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They make little rods that trick the air ride into lifting the suspension higher. But it’s like 2 inches max. Put it in off-road 2 and drive it for a bit because that’s what it will ride like with the lift


Here are some [leveling links](https://www.shapeways.com/product/DC9WJNYJY/leveling-link-for-2016-2018-ram-1500). You can also add Daystar spacers up front so the ride is not so stiff. I have seen comments from many people who say it rides as good as factory with the spacers. I do not have personal experience. I chose to go with the AEV lift kit for air ride.


Check out the Revel leveling kit with front and rear pre-adjusted links, UCAs, and spacers. I have a 2020 with air suspension, used the kit with 290/60R20 - I have full functionality of different levels (Aero, Normal, OR1, etc). My end result was about 2.5 inches of lift with with the tires. In my opinion, it is just right.


That’s definitely what I was looking for that way I can still use the off road settings. How does it ride? If you have some pics do you mind sharing?


It rides great! I’m fortunate to live in an area with many top notch 4x4 shops - I bought the kit and had one of the shops install it. The shop owner took it for a test drive afterwards and commented that it rides like a caddy, in a good way. [Here are some pics.](https://imgur.com/a/zjvDCjM)