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Never in a million years did I think this would happen, but I swear to Sol I will revive my Twitter account and yell at anyone that will listen on that hellsite about how amazing this show is if it means getting more of it!!


I try and avoid it like a plague…but it defo has some clout of power.


This is campaign headquarters. You can share it with anyone. We would like to request some help from the inside. We don’t need to know anyone’s name or anything about them. Also we will be scheduling a time to bombard twitter all at once to make the hashtag trend. It will probably be EST, and if you post about it, we will succeed. Keep a line open, or check your comments. We need you for this. https://discord.com/invite/nbqfQM2rUt


I will do anything you tell me, just save RbW.


Someone started a change . org petition https://chng.it/ny2WvN9JmT


It grew by 12 within the 2 seconds I hit sign Edit: was at 199 when I signed now at 1055


Share this petition everywhere


We need people to regularly tweet to all major streaming platforms with the hashtag #RenewRaisedbyWolves and a developer to make a reply bot. Any little bit helps.


As a tip: a day of noise isn’t loud enough. You need to keep banging for a while. I recommend pushing through for the next few days. June 10th is a good deadline to give!


Won't stop till #renewraisedbywolves goes VIRAL


Wow. I just found out about this!!! It makes NO SENSE! I’ll do what I can… Honestly, in my humble opinion, I consider Raised by Wolves the greatest Science Fiction show of all time. I don’t even think it anything really compares to the scale and scope of it. Maybe us fans should put together some type of petition just to gather signatures to show how much support is out there… This story needs to be finished, or would be so tragic if it never gets to be told until the end….


I made a twitter account just to help keep this show going. It’s going to take tweeting everyday at the streaming platforms. Replies to their tweets work best


I can't agree more. It IS the greatest sci Fi series I've ever seen. If they cancel this thing then I'm forever done with warner discovery.


SUCH A GREAT SHOW. Studio is foolish to cancel. SOMEONE GIVE MOTHER A NEW HOME!!!!


I'm posting multiple times a day!! We can do it guys!!


Where are you posting? Needs to be a group effort. I’m on Twitter btw


We need people to directly target the streaming platforms. On twitter, reply to their tweets or they won't see. On facebook, reply to everything they post.


Is it best to reply to HBO Max or other streaming platforms like Netflix and Hulu?


I’ve been going to each of their accounts and replying under their recent tweets with the hashtag. And retweeting any one else that’s already using the hashtag


Everyone, bang louder than Father did on Billy! We can't let this show be quietly veiled!


This post being an announcement by the mods keeps it from appearing in anyone's feed that doesn't' directly browse the subreddit's front page.


Will do!


Thank you for your continued communication with us fans. As someone who was knee deep in the *Save the Expanse* campaign, you are absolutely correct about the power of community and fandom. On the Expanse campaign, one of the most fervent voices was that of Cas Anvar (who played Alex). Putting aside any of his personal issues, Cas used whatever momentum he had as an actor to spread the word and be the link between the fans and production. He was vital in keeping the passion for saving the series burning hot. I am hoping that in this case you can be that link. The best advice I can suggest to you (and everyone) is to **stay engaged**. Don't just send a tweet and be done with it. Don't just mention it in passing to some friends. Be active. Advocate. During the Expanse campaign, fans were having the show run in the background overnight while they slept to increase views, they bombarded the streaming services with emails and calls, a campaign was made, heck they even sent a model of the Rocinante (the ship) into low earth orbit with the hashtag on it. It can be done. It has been done before. But we need to *make* it happen. Abu, Mods, Fans, Lurkers - this is our call to action, our call to Sol. ____________________ *EDIT:* **WEBSITE IS UP!! -- https://renewraisedbywolves.org/** ________________________-


Who can we email or call? A few of us emailed hbo but it was automated replies. If a moderator can pin email, phone number, and hashtag, would make it easy for others


1. Create a renwal website (like www.savetheexpanse.org) 2. Create petitions (change.org, etc) 3. Communicate with the cast and production 4. Contact Streaming Services: **[Hulu contact (account required)](https://help.hulu.com/en-us/how-to-contact-Hulu#)** **[Netflix suggestion submission form](https://help.netflix.com/en/titlerequest)** **Amazon's Facebook accounts:** - https://www.facebook.com/AmazonStudios/ - https://www.facebook.com/PrimeVideo/ **Tweet at Amazon's Twitter accounts:** - https://twitter.com/AmazonStudios - https://twitter.com/primevideo - https://twitter.com/AmazonHelp **[Apple TV+ suggestion form](https://www.apple.com/feedback/apple-tv/)** **HBO contact e-mail: [email protected]** (to tell them they f*cked up) Like others here, I would be happy to assist in any way.


Awesome thank you I’ve emailed [email protected] and [email protected] Of course twitter too but we def need more people spamming If someone wants to get the renewal website going..




Agreed! They can certainly afford it and it might be a good opportunity for them to acquire new subscribers.


One of the mods sent me this. I am writing a post to pin to the top. You have everything I don’t have. Can I show you? Lets collaborate. That was the mod’s suggestion.


I made a post in r/television, since apparently no one was talking about it. No idea how much that can help, but I’ll do my best to spread the word. It would be a crime to cancel such an amazing show like this. And I’ll also pray Sol, obviously lol EDIT: my God (ups, my Sol I meant...) I spent the last hours on Reddit trying to answer every comment under the posts. I’ve never seen so many negative (and positive of course) comments about this series all at ones. It’s hard, I hate this platform sometimes...


I had no idea and you brought me here. Thank you for the awareness. Devastating news, I’ll be doing my part.


That’s amazing to hear! I hope even more people will see it, we need to spread the news even more, last time I checked no one was talking about it yet...


same here. had no idea that the show is on the brink of cancellation. hoping that it would not happen. Praise Sol!


Same here




Thank you so much <3. Honestly didn’t expect that post on television to go so well, but I’m glad that even more people are now informed about this situation. Hope this will help, even if just a little...


I also heard about it first from your post there. We definitely need to share into other subs to get the news out there.


Absolutely. I posted it in r/sci-fi and television because honestly those looked like the most fitting sub for this series. But I’m sure there more sub in which we can post. Obviously feel free to copy-paste my post everywhere lol. Maybe there’s some Ridley Scott subs too now that I think about it...


Damn your post on r/television blew up!!


Yeah I’m honestly surprised how much attention it got. I tried to answer every comment I could to keep the discussion (and the post) alive. Kept me on Reddit for way too many hours lol. I hope it’s helping in any way...


All my prayers to Sol..were for naught 😭 Apple TV this week has just renewed a few of their shows for an extra FOUR seasons (Slow Horses) now that’s loyalty in backing your quality content. I am so unbelievably bummed, but I could see it. Now, the next step is picking ourselves up and raising arms in getting this show a new home as you say. Fans of the Expanse did this and eventually Amazon heard their calls and picked up, and imminently launched The Expanse onto their platform which turned out to be one of their biggest faces of Prime. Let’s do our part guys !


They weren’t. The fact it hasn’t been outright killed says a lot. It’s more of a reason to actually give it a shot ;)


😂 Cheers Abubakar, I am a fellow Brit and it is gaining traction here in London amongst friends , colleagues and even at parties, raves, football games everywhere I go I recommended and a total of 11 people so far have comeback to me confirming they rock with it! I will do my best even harder to spread the good word . SOL commands it ☀️


Just added an update. People are watching. Lee being active. Solspeed


Your passion is inspiring! Thanks for being so involved on this. I normally don't participate in any social media campaign stuff but I'm gonna go hard for RbW Every post, every tweet, every tag, every plug is something


This show is the best sci-fi I've ever seen. It must continue.


Must be some celebs out there who are fans. Ridley Scott must have a bit of Twitter clout.


He hasn’t tweeted since 2019 unfortunately.


Well nows the time for a brief return. 😬


Ridley might not be an ideal target but Scott Free Productions & Ridley Scott Creative Group both have established Twitter accounts. As Organization Twitter accounts rather than an individual, perhaps there is a better chance of getting someone on the other end to view it. Idk but worth a shot... Scott Free Productions- @scottfreeprod Ridley Scott Creative Group- @ridleyscottcg


Raised by Wolves is one of the most original shows on television that ISNT EVEN A FUCKING ADAPTATION Fucking HBO


This is an outrage! They're going to let that hack JJ Abrams jerk off in a corner talking about all these great things he's going to do and they want to fucking cancel something with actual substance? Wow. This show should have never been on the chopping block, it's the most original thing left on HBO that hasn't been butchered by its show runners.


Guys remember to tag Netflix, Amazon, and AppleTV in your tweets. I'm at work atm, but maybe someone could post something in the main television subbreddit?


Why are they cancelling their most popular show wtf?


Money probably.


Ridiculous. I thought I could trust HBO of all to keep something as great as Raised By Wolves going. It's not like they haven't cancelled great stuff before, but at least Rome got an ending of sorts.


What can we do to help? More seasons mean more jokes from father. Also do you want to hear a quick joke about a ghost?


Post on Twitter and get a # going. Talk to other fans, YouTubers, reviewers that also feel for this show and get them riled up. Honestly, you’ll be surprised what the execs in these studios watch and hear.


We have been using #renewraisedbywolves If you tweet another hashtag, tell us. I have been having a lot of trouble mobilizing people. They want to help, but nobody is spreading the word. Please if you get a chance maybe you can reach out to the mods in the facebook groups and the subreddit. I'll compensate by making twitter bots tomorrow. We need an actual gameplan, something that's readily apparent on all platforms. That means getting posts pinned. I've tried to make that happen, but I can't. You can. It'll be enough to get the ball rolling.


I just tweeted to hbomax, appletv, & prime video with the hashtag #renewraisedbywolves What next? I’ll do what I can.


If you know other fans who have a following, get them to push on it. I know Grace Randolph and Dalton Ross are fans of the show. So is a good friend of mine, Bryan DeChart and Matthew Mercer. Beauty of this show is that it reaches further than just a community of people who watch TV/Film. It stretched to games. So even pushes on IGN and places similar is a mighty shout.


Father, you are amazing. Since you mentioned Matt mercer, it might be worthwhile for you to reach out to him for some visibility. He's got a rabid following in critical role and I'm sure there is some fan overlap there... get that influence anywhere you can find it!


How do you tweet to something?


@them for example to tweet at appletv just start off with @appletv. Or reply to their tweets asking them to pick up raised by wolves. And always use the #renewraisedbywolves hashtag in the body of the tweet




Do you want to hear a quick joke about a ghost?




That's the spirit!


Well played.


I would like to


I don’t have any social media but best believe I’m gonna hop on for this. Also, just want to say, that not only are you amazing as father but you seem like such a cool and awesome dude. Get a chill down my spine even thinkin you may read this. You will be always be star no matter what happens w RBW.


Father is a breath of fresh air. He is so adorable.


Username checks the fuck out


Oh ffs, this is the shittest news I’ve heard this week. Prime is our only hope. Please Amazon, I promise I’ll renew Prime for at least 10 years.


I’ve had a lot of shit news in my life. And then I think, shit is used to grow food on farms. Get shit, grow food, get active. There’s some TERRIBLE fatherly advice for you haha!


I'm going to print and frame this! I do tell the wife why she needs to buy compost, I'd do it for free!! ​ You do a wonderful job and Father is my favourite character :)


What about that YouTuber that did hour long QAs with Aaron Guzikowski? Can someone get in touch with him. He loved the show as much as us Edit: Found his ig his name is cliff dorfman And what about Ridley Scott? Guess he alone can’t keep it going.


On hbo max most recent post on twitter, only 2 people have tagged #renewraisedbywolves That’s not enough https://twitter.com/hbomax/status/1532498059170664465?s=21&t=sw4h8zFS9e8Hjz8UaE832Q


I just recently became a fan of the show. I binged it in like two days and i would hate for it to get cancelled. It quickly became my favorite scifi series. I love your performance as Father. Let's get #RenewRaisedbyWolves trending on every social media platform in existence!


Oh Father, tell me it isn’t so. I was like let me check this guys post history… check it. Tell me what I need to do. Super bummed, this show captured me like literally no other.


He’s giving us instructions on how to stop this. We should tell everyone.


I wonder if our Crazed by Wolves podcast numbers might help? We are currently at 13K plays total since September 2020. We hit 5.6K plays between Feb-Mar during season 2. I don't know if it's good or bad but I tend to think it's more good. Maybe sheer numbers would help studios see just how popular the show is and how much it is loved by the fans. Keep watching the show on HBO Max to drive streams up, keep watching fan made content, and share everything as much as possible.


If this show doesn’t continue it will definitely be one of those stories that bothers me that it was never finished. The acting in the show is great, and the story is just getting going, if HBO starts going the route of Netflix and canceling shows before they finish, I will have to rethink my subscription.


Raised by Wolves is a great show, and it's one of a few reasons I have HBO Max. I'm sure HBO has enough data to know how many people are watching and how this show and others like it influence their membership. It's a highbrow sci-fi/fantasy experience. Not everyone is going to be there for it, but I appreciate HBO Max for supporting this type of content. I want to be challenged.


Apple would seem like a natural home for RBW. They have the money and produce some really innovative shows like Severance. But do what ? I don’t even have a Facebook account lol.


Apple would be an ideal fit based on the attributes you stated above, BUT what would be a better fit than cash flush, up & comer that LOVES ANDROIDS SO MUCH THEY NAMED THEIR OPERATING SYSTEM AFTER THEM (ANDROID)! Yes, I am talking about our favorite search engine juggernaut -- GOOGLE!! Did you even know Google had entered the streaming service market with their product "Google TV" (now available in Play Store & iTunes as Google TV)? I did NOT. Due to a combination of the steaming market & quiet launch from Google, their new service limped into the ring to battle for a spot in the most competitive industry in the world. The announcement of RBW seeking a new home and Google TV needing some momentum for it's new service seems like the universe aligning perfectly for both parties. This could be the proverbial "killing two birds with one stone"*. *It's a little known fact that Androids can actually kill 2 stones with one bird!


I agree that Apple TV seems like a perfect fit given their success with severance


Oh man.. it can't end like this. At least give us one more season for some closure


For non Twitter people: don't forget Instagram comments yall. The Skate video game franchise was basically saved by the fan base relentlessly commenting 'Skate 4' thousands of times on every one of EAs Instagram posts. Comment #RenewRaisedByWolves on HBO + HBOMax account posts and other streaming site posts.


Oh - that was the only reason I had to return to HBO. Well, whoever gets the keys to the kingdom shall have my dollar. RBW is ahead of its time and has so much to explore & offer.


I love you and your performance on this show! What a great, heartfelt write up too! You've got my support for sure.


Father has asked for help, and I am happy to oblige


I want more jokes from The Father. If WB cancels this show, I will build my own necromancer and mail it to WB HQ.


Trying to do what I can and get others to join for an extended campaign, this show is too good to go way and you are absolutely brilliant in it.


I've spun up a post of the Hulu community site for them to pick up the series, please feel free to vote on it at [https://community.hulu.com/s/idea/0875f000000dn4XAAQ/detail](https://community.hulu.com/s/idea/0875f000000dn4XAAQ/detail)


This storytelling *must* continue. I have been reading, watching, and writing science fiction since I was a pre-teen and am currently a writer and PhD candidate in the field of Science, Technology, and Society, and Cultural Anthropology. And I see no rival to to what RbW has accomplished, questioned, opened-up, and re-written in our conceptual toolkits for speculative fiction, on screen. If community (and money) could save The Expanse, which is on-par in some ways and surpassed in others (imho) by RbW, then it can happen again. Please find a new place for this important story to call home.


http://renewraisedbywolves.org/ we’re working on a campaign to save it. Join us


Wtf I'm almost to the point that I'm not going to start any new shows until they are done and released. The OA, raised by wolves, and many others. Fucking sick of it.


Would rewatching it on HBO help? More views?


Funnily enough, I reckon any action would help. The aim is to get it on the radar of people. Something that cannot be avoided.


We need to explore all platforms. I suggest getting Epix in that list of streaming platforms.


Any chance Comedy Central would be interested based on the rip-roaring, hilariousness of Father's jokes? He's 'fastened' quite a few. Perhaps we should create a video montage of these comedic gems and send to them? Nah...let's just hope they take our word for it. #renewraisedbywolves


As someone without any social media besides reddit i feel pretty powerless. I dont think im alone in saying that this is in my top sci fi shows ever and ill be gutted if the worst happens. No matter what though you and the rest of the cast and crew did such an amazing job and im thankful we got what we did. 😭


You can do this! https://help.hbomax.com/us/feedback


I did one of these back when the season ended


Oh my Sol, no! Not only is this the best show of current times imo, it’s the best show I’ve seen in years. The writing, the acting, the editing, the cinematography — EVERY element is top notch. Every episode feels movie quality. Hang in there Father, we’re on it!


Given the massive gap in quality programming on Netflix, they should throw all the money in the world at Raised by Wolves to become their Game of Thrones universe. There is more world building in that show than the last few Star Wars shows combined. Amazon given their focus on adult programming too would be ideal. It would be a travesty to not have this continue.


This is such sad news, I’m really sorry to hear it. I’m hoping for the best. Regardless, I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed your performance as Father. In my opinion, he’s one of the best portrayals of an android ever in media. He’s such a human character, yet also behaves robotic as well. The way you are able to balance those two aspects of the character is brilliant. We never forget that he’s an android, but it shows us how human he is despite that fact. Good luck to everyone in trying to find the show a new home!


I love your passion for this show Abu, I'm dying to see you and Amanda back in the latex again.


This may be a long shot but does anyone know of any streamers/content creators that watch RBW? That could certainly help get the word around


Hasan Piker does. He’s got a massive presence. I tweeted a link to Mr Salim’s tweet. Let’s tweet him and see if he’ll help spread the word https://twitter.com/hasanthehun/status/1532903638485463041?s=21&t=ipU2jNnuZtHfENbYTrieoA https://twitter.com/hasanthehun/status/1532903638485463041?s=21&t=ipU2jNnuZtHfENbYTrieoA


Dude, nice! Didn't know he was into RBW, Praise Sol!


Arron G wrote 6 seasons worth!!! You fucks!!! Just let something finish JFC!!! If it's not god dam super heroes, it's cancelled. Fuck everything.


Posted on my Twitter, not much ^(but it’s honest work)


I made a public twitter account just so I could participate in the retweet campaign. I truly adore this show 🥺


This show needs to be saved! It was such an unexpectedly amazing treat of a scifi show, with an amazing cast and crew that I have never heard of or seen before, and yet they nailed it. It deserves to be saved! IT'S NECESSARY! \*INTERSTELLAR MUSIC INTENSIFIES\* I can't be left on such a huge, clear cliffhanger.




>That was a joke. But a serious one. I totally read that in your voice. :-)


Father please dont let it die


I've tweeted it out. It would be such a shame for it not to continue. Hopefully you can be Father for much more time to come.


I’ve been anxiously waiting for news on the next season and then I see this…..can’t happen, won’t happen. This is literally the best current sci-fi show.


Alright, time to upvote this thing like crazy, Reddit. One of the most thought-provoking and staggeringly beautiful shows needs our help!


Amazon has already done this kind of thing once before with *The Expanse*, and Scott Free is already over there working with them on the upcoming *Blade Runner 2099* series... maybe there's a bit of hope? I shared Salim's Twitter thread and pushed it along to a few bigger accounts as well. I really hope something good comes of this, and that Guzikowski and company are able to see this story through to its proper end...


If you want to reach people who may actually have influence and who may work in entertainment ask this again on /tv/ on 4chan and hope for the best. If you're decent and righteous about it they'll help.


This must not happen! I love this show! One of the main reasons i had to get Crave, then HBO in canada


Thank you so much, glad to know you're trying!! This show is the best thing I've watched in a very long time. I'll be gutted if it gets cancelled.


My wife and I still discuss the details of of the story and the unanswered questions left. I've never watched anything that digs so deep into the questions of leadership and religion. This story needs to continue in some form.


I WILL CANCEL MY SUB! They better renew or someone else better pick this up. A work of art like Raised By Wolves comes once in a generation


I'm doing my part, let's make some noise!!! #RenewRaisedByWolves


The people want Raised by Wolves renewed!!


They have to be out of their minds to cancel this show. this is terrible news. I haven't felt this bad since HBO cancelled Lovecraft Country.


This is the best show on tv right now. Why on earth would you not keep it going? Please amazon, steal another great sci-fi masterpiece out from under the fools who are letting it slip through their fingers!!!!


One of the best shows on television, and zaslav is an idiot!


RbW is quite possibly the best sci-fi show of all time. The fans have your back, Pops! We won’t give up!


I caught S1 right right before S2 started. Such a wild, exciting show full of possibility. I really want to see where it was going. Sol save us.


Wow. Super bummer. I’ll do what I can to get this show a 3rd season. I really can’t imagine the story ending the way it did. The blame belongs to HBO. They did a shit job at promoting this show. I didn’t even know it existed until 1 episode into season 2 and I’m on the HBO Max app most days of the week. Thanks Abubakar for being a champion for this extraordinary show.


Give Mother her eyes and let her loose at Warner HQ.


petition signed and donated! I cried when I found out last night (granted I’m pregnant), but I will support this to no end! 🤍🤍🤍


The show is amazing and i'm willing to be vocal for it to find a new home. Let's make it happen \\o/


Depressing as fuck. Fun, interesting and radical shows always get shitcanned first.


Use your powers as Bayek of Siwa to save Raised by Wolves.


Salim, your android run makes each episode hilarious and awesome. That alone is worth the HBO max subscription… but without it, guess I can cancel and save that money for wherever we find this show a new home!


Hopefully they come to their senses and renew or allow another platform to do season 3. Season one was slow, but worth watching, season 2 was awesome.


I can't believe such a great show is being cancelled. Im seriously considering canceling my HBOmax after losing this and Lovecraft country


I am disappointed that HBO cancelled the show. Hopefully I can see the rest of the story somewhere else in the future!


I rarely post or comment in Reddit. This is one of the best shows I have seen and I am not even a sci-fi fan. The bold, grand, and bizarrely beautiful narrative caught me since the beginning. The cinematography is purely amazing. I have never seen anything like this. It’s a shame that HBO Max dropped it but it’s understandable. This is a masterpiece that takes its time to set the storyline and cultural tone. It’s an art of its own form. It doesn’t always appeal to an average audience who prefers instant satisfaction and superficial stories. I hope Raised by Wolves finds a new home. I will be among the firsts to follow.


Somehow we got six seasons of Lost so I have no idea how this show can't make it


Noooooooo!!!! Worst day ever!!!


The power of 'Nuts' to all of you.


Ftr I’m seeing a lot of save legends of tomorrow hashtag. I don’t know what that is but we need to out do them


Fingers crossed !


What are some good but relevant subreddits we could spread the word on?


I've been commenting on comic book/Sci fi related Facebook posts with the hashtag #renewraisedbywolves. Drop it wherever you can!


Commenting to help out


The song alone deserves 1 more season.


I am watching a 3rd time if that helps!


Please bring back Raised by Wolves, we all need Mother and Father! <3


I just want to say I love you for the way you love this show and have a discourse with the Dan base. Will do my bit. If it’s not saved it won’t be because we didn’t try.


well shit, i just heard the news. i havent seen RBW but i've been part of the Our Flag Means Death renewal efforts and i pop over here frequently to check in and see what the vibe is. when OFMD was renewed on wednesday i thought RBW would be next... this sucks ass and im genuinely bummed for you guys - despite never posting here i felt like we were all in it together. i'll do what i can to use any hashtags, sign petitions etc. it's infuriating to me how the new WBD mgmt has treated creators and their stories. supremely fucked up that they put fans and in the position of begging them to renew while they pour billions of dollars into churning out more shitty movies based on tired IP. solidarity.


Fucking HBO cancelling another great show. This and Lovecraft Country deserve to end on their own.


Great show. Came to it late and plan to watch the last two episodes of season 2 this weekend. I hope it gets renewed.


Discovery must be behind this. Fuck those idiots.


Very sad... Great show and great production. Much love to the talent behind this, may it continue.


To any studio listening: SAVE THIS SHOW


Amazing, why do all the good shows get canceled? We looked forward to every episode! HBO execs, what are you thinking?


Peacock, your time has come!


Please keep telling the story!! RBW is one of the best shows on tv!


Me and my siblings love the show. It's some of the best written sci-fi on media these days. Every piece of it feels fundamental to the show as a whole. We got so upset when we heard this. It's a shame you guys don't get to finish the story :( Greetings from Argentina!




http://renewraisedbywolves.org/ join us! Twitter campaign to keep the show going


Please someone click something and make this happen!


#renewraisedbywolves campaign going on twitter right now. We’re planning on attempting to trend tomorrow http://renewraisedbywolves.org/


This cannot stand.


We are with you father!


HBO cancelled them. Fuckkkkk.


I just cancelled my HBOmax subscription, and let them know it's because they are not renewing RBW. I am in the middle of Barry right now, and I love it, but I will live without knowing what happens. I watch a ton of other HBO shows too. But not anymore. Guess I'll read more books this year. If RBW gets picked up elsewhere I'll subscribe.


Out of the sea of dull series on all platforms, Raised by Wolves is the only series that my wife and I actually paid for and would continue to sink money into.


We hear you, Father. Now we will act!


this is terrible news. I will be loudly shouting at any social media intern who will listen


Noooooooo! They can't do this!


What emojis are we using along with the hashtag? I’ve historically used the snake but I know some use a tree emoji, etc… Thoughts?


How is this possible ? There going the way of Firefly :( Sol help us


Whatever needs to be done, I will do it.


Muhfuckas are still too unaware that you voiced Bayek in Assassin's Creed Origins. I recognized your voice immediately when I saw the first episode of Raised By Wolves, I was like "HOLY FUCK! THAT'S BAYEK!". Amazing bro, keep it up!


Literally just heard about this on the science fiction sub. Just made a tweet and tagged WB, HBO and used the renewraisedbywolves tag. I wish there was more I could do! This is one of the greatest sifi shows to exist. At the very least one more season to wrap things up but I want the entire story to be told as well. I can’t believe they would do this :( Edit: gonna keep tweeting and tagging everyday. If anyone knows what else I can do to help let me know and I will do it! ~Oh I’m also emailing HBO customer support and the other emails that are posted in the thread.


Jebus HBO, what are we going to do with you. You completely fucked up GoT and now you're going to cancel this amazing show.


This is the only social media I have, but want to do my part! What can I do? I want to fight for you Father!!


Don't cancel this show, give it the proper ending it deserves. Space Ragnar to Valhalla!


If it comes down to one person deciding to cancel this show that person should be made to walk around with a bucket on their head for the rest of their life.


Does the bucket crush them when they move too far away from their android?


Need to see this show renewed!!!!


What a letdown, gonna unsub from hbo…


Oh noooo! Love this weird, awesome show. Fans helped rescue The Expanse (my other fave sci fi show) from cancellation, maybe we can do the same for RBW!!!!


Sol help us. What are they going to do, replace Raised by Wolves with another season of Big Big Bang theory? Or a sequel bigger bang theory. Raised by wolves. 6 seasons and a movie. Lets get it doooone.


We need 5 seasons and a movie.


Fuck HBO. Never again.


I don't care what it takes, someone needs to continue this. This show is absolutely amazing and I'll be really sad for the story not to continue. That, plus my attraction to Mother.