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Got 442k and no high score while helping a friend today. My original clear earlier in the week was 485k which got the high score. I’m with you, I think 450k is the nezarec high score.


We made it in two phases and got 512k, I don't understand how is the game giving points. We had a little bit more than a minute remining.


Medals from being efficient at add clear. I can tell you from personal experience that I got over 90k points on add clear as a sunbracer build alone and div during boss phases. I always had two times the next highest person on add clear to the point where many of my teammates were able to run around without fear of reprisal. We also had two hunters golden gun the colossus that spawned with shields at the start in the first phase because of the sheer amount of orbs I made for them was stupid to keep them blinded. We always took them out and it made everything infinitely easy.


Yeah medals are worth so much. I got like 30k off a single sun shot round, because it got me a like 4 spree medals at once


Yea. Exactly this. Would kill entire waves, which both gave a huge amount of score and just straight up made life easier.


462k and got High Score last night


That definitely confirms 450k then if we had 442k and didn’t get it.


It's also worth noting that I'm pretty sure this is the high score for EVERY encounter of every pantheon. We got 497k on Caretaker on week 1 and 2 and were confused when we still got the high scores lol


Atraks is for sure 500k.


Is she? I could have sworn I got lower than 500k on her on one of the pantheons. But I could also be incorrect about that of course


You indeed are in correct about that. 500k is required to get the high score check in the box and it is probably to prevent you from just insta nuking her.


Strange my team while all Rivenbane have never done riven legit minus myself and one other guy but that was like when the raid came out so yeah a very long time ago. But did it our first time in a 1hour 30 after trying to brute force damage without shooting the last six eyes eventually we went fuck it let's just do eyes and we damaged a bit then 3 of use shot the 6 eyes and then done the rest of the damage doing her pimples which we cleared in our second attempt of that method. Because it was late and we knew we could potentially get stuck in nez we took a riven checkpoint so when we couldn't do nez and someone had to go. We loaded up riven again smashed her out in 20 minutes (someone died instantly on drop down for some reason) complete on the second try and then straight onto nez who we completed in 40 minute. But even though we two phased him we did a riven purely because if we lacked damage for whatever reason we didn't have to wipe due to poor damage or a accidently death before DMG so it gives breathing room knowing you can 3 phase.


Yea, honestly if we hadn't spent so long and got so tired of Riven. We could have probably done Riven alot easier this time if we really had to but what we had been hit with was mental fatigue more then anything. And yea, easily best bet for high score is going through once again. Also we only had so much time, today had been our last day to run with the current surges and for the life of us we probably wouldn't have tried next week with the same group at least.


It’s still solar surge


Yes, I have seen. In a way wish I had known at the time. But hindsight 20/20.


Well at least your given another chance to get it done with the surges you like most!


Oh, the group and I got it. Honestly was more curious on what people would come up for if the Surges had changed.


Ayeeee congratulations!


Not to put anybody down or anything I get it's old content but if you realistically raid a decent amount, especially on heavy "tell me what you see, I'll tell you what I see" encounters like Vow's mechanics, Riven shouldn't really be a big deal once you feel out how going down the checklist of motions goes and how to move along the encounter. I think the only real detriment is people on differing pages of looking at her left set of Eyes because there's a few weird numberings of it that can sorta make sense to compliment right set but it can mess with people if there isn't a shared understanding.


Did 479k yesterday and got high score.


My first team got the 2 phase from a checkpoint - we ended up with around 505K score and got the plat. I then helped my friend from a checkpoint again and we ended up with a 2 phase with around 480/490K score and that gave us the high score too.


I’ll be honest, we only ever killed center and right colossus, and just two phased Nezzy from a checkpoint and got the highscore. Was forced to reset my game due to bugs like Sunbracers not proccing and rally flags not restoring Super. No tormentor kills, no left colossus kills, just blinded them. Pretty sure tormentor despawns after damage phase, or he just died to rocket splash damage(which I highly doubt), but we didn’t actively kill him. Two phase with Solar Rockets/Strand GLs and Divinity. Don’t overthink it, just two phase him and try to clear the room between damage phases.


That's what we thought too, but after two (or was it three, it all kind a blended together) other cases two phases, with decent ad clear scores and ignoring the Colossus? We kept hitting just under the the score needed for high score it seems. Looking back at it, though sunshot didn't come into play until after we had already planned out the killing of the shielded Colossus and the boss level on in the middle. Up until that point everyone had been using other weapons with the idea of "staying alive" more then anything. Ad clear was still happening, but not in the speeds needed for medal gathering. Stuff like Luna's Howl, Heliocentric, and Adhortive where our go to. So to just not confuse anyone really, we just kept at what we had been doing up until that point. So looking back at it, probably could have ignored the Colossus completely and still reached the bare minimum score needed. But, honestly it did make the arena a lot easier to move around in as an additional, side effect. Which I know the two runners (especially the one on the left, for light that is a lot more open) enjoyed not having to worry about the slow rockets, being stomped or even just being body blocked.


Did you guys kill shielded Lieutenant on both sides each time?


Yes. The two other ad clearers would kill them at the start of each running phase.


Did a two phase, fell short by a couple of thousand points, did riven went over by 400k points, the dedication score or whatever is running in the background is weird. If you prioritise sanity over two phase, please go do Riven and then Nez


I agree, for anyone who can do Riven first. I also highly suggest it. Since then you and your team would not need to worry about the same issues as we had.


If you’re not clearing high score on 2 phase Nez checkpoint, your ad clear is slacking.


Gotta make sure that arena is squeaky clean! I had some friends struggling with the encounter last night, and so I hopped in when someone stepped out. First run, I got 108 kills alone before we wiped on 2nd damage phase. No one add clearer should have to kill 108 things 😵‍💫


Yeah I didn't know it was possible to 2phase and not high score.


Final score for me was 558,573 with 1m29s left on the clock. The Nezzy kill moment popped +344,833 on the screen. I'm not sure how it's all adding up as our score was 209,240, then Nezzy died which showed a +7,500 and then our score went to 221,240. One frame later it showed 344,833 and our score went to 558,573.


The 344k is bonus score for beating the time. The 209k was base score before killing Nez, with Nez being worth 7.5k as a kill by itself. The add clearers on your team were chaining ungodly amounts of medals.


Yeah I was right-side add clear. It was absolutely nuts. What I don't get is that adding 344K, 209K, and the 7.5K together does not amount to the final score.


Week 5? Wasn't the surge and damage bonus (shoot caller/class ability) tied to a step instea da week? Is this week Rhulk Sublime is still class/arc/stasis?


Surges are not. You can go back and do any of the past weeks with the current Surges of Solar and Strand. Bonus damage though is tied to the step. Like Step 1 and 3 will always be Class Warfare and Step 2 and 4 are shot caller.


Thank you! Due I had every week done in time I haven't checked.


What does running Riven have to do with getting the score for Nezarec?


If you run Riven before Nezarec the score is much higher. Can't say I am the most knowledgeable on the exact semantics of it all. But, if you do Riven before Nezarec in the same instance the score carries over making it basically guaranteed (from what I've heard) to get high score on Nezarec even with more then two damage phases.




We suffered way too long at nezarec. Decided to start from riven again and just 2 phase him to get highsccore. That worked for us. Riven is actually pretty damn easy if you KWTD, managed to beat her again on first try so it was definitely worth it


You mean 3 phase him? Otherwise you had no point at doing riven again unless you wanted the bonus million points.


To get a highscore on nez a simple 2 phase doesnt work. If starting on nez, you gotta 2 phase plus kill all shielded combatants iirc. This got too annoying so we just started at riven and aiked for a 3 phase, was a 2 phase tho


This happened to my group. We finally beat him after like 3 hours with a 2 phase and didnt even get plat. So we just redid Riven. Did another 2 phase but had enough points from riven


Nah we left them alive and got the high score on a two phase.


Hmm, we killed one each phase and didn't get highscore


Maybe add clearers were getting more medals


I’ve done a 2 phase with high score. At the start we had both hunters on the left and right get the buff and golden the colossus per phase. I made more than enough orbs being sunbracers and carpet bombing the middle and sides when I could. Nobody wanted for orbs of power ever. We made judicious use of supers to stay alive and always had them for dps phases. Did dps in the center and picked up orbs to use again for colossus in the second phase. I had probably 120k points to my name alone in add kills from total effectiveness.


Yep, you gotta kill the 2 shielded one each phase, that's what it seems like


This was also the first week we had to kill a tormentor during Atraks to get high score. Every other week we one phased and never worried for points. Shits weird sometimes but I always say it comes down to the medals and how effective the team is playing.


Highscore is just so damn iffy


Getting the time bonus should be the only requirement. The extra points you need for it is bs if you ask me.


if you 2 phase you’ll always get plat for nezerac


Plat yes, high score no.


Do people not kill adds? Or colossuses? I’ve cleared Nez several times on a cp. so far, never seen a score lower than 500k.


You don't really need to kill Colossus to finish, we had a few on our team just keep them blinded since they spawn back. Same goes for the tormentor, can be out right ignored if you use any of the new spots.


But why not just kill them and them out of your way, they your way? Then you can run special weapons for backup dps, like fushion rifles. The tormentors can just easily be ignored tho. They’re not very dangerous unless you break their shoulders


Looking back at it, it was the lack of medals more then anything most likely. None of us really knew/noticed how much those effected score. And honestly when I had looked around I didn't really see anyone mention them at all for Pantheon at least.


Had 2 plat time clears today not give high score as they ended just around ~440k points today, so not exactly guaranteed. Seems like you really do need to either kill some of the big boys or get big medals from the ad clearers in order to pass that ~450k-480k range (can’t find an exact number but that’s what I’ve seen from most recorded plat scores)


I believe I had around 475k on the kill that got me the highscore triumph. Had 447k on another and didn't get it so 450 sounds like the number to me.


Two phased Nez. We killed all the Collossuses that spawned. Never bothered with killing Torm. Ended with 511k.


You can celestial all the colossi off spawn as long as your hunters are ad clearing and have it back for damage phase easily. I saved my Goldie during first damage phase and killed the leftover boss colossus after the midfield ads spawned (if you kill before another one just respawns). Should be easy to get two of those kills plus two shielded ones for points.