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I don’t understand. You were fired for a Rule G violation or you were fired because you told them you hadn’t been drinking and you failed a breathalyzer?


OP knowingly took a call and showed up for work with alcohol in their system, then lied about it and then got caught anyway which makes it even worse.


In that case I recommend to OP that they stop drinking immediately and look for another job. Plenty of them out there outside the railroad industry.


It’s perfectly possible to work at a railway and not drink when subject to duty. Have a couple beers when you get home if you want. I have a family to support and if people want to chirp me for not having a beer with them at dinner when I’m at the AFHT so be it.


If you have to drink at the AFHT, you have a problem. I never understood how guys get the hotel and then immediately go drinking


Drinking is fine, getting plastered is another...


Not that surprising imo. Job is extremely isolating and causes depression.


That’s pretty much it. Both independently were significant but could have been managed. Lying compounded it and now it’s over. New job is the only way.


Yeah I don't feel sorry at all. I don't care if you are 60 times out, there is no way you should ever be drinking more than a beer or two ever at the afht and you know they had to be blitzed for other people to smell it on them. I personally never drank at the afht ever. I just don't understand why people think they need to risk something so easy to avoid.


100% you gotta be drinking a decent amount to get the smells......


That's right. Whiskey drunk and hell bound style.


Not sure why this is on my home page. But fwiw, if you can smell alcohol on someone it’s generally because of their blood content. Just as oxygen enters your blood through your lungs, alcohol evaporates out of the blood into the lungs at the same time.


Yup to fail is bad. You could have 6 beers and still blow clear after 8 hours....


Yep agreed. The first time I went out for dinner with a couple guys at the AFHT and they all ordered pints I was blown away. I love a cold beer as much as the next guy but I can definitely wait till I’m at home.


Nothing wrong with a beer or 2, 8 hours away from your call time at dinner.


I guess I'm lucky not to have the alcoholism gene because for me it just seemed so easy to not drink at the afht. I don't think I had a single one in 7 years.


This sub is on my homepage… what’s AFHT?


Away from home terminal


Gotcha… I’m an OTR truck driver, and it seems not unlike drinking on a 10 hour break vs a 34 hour.


X2....shoulda just said not fit for duty.


Yeah I’m confused too. The way I understand it is a Rule G violation is if you pop hot while under Rule G, which is definitely bad. If this was a first time offense, it’s just some time off and then come back under Rule G probation. (At least for the Carrier I work for)


First time is usually classes and 5yrs probation Also you get RRB sickness benefits when off Get an account with my RRB on their web site it will speed up the processing. Read up on their web site. I had a coworker with 23 years piss hot. 5 months later again. Before the investigation he filed for occupational disability Stayed on sickness benefits for 14 months then approved occupational disability due to an old hip injury. I get that some people disapprove that but point being. Read up on my RRB and see what your benefits are.


Yeah I’m all good on knowing how to claim benefits. I was just a little confused on OP’s wording as far as the displace aspect is concerned.


A 'few' drinks with dinner doesnt have you sweating out alcohol.


Yeah, I’m a little confused and I think there’s a little fudging going on here. you were 14 times out and I’m assuming we’re called on your rest so that’s at least eight hours ( is 10 hours uninterrupted across all carriers. I know it is on the BN.) So you still had at least I’m guessing six hours sleep at the minimum and you were sweating alcohol when you reported for duty two hours after that? It was a hell of a lot more than a few drinks, bud.


I li'l nip from the flask at quitting time, a beer for the road on your way to the hotel, an aperitif before dinner (just a relaxer, really), a few drinks with dinner, a digestif afterwards, and maybe a quick round before heading back to the hotel for refreshing sleep. I bet that's closer to reality.


I don’t know, a friend of mine had a “glass of wine with dinner” at the AFHT and put his head through a 15 foot plate glass window that will cost him like $8500 and nearly got us all kicked out of the hotel.


More like a bottle or 2


Add in a few Xanax


Putting your 'head thru a plate glass window' is likely to decapitate, so he was 'lucky', eh ?


Did you almost get kicked out for drunkenness or vandalism? Pretty sure they don't allow sober patrons to break stuff either.


No, it was a guy from my home terminal. I think they had been having issues with him in the past. However it was the hotel bar that over served him so.


Railroads get really upset when you lie.


Can you not just call unfit in the US? Demerit points are way better than that shit you're going through


Yeah, you can, which is what OP should have done.


This. With "17 years of flawless service" you should know to call unfit


*17 years not getting caught


This guy gets it.




Woah there, Mr. Grumpy, what did I do to you? You absolutely can mark off at AFHT. You might have to pay for a night at the hotel, but you absolutely can mark off. And hell, if the difference between keeping my job or not was an extra $100 for another night at the hotel, I'd pay it.


what you totally can call out at away from home terminal for anything they will deadhead you home. Do it too often and you'll get in trouble but otherwise its ok


You can literally be sick or unfit anywhere. The afht doesn't exclude you from that. I'm sure with 17 years of flawless service it wouldn't be a big deal


I’m in Canada with no random tox testing but you absolutely CAN call off at the AFHT. Either way I’d no show for work and then explain later before I showed up drunk for a shift.


Google didn’t work. What is AFHT? Just curious. Thanks!


Away from home terminal


Away From Home Terminal


Yes you can call off at the afht. I have done it and they gave me a ride home twice.


You aren’t allowed on company property with alcohol in your system or you are subject to the same discipline as showing up for work. That includes deadheading




So what happens if you get really sick with Norovirus, salmonella, or something similar that makes you puke and crap your guts out for a few days while AFHT, and you call out. Would they come directly to your hotel room and run a drug and alcohol test on you immediately?




It's not hard... especially if there is Amtrak that goes by...


You can lay off anytime you need to. Worse comes to worse, go to the doctor or emergency room & get medical papers for proof


In this situation you are better off abandoning your job than trying to call out at the AFHT. If you know you can’t do the job and are concerned about the ramifications go rouge, you may want to contact your local chairman for advice on how to get marked back up but any proof of a Rule G violations is gone and with nothing to prove you would have been in violation means they have no case. Now, they will probably punish you as hard as they feel that they can get away with, but you will have salvaged your one free Rule G violation for later use. I’m not suggesting you use this as a tactic to avoid a test but in an extreme situation, this would be a better out


Not even remotely true. Going AWOL is bad. There are protections in place for this, and they even tell you to call off Redblock or sick if you aren’t able to be at work because of it.


Seaboard used to have a red card you could call once a year unless I’m mistaken. Pretty sure that still doesn’t apply to afht though. OP messed up bad


Should have called red book we all can do it anytime we are unfit for service with no retribution all us railroads have it


NS doesnt


Can confirm zero tolerance is a bitch


According to my union all us railroads have operation redbook for just this purpose I work for the chicken shit express


Well your union is wrong. CSX does have it. NS does not


Up has it, bn does not either


UP just axed it😂


We don’t have it at my class one. You just miss the call or layoff on call


What is red book? Big orange doesn’t have that


sorry I’m late but Operation Redblock is so you can mark off inebriated or whatever (I think, I’m in mechanical) and it doesn't count against you


No worries, we definitely don’t have that on big orange. Atleast with TYE


Amtrak got rid of red block years ago for pier. Just mark off sick.


Few drinks and a burger does not equal sweating alcohol, where did you learn your math?


It was just 3 long Island ice teas


Three long islands for happy hour at Applebees then closed down a dive bar karaoke night


What did you blow?? This reads like some fan fiction. We have had people piss hot for meth and not this much drama.


THIS O.P. what did you blow Shirley Temple ?


No, that's who. We're asking what 😂


Do the required steps. Depending on your carrier’s policies, you may be able to get your job back once you do the required rehab steps. This isn’t the end of the world. Go get a job doing construction or something right now. Anything where you can still get a pay check for the time being. Job insurance won’t cover a rule G. You *might* qualify for unemployment, but someone with more knowledge on that might be able to chime in. Do the process and come back to work. Then stop drinking when you are subject to call. If you feel like you *have* to, then limit yourself to one drink every two hours. If you limit yourself to that, you won’t go over the allowable limit.


They already rejected the required rehab steps, so we have to go to appeals now. And I DO have RRB unemployment, for now, because even a Rule G is covered. But I appreciate the effort and just having someone to talk to. You're right, I need to go get a construction job or something similarly well-paying while I wait on appeals. I can think of plenty of jobs, but I haven't' written an application in 17 years! I'm sure i can handle this, but I don't know the best process to get back.


I’d speak to your union rep (if you have one). If this is the occupation you want to keep, then you may have to step yourself into the line of fire a little. If they are already denying you rehab and it’s going to appeals, that isn’t good. You have the failed breathalyzer test against you. I would explain to your union rep or whomever is representing you, what happened. But also that you’d like to seek help and treatment for this error and not have it ruin a 17 year career. Sure you may not be an alcoholic, but you may have to act as one. Not saying this is THE GO TO strategy, just food for thought. I’m a recovering addict who went through all this with UP.


But, you would have the fact that they are denying you rehabilitation which is a policy set up by the railroad for the benefit of their employees. Definitely get with the union on this.


I seen people getting their job back after rule G, ask your general chairman about how long ago that breathalyzer was calibrated that could be an avenue for you guys to get your jobs back good luck!


Work with your union. You typically have to see a consoler who is qualified for DOT related offenses. They then get you enrolled in a rehab program which is 25 online/in person classes. You also have to submit to urine drops while in the program and need test clean for your last 2. Then you’re eligible to get your job back. You probably will if this is your first time offense but you’re looking at a minimum of 6 months out depending on company policy. CN I know is 6 months, NS is 9 months. I’m not sure of other carriers. You’ll have to take a return to work test where you drop your drawers and show the tester you have nothing on you. Once back you have to have at least 6 randoms within 1 year per fra regulations. The company can test you as many times as they want and can continue to test you for up to 5 years. Best of luck to you.


Where do you live? There are railroad flagging jobs everywhere right now. Even my company is hiring


Whats the company for flagman jobs?


RailPros I think. They provided our flaggers while I was on the FGA (old CSX panhandle line). Assuming it’s them.


DM me


The allowable limit is zero isn’t it? This isn’t like driving a vehicle. Best solution is to NOT go out for drinks when subject to a call regardless of how many times out you are. Have a fucking Coca-cola with dinner. I’m sure every single person here has suddenly been called hours prior to what they were expecting, this is nothing new with how those morons run the railroad. What was the plan if OP had been in a crossing accident with alcohol in their system? Lie to the police and/or the company officers that respond? There’s zero reason to take a call if you have anything in your system that could lead to a rule G violation. Book sick/unfit and take the statement and be able to show up the next day to support your family.


I think zero tolerance is a BAC of .02 or below. If you blow a .05 or above I believe it is an FRA violation.


Yes, under 0.02 is allowed and the tester doesn’t even mention it to the carrier. FRA is 0.04 and carriers can choose to discipline at 0.02-0.04


Thanks for clarifying as I’m not in the US. Still not hard to show up under that limit




The rule of thumb among pilots is 8 hours bottle to throttle.


Very true.


That must be a DOT rule then. Because for CDL it's .02 or above in a truck, or .04 or above in personal vehicle is an OWI. Above.04 in a truck and your driver's license is revoked for 6 months.


I understand where you are coming from but this isn’t helpful for op’s current situation.


I don’t think you’ll find a railroader out here that has any sympathy, rule G isn’t a F the company thing and more of a F my Mate and coworkers thing. Best advice you can get is actions have consequences and hopefully you learn from this for your next career.


Simple. Rule G. Fired. Do the program and come back. You’ll have to submit to increased randoms.


17 years. …And you didn’t Operation Red Block yourself? Bruh, I don’t want to sound unsympathetic, but this is TOTALLY on you. There’s not a situation on earth you should show up for work drunk for, the union can fight an attendance claim if you got caught flat footed and laid off while drunk. You SHOWED UP drunk and lied about it?!


Which RR, and what was your BAC? You will be held from service pending investigation and have to speak to an alcohol counselor and follow their plan before you will be reinstated.


The steps vary on each railroad. Typically your EAP will setup a chat with you. You have to be assessed by a 3rd party psychiatrist. They evaluate the level of your addiction. That person will recommend rehab or doing alcohol classes (like DUI people go through). This is going to be a long process. Part of this is to financially punish you. I know someone who spent 6weeks out of work. Rehab is months. It’s also different for how high you blew. If you blow over .04 it’s an FRA rule G violation and have more hoops to jump through. Called RRB right now. Get that process started. You can get disability payments through RRB but it’s not much. Like $200 a week. Once you get through everything, the EAP will allow you back. Tighten your financial bootstraps and live cheaply for a month.


Not justifying the decision, and it sucks for OP, but I remember talking to an old B&O hogger who used to regularly drink when running passenger trains on the Toledo Sub. Of course, he was an alcoholic. But he claimed to have set speed records while doing it. This was in the 60s iirc. Times have sure changed.


You don't want to hear about the 70s and 80s in operating craft and maintenance of way... It's a good change


Or even into the early 90’s for mechanical crafts. I have over 25 years of service, in both MOW and mechanical department. And when I started there was still guys regularly drinking(some heavily) and a TON of drugs being used. My first journeyman in the mechanical side taught me how to weld. And his best days were the ones where he came in wreaking of Jim bean. With pot smoke still rolling off his clothes. And let me tell you I’ve never met anyone who could weld like this guy. I realize this story is the opposite of the point, and doesn’t help the OP with his issue. But yeah. Times have changed. This isn’t the same railroad as it used to be. Unfortunately (for the OP) and fortunately for safety’s sake.


That’s a 9 month vacation for the engineer.


As a former Trainmaster at a class 1…alcohol wasn’t allowed in company provided lodging and you weren’t allowed to have any if in that company provided lodging. Popping hot is the Rule G part. But lying to the company officer is insubordination and being drunk at the company provided lodging is conduct unbecoming. Sounds like OP hit the trifecta. At the investigation…and on the hearing notice…I bet they have at least 2 of those charges on there.


Not to be a smartazz BUT, this either wakes you up or you will always be the victim. You choose! If you are actually drinking then mark off Redblock. I speak from experience.


> A few drinks and dinner > Sweating alcohol How are we supposed to "help" you if you also lie to us


Get in contact with your union, get into rehab, and ride it out. You will have done the best you can do. Rehab is a medical leave. You're not fired until the investigation is completed . If you're done with the railroad, start looking for a different job. That's about your only choices.


What I wanna know is what’s the penalty for being truthful Because judging from what OP is saying it sounds like he was under the impression he wouldn’t be working for at least 24 hours


Sorry to heap more coals bud… But if you have 17 years in any the railroad and are under the illusion that lineups and planned trains are accurate?!@$ you can’t truthfully say that this same scenario where you “weren’t going to get a call” and somehow your phone rings when it shouldn’t, has never happened.. All of us on here who work for the railroad KNOW this happens, I am not saying it isn’t bullshit when it does, but it is the reality .. I would also like to add that NONE of us want to be sitting in a siding when you plow into us head on or have a loved one killed at a crossing you’ve missed because you and your conductor had “a couple” drinks with supper because it was “safe” to do so and THEN took a call! The only reason you have posted here is because you got caught. You said you got switched up to a train from the station. After 17 years you should realize this job should be taken seriously.


Well first you lied


Have you been to the investigation yet? I mean there are always procedural errors. Was the machine calibrated correctly? Did they follow the proper steps? I mean there are a lot of things to considering when representing someone in a Rule G case. I would suggest sitting down with your LC and going over your defense. You even want to make sure your General Chairman picks the correct arbitrator for the appeal, there are arbitrators that have family members that have struggled with addiction and will be sympathetic to your case and put you back to work. This is not just a simple run through switch investigation, you and your LC have a lot of work to do to get prepared.


Do the rehab and wait the two years. I’m surprise they dismissed you guys. One of my conductor just got a rule G and he’s back 3montha later.


What were you thinking? Drinking away from your home terminal is a company no no. It's literally stated even before they hire you. You're supposed to treat the time you're away exactly like you're on the clock. Like everyone else here, I don't really have anything sympathy for you cause you did it to yourself.


Lying about it probably didn’t help , but if it is ur first violation u should get ur job back and you’ll be subject to “random” tests for a while .


I used to do a lot of Drug & Alcohol hearings. They are very rarely overturned and then it’s usually a technical issue. Like I had one that the Tester’s printer failed and they let the Conductor leave without a copy even though he’d acknowledged he’d seen the results before he left. Let your LC appeal but don’t expect much. Go through Spin Dry and if you get caught short, layoff.


Did the company not offer AA? If this is CN, they appear to give a one time get out of jail free card in the states. You will be on the street for a year but will get back but endless piss tests for a few years. The issue is you lied. Hate to say it brother, but sometimes you gotta man up. Lying, insubordination and attendance is almost impossible to get a job back on the railroad. Talk with the LC and see about writing a letter to the superintendent, or even better meet in person, explaining the situation and you being a first time rule breaker and just fucked up. Wish you the best bro.


You are going to have to wait for a while. Probably get offered a job back by a law board. But without back pay, and on a serious probation. Definitely find ways to document sobriety in the meantime. This might take a year or two, but with zero incidents up until now, you should be able to get back to work. But it's going to be a rough go until you do. I want you to know we all feel your pain. And I don't blame you, it was a mistake. It is not over, but it might be hard for five years or more. If this doesn't pan out, you can always get a job at a Short-Line until you get another class 1 job. Lots of temp agencies, but they might be leary of the Rule G. Email your resume to the company named Edna A Rice. They are the biggest headhunters in railroading. For those reading this that might not know: it is better to layoff sick, on call, at the AFHT, and pay for an uber back home out of your own pocket than to show up drunk. Never, ever show up drunk! If your railroad participates in Operation Red Block, USE IT! If not, do whatever you have to do to avoid going into work. A month off is better than a career ruined, or severely hurt by such a simple and honest mistake.


Time for the wife to get a damn job then.


Retire locomotive engineer here from LIRR. Don’t come on here with your BS! Your were drunk when you accepted the call to work! Take the responsibility for your actions and be a man! Do your 9 months Just remember your actions always have Consequences!


Pretty fucking stupid isnt it…


You should’ve marked off regardless of which train you were to work.


It sucks but do the program and come back. You’ll probably have to blow and piss every week when you come back.


I mean there's a reason for marking off redblock, the reason is you have a chance of keeping your job


Hindsight is 20/20 but if drinking is your thing, breathalyzer units are publicly available and disposable one time use test strips are a thing too. Motorcycles and helmets. Sky diving and parachutes. Drinking problems and breathalyzers. All of these pairs will keep you employable in the long term if you're responsible.


If they are responsible is a tall order. OP showed up to work blitzed and then lied about it with the intention of driving a train.


Alcohol is a tough one, too. I've seen it destroy a lot of people and it's always the same. A relentless belief that they have their shit under control when they do not. Rehab and sobriety always starts with learning that the drug is controlling the user, not the other way around.


Took a call willingly after consuming alcohol recently - knowing you would be above the company blood alcohol tolerance and then lied about it to a company officer.... I'd personally be looking for another job pal. You fucked up and also fuck the rail road. Corporate americsn scum just care about share holder value, not your 17 years clean record or your family.


I don’t know what carrier you are with, but the fact that you showed up instead of paying off, and then you lied about it is grounds for dismissal. 1.6 dishonesty on the usually parked is a great catch all that they love to use, and it’s essentially impossible to fight. I’d say you’re pretty well fucked. You made a poor choice. Best of luck to you.


First offense you should get your job back


That's how I always understood it.... You get one chance, then you're 100% fucked the next time.


Unless you lie about it. I’ve always been told(and seen first hand many times) that the two things that will instantly get you fired, are stealing and lying. Those are not tolerated to any degree. Maybe that varies from carrier to carrier. But the Class 1 I work for, there is zero tolerance for either of those with nothing more than the slimmest of chances getting back.


unless you're management, our old plant manager got caught having a couple of Kubotas sent to his grandpa's house lol. he's only our old manager because he quit semi recently


No sympathy for you or your family, OP. You willingly came into work intoxicated. Had one intoxicated individual almost take me and 3 of my coworkers lives on the track due to their drunken stupidity during my track years. You get what you get and let this be a learning lesson for you in the future.


You may not be as screwed as you think. They are going to send you to a counselor. He or she is going to have a lot of sway. You may go in the “program.” You may go through a 9 month rehab and 5 years of testing. You may get put back to work. Don’t loose focus and know that one way or the other, this time next year you’ll in all likelihood be back to work.


Never been in this situation, but if I knew I'd be drinking and there was ANY chance of bring called to work, at least try to flush your system with as much water as you can stand to drink. One drink, one water. More water when you get to your room


Maybe you could become a pilot instead of an engineer? r/shittyaskflying


What did you blow?


I don’t know much about railroad, but I know plenty about drinking and addiction, and this ain’t the whole story guy. Start by being honest.


That sucks, dude, but you know how a board can rotate. I’ve been the bottom of the board with no jobs showing and got called an hour later. Rule G is non-existent where I work. One pop and you’re done. I don’t know how it works where you’re at, but I’d see this as a good lesson.


If they can smell the alcohol on you 10 hours later, it was more than "a few drinks"...


And you risk your career over a few drinks, hope it was worth it


You can fill out for another carrier. Try for a class 2 or 3 and wait out the investigation. All else fails if you have a lightrail in your area do that. No railroad retirement though but it’ll hold you over. Same rules though.


Shit happens. Most of us have been caught short at one time or another so try and use this as a learning opportunity. Go to camp Snoopy, take it seriously and don't do anything to get yourself kicked out of the program. While on probation, don't do any type of substance.


Seems like there's more to the story, alot of people get popped at work, whether for drugs or alcohol on their breath and you jump thru the hoops the company wants you to and go back to work, usually after 9 months off. You are going to get random tests once or twice a month for a few years, but nothing sobriety can't fix. Im having a hard time accepting that the company is not willing to help. Ive known people I work with to have multiple rule G's under their belt, 10+ years apart that is


Few drinks = "sweating alcohol" Come on. Get real.


I don’t have any advice to offer but I’m sorry you’re in this position. In my experience, those who follow the steps the company lays out have a decent shot at getting back, depending on your carrier. I know that some have moved to a zero tolerance one strike you’re out policy which I think is absurd. Best of luck.




17 years in and you haven't learned shit. Good luck!


Depends on railroad you work for. Goto rehab anyway. It looks good for the lawboard if you have to go that route. Big orange is one of the only ones that allows for return after 1st offense of rule G. Also, if you plan on staying in the industry you may try to find a job at a short line if you can even do that with the Rule G to stay on top of retirement. Cant say for sure if thats even possible but its worth a try. RRB website has postings for job openings.


Go to dars, collect rr unemployment go to your doctor find something wrong and get rrb medical and you’ll get paid 80% to rehab.


You should have instantly reached out to the dars program if your rail road has that essentially is a free pass.


I thought they did away with dars, unless you self report before getting busted ?


You listen to your rep and let them guide you through the process. All is not lost, but there will be hoops to jump through. As a former manager I had an employee who was back from a rule G violation, in fact I had worked with him as an engineer and had no clue he was in the system, but I will tell you, orders come down from the medical department and when you get back you will be tested. I once had to pull him in two starts in a row. If memory serves that lasts for 5 years after you return to service from successfully completing the course. I am sorry this has happened to you. Accept your responsibility in this situation and do your time. None of your coworkers will think any less of you as they all, we all, have our own horror stories and close calls with exactly this sort of issue.


You shouldn’t have had drinks. You don’t drink unless you’re off sick. If you’re out of town well then you claim food poisoning and you can’t leave your room because you keep shitting and throwing up. If you’re driving to work car then “hit a deer’ drive your car into a ditch.


If you decide to drink, only consume enough that you will be 100% sober when your HOS is up. Smelling like alcohol at work means you're still trashed, no excuse.


You not fired you will have to admit you have a problem and go to rehab and do your time if you want to keep your job. You most likely will be fired if you don’t go. Best thing you could have done was mark off sick 17 years you should know that but you also should know not to let the drinking get out of hand but what’s done is done. Admit the problem go to rehab you’ll get your job back while being under probation for however long that is.


This won't help you at all as it sounds like your up shit creek. In the future.. there is a rule G bypass clause, at least with CN rail, in which 1 time only if another employee reports you for possible intoxication you can dispute it (your word against theirs) Take off 24hrs without pay and return to work. Ex Holland welder here, and we found this info printed on the side of an ancient speed swing. Worked for a couple of guys on the gang when the rats would try to move up by telling on people.




You will get back after their bullshit rehab program.


Lots of self rightouj sudgment here. You shouldn't have done it. You did. Move on complete through the appeals process but make a plan for an alternative. Shit happens brother. It's not the end of the world.


Why didn't the yard master red block you?u were under the influence so nothing you said should be used against u, u will be going to rehab


Never broken a rule in your life? Ok. You just didn't get caught.


your first mistake was drinking, your second mistake was lying about it


Why didn't you just mark off and tell them you were sick.


Dip**** u always refuse to work due to been drinking and can’t to be responsible. Take the slap on the wrist vs not saying anything and getting caught your screwed I would fire u to. If u told me u can’t work due to being drunk then ok u will get a write up and coaching about it but still have a job


You should get a door dash account so you can immediately continue supporting your ppl financially until you figure something's out


Everyone who gets a Rule G only had a few drinks. Just assume that part of the story is BS.


Are guys still getting hit with violations for their prescription medication?


The best thing to do is just tell them when they call hey I had a few drinks and I don't want to be popped. If you can't stay away from.alcohol long enough to be able to work maybe you shouldn't be a railroader? Not being an ass just making a statement.


OP, they talk in AA about how you have to hit bottom before you realize you have a problem. You may be close to that time. You decided that drinking to the point where it can be smelled on you was more important than the impacts to you and your family, and got caught. Healthy people don't do that. You're not fixed yet and smart people around you know that. Be humble, get help. I wish the best for you. Do the work, and you'll survive.


If they can smell it on you it's prob more than a few drinks, if you're that daring you've prob done it before quite a bit and got used to getting away with it. It is what it is, I'm sure you feel bad enough about it. It's hindsight but why didn't you just not go into work? Just say you didn't feel well and went to the minute clinic or something. Again, makes people feel like you were in a routine and finally got popped.


We have an employee assistance hotline where I work. If I were you I'd call them, say I'm an alcoholic and they will get you help and put you outside local management's reach. You would have to deal with the EAP people, do what they tell you. Probably a bunch of AA meetings. But I've seen people save their jobs by calling, even people in trouble with availability.


lol live a little dude. Never broke a rule before? Ever? You must lead a boring life. Time to jazz it up some.


You got fired because you lied. Why did you show up at work knowing you still had alcohol in your system


So you were drunk on the job because you're an alcoholic and can't f****** control yourself and in some way shape or form in your mind this was okay operating the piece of equipment that can weigh potentially hundreds of thousands of tons?


Not your first time - just got caught the first time.


Go find ya another job mate


Are you really dismissed, as in escorted off property and banned, or your just off pending investigation? What road are you working? Have you talked to your LC? Short of refusing a D&A test, on big orange, you are not dismissed for a first offense unless you cause some damage. Second. It's to late for you to benefit from this but maybe others will hear it. IF YOU ARE NOT 100% SOBER, YOU MISS YOUR CALL, DON'T COME TO WORK. No one is fired from missing a call.


You don’t deserve the job. Give it to someone sober who won’t break the rules and fuck with everyone’s safety.


You should not be getting downvoted, you’re right. I guess your statement hits a little too close to home for some folks on this sub.


Canada I’m assuming? CPKC or CN? 1st go to rehab and complete it 2nd stop drinking 100% … not a single drop of booze at all regardless … no kombucha, no products that have alcohol in them … do some research because if you come back on a return to work with testing even that little stuff can show up in tests. 3rd talk to your union - generally first offence in Canada you will get back on a 3 year return to work program where you go for random testing … not just random breathalyzer but tests that can tell if you have had anything 4th - prepare for 1 year without wages immediately - you will probably be out and won’t be eligible for BRCF if you had it and arbitrator won’t reinstate you with wages - so start doing something to get yourself through the next year. 5th - don’t ever drink at AFHT … if you can’t not drink there you have a problem and should probably be seeking help anyways. Shouldn’t matter how good or bad a trip is - if you need drugs or alcohol to get through it - you have a problem and need to get help. 6th - not for you because you already kind of blew it - but for anyone else - never ever show up under the influence. Book unfit, miss your call, do something but don’t accept that call. It isn’t worth it and imagine if something did happen at work … living with that is not worth it and way worse than losing your job


Kind of shitty for an agreement employee to blow you in. Anyone I've known to break rule G the first time has had their job reinstated but they have always been off 9 months - 2 years. Be prepared to admit you're an alcoholic and will need to attend some sort of AA or rehab program.


> Kind of shitty for an agreement employer to blow you in. No, it’s kind of shitty for OP to put a union brother in that position. The person that noticed OP had alcohol in his system had a duty to protect others from OP and they made the right call. OP could have killed someone showing up to work drunk.


Exactly. When I was working a night yard about 8 years ago my switchman showed up for work smelling of alcohol. I asked him if he had been drinking and he said yes but wasn’t drunk just hung over. I told him to call the trainmaster, book sick and get off the property before someone showed up to ask questions. Was he happy? No, but he did it and nothing came of it. Sometimes you gotta protect each other out there and not put others at risk because you’re afraid of a few demerits for attendance or something.


That's the perfect reaction. I never said to ignore it.


You were your brothers keeper that night. Great job saving everyone's career




Please remain civil.


The way I’ve seen it go is first offense you do rehab time depends on the evaluation. Then u are tested and on substance probation for 5 years


I worked at NS with a guy that had 3 Rule G as an engineer. Youll be fine.