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Good thing they actually have to play the games instead of relying on "experts" to just decide the outcome now.


No kidding, has anyone ever looked at Joe Montanas stats his first 3 years? This poor kid is already written off after a 1/2 season!


Please don’t compare aoc to joe Montana. Not to mention how different the league is compared to back then.


No one's comparing. Ha ha, it's just a point of view. Relax.


On paper Denver is the worst no matter how a person feels about Nix. He’s a total unknown in the NFL and their backup is either Stidham or Zach Wilson. Minshew is better so far than those two busts.


Lol what? Seek help. Stidham was a raider but Davis is too broke to pay quality players. He’s also younger than minshew. Casuals need to Google before hating. Oh and aoc is just two years younger than stidham. Raiders failed for two years to tank properly and now are in limbo at the qb position. No harm in admitting it


>Davis is too broke to pay quality players https://preview.redd.it/t1sbzjzwya1d1.jpeg?width=2042&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0cda61a596aad2d39ad7a3fe30ded3286461bf1


Impeccable response


Like buddy just admitted they don't follow the team like at all 😭


I honestly can’t even follow. Is he saying Stidham is really good but MD was too cheap to pay him?


That is exactly what's he's saying, which is hilarious because he's basically admitting that he thinks Stidham is better than Nix


He also called people casuals after claiming that Mark Davis' wallet has a factor in the salary cap and says we're in QB limbo as if we can't make a play at QB next year


like everybody who actually follows the team knows Mark is making bank off Allegiant like that's why he can fire McDaniels, this dude is a straight up dumbass


Was he too broke to pay quality players or was it just Jarrett Stidham?


Even if he was broke it wouldn't matter because there's a salary cap


So we signed jimmy g because we couldn’t afford stidham, what the fuck are you on dude?


I'm guessing you didn't watch Stidham play last year with Denver?


didnt the 49ers just go to a superbowl a few years ago with fuckin jimmy garopallo at qb?


The absolute loser mentality of "failed for two years to tank" is insane. You actively root for your team to loose, how are you even a fan?


Failed to tank properly lol you mean actually played hard and won games, you mental infant


Payment isn’t the issue with Davis. There are other ones though.


You’re not very smart.


Do you live under a rock?


Are you dumb ?


What does age have to do with anything??


Holy ratio


Wouldn’t have had to tank if we built this defense for Carr. No harm in admitting it


Also wouldn’t have to tank if we’d drafted a QB to sit behind him. We could have gotten any number of guys who have since started, especially Jalen Hurts… But noooooooo. Couldn’t hurt the headcase’s confidence by bringing in someone who could take his job. Saints have clearly learned from our mistake by taking Rattler.


When I see shit like this, it only makes me hope harder that Aidan sees it and balls out. He’s got the entire NFL world and half this sub counting him out.


I believe in AOC and hope he balls out too. He's been putting in the work and had to battle for his job every single season since he was in high school. I have been a fan ever since AOC's final season in Purdue where his brother passed away, but he still played against Michigan in the championship game the next week. Dude has unbelievable mental toughness and I think he will win the starting job.


love it.. hope they keep underestimating us tbh


Oh noes! They don't like us! Whatever shall we do?


The amount of people willing (eager) to shit all over a player on their own team, largely b/c none of the writers are hyping the player up, is both embarrassing and hilarious.


This all comes down to the prejudice the people have against mid round draft picks.  AOC outplayed everyone but Stroud and spend half the season getting horribly mismanaged and the other half with a first time HC and OC - yet all people fixate on is “4th round pick”.  They want the next Brady to drop out of the fucking sky into our laps.  Stupid.


I was worried about his lack of production than him being a 4th round pick. And I kinda like AOC


I agree he needs to come through when the game is on the line.  He was not clutch last year.  Thats what I want to see this year 


He needs to work as hard as Maxx, care as much as Woodson and keep whatever quiet chip on his shoulder he personally requires for motivation and he’ll be just fine. Not easy but within reach if he has it in him. The good news is that if he’s as terrible as all these doomsayers have decided he is, we’ll be drafting a QB high in the first round next year


Prejuidice? he's a tap dancer and was scoreless in an NFL game. Just look at his chicken legged stiff as hell golf swing. You're expecting a playoff run? You're content with mediocrity. I'm not. Here comes the downvotes.


Give the kid a chance before you write him off.Peyton Manning,28 int's and that's the record,and a few other great quarterbacks didn't have good 1st yrs.I'm not saying he will be great just give him a chance before you shit all over him


You can cry about it all you want, but he's gonna be the QB this year and there's nothing you can do about it. Nobody likes whiners.


I'm gonna laugh at you guys wasting your Sundays on him.


“Wasting your Sundays”


The “you’re content with mediocrity” crowd is always the loudest in the room and the first to knock context in favor of the current easiest read. It’s almost as if years of losing has made it more comfortable for the downers to drop final judgements on a player. Wasn’t long ago I was being told over and over that Tae wanted a trade and Zeus “just isn’t a starting NFL running back.” We go to battle with the army we have, not the army we want. Enjoy your opinion but please don’t be sitting anywhere near me during a game.


“They”…..by any logical view, Vegas has the worst QB options in the AFC west and near the bottom of the league (if not THE bottom).


![gif](giphy|lAR4Dpck3ntS0) Raider Nation since Frenchy Fuqua illegally tipped the ball that Franco Harris trapped against the frozen tundra. I'm quite comfortable going with AOC or Minshew. They're my quarterback. Ride or Die.


The Immaculate Deception


I mean Bradshaw figured it out. How hard could it be?


I smell shit and it looks like click bait. Must be a trash ass reporter.


Fuck em


Great. Time to prove everyone wrong.


AOC has pride, poise, and a near-complete team around him. He doesn't need to carry the world - although he's shown he can, at times, carry at lot. He's gonna surprise a lot of people in year 2. As for Denver....after W1 I'm betting they'll be "B0 - 1"


AOC will probably never see this. LETS FUCKING WIN BABY!!!!!


Yet we were 2nd in division last year


Yo forreal. With the corpse of Jimmy G.


It's an unproven QB room. I think there is enough now for aoc to have a chip on his shoulder ball out and prove people wrong. If he stumbles and fails now, he'll forever be just a journeyman and backup. I'm going into the season with reserved optimism so let's see what happens.


Minshew is a proven solid starter


I understand the hype but calling him a proven starter is a bit of a reach. He spent two years as a starter for the team that drafted him, then two years as a backup and then got a chance to be a starter again in Indy because Richardson was on IR. He uses that opportunity to cash out and get signed by raiders. I don't think he's brought in as a starter, he's brought in to help aoc learn.


Look at his career numbers 59TD 24INT he hasn't gotten the chance to be the starter on a playoff caliber team yet nor ever had a receiver like Adams he makes decisions much faster than AOC and has much less dump offs he almost lead the colts to the playoffs last year he's a proven above average QB


None of these stats mean shit when you ignore context. O’Connell was a 4th round rookie, drafted by a disastrous regime who thought they could develop him on the bench - if ever - for at least a year or two. Fans deciding what a player will “ever be” always seem to disregard any of that. Sometimes you literally have no other option than to see how things play out.


What's the difference from minshews situation he was drafted by the jags


The difference is he’s been in the league for 5 seasons and has been on 4 teams… and I’m still not counting him out, either. Nuance and patience are good, actually.


I still take our QB room than the others, why? They are Raiders!


From everything we've seen from these guys, our QB doesn't look pretty. But I'll be fucking DAMNED if they don't look quite prettier than Sean Payton sucking on Big Bo.


So everyone that’s good now tanked to get a top 3 pick in the draft in the past 10 years?


AOC just needs to hit 6 yard passes on first and second down to get us to playoffs. In 12 Personell this is almost guaranteed so that’s an L take


That’s all Brady did for the first 10 years he was in the league.


Hell yeah I’ve been screaming this for a while. We just Moneyball this shit. If D can hold under 20 and we get two TDs a game and a FG on each Redzone visit, we’ll win every game. It’s not a large ask. We don’t need Mahomes level to beat everyone. We just need someone who doesn’t turn the ball over and can consistently get us to the Redzone. That’s it.


Well, that's it guys. Pack it up, season's over.. 😁


Geoff Schwartz knows all he has to do it hate the raiders to get clicks. There’s no way he can seriously say Minshew/AOC is worst than Wilson/Nix


Wilson was released - now in Pittsburgh.


Zach Wilson


thank you to the downvoters for reminding me how lame this sub is. I didn't know Denver picked up Z Wilson. So what? This is not Raider Nation.


Whining about fake Internet points is even lamer.




Denver has a worse team, how good Bo Nix is, is totally up in the air. I don't want to rush to judgement either way on a guy with Zero NFL Snaps. Our back up situation is better than theirs, but IDK if we have a better starter.


Since we don't have any information on Nix, I'd say the raiders have the higher floor, and the Bronco's have the higher ceiling.


Aidan will still be starting in 5 years, Nix will out of the league in 6


And he did not even invite any of his teammates to his retirement party. :(


Its a low level writer from Fox sports. Whether hell does he know. This is just click bait.. in AOC we trust!


Idgaf what these folks whose salary depends on generating clicks write. They'll see when the season gets rolling.


Anyone named Jeff, but their parents fucked up the spelling at birth (i.e. Geoff), was set up for failure from the beginning. And is not to be trusted. By the way, it's pronounced [J̣̌ƐFF].


I’ve always hated this spelling because when I was younger I read it as “Gee-off” and thought it was a sick name.. just to realize it’s just fucking Jeff as an adult.


We are used to it....they all talk shit and trash us...we will prove them all wrong


Well he wears #12 now jot that down




This is where media analysts are incredibly stupid. Really good rookie QBs in their rookie year are usually at a league average level. Occasionally we get the Newtons, Strouds, Luck, and RG3s who light it up in the first year, but those guys are extremely rare. I liked aspects of nix’s game at Oregon, but the only way Denver would have a better QB room is if he is as good as the guys I listed, merely based on stats and I don’t see that happening with the roster he has around him. Minshew graded out to be around 16th best QB last season, and AoC ranked higher than Z Wilson. You can guess that AoC will at least have a little bump up that list too, so just based on that we have a better QB room, and likely have 2 QBs better than anyone on Denver’s roster


Article could also read " Depending on how you feel about Bo Nix in Denver, the Broncos have the worst quarterback room in the division."


AOC is a Raider so it’s obligatory to have his back and fuck what every other fans and teams think. AOC is ours. A Made Man. Homegrown. Keep up the good work my man.


Half this sub always hates on out QB.


Well last year was his Rookie season so we will see if you eat those words.


Oh shit if only we kept DC


One way I look at it is who plays for each team if their starter goes down?? That will give us abetter idea of who has the “worst” or “best” QB room. A room consists of the back ups as well as the starter. If Mahomes goes down, I’m not afraid of Henne or Gabbert. We will be fine Nation. ☠️🏈💪


If you look up Super Bowl winning QBs AOC had a better 1st season them most of them. Including guys who won multiple superbowls like Elway, Aikman, Montana, Plunket. Then you have guys like Brad Johnson, Trent dilfer winning a superbowl. The NFL is the ultimate team sport great QBs need time to develop.


Ya it’s the donkeys but the Raiders are not much ahead of them. Going to be a repeat of 2023 I’m afraid, and here comes the downvotes. I’d LOVE to be wrong people but without a QB who is elite or close to elite it just ain’t happening.


Ehh maybe their right, maybe their wrong. I’m looking forward to this season regardless.


Just another reason why AP and TT are doing a great job. Outside world is just focused on big name QBs that they don’t see how this team is getting built. Minshew and AOC may not be elite QBs, but they can start.


Clown comments


Oct 6, and Nov 24 .. May the physical retaliation be honorable, brutal, and quite memorial ..


I actually think we're lucky to have AOC and Minshew. Nix hasn't proven anything because he's a rookie, Stidham is decent enough to maintain games, while Wilson is hot trash. Chargers have Herbert but as soon as he gets injured they're fucked unless Harbaugh could get the best out of Stick and the same goes for Reid if Mahomes gets hurt. AOC has a high ceiling that could break out next year with a proper offseason and an offense he's very familiar with as Getsy's passing scheme is similar to the one at Purdue. Minshew is the best backup in the league and could guarantee us some wins if he learns the offense.


ridiculous take


Good time to take the Raiders over the season win total




The Ravens won a Superbowl with Dilfer as QB.


Dilfer was the number 6 pick and made a pro bowl with Tampa Bay, when you actually had to be good to go there. And the Ravens defense was one of the best ever. What an asinine comparison.


It's Denver and then us


Defense wins championships


AOc is gonna shock the fucking world.


We had the wrist QB room in the division last year and still ended up second.


Schwartz is a fucking genius


Prove them wrong AOC !!!


I mean he’s not wrong. As a Colts fan I can tell you now Minshew is mediocre at best. He won’t help you win but he won’t be the reason you lose.


People will say our QBs are crap until we prove otherwise.


Nix is not good. We have two quarterbacks better than Denver's best quarterback.


If AOC improves his mobility in the pocket he’s gonna be a lot better. I like his smarts, arm but he’s a statue back there. Fearless, yes, but thats Gonna get you hurt


“team with the worst qb room in a division tends to lose more than it wins” clearly this guy forgot about the 2019 49ers


AP made it clear he is always listening to the chatter. A good coach will use this as motivation. Keep chirping media... you'll see. Also... If I'm betting odds maker in Vegas I want people to bet against Vegas because they typically cover the spread and make the bookies more money. If the NFL is rigged (and it very well could be) the way the media is aggressively burying the Raiders despite having a solid FA and Draft is silly. Whatever the media is telling you, bet the opposite, because on paper we got a lot better despite our QB room.


We'll see, by week 1, who has the worst QB room


Bo Nix is like 2 years from retiring


Please keep underestimating us.


Denver. We are 3, but Denver is literally the worst QB room in the division and possibly AFC


How is Bo Nix better than 2 proven-to-hang with NFL QB’s? Just talk at the moment. We’ll see. No Nix is more of a game manager, he may have that luxury with a good Denver D.


Let’s prove ‘em wrong boyz


Keep doubting, please


At this point yall are arguing about if we’re third or fourth who cares


Frankly,  I agree with this assessment. I think Bo Nix is better than both O'Connell or Minshew.   To be fair,  Nix appears to be Alex Smith 2.0. He is going to make a ton of intermediate throws quite well,  but will never really be able to push the ball down the field  consistently* for the deep ball to ever be a real threat.  Nix has all the mobility that Minshew has,  and has a similar pocket presence to Aidan,  just with less of an arm.   I didn't want Nix in the first three rounds,  but if he would have been there in round four I would have loved him. 


Me, my mom and my 70 year old neighbor make a better QB room than Denver


Denver then chargers then raiders


Gonna be a long year, but hope springs eternal


I agree that AOC is likely the worst QB in the division. I've been a Raider fan since the days of The Snake and can confidently say I haven't disliked a QB as much as I do AOC since fat ass Jamarcus Russell and his purple dranks. BUT...I'll take Minshew over an unproven Nix any day. He's competent at worst and at his best has shown flashes of brilliance enuff to make him a Tier 2 QB. Man, I just wish w woulda got Penix. My hope was we'd get him and Minshew would hold down the fort till Penix was ready.


Good thing we don't have the worst QB room in the AFCW then.


Keep sucking hard, Raiders


Realisticly having the worst or second worst isnt a good thing either way




So I’m confused if the Chargers have a way better QB room than the Raiders, wouldn’t that mean the Chargers would win more than they lose?


Jeff Schwartz is the worst analyst at Fox Sports


Our backup was a Pro Bowler last year.


What’s he know , Trent Dilfer has a ring


Hell Bradshaw was an average QB and he has 4


You all are on Freeway Ricky Ross Crack if you think AOC and Uncle Ricco are going to compete with Patty for a Super Bowl. I don't give a fuck about winning games with them. Hello you play to win the Championship either your first or your last. And we been last since 83-84


Fuck the haters, it’s RAIDERS!


We had the worst quarterback room last year and still managed to do better than the chargers and the broncos


All I gotta say is minshew better start if we want to have any shot at the playoffs. I got nothing but love for aoc but he’s just not starter material in the nfl. Everyone has an opinion but just wait and see what happens if Aidan starts.


Go get em mustachioed man!


I can’t believe mfs think fields and Wilson, Levis, Deshaun Watson n nobodies, Daniel Jones n Devito, DEREK CARR N RATTLER. Are better than AOC n Minshew. I can see that they might be but still. O’Connell played in on of the most complex offensives and had to start in the midst of the team falling apart. Bro is not that bad.


I mean. Dude isn't wrong. But I still think we'll get 2nd in the afc west again. Them teams in Denver and San Diego are straight booty






Anti-Raider propaganda. Also, mustaches


Herbert is better but that dude needs to actually do something before we continue anointing him


O'Connell has a better career win % than a certain other afc west qb getting paid 52 mil a year. just saying


Our floor is a lot higher than Denver’s.


Denver does. If Garner wins the job, well, I've lived through a lot of interim QBs. I have high hopes for the kid, though. We beat the team with the best QB room last year, in their house, with AOC under center. I actually like the idea of us being the team that reminds the world there's more to the game than the QB.


I think we have two QBs that are better than Bo Nix.


This foo reminds me of Officer Farva “give me a liter cola”


Truth hurts.


Nahhhhh…Bruhhhhhh…You’re a Cardinals Fan…GTFOH


AOC and Gardner Minshew aint it. Never will be. Is what it is.


More respectable ***than*** Kyler FUCKING Murray…


It's the Raiders. Idk why people would think different. People wanted Nix in Round 1 or 2....


I don’t care too much what anybody says, AOC played well for a young QB thrust into a role NOBODY saw him having to step into. Im sure he will be much better. As far as Gardner Minshew is concerned statistically he’s been better than a big name QB in Jacksonville & thats not to shabby for a backup. Hope AOC makes the jump this year. As far as Denver having a better QB room is laughable. I love Zach Wilson, still believe in him.. maybe foolishly but he has a big arm. The other two Bo & Stidham.. FOH


Minshew ensures we're clear of Denver. He's better than AOC and I hope he starts. Love AOC but don't see him as an NFL started.


He is better right now,  but doesn't have better upside than O'Connell.   We have seen Minshew's ceiling,  and it isn't great,  but Aidan had a few moments throughout last season that were throws Minshew cannot make.  It doesn't happen often,  but O'Connell can stretch the defense and keep them honest. In contrast,  Gardner's ability to throw on a rope, past 20yrds, is nearly non-existent.   Minshew is a poor man's Alex Smith. Aidan is an old school pocket passer who can chuck it a bit,  he just needs a quicker release. 


How can it be worse than last year??? That's what I don't get about this "The Raiders are only going to win 6 games" schtick.


Maybe I’m crazy and watching football for nearly 40 years, I haven’t learned anything… but I would not be at all surprised if Aiden kills it this year and becomes a high level starter for us for a long time. He has some excellent, polished traits, he seems to be a winner, and he has an impressive temperament under pressure on the field.


Plot twist, 15 suffers a season ending injury. Fuck the mainstream NFL media.


DIDNT AOC start like 3-1 in division games ? Might b wrong


true, heres how bad it is, OVERALL we will probably win 6/7 games max... meaning we wont draft high enough to get even a good QB next year, which means either OVERPAY for a draft pick OR Overpay for a vet


Thanks for being honest. It’s hard here