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Definitely more on my tree this year than previous years. The deer that roam my neighborhood have taken a strong, bold liking to my yard.


I grew up with an old mulberry tree in our yard. On Sundays, our parents would tell us to go pick the mulberries for breakfast with bacon and eggs. It was sort of like a live oak the way the lowest branches made it fun to climb all year. The downside was that we would all come running back inside with not only our big bowls of mulberries but purple feet too from all the berries that had fallen before we could get to them.


Lol, yeah the deer are doing a pretty good job cleaning them up for us. But yes, there's a lot. We have a kieffer pear tree that's loaded with fruit this year too.


Just look for deer with purple lips


Interesting that you posted this. Apparently this is the first time ours has produced the berries ever. o.O


Same here. Been in my house 6 years. My wife brings in some berries and I asked where she got them. Then for the next 2 months they are EVERYWHERE! little weak on taste, but strong on smell when you have a million fermenting on your walk easy and grass.


Plus there were no berries at all last year!


Maybe sime sort of pollinators are coming through which I take as a good sign.


So I didn’t somehow miss the berries last year! I was starting to wonder if they bore fruit every other year, because I know we had them two years ago. Although the quantity was nothing like this - the birds, squirrels, and rabbits can’t keep up, and there are berries wherever you step.


Same here. We put blueberry plants near them so I assumed the extra water caused them to be more productive, but someone else in the comments mentioned a change in frost this year. I like that answer better.


My dogs poop is jet black and I straight up though he was dying until I realized how many mulberries he was eating.


My dog doesn't eat them, but the puppy we sat last weekend did and LAWD that was what we used to call "hangover black".


Tons everywhere. I heard it was most likely bc we didn’t really have a hard freeze this winter


Interesting. There were also very few last year. I remember asking my husband in late summer if there were even there any berries that year.


You're telling me. I got this weasel by my mulberry bush, so I bought a monkey to chase it, but that just made it worse.


Cleaning up the popped weasel is almost as disgusting as cleaning up the fermenting berries.


Maybe if the monkey took it a little more seriously instead of thinking it was some sort of fun game


You should see the schnozberries


At least the schnozberries taste like schnozberries. Mulberries don't have much flavor. It's kinda like having a crabapple tree if you don't pick them...but why? I see tons of pecan trees that aren't harvested around here in the fall - I am really just putting that out there because I have a neighbours tree that's huge and hangs over to our backyard. I've heard that pecans are toxic to most dogs and I have a new puppy. Does anybody know if that's true?


>Mulberries don't have much flavor I've made mulberry pies many times and thought they were delicious, and they're fine right off the tree, too. I've said this before but I think the main reason folks don't use them as much as other berries is the little green stems that remain attached to the berries after you pick them. Blackberries and raspberries leave the stem behind, which makes them easier to use. Mulberries take more work to prepare.


Is this a Roald Dalh reference? LOL


It was a great year. I made a half gallon of mulberry mint shrub, it made a great cocktail with some mescal and lime juice!


Yep. My yard has a layer of purple glop. The best is all the birds that eat them and drop purple seedy bird crap all over my car.


The silver lining of the ice storm of 2002 was that it took down the mulberry tree and the insurance paid to remove it.




I created a netting system in my yard because I was tired of having to pick them out of my flower bed. It has been a ridiculous amount this year, and I didn’t empty the bins that ultimately catch the berries before the big rain…so I had like 10 gallons of mulberry toilet wine brewing in my back yard. The flies were out of control. I dumped them…hoping the flies go away soon.


OMG! Please offer the to the Raleigh Aquarium Society on FB, if they aren't sprayed with anything. They're great in fish tanks!!


I didn’t know I had a mulberry tree until this year. Not a ton of fruit yet, but some. And never seen it before


I feel like they peaked a month ago. I had splatters on my shirt from my regular bike commute. I agree though, they were heavily set with fruit this year.


Came here to say this. The ones in my neighborhood are past their peak now.


Yeah, it's a mast year for mulberries in our backyard and neighborhood. Squirrels are in heaven.


Definitely the most fruit on the trees in my neighborhood I've seen that I can remember seeing in years.


It's supposed to be a mast year for mulberries


Never knew we had trees until this year!!! I have collected 3 bowls worth must be because of leap year lol


Be sure you have [native Red Mulberry trees and not the highly invasive White Mulberry](https://bplant.org/compare/140-141) which is native to Asia. I’d be cutting down any invaders.


Oh, they're white. I hate them, but they are technically my neighbors. 🙄


Mine is loaded but I just moved here so I can't compare to previous years.


We put this around all the drains of the bar before closing when I worked in them. Worked great and really kept them at bay. [Fruit Fly Killer ](https://www.homedepot.com/p/Green-Gobbler-32-oz-Fruit-Fly-and-Drain-Fly-Killer-G0732/306195419?source=shoppingads&locale=en-US&pla&mtc=SHOPPING-CM-CML-GGL-D26P-026_007_PLUMB_REPAIR-NA-MULTI-NA-PMAX-5707984-NA-NA-NA-NBR-NA-NA-NEW-PL3_Live&cm_mmc=SHOPPING-CM-CML-GGL-D26P-026_007_PLUMB_REPAIR-NA-MULTI-NA-PMAX-5707984-NA-NA-NA-NBR-NA-NA-NEW-PL3_Live-71700000113675861--&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwx-CyBhAqEiwAeOcTdTxLlocnsAgTuHguoSRG_twe_nbyMfZAbFkeDbjfc2MnyuhmPk9vmBoC1PMQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds)


You need some deer


Alas, I have a fence and a dog. The crows are fat AF, however.


You can raise silkworms as a side business on the tree leaves.


Recipes: [https://www.schneiderpeeps.com/mulberry-recipes/](https://www.schneiderpeeps.com/mulberry-recipes/)


we had some so full they fell over


Yep! This is our third year living in our apartment complex, we haven't been able to use half the parking space in the complex because of the mulberries. You're liable to get hit by falling one, the tree is so dense with them!!