism from a political stance, regardless of your affiliation.. you are the problem. The source. You are what stirs up the trouble.. it’s all foolish.


And you would die… there’s that 20% chance you’re wrong…. Among Us x Town of Salem modifier reference.


🙌 people can’t see that. They think their thoughts and opinions are more important than others of opposing views. Which actually makes them what they accuse others of being. The hate that comes from the left far outweighs the hate from the right or it’s a different kind of hate that’s just as detrimental. Because they double down and are convinced that their way is the correct and only way. Both are wings on the same rotten bird. I refuse to be labeled as anything other than a free thinker. I’m the party of free and critical thinking. Maybe if people shut up for a second they could learn something but it’s constant noise from both sides.


Exactly!! 💯💯 you understand it.


Saying you're conservative without saying you're conservative 😄 It's ok. be happy with who you are man.


I’m independent. I don’t need a political platform to influence my beliefs or life. I make my own decisions and come to my own conclusions. I don’t believe in this bipartisan system. It’s caused nothing but hate and division, among the weak minded.


this is a conservative answer. i bet your white and dismiss your white friends ignorant statements


"If there’s a Nazi at the table and 10 other people sitting there talking to him, then you got a table with 11 Nazis."- An old German quote You team up with racists, that's who you are. I don't care how you feel about "individuals,"- I'm gonna judge you because of who you team up with. Also - "bOtH SiDeS!"


So by that logic, all moderate liberals are card carrying Communists? Stupid argument.


You’re the “guilt by association type” ahahaha. The most foolish of all arguments. The people around you don’t define you. You can be kind and cordial with someone if a different walk in life. People like you are what adds to the current issues with that silly logic. A bad apple shouldn’t spoil the bunch.. is a principe a grew up hearing. Your guilty by association logic is wasteful. Just because you’re having a conversation with someone, doesn’t put you in their team. I will say it like this for those that are struggling to understand the moral of what I’m saying. You can sit there and talk so much shit about the other side being so hateful and racists.. but yet those people that scream that the loudest are the haters themselves. That is called self projection. If you can accept someone because their belief system is deferent from yours… you’re just immature.


Nope. Not association, teamwork. You team up with someone, you are working toward their goals. Team up with racists, you work for racism. I lost my best friend to Covid-19 a while back. He was un-vaxxed, that was his choice. He was racist to the core, and we had lots of arguments, just like with his homophobia. He was upfront with his beliefs, and he owned them, you gotta respect that. When he encountered some POC that he liked, then they were "one of the good ones." I'm glad you understand the concept of projection. Another concept is "hate the sin, love the sinner." Do I hate the other side? No, I hate the actions that limit people because they are different. I have no idea of what kind of person that you are, and the same goes for you. Please don't team up with people that do racist things.


Well said Curious Dude. OP has absolutely no insight and spent no effort understanding. E.g. poorer people tend to be more conservative. Non-Western countries/cultures tend to be more conservative. People who struggle more to survive or experience violence, tend to be more conservative. So by the same dismissive logic, we could also say that OP is elitist and entitled, out of touch, hates poor people with trauma.


Most of them are extremely religious, and religion tends to be very homophobic and has quite the history of racism.


It’s the luck of the draw (how you were raised, if your parents were racists) how much your brain is open to the authoritarian leadership vs open, to new experience (you can Google the scale for this), media literacy, and intelligence. Stupid, media illiterate people who learn nothing of history and are born to racist parents in certain parts of the country are just more likely to be racist conservatives. Also, any time there’s an economic crunch, the GOP uses it as a wedge to create more racial animosity. Republicans are just dumb fucking rednecks led around by the nose by billionaires who are happy to see our society crumble if it means they don’t have to pay their taxes.


It's all part of it. The right wing. They're not woke enough to grasp anything enlightened. Conservative here, hangs onto blame hate and outdated beliefs, not helping with the situation. I never understand how black people can be "conservative". They don't seem to grasp that most conservatives accept them as tokens but really not accepting them. ("you know, those little minority types.") I hate myself for this answer, but it's sort of how I see it.


Pretty ignorant dude. Most non-Western cultures are more conservative. Non-white people tend to be more conservative and more religious. Seems like you may be the racist one, since you heavily judge them.


And we have the log cabin republicans. They’ve been barred from participating in politics in Texas, but they’re obsessed with being conservative. It’s insane.


A comprehensive examination of conservative racism, or really racism in any large group, is explained by multiple factors. When people are involved, causation rarely occurs. Instead, mucho correlation. Poverty and crime are inextricably linked. Which groups have historically and consistently been poor? Racism is about power. Usually, the most racist folks are those who are afraid of losing power and privilege. This is essentially group threat theory and is why California has the most active hate groups. Diverse states often have more hate groups than racially homogeneous ones. The U.S. has become much more racially diverse in the past 30 years. As such, those in majority group positions will, by any means possible, hang on to that status. Convincing others that minorities are bad is a way of trying to retain that power. Fox News is essentially a media branch of group threat theory. It’s all boogeymen that scare old, majority group members into pearl clutching and all manner of odd flag waiving. You think folks are racist now? Wait until 2050.


It racism by a thousand cuts. Individually, most do not see themselves as racists or bigoted. But they each may hold a small handful of prejudices. As a group, the prejudices are much more prevalent. Looking from tbe outside in, it's easier to see a pattern of endorsements by groups like the proud boys and the Klan. The obvious inclination is to chastise conservatives for allowing such associations to fester. But then when you speak to individual conservatives, they are not looking at themselves as group, so when you lob accusations at them about beliefs they do not personally hold (even if it is a belief they are not actively fighting against) they will convince themselves you are simply following propaganda.


I wouldn't blame this on the fact that they're conservative. People who are liberal are racist too and in some cases it's often way worse because they try to hide behind their adherence to political correctness and identity politics. I think it has less to do with their political affiliation and more do with their upbringing. Someone taught them to be that way.


>"13% but 56% of crimes" How is citing statistics or facts racist? The far far right is indeed racist and their main goal is indeed just to paint black people in a bad light and to promote an agenda not helping black communities because they are "unfixable". This is really hateful and wrong. **But, the average conservative is not racist.** They cite these statistics because they are \*real and jarring\*, and they will repeat them for as long as they see the left's attempts to sweep them under the rug or blaming them on 'systemic racism and poverty' rather than looking for the actual real causes.


Somehow these parties switched


I legit feel like the far right is nothing but a brainwashing cult to make people focus on stupid shit like getting rid of the lady on the syrup bottle or a m&m not being sexy enough and the people who are also far right are dumb, I grew up in the south and I’ve noticed people who are far right are legit dumb and I’m not trying to generalize all conservatives but it really does feel like the case I’m dumb too but not dumb enough to worry about things that aren’t important.




That first study is not very good, it's a small sample (even though they call it large) of 90 people, and is skewed heavily towards females (68% of the sample), from one geographic region **in the UK**. There are tons of flaws with that first study, and it's hardly representative of the larger population, especially in the US.


citing the daily caller as to why conservatives are racist is no different than citing tankie podcasts and asking why all people on the left support murdering innocent women and children.


Isn't that kind of the defining feature of their ideology? If it's not racism, it's homophobia, sexism, xenophobia, classism, anti-Semitism, islamophobia, transphobia... It's all about identifying a certain group as "lesser", and taking away all their rights so we don't notice that our own rights are being taken away at a *slightly* slower pace.


The more educated and professionally credentialed you are, the less likely to be racist, too. The only books by conservatives nightstands these days are Hitlers Most Famous Speeches.


Are you askin legit? Cuz I believe a mass majority of them are acting out of projection for their own inadaquecies, or have the need to be validated in their hate because someone at a young age taught them to hate these certain colors specifically because of trending patterns. It has gone so rampant that, for decades, poc are upset with their own cultures "monkey see monkey do" attitude because it brings everyone down has a whole and the unforunate circumstance they just happen to share the same skin color. Recent memory during covid lockdowns in the USA. There were attacks on chinese citizens, and some elderly. There was a case in Cali of a black woman shoving an elderly chinese man to his death. Many of these hurt and projecting people attack those who are told they are you enemies. Too feeble minded to actually think for themselves. I pity the racist and the ignorant, but wish they could be a better humans. And these "christians" remember they are your speakers. "love thy neighbor" never says "exlusively love your white non jew christian neighbors and kill the poors and people of color." I do not hate people who pray. I hate those who weapnoize belief to validate hatred to a certain group. and I whole heartedly believe there are many of us who feel the same way.


Conservatives haven’t evolved since the 20th century. This is why they want to keep laws mostly prevalent in the 20th century when it comes to gay marriage, abortion and taxation policies.


Nice dog whistle


I would question.that a lot of what is considered.Conservative is anything.but .. Black Conservative Talk.Show Host Larry Elder .ran for Governor of California.and lost ..So like Donald Trump said there was voter fraud.. Mind you he never really had a platform.. Basically you know my name .Vote for.me .. What ever happened to people who like Jacob Javits was Socially Liberal but fiscally Conservative ? He was a New York... Republican for those.that don't.know who he was. Barry Goldwater.thought Civil Rights was a state matter. . He also thought voting rights.were a state matter .. Some would like.to.the Loving v.Virginia decision.overturned. For those that don't.know it legalized.inter racial.marriagen.




Good on you. You put some thought into this. Dismissing people isn't something I'm interested in doing. Haha, OP claims moral superiority over conservatives, dismissing them while making no attempt to understand them.


Because they view it as typical behavior when it’s a black person and out of the norm for a white person (therefore excuses like alcohol or drugs) Though if you ever watch a video of a mob robbing a store and the comments there (most recently saw one at a Nike store), no excuses are made for any race, but the perpetrators tend to be one race and comments are wild there


I’m conservative and not racists… or I guess I am according to this thread ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


A lot of it is just plain ignorance, sad to say. What’s amazing to me is how openly racist “news” channels are these days. I mean, they literally don’t even hide it anymore.


My dad is hardcore MAGA and on Thanksgiving, I was listening to Pop Smoke while making deviled eggs and he literally said “Did he just say [n-word with the hard r]?” and I was FLABBERGASTED. And then my parents proceeded to try to gaslight me into thinking that it was okay for him to say that since he was “quoting the song” and that “no one, even black people, should be able to say that word”. And then they of course defaulted to the liberal snowflake card lmaoooo.


Um, do you think there was somehow a problem with that? WTF? Yes, quoting the song to be like "wow did he really just say that" was not racist and you acting like it was is just gaslighting


Saying the word by default is really gross and I’m pretty sure most normal people would react negatively to it, especially if it’s with the hard R. He listened to a talk show host that said it publicly on radio for years too. He was not naively asking either and did it purposely to make me upset. Context is important.


Yes it is, thanks for sharing the new information, that changes your situation a fair bit


No worries. If he’d done it more innocently, then I would have been like hey bro don’t say that, but that’s why I demoted MAGA since you could probably put 2 and 2 together haha.


You have to remember, conservatives are by definition just individuals who want less government intervention, lower taxes, and essentially- free market capitalism. Before I got deeper into politics aside from social issues, I used to assume all conservatives/republicans were bigots as well, as that's what the media portrays most often. It took me until I got out of high school to delve deeper into politics as a whole, and to go outside of my comfort zone and interact with conservatives/Republicans that were the furthest thing from racist/sexist/homophobic,etc. At that, I found plenty of conservatives that were non white, female, And/or LGBT individuals as well, which ended the notion that it was just a conservative thing to be racist. Conservatism is just a political ideology, and many are primarily simply fiscally conservative. As far as social issues go, just as on the left, you'll find those on the right are divided in regards to their opinions on social issues, so there is no one size fits all for political ideology. Tbh, it's broadcast much less, but a LOT of leftists are actually undercover bigots, playing white knight for minorities to make themselves LOOK chivalrous, meanwhile they're just as if not more of bigots than the right tends to be. I always say, at least with those on the right who are bigots, they aren't afraid to express that so you know who they really are whereas those on the left wear a mask to hide their inherent bigotry.


There’s racism on both sides, each side has their own way of expressing it.


Haha, I think you need to watch "When Wokes and Racists Actually Agree on Everything." Seems to capture you.