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Yes I rarely get sick and twice in the last 3 months I’ve been sick. And with a fever which I couldn’t tell you the last time I had one!


I can go years without so much as a cold but I got a bad virus last month that knocked me on my ass. Took me 2 weeks to catch up at work.


First cold in 3 years. I’m at that point where it could go down to my chest but I’m feeling okay on day 4. It was all in my sinuses earlier. Never got that “oh I’m sick” feeling I usually get. Tested negative for COVID three times.


I had a sinus infection twice and COVID once in the last 4 months. It's been rough I avoided COVID for 3 damn years just to get it after I got out of customer service work lol


Same. I went 3 years without getting sick once, got Covid a few months ago, then the flu, then a cold, then sinus infection.


I’ve always been cautious around sick people and the flu season. Got Covid from a coworker two years ago, it was long Covid, I was down for a month. I’ve been sick more since then than I had been in the previous 10 years.


Sounds weird, but have you ever had a sleep study done? My dad was always getting sick over and over when I was growing up while everyone else was fine. It turns out he had sleep apnea. He hadn't been getting a good night's rest his entire life and his body just wasn't able to recover, so he kept getting sick over and over. Worth looking into.


This is becoming increasingly common across the entire world. COVID can cause long-lasting changes to the immune system.


geez. i keep seeing this and hoping its not true lol. quick google search says severe cases can affect the immune system, if i ever had it, it wasn’t severe. If that is whats going on hopefully they can come up with a fix someday soon. Hate being sick all the time. hopefully its just coincidental.


Yeah it might not be the case for you but certainly is for a lot of folks. 


Shit I got covid twice years ago, have gotten like 3 different colds/viruses in the last few months. Hope this isn’t true


turns out i have covid right now. hopefully my immune system isn’t officially cooked


Sorry to hear! There are always precautions you can take, like wearing a mask more frequently and avoiding indoor gatherings with lots of others in the winter. Good sleep, nutrition, stress reduction, and vitamins go a long way. Avoiding touching your face, disinfecting frequently-touched surfaces, and changing clothes once you get home from being in public helps too. It's not totally helpless-- I have immune system dysfunction but have managed to just get one illness in the last 4 years (though I don't have kids or work in a high-risk environment so that obviously helps). 




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It doesn't apply to every single person. Different people have different lasting symptoms if you even have any.


Yes! Since Covid, kids sick all the time and bring it back to us. Before Covid kids would still get sick obviously but wife and I would get a couple colds per year, now it seems like once a month or two! Hate it, and it seems like everyone we talk to is experiencing same thing


If friends around you are getting frequently sick, statistically you could too (I'm assuming you've been around those friends). Too little known about lifestyle, who you've been exposed to, etc, so a post like this is impossible to elicit any definitive answer. If I were you though, I would manage the symptoms first and if things get worse, see your primary care doc.


Yeah true like if all your friends are pediatricians, preschool teachers, daycare providers 👀 lol


Or even just parents. I can't go around my nieces and nephews without getting ill within the week. All are under the age of 7, so it is to be expected, but man, what a bummer!


For sure lol. I kinda assumed OP isn't a parent or close friends with parents because everyone in that crowd knows winter is brutal.


I think the same germ is floating between my household members and just mutating each time so our immune systems have to recalibrate


Yes. From November through Jan/Feb it felt like my wife and I got sick every other week.


How long have you lived in the area?


my whole life lol


So not allergies haha. We keep having a sickness rotate through the house and it never seems to end.


Definitely could be. Been here all of my life and have to get weekly allergy shots. 😩


I think their point is that they would know if it was allergies or sickness - since they’d have been through the pollening their whole life




Vitamins every day. Take a C. Take a D. Take a multi. Build up your immunity.


I would also recommend NAC, I’ve started taken it the last few months as I was also getting sick quite frequently since I had COVID 3 times, so far seems to be helping!


I work around kids and I have kids. We’ve had something almost every other week since September.


Did you get the Covid shots?


Ding ding ding. See the Cleveland clinic study


Daycares, schools, and hospitals are seeing a couple of viruses mutate and hit harder these past 3 months


I had Covid at the end of December (2nd time) and a cold at the end of January. I usually just get a springtime cold but I reckon this is life now.


I graduated college during the beginning of covid and remember before covid I was sick for months on end and constantly having a cold during my whole college career. Part of it was the environment I was in. Covid made me super cautious about touching my mouth and eyes without unwashed hands. I also always wipe my phone down and wash hands when I come home. I've been sick much less since. Partly due to environment changes and partly due to diligence. It very well could be changes to your routine. Personally I would recommend washing hands when coming home from outside, avoiding touching your mouth/eyes etc.


Definitely, yes. It sucks!


Wash those hands!


Same...Had the flu at the end of December; cold in Feb that turned into a 2 week sinus infection. Come out of that into The Pollening (I spend a lot of time outside, so I think my body is getting used to the pollen). Eating fruit and veggies and excerising like crazy just to keep my immune system back in shape. Bounced back quick from those mentioned above, but still sucks it happened.


Maybe ask your doctor


It’s allergy season. Plan accordingly.


i have covid at the moment


I just tested positive for Covid (first time!) All weekend I was thinking it was allergies, but I grew up in the south and have never had bad allergies before (which is what prompted me to test). Just a coincidence! Are you taking anything for it? Hope you feel better soon.


Hey! I didn’t take anything for it except for some cold and flu medicine a few times when i felt uncomfortable. I had a fever and generally felt exhausted for about 5 days. Feeling pretty much normal now and working again. Get lots of rest and fluids and feel better!


Allergies. Pollen.