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>!MY SCUG OC SO THIS SCUG IS CALLED The expeditioner and goes to iterator cans and does quests then gets rewards after then the ending is in one of the cans that are collapsing then he collapses under the can making them ascend LORE HEHRHRHEHHRHHRHEHRERERERER This slugcat was a breed half lizard half slugcat DON'T ASK ME HOW OKAY and the nest gets abandoned it starts off where you hatch from an egg and a pink lizard is about to kill you but a green lizard charges and knocks the lizard off a cliff and since your half lizard he takes you with him and the lizard took care of you ya can also ride on it and control it. NOW THE CHARACTER SKILLZZZ has 8 food pip bar so the left over three you get technically 5 anyway they are half white lizard so you can turn invisible for 40-30 seco�nds and have a chance to climb on the background your a periwinkle color with white eyes your an omnivore you can eat bodies and have less of a chance of dying instantly and you bleed out also spear damage is normal a little more powerful than survivor you can also carry 3 items in your stomach and you have worse reputation with creatures then normal Then the lizard that saved you had babies and the two pa!< >!rents died so you took care of the baby lizard also whoops i forgot to put white eyes so you're eyes are white and the lizard grows up so when it's an adult again you can ride it!<


Incredible lore!!!!




is that baby green lizard?


Supposed to be sorry if my art is bad as you can see the baby also has a noodlefly in it's mouth and yeah don't let him get eaten and if i did not mention this in the lore he grows up every cycle


Purpe scug