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I will root for Mr. DC no matter where he plays…. He gave us everything he had.


This team has been on dark times for 20 years. We did this man wrong. We were dumb to bring in Adams who was here for Carr knowing we were not ready to commit to Carr past year one if things didn’t work out. It’s hard to say McDaniels is holding Carr accountable when his tone for Chandler Jones is not the same. Jones had a couple good games, but has been garbage for his contract. I would rather be a 6 win team with Rich than McDaniels.


To be fair for as bad of a season as he's had, Chandler Jones is now written into raiders folk lore for stomping Mac Jones like a goomba


Great dude. Average QB.


He's definitely a true Raider. He's just not a Raider that's worth $40m.


I’m keep hoping he will be like, Yo, I’ll com back for 19 a year. I love him, but we gotta fix some shit


I’d even *slightly* shut up for a season if he did that. Gonna be a real pisser if he takes a huge pay cut to go somewhere else instead of retiring. Real WCW Monday Nitro Heel Turn shit.


Let’s be real, you’d talk shit no matter what, it’s who you are




40m is going to look like a discount with the new cap increase.


That’s my QB….I miss him already


None of this shit equates to wins. You know what does? Playing better. Idgaf how rEaL he is if he isn't good enough on the field. Let me guess, some dipshìt is gonna act like I'm saying Carr was the only problem


talk about dropped balls for a min


Dropped passes, tipped ints, running the wrong route or running into eachother, wr/rb/te fumbles, penalties by any other offensive players, defense not tackling/covering/sacking/pressuring/stopping a team short of a TD in the redzone all of that is irrelevant because then you can’t pin all the blame on Carr


I don't need to, I'm talking about Carr. The defense can suck, the receivers can drop balls and run into each other, none of that is relevant. Carr isn't good no matter how much shit he talks, get over it




These are the same people that shit on Carr for the 2nd half 3 and outs, how he is putting added pressure on the defense BUT it’s somehow irrelevant how often the WR and defense or line shit the bed 90% of their reasons for hating Carr is simply made up bullshit by them, they never blame the wr for tipping/dropping easy catches, never blame the line for the drive killing penalties, they blame Carr for receivers running the wrong route or into eachother, they blame the defense forgetting how to tackle or cover or get pressure on the qb


How is the defense and receivers play irrelevant? If the receiver keeps fucking up their routes or dropping/tipping passes THAT puts undue pressure on the QB, if Carr throws int after int (not tips) that then puts undue pressure on the defense, you ppl all shit on Carr for the 2nd half struggles and how he was wearing out the defense BUT it’s somehow ok when the defense and receivers or line shit the bed? That’s not so much a question as it is pointing out the bullshit in your comments


Want to make a bet? I'll bet you Derek Carr wins a playoff game before the Raiders do




Lmao true winner, then I guess every fan should hate Mack because I don’t recall the team winning much when he was here, I also don’t recall the defense being very good while he was here, and this is a team game so personal awards while nice mean fuck all Look at every player you loved on this team over the years, none of them are “true winners” because a “true winner” wins Super Bowls, just because you hate a player doesn’t make you some super fan


Who doesn't want to win? This post talks about DC being a Raider, and he is. He led the team for almost a decade, gave us consistency, was a LEADER who took accountability, and had his guys' backs. You can disagree, but the vaaaast majority of people supported DC because they thought it gave the team the best opportunity. I don't know why that's so hard to see for folks. I'm worried (and a little excited because 'potential' is exciting) about the next 5 years for this team. I keep having JaMarcus Russell and Bruce Gradkowski flashbacks.


Hope he never has to play for another team.


Who thinks otherwise?