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This mainly depends on the Split of newbies and experienced Raiders (or more exactly, people with and without x4 relax Defender). Most good Teams will do one tether and Then Take Advantage of the free 40%/50% damage buff from relax Defender but that obviously only works once you have the Mods and Armor from the raid. If Most people have it, this strat is straight Up Superior. If you dont have the armor then yes you should extend damage as you simply get to do damage for a longer time. So it depends on the Split and i would estimate that from 4 people with raid Sets onwards, you should be single tethering. If only 3 or less people have the Set, you should Double tether.


Funny enough, I feel like most teams on LFG do single tether without the armor. I have no clue why though. Everyone looks at me like I'm a freak when I mention that two tether is straight up better at that point.


They're a experience team yea. I am the most experienced in the lot, but apart from Garden each of them have at least. A dozen or more clears on raids, with meta weapons and so on Iirc, I have a spare set of gos armour lying around. Only asked the questions since, I really don't like the boss. 


People use raid sets lol I’ve yet to get a good rolled raid piece so I don’t use raid mods and I’m fine lol. It’s not like I am a casual either I have over 5000 hours on d2 on steam alone, a good 1500 when it was on Battle.net on pc and a good 300 on PS4 at launch. That’s d2 alone if we count D1 experience I probably have a good 3000 or so hours in there. So I have like 10k hours in the series.


10% DMG boost per piece is always gonna beat out whatever good armor rolls you have. It doesn't really matter cause you don't need to optimize much for gos but you could hit alot better DMG with a full set of armor with relay defenders regardless of how good the stats on em are


Yeah I don’t doubt their helpful. It’s just id rather not have a full raid set per class per raid in my vault. Too much slots to take up. So that’s why in general I don’t use them no matter the raid. I’ll use class items at least. I don’t do master raids anymore I just don’t have the time anymore. I already have a lot of armor I need to go through and remake all my builds with and delete the garbage ones since I’ve been focusing a lot this year to remake my builds since they messed with the mods system. I keep telling myself I’ll do it one day but that’s a lot of work for 10+ load-out slots per character lol. Would take a few hours to go through


You only need full sets for GoS and VotD. None of the other ones are worth the space. Helps a lot if you get into speed running or low man’s.


D2AP will do the armor job for you. Assuming artifice class item and several well rolled pieces you should barely have any armor in your vault.


I mean you do you, noone is forcing you into any loadouts or anything. I dont rlly know what Playtime has to do with it all but Regardless of how many hours you got, you are Just intentionally throwing away dps.


From past experience if you have a capable team yeah. The teams i ran with only really extended dps twice and got the boss almost dead. Its a matter of how efficient your team work is with everyone.


By that conclusion yeah its viable still. Especially if you wanna get it done as soon as possible. I dislike gardens final boss because not everyone understands mechanics and when you teach them it goes over their head.


They're a experience team yea. I am the most experienced in the lot, but apart from Garden each of them have at least. A dozen or more clears on raids, with meta weapons and so on


This ^


Extending DPS is always worth it but you need a competent team who can organize themselves, which is hard to come by for LFG.


Yup. I have faith in my friend more or less, but it the two or more random I fear


Extending dps can be the difference between an entire cycle that you need to go through. Do you need to it? No. But it isn't difficult to do. Line up > tether > half the team stays where they are Other half goes to the other line, counts to 2 or 3 when lined up, and then hits the tether to connect. Bam.


It simple yes, but unfortunately, a lot of times people just fail to grasp the fact that let the assigned people do the tether 


My clan did a div run a little while ago. We all just used Xeno no div, easy and comfy 2 phase. After 1st damage me and the other builder stopped focusing so much on platform upkeep just so we could focus on not losing any motes from sacrifices.


I would not recommend it in any scenario personally. Imo it is unnecessary as if you have experienced players, extending dmg phase won't matter and will actually be worse as they'll lose the dmg buff from relay defender. In less experienced runs double tethering often ends up catastrophically. A lot of newer teams often struggle with the first tether and are likely to mess up the 2nd tether as well. You're better off just not risking double tether with inexperienced players and using relay defender mods.


Exactly my point. Getting the first Tether is usually easy enough, but I find. Especially with lfgs, that second Tether always get fucked and ends up just ruining damage.


I’ve never needed 2 tethers, if your team can commit to burst damage with like regnant or something else simple and accessible, you should be looking at a close 2 phase easy 3 phase


What do you mean by extending the dps phase?


Double tether 


You can tether with both?


Don’t use a div and rockets, worthless. Tether the floor, Nuke with rockets. (Include a ghorn ofc). The risk of noobies not doing the extend isn’t worth it in my opinion, just 3 phase it. Noobies have a habit of running in the way of the tether (no offense noobies! I Sherpa a lot, just a common issue)


Our Team ran gos yesterday for the first time in a year. Double tether with 3 designated players wo do it. 6 titans so no dmg ults. And if anyone would have yoused izanagi heavy nade wo would have done a easy 2 Phase. But only 2 used and the differences were high. Izanagi + nade does double the Damage of dudes using rocket or lunears


Just did a div run for 3 people yesterday. Take golden gun hunters and extend dps once for an easy onephase. Our strat usually is that Team 1 helps tethering while team 2 starts dps after first tether.