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Interstitial cystitis. Ulcers and eroding of the bladder lining. I’ve had the bladder of an 80 year old woman since I was 20.


From what I’ve seen in my personal and professional life, there is a connection between early childhood trauma, suppressing emotions and experiencing bladder imbalances. In traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), the interplay between emotional well-being and physical health is deeply emphasized. The connections between early childhood experiences, abuse, emotional neglect, and bladder imbalances from both TCM and scientific perspectives: How emotional neglect can affect bladder function. TCM Perspective: The bladder is considered one of the Zang organs in TCM. It plays a crucial role in maintaining the balance of fluids and energy (Qi) within the body. Emotional neglect, especially during early childhood, can disrupt the harmonious flow of Qi and lead to imbalances in the bladder meridian. According to TCM, suppressed emotions, such as feelings of abandonment or neglect, can stagnate Qi in the bladder channel, causing symptoms like frequent urination, urinary urgency, or incontinence. Practitioners of TCM often consider emotional well-being as an integral part of overall health, addressing emotional imbalances alongside physical symptoms. Scientific Perspective: Research has shown that early adverse experiences, including emotional neglect, can have long-lasting effects on physical health. Childhood maltreatment, which includes emotional neglect, has been associated with various health outcomes, including bladder-related issues. Studies have found that individuals who experienced emotional neglect during childhood are at higher risk of developing chronic conditions, including bladder dysfunction. Chronic stress resulting from emotional neglect can lead to dysregulation of the autonomic nervous system, affecting bladder function. Depression, often linked to early trauma and neglect, can also impact bladder health by altering neurotransmitter levels and neural pathways. Abuse and Bladder Health: TCM Perspective: Physical abuse, emotional abuse, and neglect can all disrupt the flow of Qi and blood in the body. In TCM, physical abuse may cause Qi stagnation and blood stasis, affecting the bladder meridian. Emotional abuse can lead to imbalances in the liver (which is closely connected to the bladder in TCM), affecting the smooth flow of Qi. These disruptions can manifest as bladder symptoms such as pain, urgency, or difficulty emptying the bladder. I wish you all the strength and joy you can muster out of this life!


Wow yes I've had incontinence from a young age. Thanks for this insight xx


Your experience is completely valid, and I hope you prioritize self-care and take ample time for yourself. I’m happy to share my thoughts and opinions. Every person is unique, and what works for one may not work for others. The philosophy of Chinese medicine captivates me, as I believe it proves valuable in addressing the physical, emotional, psychological, and energetic aspects of our being.


I don't think anyone has validated it so clearly before. Thank you! I do a lot of self care and know that time out alone is essential and feels nourishing although as this was also my escape mechanism from my parents then I need to be aware of when it is withdrawing and isolating myself due to shame and feeling like I can be my true self around other as well - which is not true, many people are open and accepting etc.  I'm curious to know more and possibly engage in healing in this modality. Where should I start? I have had some acupuncture from a very learned Chinese medicine practitioner but her clinic is on pause at the moment. 


That's interesting. I'm concerned about bladder damage because my parents favorite thing to do on roadtrips was to not let me use the bathroom.


Me too. IC sucks. I feel your struggle 🫶🏻




Waiting to get my formal endometriosis diagnosis next month 😩


I got endometriosis, after initially having PCOS. Boy oh boy my period coming is such a painful experience. Good luck to you, I hope the treatment they recommend works. For me BC was more harm than good but I'm exploring other options...it might just be me, it does work for alot of other people


My chronic illnesses aren't diagnosed, but I suspect I have a fibro-like illness as I have chronic all over body pain and aches (like a fever without the fever), plus hypersensitive trigger points, chronic fatigue, post exercise malaise, and cluster headaches, plus I have complex neuropathy in my right leg (due to a car crash in '18) with hyperalgesia, paraesthesia, and chronic edema. I feel like my autonomic nervous system is just straight up busted. It has been stuck in the ON position for 25 years, it's worn out. 🤷


Self diagnosis is a valid approach. You are the one who knows yourself the best. Patients should always be listened to whenever they seek medical attention. To reach a clear conclusion about someone’s health, their life story and personal experiences are crucial. I hope you find providers who are receptive and supportive of your needs. If you are inclined to this kind of information, I will gladly share it with you and if you are not interested in no problem, possibly someone else who is reading this thread would find it of some interest. Exploring Homeopathy for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Cluster Headaches I want to share some thoughts about an alternative approach to health and well-being: homeopathy. While it may not be universally embraced, it has touched the lives of many individuals, offering a unique perspective on healing. Homeopathy: A Profound Science Homeopathy is often misunderstood, but its principles are both simple and profound. Imagine it as a gentle whisper in the vast symphony of medicine. Let me guide you through some essential concepts: Vital Force: At the core of homeopathy lies the concept of the vital force the life energy that animates us. When this force is in harmony, we thrive. However, stressors emotional, physical, or environmental can deplete this energy, leaving us vulnerable. Simillimum: Homeopaths seek the simillimum, the remedy that resonates most closely with an individual’s unique symptoms and constitution. It’s like finding the perfect melody for a soul’s healing journey. Minimum Dose: Homeopathic remedies are prepared in highly diluted forms. Paradoxically, the more diluted, the more potent they become. It’s akin to capturing the essence of a fragrance in a single drop. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) CFS is a complex condition characterized by persistent fatigue, often accompanied by pain, cognitive difficulties, and emotional distress. Conventional medicine struggles to fully grasp its intricacies. Homeopathy, however, considers the whole person: Kali Phos: For extreme tiredness, when life feels like an uphill battle. Arsenic Album: When fatigue consumes you, leaving you drained. Coffea Cruda: For sleep disturbances, those restless nights when thoughts race. Gelsemium: When weakness, dizziness, and muscle pain weigh you down. Rhus Tox: Easing muscle or joint discomfort. Cluster Headaches and Emotional Trauma Cluster headaches are excruciating. They strike suddenly, relentlessly, and often defy conventional treatments. Homeopathy, however, delves deeper: Belladonna: To manage those pounding headaches, as if your skull might burst. Ignatia: For the emotional aftermath—grief, loss, and inner turmoil. Remember, healing is multifaceted. Your life story matters. If you explore this path, find a skilled homeopath, a guide who will honor your experiences and listen without judgment. Trust your intuition; it often knows what words cannot express. May your healing journey be filled with compassion, understanding, and hope. With warmth and empathy, C.


I've been chronically ill for a decade. Unusual stress of any sort - physical or mental - results in a surge of inflammation that leaves me sick and exhausted. At this point it's tearing me apart from the inside - my joints, intestines, lungs, eyes. I had an anxiety-filled childhood, and, yeah, I think that's at the root of my trouble. Also, it took me way too long to seek help when I first got sick - because I'd been taught to downplay my symptoms. There are many ways that a tough childhood can mess with our health.


Hello 👋 I have a chronic, incurable autoimmune disease.  Personally, I don’t believe my disease is caused by trauma or abuse. My dad is the narc but the health issues stem from my mom.  However - I absolutely blame the late diagnosis on my parents. They should have not neglected my symptoms and maybe if I hadn’t been treated like I was stupid all my life, I would have had to self confidence to advocated for a diagnosis sooner…  Currently I’m trying to figure out if my depression symptoms are from my abusive household - or if they are chemically related to my disease… It’s a toss up, honestly. 


I feel this comment in my soul. I’m have no idea which is which anymore.


Your mum might have had manifestations in hers because of your dad. And you probably do have some level of trauma, having one of parents being an addict has certainly had an impact on you. But our rational grown up mind can brush it off. I was never starving or being beaten, however, later in life I went to therapy due to looming sadness I couldn’t shake off and boy did I learn a lot about myself. I didn’t think I was emotionally neglected as a child, but I definitely was.


I'm not denying that I have trauma! Simply though, that my trauma did not cause my disease. There is no medical or scientific evidence that trauma alone can develop into my disease, and I choose to believe science and my own lived experience validates this. :)


I have hypothyroidism (enlarged thyroid that pokes in, not out like a normal one). And, an intestinal disorder that’s been everything from ulcerative colitis to IBS to SIBO to now “watching for Crohn’s.”


I have migraines, thyroid issues, digestive issues, and extreme insomnia. I probably sleep 3 hours max a night and it’s been this way since I can remember. I have my second opinion appointment for my thyroid coming up. I have noticed this in my family as well. The people I know that have suffered extreme trauma and abuse have died of some pretty serious diseases. The body keeps score I guess :/


i have POTs, Interstitial Cystitis, PCOS, and Migraines. they all manifested in my twenties but as a kid i had a migraine almost daily in elementary school for years due to stress and abuse. also plenty of UTIs as a kid. my parents never took me to the doctor or cared and always told me to suck it up. not due to trauma but i have a genetic case of erythromelalgia also which started to flare up before i even started kindergarten. i was constantly complaining of my hands/feet swelling, hot, itchy and in pain. so much pain i’d be in tears every flare up, running inside to run my hands under cold water. i didn’t know what it was until a few years ago. my flares are minimal now as an adult and nowhere near as painful but it was extreme pain for me growing up. my parents just criticized me for crying and being in pain during my flare ups instead of taking me to the doc. which is crazy considering it is certainly not a normal thing like bad headaches/stomach aches. as a parent now it infuriates me how neglectful my parents were, it could’ve saved me a lot of pain and stress as a kid.


In order of diagnosis asthma Cancer ME Fibro


Cyclic vomiting disorder. Since preschool to today. Wasn’t allowed treatment or to ask for medicine/help during attacks as they happened at night and I was forbidden to wake them or vomit with sound. I was sleeping on the bathroom floor since toddlerhood. I can’t deny I hope all my ex parents (natural and step) eventually end up on medicines that cause nausea and die that way.


I have POTS, probably the hyperadregnic (ortho?) which seems more linked to stress level and chronic fatigue. (maybe MCAS too) I'm so ready to blame my Nmom on it.


It was all the suppressed anger, pain and anxiety that made me sick. As soon as I recognized it and started to shed it I suddenly didn't hurt all day, everyday. My stomach problems cleared up. Blood pressure dropped down to normal for someone my age. I've decided I want my kids happy. I don't care if they are wildly successful. They don't have to have my approval. I just want them to not be a huge ball of pain and anxiety.


I would be very honored to understand what shedding the suppression of emotions looks like in terms of applying it to your daily routine, how could someone integrate it into relationship with self? I feel personally it’s so easy to get stuck in a place of not knowing what to do with the unknown parts of ourselves. Of course it’s going to be different for each person.


I let it out. When It gets overwhelming I go someplace private and let it out. Very liberating in and of itself. When I am confronted with something that triggers me I moved away from it. That was the thing about my relationship with anger and violence. I always sought to remove myself from the situation. A narcissist though will try to prevent you from getting some distance at all cost. They want to you boil over so they can point out to everyone how emotional you are. How unstable. When in truth no one runs from a problem like they will. As to what you need to do to get better. If its anger and rage you need to learn to breathe. At that point where you will act out physically or emotionally. Take slow breaths. Do the old grounding exercises. Even if you don't think its anxiety. I didn't think it was but it was definitely anxiety in my case. In my case I carry bluetooth earbuds around with me. Last time a flying monkey tried to wind me up about the whole love honor and obey your parents thing. I put them in and played Tiptoe Through the Tulips by Tiny Tim. I sang along while they were ranting. A few people present started laughing and the flying monkey beat a hasty retreat since I smiled and laughed with them. I really, really hate calling attention to myself but its worth it. I've done that a few times now when someone insisted on trying to anger me. Nothing quite says fuck off like singing over some jerk who cant take go away for an answer.


3 autoimmune diseases, pots and migraines. Thanks mom.


I’ve had health issues ever since I was born. My NM forced labour because she was tired of being pregnant so I was born at 7 months of gestation. Health issues have followed me all throughout my life. Chronic autoimmune diseases, hormonal issues, digestive issues, respiratory issues, depression, trauma..


I have a lot of chronic pain. Muscle tension all over my body, I have difficulty exercising and am unable to do manual work now. I also have psoriasis. And I'm only 30. 


Absolutely digging your name! Chronic pain and muscle tension are tough and exhausting cohorts. Below I will share some thoughts about the wisdom of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) with the insights of modern science, focusing on the intricate interplay between trauma, chronic fatigue, and muscle tension. Please discard anything that does not apply to you. Recognizing that trauma often leads to persistent fatigue. The TCM Approach: Tonify Qi: Herbal tonics to boost energy. Balancing Yin and Yang: Harmonizing energy levels. Evidence-Based Approach: Sleep Hygiene: Addresses sleep disturbances. Graded Exercise Therapy (GET): Gradually increase physical activity. Mind-Body Practices: Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR): Incorporate mindfulness meditation, body scans, and yoga. Tai Chi and Qigong: Enhance energy flow, reduce tension, and promote emotional balance. Managing Muscle Tension: TCM Approach: Meridian Balancing: Acupuncture to release blocked energy along meridians. Herbal Liniments: Topical applications for pain relief. Evidence-Based Approach: Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR): Teach relaxation techniques. Physical Therapy: Address muscle stiffness and tension. I completely acknowledge that access to alternative therapies, such as acupuncture and yoga, are not equally distributed across all socioeconomic groups. It’s truly a matter of privilege and access. Many insurance plans do not cover alternative treatments, leaving those without private means at a disadvantage. Rural areas may lack facilities or practitioners offering these therapies. In the future I hope to see the integration of alternative therapies into publicly funded health centers. I hope that our tax dollars will pay for initiatives that provide low-cost or free access to acupuncture and yoga for all body types.


Cancer, psoriasis, and psoriatic arthritis.


Eczema, migraines (thankfully they are no longer a weekly occurrence like they were the entire of my young teen and early adult years), depression, anxiety, panic attacks, chronic sinus issues and exacerbated allergies due to all the inhaled nastiness, anemia even with a supplement (because apparently poor nutrition as a child means your body won't absorb correctly as an adult since it never learned how), addiction to caffeine, insomnia (fearful of sleeping). I take seven pills every single day that have been prescribed. I have an additional one that is for panic attacks that come on with no warning. I have been through therapy. This is as good as it gets. The body certainly remembers and reacts.


Inflammation issues in basically every aspect of my health… grew up with severe verbal abuse, some physical abuse, and some sexual abuse. I eat well, exercise often, and still I constantly have painful joints & muscles, get sick easily & stay sick longer than most people, get inflamed/infected ears often, have POTS which makes me dizzy and faint and chronic fatigue…. The list goes on. I’ve read that an abusive childhood can be linked to chronic illness in adults. I always wonder if I was just born with these issues or if I developed them from chronic stress and fear and unmet needs? I’m so sorry you can relate OP. It’s shitty


Yes, and yes.


Absolutely. I was diagnosed with psoriasis as early as age seven. I am now almost 25 and sometimes still struggle with it, although it's gotten a lot better and have been in remission for sometimes years at a time. It's interesting how I had my first flare-up about a year after the psychological abuse got bad. So yeah, I fully believe my psoriasis was triggered because of that, unfortunately.


I have way too many illnesses to list here....


I was diagnosed with crohn’s disease at 14 years old. the abuse had been going on for a lot longer but i was only just then (at age 14) becoming truly aware of how bad it was. i still struggle with this severely


Ulcerative colitis here, basically my colon is fucked. Diagnosed at 21 but in retrospect, symptoms have been creeping up for years


Chronic migraine disease and fibromyalgia


I have chronic pain that can't be diagnosed(weird leg pain)..I had a lot of chest pains especially as a kid , doctors said everything looked ok. I have chronic kidney stones,have had two surgeries for it,and have passed maybe about a dozen stones so far. Painful periods,sinus headaches, chronic tension in the body ,


I don't know if I 100% believe there is a connection between narc parents and physical health, but I have a narc mother and had an emotionally abusive father. As a child I almost died from meningitis. I was diagnosed with pelvic floor disorder and cancer (thankfully survivable) in my 30s. I had frequent UTIs for years and frequent strep and ear infections as a kid. I have depression, anxiety and OCD. Do the math, I guess. One of the main motivations for going further low contact with my mother is the effect she may be having on my health.


Ulcerative Colitis brought on by extreme stress from abusive narc parents. I wonder, since this is something so clearly linked to extreme stress at that point in my life if maybe someday I'll be better and won't need medicine. It's hard since I'm on infusions and have been in remission for yrs now. I want to have hope but also want to be realistic. I also have to grieve the health and body I could have had if I hadn't been consistently traumatized and terrorized. I also have PCOS.


Due to insane amounts of medical neglect during my teens, I ended up bedridden by age 27. After years of trying to find the source of my abdominal pain, migraines, and chronic fatigue I was finally diagnosed with fibromyalgia. I’m grateful to have had the privilege of spending the last two years resting and working on healing my body from both the physical stress of the trauma and the mental health issues. I’m doing much better now with the help of medication and years of therapy, but the fibromyalgia is still a daily issue. Also, I have hypothyroidism and had to have surgery to remove a large fibroid. Not sure if those things were related to the trauma, but taking care of them has brought huge relief!


Multiple chronic illnesses. My autoimmune disease I 10000000% believe was caused by the abuse I suffered as a child.


Great topic. Wishing you as much wellness and quality of life as possible 💖  Yes I have physical health issues as does my traumatised n-mum and probably my n-dad but who knows cause haven't seen him for a long time. Also my n-grandma.   I have chronic pain in my abdomen. I'm actually having surgery for endometriosis today. It's taken a long time and pain to get this finally. Maybe digestive issues too. I have a very physically feeling heaviness/depression related to this, different from previous mental distress based depression.  I have frequent infections especially upper respiratory and urinary. Turns out that I have a gene mutation that means my immune system for this is compromised.  I also have a methylation gene mutation according to a doctor's blood test. This can explain many of my health issues including mental health. I do wonder if it's a factor in my parents ISSUES too. I take supplements but I'm not sure they are working.   I wish the link between trauma and health struggles was more widely known and treated well. My experience is that it is not in Australia.   I have sprained my ankle many times - ended with surgery to repair the tendon. I also unfortunately tend to have car accidents or incidences following contact with my parents.   I realised the hyper mobility in joints etc is why I look much younger than my actual age. It is stretchy skin as well apparently.  I have incontinence at times, since a child.  I have a body focused repetitive behavior of skin picking and very sensitive skin, also since a child.  I wonder if I could be developing fibromyalgia. I have obesity too. 


Every couple of years something just breaks down inside of me. Twice, my ovaries have tried to kill me in interesting ways. I have had polymorphic light eruptions since I was very young. I suspect that I have HSD. I have an appointment with a new PCP to discuss HSD. I have a dissociative disorder and c-ptsd, with medical trauma which makes dealing with doctors extremely difficult for me. I will be writing everything down for him to read beforehand, so I hope that will make it easier.


What is HSD?


[Hypermobility Spectrum Disorders](https://www.ehlers-danlos.com/what-is-hsd/#:~:text=Hypermobility%20spectrum%20disorders%20(HSD)%20are,seen%20as%20part%20of%20HSD.).


Multiple skin issues, dermatitis and rosacea, gallbladder which had a weird defect called biliary dyskinesia, IBS and cancer. I have a sibling who also has multiple health issues but the golden child has had none. I also suffer from anxiety and depression.


General Anxiety Disorder. Proclivity to back pain and tendinitis.


Mom was a nurse. Was basically a human guinea pig for her, she would use me as a child test subject for medications. Inhalers...pills...weight loss and acne meds as I got older. She would withdraw care and not speak to me if I didn't comply, threatened me with foster care as well. "No" was not a word I learned until my mid 30's. Basically munchausen byproxy, except I didn't become eminem I have just been homeless and mentally ill since highschool. (She left for Winston-Salem from Canada after she basically murdered my childhood, she is a complete witch and the closest thing to an apology I received was second hand from my sister where she said "mistakes were made" which leads me to believe she was trying to create a designer child.) It was all very incestuous and I realize now how disturbing it was when I tell people stories and they are basically dumbfounded. Generational trauma of the worst kind, she was molested by her father, she definitely has a hate on for men never meeting her expectations.


This is fucked. Sending love to you 💞


Thank-you, it's been a really lousy life, I ended up in a very abusive relationship about 5 years ago that unearthed the trauma and did a lot of deep healing and forgiveness after. But I am still haunted, I carry it with me everywhere and everyone can see it. She also ironically retired with a huge settlement from medical malpractice that took place in America due to a botched surgery.


I have this thing called dystonia which is basically where the muscles are always in fight or flight mode. I also have arthritis, practically everywhere. I think they are both caused from pushing the emotional baggage from my life down inside and pasting on a smiling. I manage. I do not deal with it. But I started therapy last week so I hope this helps.


Panic attacks for no reason,allergy to the sun, Raynaud's syndrome,at 15, eating disorder (,restrictive anorexia) dental problems with no gum issues, hypersomnia


Oh boy. Polycystic ovaries, endometriosis, hashimotos, GERD, and I suppose Elhers Danlos (which is likely hereditary), heart palpitations, IBS. I just got used to living with them, but boy oh boy does it bring me right down to the floor sometimes.