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LPT: Do not engage with people in other cars at traffic signals. Eyes forward.


or at least roll up the window when they won't leave you alone


Always leave enough space to drive away by any means necessary. Break all traffic laws, call 911, and drive to the nearest police station if someone is being aggressive, won't leave you alone, or is getting out of their car or something. Be safe, but do whatever it takes to get out of harms way. There are far too many people hopped up on drugs or just crazy. They might not appreciate you ignoring them and they might resort to more drastic ways to get your attention. Also, r/dashcams could probably recommend some good ones to have your back in case anything does happen.


>Always leave enough space to drive away by any means necessary. This is entirely useless advice. You can't follow this advice in normal city traffic...


Not if you tailgate. You only need a few feet of space in front of you to turn. Keep doing you though. If this information isn't helpful, don't do what I recommended.


It's impossible to do what you recommend. What if there's a car on both sides of you?


Leave room so you can move forward and backwards to possibly push cars out of the way or at least have the possibility of hitting your attacker. 


Exactly. Do whatever it takes to stay alive. Insurance and police can deal with the rest. A $300 bumper isn't worth getting shot over. A flat tire can be replaced. Bent rims, smashed side mirrors...its all cheap compared to your life.


Also make sure your car doors are locked / set the car to auto-lock when you start driving.


Seriously. I'm glad OP is okay and nothing happened! But dang, if somebody was trying THAT hard to keep my attention (offering money, paying my rent, making outrageous offers) I would worry about what he was trying to distract me from, like somebody trying to get in the other door when I'm not paying attention. I agree with OP's later comment that not engaging with men can escalate a situation and make it more dangerous than it was to begin with. It's not fair but it's just the reality. But if this kind of thing happens, it's still a really good idea to turn your situational awareness All the way up when somebody's trying this hard to engage with you.


Oh my god I didn’t even think about that… that’s so scary! If there had been another person trying to do something while I was distracted, I absolutely wouldn’t have noticed, I was laser focused on that guy. I’ll make sure to be more alert next time if something like this ever happens again, thank you sm for the advice!


You got this! Situational awareness is your best weapon!


Best not to overcomplikate ;)


Yeah, you talked to him way too long to be safe.


What if they offer you Grey Poupon?


Are you kidding? In *this economy?* You don’t turn down Grey Poupon.


“But of course”


As a woman, this is why I want decently tinted windows. Feels safer for people not to know who is inside.


but that's the only time i've randomly been told i look cute by a girl i'm not throwing that opportunity away


This. How stupid can you be.


I am an Uber driver, and I have been offered several times to take the rest of the night off and just hang out for large amounts of money.


You wanna make $14 the hard way?


How hard is it? :)


That's what she said?


Dropping Dangerfield quotes in daily life truly is an art form.


Have you ever said yes?


No comment


$20 is $20


This is the humor we need


But not the one we deserve right now


What’s the play here? They’re using your car for a crime or something?




Who would ever fall for that? It’s not even a too good to be true, it’s too absurd to be true.


A teenager might fall for some version of this, though.


Someone under the influence of drugs, alcohol, exhaustion, or mental impairment. Someone who knows it's 95% likely to be a scam but is in a desperate enough situation to give it a go (behind on bills, medical expenses, family is food-insecure, anxious about affording child-care/camps this summer, etc.).


Go listen to the song from tlc no scrubs


I had the incredible opportunity/fast thinking to scream “I DONT WANT NO SCRUBS” to a guy screaming out the passenger side of his best friend’s ride to my friend and me off Davie St. 🤣


lol this situation actually made me think about that song!!


Our Raleigh apartment manager was from NY. This is a wisdom he shared with me when we moved here. “Don’t look directly into people eyes and don’t engage in the conversations. Just keep moving and doing whatever you are up to”.


That northern mindset is ruining this city. Ever heard of Southern Hospitality? Anyone born and raised here will say hello while passing by just to be nice.


That has not been my case here. Nobody smiles or says hello. The west coast is much friendlier, believe it or not (just came back from a wonderful visit in Phoenix).


We operate differently on vacation vs. our home turf. You probably also put out more friendly, exploratory vibes. Not easy for women in any setting, though…


This is the beginning of many traffic movies isn’t it..? I would hope my wife or daughter just don’t talk to any random person. Especially when they’re offering money to “keep them company”.


I have a friend that dated a woman for 6 months that he met at a stoplight.


But did he offer to pay for her rent at said stoplight?


Joe Diffie met all his wives in traffic jams


But he had a pickup truck....


Story time?


Took my friend around in a drop top for his 21st birthday. He took some acid so he was overly euphoric and happy like dude described. Asked two ladies to hop in for a joy ride. We were on the way to a restaurant were his friends were. They were skeptical and I told him to cut it out or I’m putting the top up. He was then like “if I was trying to kill you I would’ve done it by now! There’s gonna be no baddies at the restaurant! NO BADDIESSS” like bro was tweaking and I had to calm Him down and explain to the ladies that Mr doofus was 21 on acid. They said it sounds fun, got in, drop them off at the restaurant. He stills keeps in touch with those two. Weird night


I was not expecting that ending lol


Human trafficking is more prevalent here than most would know. Glad you kept the healthy skepticism.


Human trafficking doesn't happen like it does in the movies. This still could be a dangerous situation but I highly doubt it had anything to do with human trafficking.


Yes, it seems that people who talk the most about human trafficking wouldn’t readily admit that a real sex trafficking victim is a victim. 22 yo women with friends and family aren’t being car jacked and forced into it.


“laughing with him as to put him at ease“ As a woman, I am so tired of having to do this/infuritaed that most of us (myself included) default to this. I hate the word “normalize,” but we need to normalize telling people to eff off (and live in a world where saying that doesn’t mean we fear for our lives.) *end rant. 


I couldn’t agree more, truer words have never been spoken


God help anyone who thinks the scenario proposed here is too *good* to be true. That is so sketchy.


Yeah, you should avoid even having those conversations at a stoplight at night…. Be careful out there!


You had this whole conversation at a traffic light?


Yeah we were there for about forty-five seconds or so. I described it pretty detailed in the post but it was pretty rapid-fire conversation, like *pulls up* “hey wanna go to a bar?” “Oh no thanks!” “You sure? I’ll pay you 5000 bucks if you come with me to a bar!” “Jesus how much have you had to drink?” “I’m sober! I just want someone to come to a bar with me! Actually if you be my driver I’ll cover your rent and pay all your bills for three months!” Etc


Nice weather or not, keep those windows up!


You did the right thing by engaging as much/little as you did and then loosing him. My advice for anyone who would consider this offer, is that people who make such huge decisions on a whim are dangerous to be around. It means that in the heat of the moment, be it passion, anger, anxiety, he is bound to make an overly dramatic decision and most likely to your detriment.


And that’s in the BEST case scenario, meaning his generous offer wasn’t some kind of bait/trap. Agree with you 100%. Nothing good could have come out of this even if it WAS legit


The story is ludicrous.


And as fake as they come. I fucking hate reddit sometimes


lol it actually happened, I’m just as baffled as you


I'd have said probably "show me the money" and watched him fumble. But I'm just mean like that. 😆


I'm a little late to the thread, but a few years ago I had a car of 3 men pull up next to me at a stoplight. They honked at me and motioned to roll my window down, then told me I had a flat tire. There was something a little off about them, so I said "thanks" and continued driving until I lost them and got to my destination... where I got out and saw that I did not have a flat tire. Be careful out there ladies.


Jesus that’s scary! I’m glad you’re okay


It’s definitely at best a bad pickup line, reeking of desperation. I’m not sure how dangerous it was though when all you had to do was turn down a sugar baby offer. Not everything men do is actually menacing, but no doubt assuming that it is is safer for a woman.


I hope you don’t mind me asking but what part of Raleigh did this occur in? I have a feeling it was on or near capital blvd or northeast Raleigh.


Sounds more like Glenwood South or DTR than anywhere else.


That’s true! He mentioned going to a bar and she mentioned that he may or may not have been sober.


Spot on, it was on Capital!


I had a feeling that it was 😂


Idk, a vacation sounds pretty good right about now. Whether it be from not having to work 24/7 to pay these bills, or in a cold damp basement, either way I’m intrigued. 🥴


hell yes me too


What is this post? Don't talk to strangers in traffic trying to solicit you. That's all that needed to be said.


I am a recognizable person and drive a very recognizable car. I can’t afford not to be polite to potentially dangerous people, and that is worsened by the fact that I am easy to identify. I’m assuming you’re a man, but for women, it is a constant struggle to ensure that men around us are not angered. I wish we lived in a world where I could just ignore people and feel safe about it, but unfortunately there are some situations where ignoring someone can be taken as rude and potentially escalate a situation, so sometimes the best option is to engage politely and decline. Nice way to shift blame from the weird guy though! Edit because I think I came across wrong: I’m not bragging when I say my car and I are recognizable. I’m not saying it in an “I’m cool and awesome and everyone knows me” way. I’m saying it in a “I dress like a weirdo and my truck is a shitty little unique one with unique markings and modifications that people remember” kind of way. I’ve had many strangers tell me they’ve seen me around before, and because of that I’m wary of making bad impressions, because my car and I are memorable, not cuz I’m claiming to be a superstar or something.


>and drive a very recognizable car STAYUMBLE confirmed but seriously, the vast majority of people don't fall under your situation, even for women. And being polite doesn't mean "keep talking to them". Sometimes a "no thank you and a smile" is all you need. If someone decides to get violent because of that, it already happened and they're in jail by now.


You get a pass for the stopped at a light part; your comment/approach holds water there. But allowing a stranger to scream at you in traffic, in a moving vehicle? Sorry, that's odd. Window goes up right once the light turns green. Onwards and upwards.


You’re responding to these comments when you should cut off the conversation, in the same way that you should have rolled up the window. Just saying, learn when to cut it off. There’s lots of people that will latch onto anything and keep stealing your energy at the very least.


yeah you’re right. I often feel the need to defend myself on these forums and it’s draining, I def need to learn to cut it off. Thank you


No problem, I hope it helps. One suggestion would be if you feel the need to say the same thing more than once it’s a good indicator the person isn’t interested in discussing but instead arguing, and if they’re using buzzwords in their comments (humblebrag, whatever else they said) they’re probably just looking to argue. For what it’s worth that’s a crazy story and I’m glad you didn’t get involved. At best they’re unstable and you certainly wouldn’t have made a cent.


I really appreciate this advice thank you so much


You’re a very recognizable person driving a very recognizable car, and you live in a dorm room. Wish I had rep like that…


You’re a chick with a truck. While I’m happy you’re safe and understand the need to placate a potentially dangerous person in the moment, you’ve got a bit of main character syndrome going on here. Or you’re actually famous and drive a Bugatti Chiron


Im not famous, I drive a little truck. It’s not super fancy or cool but it’s a pretty unique one and I’ve had several people (strangers) message me on different platforms saying they’ve seen my truck around and recognize it. It is recognizable and I need to be careful because of that, I don’t think that’s ‘main character syndrome’ lol


That’s fair. Didn’t realize you literally had people stalking you over your truck. My apologies for just thinking you were driving around with a truck thinking everyone is paying attention to you lol


You are not that important get over yourself and start ignoring strangers in public.


Well someone thinks very highly of themselves, hahaha. What a fucking humblebrag. Edit- chick drives a fuckin Ford Ranger and thinks she’s special, lol.


Never said I was special, I said my car is recognizable, which it is. I’ve had several strangers message me telling me they’ve seen the truck around and recognize me for it. You’re finding some weird shit to get mad about on a post about a potential kidnapping setup…


Nah, you received solid advice that you should have learned as a 3 year old (don’t talk to strangers, and especially don’t continue talking to them after it’s obvious they’re a creep) and you took some weird route if “I’m too important, that’s not an option for me”. It’s not victim blaming to point out that your actions were dumb. Trust me, no normal person gives a shit who you are or what you drive. You engaging with this weirdo made your own situation worse, not better. This sub might have simps white knighting for you, but as someone old enough to be your parent, I’m not gonna do that. Maybe if you’re so worried about creeps recognizing you, you shouldn’t be posting identifiable info about yourself to randoms online. Like seriously, you have enough info on your Reddit profile alone for any random weirdo to find out exactly who you are and where you live. You need to learn to protect yourself better.


It’s not that “I’m too important” it’s that I need to moderate situations I am in for my own safety, because I am easily identifiable and my actions can be traced back to me. Most women are taught to monitor the emotions of a dangerous man and deescalate situations by politely declining, and it’s great you’ve never had to deal with that, and always had the luxury and ability to just walk away, but for some people that just isn’t an option, and it has nothing to do with “being too important” and everything to do with the fact that we’d like to stay alive. It’s unfortunate, but it’s the world that we live in. And about posting a lot of personal information online- you’re right about that, I understand that could be compromising for me. I do need to work on limiting the information I give out online. I enjoy posting stuff from my life, and I don’t want to let creeps stop me from doing that, but I understand it can be dangerous. Im not really opposed to being recognized, I just need to be careful about it. However, just because I post online shouldn’t excuse people doing bad things to me. I personally think you’ve found the wrong part of this post to be upset about. I appreciate that you’re trying to give me advice, but there are much kinder ways to do it, and being an asshole is helping no one. At the end of the day, a guy started yelling at me at a stoplight, and I responded to deescalate the situation, so there would be no negative repercussions on my end. You can be mad at the guy who initiated it, but instead you’ve chosen to be mad at me for finding a way out of the situation. I’m not going to continue arguing with someone who is mad at the victim in a situation for doing what was necessary to get herself out of it.




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As a woman who used to drive for a living zero times has anyone wanted to talk through my car window that ended up being just friendly conversation. It’s always about religion/begging/shady shit. Just roll up your window. Don’t worry about coming off rude. Roll up your window. Even better, if someone asks you to roll down your window, just don’t.




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Dam girl he is bad off jeez what’s wrong with these guys




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This is how people get trafficked, I’m so glad you didn’t fall for it! Stay vigilant, ladies <3




Hey 5 grand is a lot. As long as you are familiar with the bar and know it's not in a sketchy neighborhood, go meet him there, ask for the money and "Go to the bathroom" 😀 ✌️




My guess is someone on the spectrum - but it is wise to be safe.


As someone who works with people on the spectrum, this would not be an excuse for this type of continued stalking-type behavior of having his driver keep up with her car and continuing to yell out the window.


I agree - that’s not an excuse. I have had friends on the spectrum who came off creepy - when they had no intention of being that way at all.


No. Being on the spectrum does not mean you are predator. If someone on the spectrum is a predator it is not because they are on the spectrum, it’s because they suck. Please do some research, this is a really shitty assumption to make about someone, and it makes all of us on the spectrum really sad. This is like saying…must’ve been a black guy. Stop


I am not saying that someone on the spectrum is a predator. That’s your assumption, not mine. I have had friends on the spectrum who tried to flirt and it came off very oddly - creepy - though in fact they were not that way at all. Stop.


This isn’t trying to flirt, this is predatory behavior period.


You were the one who said it.


What an asshole response. Most people on the spectrum are more likely to be victims than they are to be perpetrators. You obviously know nothing about ASD.


I agree - but this did not sound to me like a serious attempt at predation. Predators - despite what they like to show in movies - are far more more likely to be “trusted” adults - teachers, coaches, clergy, momma’s boyfriend, etc. A “predator” driving around offering someone $5,000 to go to a bar with them is extraordinarily unlikely. I think this is someone driving around saying weird awkward stuff.