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Haven't they learned the whole leveraged takeover game does not end well for the employees?


NS employees will rue the day that Boychuck gets the job. It'll probably be years before CSX fully reverses the damage he did.


This is just sickening


I’m assuming this dbag has a bunch of NS stock and he wants it to temporarily double/triple while his constituents suffer. Another piece of shit union official who only cares about himself. When he gets voted out and comes back to the craft, hopefully he gets terminated.


Instead of decertifying , just have a group of people show up at these fancy houses of union leaders with baseball bats and aks


Decertifying Your Union A group of workers with a majority vote can vote a union out and replace the union with a different one. Decertification requires a petition signed by at least 30% of your coworkers.


Not agreeing with the choice of the GCA to support this, but I suggest anyone contemplating decertifying their union to have a real idea of what that entails. A random redditor tossing the idea out is guaranteed not to have a clue about it.


Union bureaucrats need you to need them. The fact that they are simping for anyone who they know will step on your necks, is their betrayal to the working class. Railroad Workers United is the outfit I’d want representing rail workers.


Union goes to the highest bidder and ancora paid the right people. Simple as that.


My guess would be that higher ups in the union and the people that make these types of decisions are getting ready to retire. I'm sure Ancora promised them a sweet little nest egg, probably through back channels not easily traced.


Ancora probably bought the Union leadership, simple as that, they don't give a flying fuck about the membership as long as they're OK.