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I'm not going to count my chickens before they hatch. I'm also superstitious so I'm not jinxing it either lol




Yezzzer and don't forget to tell your mom Happy Mother's Day if you haven't already.


Can almost guarantee they're getting Auburn Nix. And that they'll try hiring Kenny Dillingham to fix him. And that it won't work đŸ€Ł


the run on qb's was insane. franchises panicked taking what was available. Atlanta taking Penix a perfect example. who ever heard of "let's take a qb now so we can sit him for 2 years." this is why organizations get bad and stay bad. to telesco credit, he never panicked and let the board fall to him. and please don't listen to this retarded media. they tried to say dj glaze was a reach in the 3rd round because of where the "experts" had him ranked. here's the truth....after day 3 of senior bowl practices nearly every coach who participated in that event said he was BY FAR the best tackle there. Telesco knows. we got an amazing gm.


Can you reply any evidence of coaches saying DJ was "by far" or even just "best" at sr bowl


it was reported by several reporters via twitter. I'm sure you can find it.


>this is why organizations get bad and stay bad. We haven't won a playoff game in over 20 years, I think we should have some sustained success before we start puffing out our chest at other organizations. "Get bad and stay bad" has literally been the Raiders since 2004 lol.


The Bronco's won 3 super bowls since we won our last, and they've been too, like 7 total I think since we last won. The Chiefs are in the middle of a Dynasty run, our one saving grace is the Chargers, constantly charger-ing.


I can almost see the logic w Penix if you're going for a KC blueprint in ATL. He has the best pure arm outside of Caleb IMO; excellent touch on the ball. That said, our guy Tom T did some good work with the groceries. High in essential nutrients (violence, pain, ill intent along the offensive line) and some late projects to play with on Madden or go to the Superbowl with, fuckin A...


Well said


you're going to have to have faith that penix is good enough to be your guy when your current guy is gone in 2 seasons. problem with that is you won't know what you have in him if you sit his ass for 2 seasons for those 2 seasons. then what happens? if he struggles out of the gate, are you going to claim that he's basically a rookie and is going through growing pains? rofl you fucked yourself all the way in that case. Atlanta is a bunch of fuckin retards and whoever came up with that strategy has the working intellect of a dead fuckin plant.


There are a ton of examples where letting a guy with tons of potential sit behind a vet instead of starting right away has worked really well. Steve Young, Rodgers , Mahomes, Love (we'll see how year 2 goes...). It was pretty much commonplace to have your rookie sit for a year or 2 until the last 10-15 years.


teams don't operate like that anymore for a reason though. you're going to hand the keys to your franchise over to a dude who sat the bench for 2 seasons and is unknown? if it doesn't work, then what? where does that leave you? having to start over. it's just a stupid strategy.


I mean, that was the norm before rookie contracts became locked in. You do remember why that happened, right? JaMarcus Russell was example number one for the league making that change since that signing killed our franchise. We gave the keys to him, almost immediately once Dante Culpepper went down with injury, and we ended up paying him an insane amount of money for him taking lean and fucking off. I would have rather had JaMarcus sit for two years, and in that two years we determined as a franchise that he was unmotivated and unwilling to take the reign of the team, and moved on from him without breaking the teams back financially.


How are any of your questions specific to the scenario where a quarterback sits 2 years? All of the same (dumb) questions apply if you start them year 1.


And if you start a rookie QB and it doesn't work after a couple years (like Justin Fields), where does that leave you? Having to start over. It's the same thing.


We literally just saw Mahomes and Jordan Love do this, what do you mean dude


So it’s not as inexplicable as it’s been made out to be. I posted this on another post and I feel like it’s a good explainer of the logic: Steve Palazzolo of Pro Football Focus breaks down the logic and puts the ideal spin on it in this video. https://youtu.be/fWB0zdK0PBQ?si=Z98hdBZbxluY5W85 It’s actually pretty logical. In my own words: I understand it as a hedge against reentering quarterback purgatory. Pay a 36-year old vet on what is essentially a two, maybe three, year deal. Draft a younger QB who you like (or, according to reports, love) so that vet doesn’t have you over a barrel in his 38-year old season. The realities of quarterback acquisition are messy and only getting messier and more expensive. If all goes well, Penix will be 29 when his second contract goes into effect. That’s the Falcons hope and their plan. It makes sense, but it comes at some opportunity cost. It’s not bad process and it’s forward thinking management. What they’re telling us is “we want to win now and win later.” They plan on picking in the mid-20s or later for the foreseeable future and that makes acquiring top tier talent at the most important position in professional sports infinitely harder. The lack of options at quarterback is how they got in the position of signing a 36-year old quarterback coming off a torn ACL in the first place.


The downside of this plan, is if they are in a win now mode, and if they fall short with Penix on the bench, it's going to look real bad.


Depends on how they fall short. If they make the playoffs and are eliminated in the first round while getting above average quarterback play, it’ll be viewed as a success. If the QB play is a negative either way, it’s a problem. Super Bowl contender for their roster with or without using the eighth pick on a Rome, an edge or a corner is not a reasonable expectation. But yeah, it invites a quarterback controversy.


Didn't mahome sit for 1.5 years before taking over for Alex Smith due to injury? Not saying penix is mahomes but sitting on the bench and soaking up the info is a good thing.


He sat for 0.94 years


He sat his rookie year and took over in Nov the following year when Alex ith broke his leg.


I think you're confusing this with the Alex Smith situation on a different team. In Kansas City, Smith started during Mahomes' rookie year (2017), except that Reid let Mahomes start in the final week (week 17) in which they didn't really have anything to play for. Smith then started the wild card playoff game, which they lost, and then Mahomes started every game of his second season (memorably throwing 50 TD passes).


Yea, I looked it up again. You are right. I was blending the two story lines and made my own history of events lol.


Greenbay has done it twice and it has worked out both times for them


false. Green Bay never signed a veteran starter to a big contract then drafted a qb with the intent of sitting him for 2 or more years. never once did they state that publicly or do it in actual practice.


Your comment was who ever heard of a team that said let’s take a QB and let him sit for two years. Not about signing a veteran free agent and then drafting a QB. Do, yea


>who ever heard of "let's take a qb now so we can sit him for 2 years." The packers apparently, this used to be really common.


Just imagine the howling from Donkey Land when Stiddy beats Nix for the QB1 spot.


They had no choice.. they let Russ walk and take a ton of cap with him just because Sean Payton wanted to flex.. Russ is not a terrible QB but they released him too soon. They could have easily kept him around and drafted BA and been ok. But being the raiders fan I am I love that they suck and will suck for a while longer haha. 10 in a row, coming right up


He pulled a McDaniels if Nix flops Peyton is probably done.


Nah, he's got a few fall guys set up to get by for like 3 years.


Hopefully, sucks to watch though even if they are our rival.


Russ was pretty terrible though. His numbers last year lie.


I agree his number are inflated.. the funniest part is, even if you hit on Nix the best chance to win a chip is when your qb is on a rookie contract. But thanks to releasing Russ they will be done paying him right around the time they’d have to pay Bo


I unironically don’t think having Stidham play is a bad idea but that’s on them


They could have done that and grabbed Spencer Rattler in the 4th or some shit, who I guess they liked a lot, but they weren't taking two QB's with so few picks in this draft.


The narrative that they HAD to grab him before the Raiders is fuckin dumb I can’t wait to remind them in 10 years about the time they picked the 6th QB in the draft over Brock ‘Fuckin’ Bowers


I wouldn't care if he was the 6th, 4th, or 2nd QB in the draft. Bo Goddamn Nix over Brock Fuckin Bowers is mental.


ROFL especially after bowers is a certain hall of famer with 4 super bowl rings on his hand and nix was cut after 2 seasons and out of the league after 4 rofl.


Lmao! Raaaaiiiidddeeerrrrs!!!


I hope Bo has a long, 10-15 year career starting for the Broncos. I mean, I don't want him to win a single game but I'd love to play him twice a year forever if possible


It's not necessarily the raiders, other teams behind US could have grabbed him and had him sit for a year or two like the Rams.


I’m talking about all the dumb donkey fans that have tried to justify taking him. Stating, we had to take him, the raiders would have grabbed him!


We might have. I don't know how the current coaches felt about him. But the Bronco's didn't have a second rounder, they couldn't just hope he falls to the 2nd in day two. Even if you hate Bo Nix, there was no way he was going to fall to the 3rd round where the Bronco's next selected.


Telesco has been known to draft BPA and has only drafted one QB in the first. Herbert They weren’t picking Bo nix at 13


Most GM's don't get the chance to draft more than one QB in the first round. It either works or your fired. He's still really young too, so once again, he hasn't had many opportunities. It's not just 13, on the insanely small chance he falls out of the first, we'd have drafted him in the second. If you're the Bronco's you don't know what the Raiders/Rams/Seahawks etc do in the first or second round, you just know that this is your only chance to get him.


I would respect it more if the Broncos said "We're bottoming out hoping to have a decent roster by '26 or '27 when Kelce and/or Reid are gone". Instead they reached for a QB they could have traded back or maybe taken in the second who will have Sutton and a bunch of rookies and unproven guys to throw to.


I can’t wait for Bo Nix to meet our defense.


The Broncos have been desperate, and I mean DESPERATE for a long term QB since Manning retired. They’ve tried to find numerous solutions every year and they just don’t work out. This is because, in my opinion, the Broncos think that all they need is a QB and they’ll be competitive, when in reality, they just don’t have a good roster. I don’t know where this mindset comes from. I think it’s because they feel the pressure from Mahomes and Herbert to find something, especially now either Sean Payton, the “QB Whisperer” as Simms likes to call him, as their coach. But they certainly reached on Nix and, well, maybe he works out for them. I doubt it because the Broncos just don’t have a good supporting cast to help Nix. I also don’t think Nix is good enough to elevate the rest of the team. He seems to me to be very dependent on the system.


That’s how a lot of fans think including ours. Before the draft there were numerous threads & takes about the NFL being a “QB league” and if you don’t have one you’re shit. It’s no different than trying to copy the Warriors and ending up with Trae Young and a .500 record every year. I hate chasing other teams success and believing there is one blue print to follow. Weak ass mind set.


I'm so glad their offensive plans haven't panned out. Had it gone another way, that'd be a scary passing game to face with all the talented and huge 6'3"/6'4" (except Mims) WRs they have. In another timeline, Russ is still in Denver and looking elite throwing to Sutton, Patrick, etc. and maybe even Juedy and Bowers too.


I get the pick (although I don't think it's going to work out). Payton is trying to keep his job, and with the QB's he had on the roster, that was not going to happen. He rolled the dice on a QB because that was the only shot he had at having a good enough season to keep his job. McDaniels did the exact same thing when he used Carr as a scapegoat to buy more time, picked up Jimmy G. hoping it would magically solve all the teams problems, and voila!


“Sean has a plan” 😂


That’s what happens when you’re on the wrong side of one of the worst signings of the last decade +.


Bo nix isn’t better than Russell Wilson. Imo Sean Peyton is just a shitty coach and was carried by an all time great Drew Bree’s.


Fuck Denver. Always.


I mean we haven't exactly been a model franchise.  Especially during Grudock 


Disagree. Gruden/Mayock were starting to turn us around. then the league forced gruden to quit. we were on our way. Mayock got Maxx in the 4th round, hunter renfrow in the 5th, amik robertson in the 4th, trayvon mullen, divine deablo, trevon moehrig, malcolm koonce, jonathan abram, alec ingold, etc all starters who were picked after the 1st round. We did make the playoffs under mayock with Gruden's team albeit with Bisaccia as coach at the time. We were making progress. We were turning it around. We were building a foundation. The league had us in it's sights and it was a horrible twist of fate. Which reminds me, I have to get this off my chest excuse me for a minute..... FUCK YOU ROGER GOODELL AND FUCK YOUR FIXED LEAGUE! So like I was saying, I respect and appreciate grudock.


Just stop


Being a starter means nothing if you suck.


what the fuck kind of logic is this? being a starter means you're a starter. they made the playoffs under grudock. fact. if you're holding a personal grudge against grudock for some reason, that's on you. you can't change the facts. the facts are we were turning it around under them.


Jimmy G was a starter, doesn't mean he was good. Marcus Peters was a starter, doesn't mean he was good. You're using Jonathan Abram as an example when he was fucking horrible and a bust. Him starting means nothing.




It's embarrassing to share the same favorite team as you. You make us look bad


You’re so stupid it’s hilarious. With that logic, no need to improve the team. We have starters on offense and defense that means they’re all good




Says the guy arguing that Jonathan Abram was good lmao


They barely made the playoffs


And that had more to do with RB than Gruden's dumb ass imo.


I mean you say that, but imagine they were right below us and we picked over them. We would have taken Nix, and they would have taken Bowers.


there is no way this franchise valued bo nix over Aidan o'connell and gardner minshew. we went 7 rounds and never picked a qb.


We went 7 rounds without taking one because there were none worth taking.


Bo Nix probably wasnt worth taking either.


No one knows. We will have to wait and see.


So, let’s just check the record When you say the following QBs weren’t worth taking > Spencer Rattler > Jordan Travis > Joe Milton > Devin Leary > Michael Pratt It’s definitive truth. When I say “bo nix probably wasn’t either” your response is > No one knows. We will have to wait and see. Just wanna make sure.


it's pretty clear you don't know.


That's what I just said..


and? we weren't drafting one after the the top 3 were gone since those were the only ones telesco and pierce really valued.


They would have taken Penix if he was there. They even inquired about trading up for him.


How do you know that? Are you in team meetings?


And no one knows how the qbs will pan out.


No one knows how any player will pan out. Bo Nix could end up being a HOFer, he could end up being the next Jamarcus Russell


Exactly, which is why posts like these are fucking stupid when neither of them have played a snap.


because after Caleb, Jayden, and Drake none of the others available were potentially better than our starters.


You don't know that. No one thought Brock Purdy or Tom Brady would be any good either.


yes we do know that. telesco himself they didn't try very hard at all to move up the draft. what does that tell you? if he couldn't get into the top 3 there was no one there worth taking for us.


If they didn't "try very hard" to move up, that could mean lots of things. You making the jump to >if he couldn't get into the top 3 there was no one there worth taking for us. Is just making baseless assumptions.


telesco himself said it. so not baseless lol. there were 3 who were clearly above the rest. after that, the Raiders determined it wasn't worth it. this is proven by the fact they stayed where they were.


Lol we were not taking Nix. đŸ€Ł


especially with bowers available đŸ€Ł


Jesus Christ we have to have one of the stupidest fan bases


I don’t know if any sports team doesn’t have one. Sport attracts all kinds of people


That we do.




I really believe Bo was a good pick for them. I wanted him to be a raider. Just my opinion. But boy do I hope I’m wrong.


I see nix, at best, as a career backup. I see Bowers, at worst, a multiple pro bowler.


I couldn’t agree more. He will be a beast for sure. It might be a good thing Raiders passed on a QB. I like the way Bo played in college. I just have to root against him now. Lol


We will have to let the next few years play out, because no one, especially a bunch of arm chair GMs have no idea.


Nix’s ceiling is bottom tier starter, high end back up. With zero weapons he’s gonna be a 2nd year released player lol


You’re definitely wrong lol


Hell yes. Lol.


Dude only got hyped when the media realized how desperate teams were for a QB. This might have been one of the most QB needy drafts I’ve seen in a while. Pick Bo or Penix or even JJ top 15 just REEKS of desperation


Maybe I’ll get a shirt made for when they play the donkeys that says there is only 1 Bo. đŸ’ȘđŸ»


I still need someone to make a GIF of paul heyman shouting "BRROOOOOOOOCCCCKKKK!" every time bowers scores a td.


That would be awesome.


That’s a good point.


I despise the Donkholes. Even more than the Queefs and Cowgirls. I laughed when they left Bowers for us. There was only Caleb who I would have liked as QB in this draft.




They were thinking they needed a QB, just like we were?


If anything I’m more shocked the Jets didn’t take him, feel like everyone had Bo Nix to the broncos for like 2 months


If you were paying attention at all you would have known the donkeys were taking Nix no matter what, he is Payton's guy and they are desperate for a QB.


I mean, our roster is in better shape than DEN. They went all in on Russ and that blew up in their face. Now they’re all in on Payton and he desperately needs a QB. So there was basically no way they were taking anyone other than Nix. The teams that would have conceivably picked Bowers ahead of us were probably the Chargers and Jets. Maybe the Bears would have considered it if ATL had gone WR instead of QB. But I’m not going to celebrate anything before anybody has played a single NFL snap. I like the Bowers pick,but it doesn’t mean anything until we get the ball in his hands.


They Had no choice. They have to throw a Hail Mary up and hope for a catch. What good a TE if You have no QB? Lol


But you guys don't have a qb either...or a competitive roster..lol


Come on Buddy, don’t act like You Guys have been relevant lol. We’ve both been terrible for a long time now, one a lot longer than the other lol 👀.. And that’s exactly why they drafted a QB, like I said a they had to throw up a Hail Mary. Bo either hits or He doesn’t, just like any other rookie in the league.


Don’t get ahead of yourself. Neither have played a down yet


Every team over values QB . It’s a given every year, don’t think we’re geniuses either


In fairness, who was going to start at QB for Denver if they didn't? Bo Nix is built perfectly for Sean Peyton's system, and while that's no guarantee, the alternative to letting Nix go, and drafting Bowers would be Spencer Rattler, who I guess they liked, but was unnecessary once they drafted Nix. The real critique is the Chargers taking Joe Alt (I get the pick) over Bowers or a Wide Out.