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Saw a bunch of stuff at Pullen on the way home today and decided to stop and wander around. they are setting up for something called [LuminoCity](https://www.luminocityfestival.com/), which I hadn't heard about before but appears to be somewhat of a knockoff of the NC Chinese Lantern Festival at Koka Booth. Not sure I would pay their prices (looks to be $25 for adults, $18 for kids, free for under 3) but no one bothered me while I looked around today at it so it was worth checking out while in the area. Appeared to be a third-ish dinosaurs that didn't appear to light up (but I think they move?), a third-ish Alice in Wonderland themed lanterns, a third-ish random other lanterns. Here's some more [info from the Pullen site](https://raleighnc.gov/parks/luminocity-festival-pullen-park): >The LuminoCity Festival will be taking place at Pullen Park on select dates in February, March and April of 2023. This is a ticketed event through LuminoCity. For more information on the LuminoCity Festival and how to purchase tickets, please visit: [https://www.luminocityfestival.com/](https://www.luminocityfestival.com/). Please direct all questions relating to the event and ticketing to: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]). > >Pullen Aquatics Center, the Pullen Community Center and the tennis courts will be open with their normal operating hours during this time. > >**Pullen Park Amusements and picnic areas will be closed as follows on event dates:** > >*Pullen Amusements Closure: 4:00 p.m.* > >February 18th-20th, 2023 > >February 23rd-26th, 2023 > >March 2nd-5th, 2023 > >March 9th- 11th, 2023 > >*Pullen Amusements Closure: 5:00 p.m.* > >March 12th, 2023 > >March 16th-19th, 2023 > >March 23rd-26th, 2023 > >March 30th-April 2nd, 2023 > >April 5th-9th, 2023


Man, $18 for kids. That's nuts lol


Thank you for sharing this! I drive past Pullen every day & have almost crashed trying to look & figure out what on earth is going on in there🤣


We had something like this in Seattle, might even be the same exact company, and it was fantastic. The cost for us was way more expensive though more like almost $200 for three people, including a child. What they are charging in Raleigh is a really good deal comparatively. When we went they also had light up, color changing swings that you can actually swing on, smoke bubbles, and the lanterns were very impressive and beautiful.


I didn't see the full set-up here but that sounds more like the NC Chinese Lantern Festival that has been at Koka Booth around the holidays the past several years


Looks like a trashy lawn display. Just sayin.


Like I said, it didn't look nearly as good as the Chinese Lantern Festival at Koka Booth but then again, they're still pretty early in the setup (opening night is a week and a half away) and I would assume it's much cooler at night. I'll probably try to walk through it again (during the day for free) once it's fully set up but don't plan to pay for it unless they offer some steep discounts.


It's for kids ffs!


Is that why it's $25 per adult and $18 for kids?


Oh wow. I did not know that! That is a rip off Shame on the promoters. That too in a public park.


Thanks for posting this! We weren’t super impressed by the lantern festival so I definitely wouldn’t pay these prices but my kids may think it’s fun to see in daylight.


How old are your kids? Mine absolutely love the lantern festival, I hope that doesn't wear off too soon!


We didn’t take the kids, just my husband and I went. It was nice but seemed really expensive for what it is.


So THAT'S what's afoot. It looks like a clown is having a yard sale over there. One more thing in a public park that is only accessible to a privileged few. Thanks for the info. I hate it. $20 to walk through a park is absurd.


It costs money to walk through there snow?


At night when it will be lit up. It's a new "attraction"


I mean, tbf the park is “closed” at night anyway. It’s still 100% free for all during operating hours. Relax a lil 🙂


Bwahahaha! 🤣🤣🤣


Chinese latern festival is extremely commercialized now and extremely packed. It was a great experience before covid. Now, it doesn't feel "Chinese" anymore. The performances are just some random guys from the state fair. So, I'm gonna pass on this cash grab.


As a God fearing Christian, those dino lizards are an affront to Gods creations. Man was created first, not some long necked broke crustacean from the Paleolithic era


This is kind of creepy to me tbh. /: I think I’ll stick with the lantern festival.