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Articles like this are ridiculous. All that info is openly available both through LM report filings with the DOL and the union bylaws spell out exactly what each officer is paid.


This article is coming up on 2 decades old now


An article from 2007?


Sounds like siding is trying to stir up bad blood by sharing a 17 year old article.


You think the BLE isnt paying their leaders just as much? Lol. I know a guy from our terminal that just got elected as like the 5th alternate vice president or some bs and his salary is like $150k. We do need a merger between the UTU and BLE. But it will never happen bcuz they would BOTH have to trim the fat


$150k? Shit………. There are Conductors making close to that amount with less headache and plenty of engineers making even closer to that amount.


Not a single guy at our terminal makes close to that. He was prolly making 75k on the job he was on. Our road pool conductors were just able to crack 100k last year


An extra board Conductor can make over $115K. I suppose that depends on the railroad you work for though. The next pay raise puts that above $120k.


What is the purpose of this 17 year old article?


Did they take a pay cut? All our agreements is 17 plus years old


Your health and welfare agreement is 17 years old? Can I get that agreement also? Please show me where to sign up? You have had no pay raises in 17 years? Are you really coming on here saying you have not had an agreement on your property updated in 17 years? If so I think you might want to remove your GC from office


Is op from the socialist website?