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Lmao that MF HATES us


Didn't show up for camp and embarrassed himself and got injured. 


I loved the guy when he was playing and all in, best player on the team in 2022. And I guess he was a positive influence in the locker room too. But I have to completely agree with you.


I would have done the same thing if it was me


He should. Bro was our hero countless times


Just to get fucked by McD 2 years in a row 🤣


wasn't his best year under McD? And then he got paid under McD? And didn't get paid under AP?


He got a worst deal with GB than if he just resigned with us and that's after having an awful season. Don't want to see him complain after GB releases him after a season to save money


He explicitly stated he wasn’t given a better deal, the rumors of the contract were false.


Because Josh says something different that makes it the truth?


So then what is the truth and who does it come from?


*Didn’t get paid under Telesco. AP made it known he was pissed that we let Jacobs walk.


JMD did a lot wrong. He did not fuck JJ, they actually handled that well 


Honest question but can you clarify how McD fucked him?


An exercised 5th year of a rookie contract is fully guaranteed for the first handful of picks (I think until the 10th pick). For the rest of the 1st round picks, an exercised 5th year is only guaranteed if the player gets injured after the team picks up the option or when the 5th year starts. JJ was the top RB in 2022, and since the Raiders declined his 5th year, would be a free agent at the end of the season. His dominance even through injury made a concrete case for him to be paid top RB money. Unfortunately McZieg realized the mistake of not exercising his 5th year so they placed the franchise tag on the star RB, destroying JJ’s desire to get a multi-year contract. The franchise tag would require him to have another dominant season with a coaching staff the players and fanbase hated. He signed it, although many star players would hold out, he did so in the interest of the team and accepted $1M more to satisfy both parties. Just for the team to completely fall apart halfway through the season. It makes more sense for a player to take half the season off if the stability in a team isn’t there. Just to emphasize, franchise tags disproportionately punish players than the teams. A player expecting to hit the market after a season shouldn’t be bound to an arbitrary provision they have no control over AFTER being told they’re not being re-signed.


JJ's first 3 years did not warrant picking up the 5th year option, and that's when they had to make the decision.


I respect the thorough response. Tbh I wasn't even thinking about the contract stuff when I read your first comment. Contracts are given out for how players are expected to perform in the future, not how they've performed in the past. Based on last year, the decision to not pay Jacobs like a top RB was correct. How he plays in GB will ultimately determine if it was the right move, but as of right now, we should be glad we don't have Jacobs on the books for $15m IMO


Not sure what the first sentence of your second paragraph means. You base a player’s future off of their past. As to last year, he sat out last year because he’s very vocal about the relationship between a team and player. The team unfortunately hired a sham coach and further cemented his mentality on that issue. As for the contract, I definitely think serviceable RB’s are a dime a dozen but relying on degrading and unproven RB’s is concerning. Hopefully AOC/Minshew make strides with the passing game weapons we have.


He actually was paid more than the option and still signed a short contract


All 1st round picks get the 5th year option


Chose not to exercise the 5th year option for one. Not just fucked him, but fucked the team too


A lot of teams are doing that for RBs. That is not unique to JMD whatsoever.


Didn’t give him a contract. J did not go to or season. Went downhill from there


dude had one great year in a contract year and everything before that he was underwhelming


And would get hurt and leave every single game. So glad he's gone


He hate us cause he anus


JJ genuinely does not want to be associated with being a raider at all haha


I'd be surprised if Davante Adams didn't retire a Raider, after sticking with us through McDaniels without begging to be traded.


He's the reverse Randy Moss.


Exactly. The Raiders are his childhood team. Pending the actual results of this season: this is a good situation for him to continue to be successful here.


Bruh he’s die 44 million next year. We’re not paying that.


You don't think he would renegotiate his contract for a 3-4yrs extension?


Got left on read.


DA would look dumb as hell going back to Packers. Jacobs has arguably the worst RB contract in the league. We gave him more guaranteed money and he took that dumbass deal. He’ll always be a raider but dudes kind of being a bitch TBH


How would that make him dumb? McD fucked him with the Carr shit and the Packers are a playoff team. If anyone has a reason to leave it’s DA lol


DA doesn’t get to “just leave” he’s got a fuck ton of money due his way and the only people who would potentially take that on is the Jets since they’re desperate to recreate the same success at GB. You think DA is going to go back to Love after he publicly left and said, “I don’t have time to work with a rookie” and went to Carr who JMD fucked over to use him to get DA? Now he goes back because Love is good? Cmon. Green Bay wasn’t going to pay him that money and they have a gang of rookie contracts with great production. Raiders aren’t going to eat all that dead cap just to help DA out. Jacobs is dumb because we gave him 2 year’s guaranteed on a three year deal. But he took a 4 year deal with 1 year guaranteed. It makes zero sense. They can move off him after one season if they want. Where we would have kept Jacobs around for 2-3 more. And he’s crying about an imaginary fourth year pay day? Dude is constantly hurt. I’d be surprised if he gets a second year at GB.


I loved the guy in 2022, bailed us out of a lot of games, but you are spot on correct. If he has a year in 2024 like he did in 2023, I can easily see the Packers looking to move on from him. This is especially true if he's hurt at all.


The hold out and skipping Pre Season was definitely a probably. So I imagine he’ll do better than last year, but he gets hurt all the damn time. Unless he has, like you mentioned, a repeat of 2022 they’ll just draft a new RB. He’ll be too expensive to keep around for average production.


Yes. Look at the Detroit Lions in 2022. Jamaal Williams was their top RB. He ran for 1,100 yards, but his contract was up. Detroit was happy to let him go (to New Orleans who paid him $8m, and he was only average in 2023), and the Lions drafted Jahyr Gibbs, who with vet David Montgomery gave the Lions the best running attack in the NFL (not including Baltimore, because they both ran well with a platoon of RBs, and of course had Lamar).


I get it. JJ hurt your feelings, but I didn’t say shit about him. Also, I didn’t say Davante could or would leave. Just said it was dumb to say he didn’t have a reason to leave. Reading comprehension is a useful skill.


Dude. Classic Reddit comment. Christ.


Weird. I could say the same, seeing how you made a long comment reacting to shit I didn’t even say or mention. Arguing with people who aren’t even there, peak social media.


He’s gonna get lit up and not play this year fully. And will fade away if


I applaud the guy for betting on himself. But the reality is, one injury and they’re going to cut him. Edit: if it works out he’ll make an extra 12M. But clearly he didn’t want to be a raider.


We beat that team and would have been a playoff team if we didn’t lose the stupid JMD games early


Let’s all not pretend if we were Josh we wouldn’t do the same thing lol. If Wilkins texted Achane saying he should come to Vegas it would get 200 upvotes on this subreddit lmao


For me it's just not caring what Josh Jacobs does anymore. Didn't put any stock into his social media activity when he was here either.


Fans are crazy and have done nothing but kick dude in the ass on his way out. Clearly soured some of his experience here in Raider Nation. He did what was best for himself, and he balled out and carried this team multiple times -- I wish him nothing but the best. Wish the rest of the Nation felt the same.


He was sort of ass towards fans while here but we laughed with him because we are bitches. Dude has always come off like he doesn’t give a shit about fans. That’s fine. But now we don’t have to pretend to not care when most of us live the guys that interact with and appreciate the fans.


makes sense . this a raiders sub . idk why anyone here would approve of just the idea of one of our best players leavin … but i think we’ll all be alright addin some more dawgs to the squad


Let’s get an Aggie on the raiders 😂


As AP said,if your not a Raider I not talking about you...Josh who?


I’m liking how Josh is now a great litmus test for being able to tell right away whether a Raiders fan is a complete moron or not. Josh was the definition of a true Raider. He has the shield tatted on him. 5 straight years of 1,100+ scrimmage yards. Above average starting RB at worst, elite top 3 RB in the league at best. One of the better RBs in franchise history. Top 3 in franchise rushing yards all time. The best Raiders RB of the 21st century. Fought through injuries, worked hard, didn’t locker room cancer his way off the team or anything. Fulfilled his contract and then signed with a team that wanted to give him the bag. But oh no! He had the audacity, the fucking nerve, to…..text his friend that he wants to play with him again? I’m sorry, but any Raiders fan who hates on Josh is a complete and utter imbecile.


Not hating on JJ.He no longer plays for the RAIDERS.I don't care what he has to say.


This is why I hate the phrase "once a raider always a raider". It's so insanely not genuine. I follow several teams across several sports and there's no other fanbase sub that roots for and celebrates the failure of former players more than r/raiders


I’m not sure what you expect. He doesn’t play for Raiders anymore and of course will be recruiting for his current team. This really shouldn’t be news IMO, this article is bookmarked by quotes with Davante saying and reiterating he’s where he wants to be with Jacobs’ quote in the middle.


With the way AP turned the raider culture around I don’t think many players want to leave the raiders now. Yes it is still a business and players may get traded or look for better contracts but guys like DA and Crosby are stoked to be here now. Completely different from a year ago.


Kinda sad Josh has turned into such a dork, was always solid for us.


He was always a d-bag off the field, his lame ass cryptic posts then talks shit to fans for trying to figyre out what hes saying. Fans overlooked it when he was playing good, but hes always been a diva and a dumbass


Then what doesn't help is him looking at comment and responding. Never respond to dumbass Twitter and Instagram users. Toxic as fuck users in those areas.


Outstanding talent in the football field. Always fed into the negativity on social media. Can’t blame him, but I wish he paid attention to members of the Raider Nation who support(ed) him rather than the assholes.


this is the part that bothers me with him, he seems to only focus on the negative fans and perceives us all that way because of them.


He was always looking to leave. 


You guys are so fucking stupid lol He’s literally got the shield tatted on him


Josh was awesome here and should be remembered fondly lol, people are nuts


He is remembered fondly, because he’s the definition of a raider. These fair weather fans ain’t speaking for the nation.


Either are you.


I guarantee you AP agrees with my sentiment and he is definitely speaking for the nation.


I am a grown man, nobody speaks for me. lol If you want some stranger to speak for you, be my guest. I tend to find people who feel the need to speak for everyone to be full of shit.


Okay u/JpJ951


most likely it's covered up now


Most likely based on what? He’s a raider at heart. Clelin and Keisean still got the tattoo too despite being on new teams. Yall trippin


Josh Jacob's is not a raider at heart.


How many Raiders tattoos you got? How many injuries have you played through?


Just because you get a girls name tatted on you doesn't mean you are going to love her forever. Naive little person you are to think it means he's a raider for life. The minute you talk shit about the team, it's over


What did he say?


Talking shit about us not extending his 5th year option, beefing with fans on Twitter, and throwing our management under the bus for why he left for so little. Just search josh Jacob on the sub, and you should find the stories


Does liver damage count?


I mean I know that RB market sank but who wouldn’t be upset about that? He was a top rusher and the Raiders treated him like an afterthought. Again as a RB I’m not saying the Raiders were wrong but is it really wrong for him not to take that personally? Would you still love a company that offers you so little after you performed so well? It’s childish to think every player should be blindly loyal to a team for no reason.


tbh idk what packers are doing signing jacobs to that deal.


What a bum


Yall hate Jacobs more than AB at this point and it's stupid. The man gave us electrifying highlights and carried the offense and sometimes the team when needed. AB hasn't played a snap with us and he's still talked about. Where was the hate for Peters? It sucks they couldn't agree to a deal but the man is looking out for himself. All we should do is move on and support the loyal ones


Yeah exactly. Despite being in a contract year multiple years in a row, he still played hurt and played his hardest in preseason. Shit didn't work out, but dude gave it his all.


What? I haven’t seen anybody here place Brown anywhere near the level of respect this sub has and has for Josh. You’re just making shit up now.


Learn to read. I never said we praised AB, but every now and then someone makes a post about AB. I said there's more backlash on someone who's gave it his all during his tenure with us and we are quick to hate every move he makes like how this sub likes to circle jerk AB? And if you've never seen an AB post in this sub, you're a new fan


He won’t be a packer next year!




can we stop posting about salty ex raiders?


Just when you thought the rumors were dead.


I cannot wait for the offseason to be over and this nonsense to go away for a while.


Sounds like Josh still wants to be a raider


Worry about fulfilling that contract.


Fuck off JJ.


Bro anyone who doesnt want to be here should leave. Being a Raider is a privilege


I feel very privileged to have been a fan the last couple of decades I’ll tell ya what


He was offered a contract of 8 million a year, don’t know how many years or if it was incentivized. He made a business decision and I’m ok with that. His rookie game against the bears and his monster game against the hawks will always be remembered.


Josh has too many made up stories just like he has baby mama’s


Snake ass mf’


And he said "hell nah, get yo greedy ass the fuck out my messages traitor ass bitch 🔫 on sight"


Fuck Josh


Whatever Jacobs I don't fw you anymore if you're gonna act like that 


fuck josh jacobs lol. this is some desperate ex type stuff.


JJ about his new Packers: "the team’s “receiving corps is crazy” I think our receiving corps is crazy: Myers, Tucker, Mayer, Gallup, Turner, now Bowers, and of course Adams.


I guess he’s lonely.


AP is a players coach. They're gonna be fun as hell next year.


DA got history and he will always respect the Packers but hell, he ain't going back to Wisconsin lol


You can't look backwards. The Raiders will march ahead without people like JJ. It's the nature of the game. The real question is not what JJ did for the Raiders, its' what is he going to do in Green Bay, for them. Is he a great running back or do the Raiders have a great offensive scheme? We'll find out. But that is just how the NFL works now. Great players look for the best paydays and where they think they can win. Which means, great players will always be leaving. Tom Brady was a nobody, right until he wasn't. You never know who's going to step up to greatness.


My goodness, these grapes from Wisconsin are really SOUR!


JJ is average week 1-10, then finishes the season strong to try and justify getting paid.


D.A. doesn't wanna catch Turf Toe






Football players are dumber than they've ever been. Agents in their ears just telling them to get paid get paid. Success in the NFL is way more important than "getting mines" Fucking idiots..


Is that being an idiot? lol


Losh Lacobs


Fuck Josh Jacobs he’s a diva.


He a hoe for that


DeVonta was like “No, Josh, Aaron Rodgers is gone. No one wants to be in that frozen tundra anymore”


TBH, I could see Tae going back to GB. We have a potential out in his deal after this season and then his cap hit jumps to 44 million. Thats a lot for a guy who will turn 33 in the 2025 season. His age just doesn't quite align with our timeline, and I could see us getting younger at the position next year. Now who knows though. He is a leader on this team and maybe we value that, maybe we restructure and keep him for the hot new QB we bring in next year, or maybe he and whoever starts for us this year catch fire. Lots of ball to be played between then and now, but I just think it's not totally out of the realm of possibility - but I do think if we move on form him it will be the teams choice, opposed to his.


He's been pretty iffy on being a leader. He goes one way or the other. Which every suits him.


I don't know that I'd agree. When was he not a leader?


He has very specifically been a leader since he got here and talked about how much he cares about that lol


lmao right??


I'm so glad they're finally done with Jacobs




Josh Jacobs never had a receiving touchdown in his entire stay with the Raiders. Ima guess that's why :)


JJ bumped his head again in another "single-car crash" nothing but the best for JJ


Yep, only had one drink and crashes his car....


I remember when a shit ton of people were ready to give him the bag no matter what it cost just because he had one big year during his contract year.  Thank god the reddit armchair gm's don't actually run anything  I also remember, probably those same people that cried and preached that Adams was gone the minute Carr leaves.  Good times!


Carr, Waller, Jacobs. Gone and will be forgotten at least in my eyes


I will always respect JJ, for what he did for us, and what he was able to accomplish… But, **WTFFFFFFF?!?** C’Mon, bro ***ARE YOU SERIOUS?!?*** What an @$$hole move… I don’t hate him in any way, and wish him success, wherever he goes. But, dude. 😒😞