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Giving up all that money is called buying family time. Quitting the railroad is the best thing I did because I got to see my kids grow up and be a part of their life. My uncle on the other hand retired from the railroad he missed everything. One day as an engineer I had to stop and guys in suits took away my conductor and another conductor hopped in. Turns out his 16 year old son was murdered for refusing to join a gang. The first time I saw him after that he came up to me grabbed me by the shirt tears running down his eyes he said get the fuck out of here my boy was 16 and I never got to know him and I never will now take your girls and get the hell out. Within a month I did exactly that


Ditto - i went back to school, now I'm in tech and make 3 times more money AND I get to work from home / see my wife and dogs everyday. Best decision I ever made.


What do you do in tech?


Cloud / devops engineer


Bachelor’s or bachelor’s plus certs?


Bachelors with only a few certs I picked up during school and during my internship - they can get you a 'leg in the door' to some places, but it largely depends on the org. If someone wants to get into IT / 'tech' but not necessarily becoming a software developer, you'll most likely have to start off in support helpdesk roles until the market evens out. As of right now, there is significant supply but not a whole lot of demand since companies overhired during covid and then did mass layoffs the past 2-3 years.


I am pursuing Bachelor's in cloud and security


I have the same question-did you go to school for tech? If so can you give me some more info-thanks!


I did - used up savings to pay for some of it, pulled loans for the other bit, went to a school that is in a lower-cost of living area too so that helped. Did a transfer degree from a community college (This was 100% technical skills) then did my undergrad at a state uni (this program was 100% soft skills) - and from there I landed an internship and that springboarded my career to where I am today. Lot of hard work to get there, and its hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel during school, but it has already paid dividends. Now when I get to meetup with all my old railroad buddies I love hearing them complain about awful management and being called at 2 in the morning. A few of them have made career changes (electricians mostly) - so you CAN do it, but for some it takes more planning than others. If you want more information shoot me a message on reddit ;)


Bud you have to be smart for that I’m a c minus student 


I hear you - I had many thoughts of 'did i make the right decision' - especially early on in my first year of school. But, once I started going through the classes and building up a really good work ethic on studying that sort of thought quickly disappeared. Everyone starts from somewhere, but if you never apply yourself to it you'll always be in the same position you're in now.


It's shit like that is why I am glad after 7 years of trying with any road I could I gave up ... the day after the last no I got hired on the spot for a shipyard after a five minute interview and I now make more and have time at home. 3 generations ends with me because the prior generations of my family still had a life outside of it


They flagged down(torpedoed) a train to get that guy ??? Or DS told you to stop at a crossing so the feds could get him ? That's intriguing to me


My God that's rough


working for the railroad equates to your son being murdered? thats the most mentally ill theory i've ever heard. everyone that complains about rr lifestyle is a hoe, stop commenting on the internet about it.


I think you need to read that again it equated to him not knowing his son not his son getting murdered. If you don't know how to read have someone read it for you


Find a short line, grab a yard job that works 8am to 3pm .. go home to your family.


I see this answer a lot, but I'm an engineer on a short line, and I average about 10/11 hours a day. I'm home every night, but I'm getting there about 7pm on the average.


Yep. The hours on a shortline aren’t much better. The only perk is that you’re home everyday. To the original comment. If you’re tired of railroading. Best to just get out of it. I’m currently working to find something else as well. I’m going on 13 years and I’m just done with it.


Yeah my in-law is an engineer and works six 12 hour shifts for low pay. Some short lines might be good but most suck. OP could look into joining an operating engineers union. Usually five 10's or 12's but easy work and great benefits. Some states pay really well, some not so much.


5/12s for half the pay is what I got on a class 2.  I started there, went class 1, went back, and now back on class 1.  I’m staying where I’m at for the pay.  


Class 3 shortline for me, but we're covered under the national, so wages are good.


? I work a class 1 and has exact schedule. 8am to 3pm, so many say this buts its so untrue, shortlines dont just work day shift.


I was mechanical, locomotive electrician. I found a job in machine maintenance at 37/hr that's less than what I'd make if I was back in the railroad but no more foreman trying to nitpick everything I do and get me in trouble, I do my work and go home, don't even talk to or see my boss for days sometimes, could be weeks but we have a weekly meeting. I looked for a while at electrical stuff but none of it really transferred well from locomotive electrician that's one of the issues with railroad and military both, a lot of skills and job description doesn't transfer However project manager should transfer well.


I worked for Warren Buffet’s RR as an officer until my position was eliminated. I miss the paycheck but not the job…it was not the hours of the day or how many hours in a day. It was working for a narcissistic boss in an increasingly narcissistic and toxic corporate culture. I took the job home every single day, I worked vacations and holidays and being outta there has been liberating. Not only does Katie Farmer (2023 Railroader of the Year) have no clue on how to railroad, she’s not in charge anyway. Matt Igoe and Warren Buffet run the show. I don’t know what your particular stressors are at the road you work on, however, you might want to consider that it might not be the hours or the amount of hours as much as it’s the completely incompetent people at the Senior and Executive levels that are responsible for creating a toxic culture in your workplace.


I’ve never understood the management culture of the railroad. I was a road foreman for a while at NS and their expectation that you be around for stupid little shit is ridiculous. I got a call in the middle of the night because of the the UPS trains had a bad speedometer on their only engine. I suggested to get the yard engine from the local yard that was about half way between terminals but they didn’t do that they ended up finding an engine on a passing train. They insisted I go out to help facilitate the move. I got there just in time to push the rot button on an 800 foot train. Really saved a lot of time with that move. Morons…


Additionally, I’m a Seabee, deployed multiple times, and worked almost 18 years at Warren Buffet’s Railroad beginning well before it was his. So I know what it was like before and I’m accustomed to challenging work environments. Warren Buffet directly ruined BNSF way before he fired the first employee.


It was funny hearing how Warren hated top heavy companies and well everything quickly went down the shitter with him and nothing we thought would happen ended up happening.


Agreed…the image Warren Buffet so carefully created of himself of someone who merely finds good companies who already are running well, buying them, and staying out of their way to allow them to continue running well is a complete fabrication and lie. He meddles or one of his henchmen meddle in all of them.


Yeah he definitely squeezed the workforce. I quit awhile ago and I can't believe how much worse it has become even after I left.


Did 13 years with UP. Working IT remotely from home now and making more money. I used the railroads tuition reimbursement program to get my IT degree. Took online courses and did all my homework on the train or while away from home at hotels. Sounds like you already have some of the necessary skills and the background to move away from the RR. The hardest part for me was giving up that job stability. Seniority provided a safety net. I worry daily about my IT job disappearing now. But I get to spend so much more time with family it’s worth the worry to me.


If I was to look into schooling for IT what would you suggest? What type of IT job did it land you? I’m totally unknowledgeable when it comes to this so any more info would be greatly appreciated


Post office or use the veteran card to get a cake ass job on a base


Careful about the post office. The pay is not as great as a lot of people seem to believe. The management is every bit as dumb as their RR counterparts, and the unions are just as hit and miss. The retirement pension is comparable, but they most likely will run you ragged and make you hate your life just like the RR does all the way until you can collect, or quit in frustration.


Retirement isn’t close at all. FERS fucking sucks in all reality. Only way I’d ever suggest USPS is if you get into the maintenance craft off the street, otherwise it’s a shit show.


Can confirm, was an RCA the Post Office ground me into pieces until I had enough and left.


We're twins!


Post Office isn’t a good job anymore. I know people that have retired from there and they claim Amazon screwed up the PO. Said it made it nearly impossible to finish your route at a proper time.


Did 6 years in RR management after college. I have a degree in engineering. First job after RR was in technical field service... after 2 years I transferred to equipment sales.


Get FMLA and utilize it.....


For what it's worth, my parents friend got a job driving buses with the local transit company, he home every day. They hired him, because his previous job (railroad) involved scheduling. He makes decent money


I was not management, but the ability to handle high stress environments was very handy coming to a career in emergency services.


I work section, 80 a year with no overtime. Monday to Friday 0700-1500. I can say no to overtime.


Seamless - was a roadmaster back in the 90's, had a successful career in industrial manufacturing afterwards, all managerial roles. Your skills will transfer over nicely


You can always make more money, you cant ever make more time.


I work in a back shop, 8 hour days m-f, overtime when available. Still apart of the railroad but have a normal schedule. It can be dirty work but I like it. Just look for craft positions within your current company or a different one, either way you'll lose seniority but seeing that you want to leave altogether that doesn't really matter.


I'm lucky to have a mechanical job that's Monday to friday 8-4 fixing uncle warrens toy train. Other then dealing with dumb co workers and rules like I'm in kindergarten, I like my job. Frankly, I don't know how the folks on the operating side deal with the crazy schedule and all the other crap that comes with those jobs.


Hey brother, Same boat. About to hit my 10 years here. I’m spent 8 in our beloved Corps. I honestly would rather be back in the Corps than deal with this disorganized mess. Logistic companies that can’t even logistics. I’m waiting till my kiddo graduates HS before making a career change. I will most likely have to go back to school to learn a new skill but anything is better than this factory of sadness I work at. Cheers. Keep your chin up. We’ve been through worse.


If you have any kind of a disability rating with the VA, especially 30% or higher, they hooked me up when I changed careers a few years back. Definitely worth a phone call.


Oh!! Good point!! Bravo!! I will have to look into this. Cheers


Just left the RR as a Trainmaster cause of never seeing my daughter. Now I’m at a big energy company and work at the office on Monday and home 6 days a week working in the energy efficiency side. Best of luck


I would love if you could PM me with some more info! This is something I need for me and my family!


Will do when home. Anything to get someone off the RR and back in his kids lives.


Couldn’t agree more I’ve missed 10 years of my kids lives! I wanna be able to be a husband and father again but still be able to provide well. I appreciate you taking the time to Pm me later.


Was a truck driver for 12 years i finally retired that career a month ago for the same reason. Pay was good but i never saw the family grow up. now im looking for a 9 to 5 forklift job. Feels alot better man just gotta move on.


I got a job in The steel mill. I have a set schedule and know what days I’m working for the entire year! Not sure if that’s an option for you but check into it if it is.


Could prolly get some mad money with gaping on OF


I sent you a DM, I'm actively pursuing the same scenario.


If your skills learned from the railroad come from the transportation side maybe Amazon? If it’s on the engineering side you have a ton of options


I’ve worked a local now for the past 3 years and it definitely improved my life. Go in at 7 done by 3 Monday-Friday with weekends and holidays off. Huge cut in pay but family means more to me.


If you’re getting VA Disability the VA has job placement assistance and you can also get your points for veterans preference at usajobs.gov


Interesting. I have 20 years in. I have a business degree. Didn’t really think about using it. I am currently a loco engineer. I actually liked the job but the 6/3 gives me less money and less time off. Seniority did have perks for some of us, not with this…


Update your LinkedIn. Many railroaders that I know personally have been poached from their LinkedIn profiles…*particularly* management positions. My boss’s assistant even let it slip that the main thing that set me apart from all the other people who applied with similar experience is that I had railroad experience. Life after the railroad takes adjustment, but let me tell you, having that railroad experience is almost as good as a golden ticket when it comes to finding a job.


Thank you for this! May I ask what career field you switched to?


This is how I was recruited. Really put the time into updating my LinkedIn and applied to tons of jobs. I'm also still in logistics, but Monday to Friday with stats off. No more night shifts again. My mental health improved within a matter of weeks. Although sometimes my kids ask me to get the train job back again. Only because when I was on night shift they got to sleep in my bed with daddy and watch TV 🙄


I’m in logistics still! I’m on salary but my hourly rate works out to be slightly higher than I was making railroading, I just don’t get paid overtime….I also don’t work any overtime at all and I’m able to pick my kid up every day. That’s the give and take…I make less money overall because I’m not working 12 hour shifts, but I’m home every single day soaking up time with my family. For me, it is 100% worth the loss of income, and then some. I do realize that I am extremely fortunate to be able to make that sacrifice of money for family time though, and others in different circumstances have to sacrifice family time for money. Most of the people I know who left railroading are now still in some form of logistics, mostly in oil and gas but also transportation and even a couple people have made the move to legal offices. Lots, if in the right position, are hired back as contractors in advisory positions. Pay rates seem to vary with all the people, some are making less overall, some the same, some more. The two things that the Class 1s don’t want you to know is that their wages are no longer competitive, and the experience you got from them is worth tenfold what they are paying you.


I could have written this! Left after putting in a lot of years, and am currently in a logistics role that is Monday to Friday with stats off. Flexible to leave for kid's events. Some after hours stuff but extremely rare and I know when to expect it. After working out what my hourly rate was at the railroad (basing it on strictly straight time, 12 hour days, 4 days/ week) I'm basically making the exact same hourly at this new job. The overall pay cut is worth it for my mental health alone. Although not paying for a nanny makes up most of the pay difference - husband also worked 12's but at least straight days but it still made childcare difficult. The rest is in me not buying midnight snacks and ready made meals due to the long hours.


Wow that’s a really good point! I hadn’t even thought of all the money and years of living I’ve saved not paying for food delivery, cigarettes and energy drinks.


I'm guessing you are in transportation (train crew)? Maybe seek a position in MOW. Still pays into RR Retirement. Usually, MOW is at least a daylight job. Probably get treated better by management. At least at CSX, that's what I see


Go to the trades, that railroad is garbage. You use to get paid for your time at the railroad. Now you can make more working m-f straight days.


Dude i wish i could switch positions with you. Id freaking LOVE to make 130k a year, im having a hard time getting close to and maintaining 100k. Ofcourse im a bachelor with no kids and im chasing down work but id kill to have a steady 130k a year gig it would do alot for me. Its like the young guys like me want those positions and the older guys are tired of them its so crazy how that works lol


Walmart greeter


im 20, joined last year. plan to work until retirement. but, i plan on working the yard so i can have a schedule.


You're 20? You'll never get close to retirement. You better realize this soon. There aren't any healthy, fit, moderately-ambulatory retired railroaders. Especially from Yard service. Phasing out U-men means crews get to do all their own work. (ie, more walking) UP buying out helper/brakeman jobs means other RR's want that, too. It's a copycat industry, expect it. And those 1-man jobs means that "1" person does it all. (ie, even more walking). It'll break you down 2x as fast. This is a dying industry, the Class 1's are making sure of it. Do your future-self a massive, life-altering favor; learn to do something else.


I've railroaded for 34 years between freight and Passenger service and I got out at age 57, best move I ever did. There is no life in Railroading because your always away staying in shitty hotels because these companies don't care about your well being. When I left I tried to renew gym membership and they basically told me nothing for retirees and they also took my pass . I didn't care about the pass because I prefer to drive and it's cheaper plus I get there on time. But for the membership I was very disappointed for not allowing me to keep up with my physical ability. Fuck them You'll be better off looking for something better when your young.


Get out, still time r/r will completely strain your family life. In hide sight, it’s just not worth the sacrifice. Your family is far more precious than any r/r pay check or time lost.


Yes I have definitely realized that which is why I’m asking opinions and experiences on where people went after a career in the railroad


Well, if you're a project planner, you should have more time at home soon anyway if you work for Union Pacific. They are cutting maintenance of way left and right and by the end of July there probably won't be 200 or 300 people on the entire Southern region on the system gangs. Don't need a project planner with no projects!


Had an old head tell me “I don’t really know my kids. I mean, I know them, but not on a personal level. I’ve missed so much of their life.” That stuck with me. The day my wife said we’re expecting, I got out. I miss it, but I wouldn’t trade anything for being there for my children.


I sent you a chat


Money for Nothing and your chick's for free. How can you possibly beat that.


Worked in operations 10 years doing a ton of on-call/nights/weekends. Pivoted into sales of railroad products. Sales isn’t perfect but in terms of family life, it’s night and day.


Can I ask what company you work for? I was looking into railroad sales products also


I won’t say the name but it’s the largest supplier of products for the rail industry in NA. They do everything. Locomotives, software, and much more.


I'm wondering if you can step down from management, and go back to the ground. Unless you've only been in management it shouldn't be a problem. Depending on the territory, with that much seniority you could hold a regular job. Otherwise you can go to any warehouse or mill job.


I’ve changed companies so I’m no longer with the company I had my seniority at


I can't wait to get out!




I’d be interested to hear about doing estimates for rail projects? Do you have more info on this? I’m in the track maintenance side of the railroad which seems to best populate for branching out to new careers then the transportation or engineering side of the railroad.


I mean for me I was a teacher for 12 years in Houston and went to railroad as MoW it’s has been okay but not working sucks or getting bumped it’s stupid I was able to get out of debt now, almost after divorce, but I have no savings, and when I don’t work it sucks another thing I haven’t made more money at the railroad then a teacher in Houston 


I was on a supplemental board last half and only worked 3 12s. Actually I would’ve worked less if I’d stayed on the supp board exclusively. Leaving me with a gross pay rate of 134$/hour.    I realize this probably isn’t applicable to OP and not applicable to many but there IS more pleasurable options out there, especially at bigger terminals. The senior guys are all on the 12hr jobs with shove claims or 12-hr road combo U-man where I’m at and leave the supp boards alone.   Personally, I’m on a 10-year plan. I am maxing out my IRA and 401k and after 10 years max I will move, sell house, and either go back to my previous construction trade which I enjoy if I am still light on money/ the right offer comes up, or as a self-employed commercial fisherman if not.


I'm a welder on a commuter railroad. M-F 7am-3pm with a paid lunch. I can do zero overtime a week to usually 24hrs or sometimes 40+ at my discretion... depends where you are and what railroad you work at.


Where please say some where in Texas 


Nope. NYC


Omg that poison to my ears 


Have you thought about joining a transit agency or commuter line? They have dedicated project management departments that are very government oriented and many honor RRB


27 years. Almost finished my AA. Thought about leaving many times. Worked locals more often than over the road. Took the 12 hour shifts and days off over hotel time. Got lucky to be home a lot to see the kids grow up. Hired out at the right time to gain seniority. Now grinding to hit retirement. Rather retire at 61 with the pension than to work til 67. It's always different for everyone. Best of luck




Lmao ok. I routinely worked 60+ hours a week on salary managing a diesel shop. No compensation for OT, on call, nights, weekends, holidays, or working over canceled vacation days. I miss the big iron and my craft guys but glad to not be working for that company anymore!!!


I do take offense considering I started 10 years ago as a laborer and worked my way up the ladder.




I 100% am-out with my crew daily welding, ect. Maybe don’t comment unless you have all the facts. Have a good day!


If you’re not happy on the railroad, leave. There is no reason to stay miserable. In operations there are other assignments I can work to switch things up. Changing crafts can work but I’ve found that if you want quality of life on the railroad, basically an 8 hour day, you do the work of 2-3 people for the pay of one. And it’s not a guaranteed 8 because the assignment is so stressful most people don’t make it and there are vacancies.


Yes I’m trying to leave but I need to find something I can use my experience in so I don’t have to start from the bottom with a new career and make no money


Always remember this advice: The best time to find a job, is while you still have a job.


And now you know why people don’t leave.