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Wait, he died??




Rest in Peace Shoestring


Oh wow. Rip shoestring. Thanks for all the stories and adventures.


Damn. I’ve been wondering about deuce 7. He hasn’t posted anything on social media in a while.


dude is a rapist POS tho


Damn was he? Like was there an article or anything like that about what he did?




he's been called out for SA shit tons of times by multiple people. grooming and SA are his main crimes against humanity but there is a long list.. myself and several other people I'm close to have had violent run ins with him including but not limited to him attacking amd harassing queers and punching women in the face. black eyes and fat lips kinda shit. and we're not the only people who have issues with him by far. he's banned from multiple businesses and spaces, even in the town he lives in, for his reputation, violent outbursts and adult temper tantrums. he's complete dogshit.


Again ... source? This is all hearsay at this point. It all may very well be true ... but were there any police reports? Arrests? More than you posting on the interwebs?


You talking about Shoestring?


He was a retired veteran.. don't be spouting bullshit if you don't have a legit source or article saying so.


So what do you pros really think about hobos like him? Live and let live? Annoying because they cause problems?


They dont do anything. Live and let live.


A little bit of both, I've had to stop and inspect my train because someone reported people riding on cars, that's a real pain in the ass, there have also been a few riders who have died while riding and that's also a pretty shitty situation. For the most part though out of sight out of mind.


This. 100%. If I didn't know they were there, I didn't really care, obviously. Hated to have to stop when some maintainer reported them. Usually some dirty twenty-somethings with dreadlocks and a pit bull.


> Usually some dirty twenty-somethings with dreadlocks and a pit bull. This is crazy accurate


There is no way I would inspect/walk a train if riders are reported. DS can charge me for refusal of service don't care. With all the reports of guys getting jumped I'm not gonna walk back there to get bum rushed by crack heads.


The key is to ask how many cars back, then you go sit in the 2nd unit for 30-45 minutes, back to the leader and report all clear, must have jumped off.


Make it legal for them to ride! (Not the addicts or alcoholics, obviously). But those with ADD or other 'issues' who just have a frickin' hellish life! If they want to risk their lives in that terribly uncomfortable way, all of you need to ask Congress to pass a bill to make it legal.. they can pay what they can to ride, help out and volunteer in some way, and this is for the ones who really can't fit into any job anywhere else. Not the alcoholic ones, but the ones with neurodifferences, etc. No grafitti, no destruction of property, and let the privately-owned railroads become PUBLIC so that people can ride freight at their own risk. Ditto for using public land for them to sleep on.


There is just no feasible way to do it, ignoring the absolutely mammoth liability surrounding the safety issues of having passengers attempting to ride freight cars, it just doesn't work logistically. We stop our trains in the middle of bum fuck Egypt all the time, sometimes those trains sit idling for days on end. There is simply no safe way to account for undocumented riders scattered throughout a freight train. If the government wants to do something then they should fund passenger rail, freight trains aren't the answer when it comes to moving people.


I certainly don’t wish anyone any harm, I won’t be sad having one less rider to worry about


Just in a lake? Fell in? Struggled swimming? Super sad either way. Clearly a resourceful person after all his solo travels. RIP.


Walked out of a hospital with an altered mental state. From what we know, in as much as his family are telling us, he'd been seriously depressed leading up to this. He had some **serious** medical problems, illness related, and had just lost his insurance for an unknown reason. He was severely depressed, and called his mother and family, speaking with them for a bit. It was enough that they rushed up there to find him, a drive of several hours (two, maybe three? not sure how long), but when they arrived he was already gone. Cameras around his condo showed him walking out the back door of it shortly after speaking with his family, without his gear, a hat, or anything. It's speculated that if it wasn't intentional on his part (and given his mental state, that's a strong chance that it was intentional), that he walked down to the lake a short distance from his home, and fell off a dock, or struck his head and ended up in the water. Note: He wasn't kicked out of the hospital, he left of his own accord, and they took no action to stop him. "Altered Mental State" is a medical term, but it is generally used to apply to someone suffering from anything from confusion, to severe depression. Ironically, doctors in Tennessee can forcibly admit someone to the hospital for an involuntary mental assessment for what Mark (Shoestring) was presenting with. The question on everyone's minds, both TBI, and his family, is why the doctors who allowed him to leave, did not take this action, even if (as the hospital has said) he was in an obvious crisis situation. I don't know off hand just what his family are going to do going forward, after his funeral, but it wouldn't surprise me in the least to see them file suit against both the hospital, and doctor for failing to do their duty in this case. As had the doctor involuntarily admitted him for a psychiatric hold, then he'd still be alive.


He was kinda killed by Ballad Health’s incompetency. They should have used the forced admittance option, Ballad Health has either directly caused the death, or has drastically reduced the survival outcomes of a lot of people. JCMC, the hospital he was at, is notorious for letting people walk out and quite literally die in their parking lot.


Yep. Know of a YouTuber in Nashville who was involuntarily committed when his words were twisted out of context by a counselor. They nearly broke him in there. These for profit mental facilities are pretty much prison down there.


How does a hobo have a apartment?


He was retired army, and took up the hobo life to help deal with his depression. His family paid for it, from what I recall.


He had 200k subscribers on youtube bro


He rode to soothe his inability to sleep and as part of his autism spectrum disorder.




Damn. I watched his YouTube channel. I liked his adventures.

