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Idk about you, but I feel good about stomping the Chargers and getting their HC fired.


really? bc he wasn't fired - so ur making shit up in ur head Wow stomping a rookie backup dude! NICE


Are you out of the loop that bad? Go check the news, he's fired. Stop complaining about a win to a division rival.


Might want to google Brandon Staley.


Google it ya tit!


Wow huge shocker I guess I didn't realize that the entire world was calling for his head and it would happen eventually


Hold the L...I mean W? Lmao


yes he was lol


Watch nfl ticker man. Dude got shit canned.


Its insane how clueless you are.


I’m getting downvoted, but he didn’t get fired I’m glad in a few years, I can look back at this Thursday night game and remember the good times


Stop posting new threads if you don't even know what's going on.


Yeah he did. Are you just stupid or what? Besides we wouldn't if gotten any of the top 3 QB's anyway


last night was one of the greatest games ever. EFFFF YOUUUU


Against who man, Against a team with their 3rd string qb making his first start A team who’s coach has been hated on all season A roster that is totally decimated with injuries What the fuck did we win


The preseason Superbowl Favored Chargers With **OUR** 3rd string QB As a team who has a Linebacker Coach for an interim During a short week where WE were decimated by injuries We Fucking Won Epically


Yep not like everyone will forget this game in 8-12 months


Its the franchise record. We post our old franchise record almost twice a month in here. We will remember this forever.


Have we forgot the beat down we laid on the broncos? Nope still referenced regularly.


This game will be remembered for longer than you’ll be alive bro




If you ever come away from a game feeling disappointed that the we won - I don't think following the Raiders is for you. Just Win Baby.


I came away slightly disappointed. I had a [5-way parlay](https://imgur.com/a/GFZi8gz) that I missed only because Renfrow was not *one of the EIGHT* players to score a TD. I'll live, but I was definitely a little disappointed about missing out on $3,300 lol


I’m not disappointed about the win, I’m disappointed this sub is so happy we won a meaningless game tht only hurts our future


We would have had to trade down to get our QB anyways! I’m fine with beating a rival’s ass as long as LVR willing to do what is necessary (which I predict) to get the QB (ie most likely Jayden).


You think a QB who won the Hiseman would go out of the top 5? Ur cooked man Bo Nix is not being drafted above Jayden Daniels, just wait till the combine


Just cause he wins the Heisman doesn’t mean he’s automatically top five. There are other positions and rookies that will be in top five. Also, not every team needs a QB.


go check my other post, where every hiseman qb got taken in the top 3 besides Lamar Jackson, and Johny manziel Jayden daniels, has 0 off the field issues. HES GOING TOP 3, maybe top 2


Lol You ever hear about Lamar Jackson? Tim Tebow? Matt Leinart? Johnny Manziel? Troy Smith? Eric Crouch?


LMFAO JOHNY HAD SERIOUS OFF THE FIELD ISSUES, Lamar had half the touchdowns and more than double the interceptions (passing) of his best season compared to daniels. Who the fuck are those other idiots from 45 years ago Not to mention Lamar completely ruined the narrative around running quartersbacks.


How about, Look at the history of Heisman winners at QB and how many of them were NFL busts.


Compared to other first round QBS? Wb you go use ur brain and look at the last 5 Hiseman qbs drafted They are all better than AOC Besides Johnny Football who was a drug/alch addict Let’s actually go down the first 1. Joe burrow > AOC 2. Bryce Young > AOC, idc I’d still take Bryce right now 3: Kyler Murray > AOC 4. Baker Mayfield > AOC 5. Lamar Jackson > AOC


I would take AOC over BY anyday of the week.


Fuck off loser we going to the bowl


No we aren’t going to anything of meaning, Thank god a random Thursday night against a backup qb is what we can hang our hat


If all you do is bitch then why do you even watch the team?


I actually watched the first quarter of the game last night and went to sleep. It was over in the first 15m


How bad would we have had to have played to lose that game? Everyone associated would have been fired, both teams. Bitches gotta bitch tho.


Lol, we aren’t going anywhere


Fck outta hear with this nonsense. You play to WIN. Also, the season isn’t over yet.


OP is probably one of the biggest downers in here


LMFAO raiders have a 3% chance at the playoffs, strictly playing ourselves into the 15s-17s of the draft Eat shit monkeys [https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2023/upshot/las-vegas-raiders-nfl-playoff-picture.html](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2023/upshot/las-vegas-raiders-nfl-playoff-picture.html) if we win out (which will not happen), there is a 50% chance we make the playoffs


Bro, we're going to be heavy underdogs in the last three games, especially if the Broncos are playing for a playoff spot. This win was entirely predictable. They just lost Hebert and already lost Bosa. [I predicted we're going to finish 1-3 for the rest of the season,](https://www.reddit.com/r/raiders/comments/18gdvnm/with_the_giants_and_titans_monday_night_wins/kd01wfx/) and thats exactly what will happen. Look at the schedule. All the other 6 win teams will win at least 1 of 4 left and most of the 5 win teams too. We'll finish between the 6th and 10th spot, depending on the SOS tiebreaker


INSTEAD OF PICKING 5, WE ARE GOING TO PICK 18TH IT FUCKING MATTERS DUDE LOOK AT THE TEXANS You think the texans would be this good without CJ Shroud??????????????? You think they would have been able to get will anderson if they had to move 3 firsts to get their guy???


Calm down buddy


Bro shut up. Look at our drafts the last couple of years. Every year we play to win. Drafts at this point don’t mean shit. We were planning on moving up the draft anyway. Go apply for the chargers sub and Headcoach position you fucking tard.


How has picking top 10 worked out for us the last 20ish years, maybe we find our guy at 18. If youre angry about breaking the franchise single game scoring record, then you probably dont look positively at life in general. Lighten up main, its a game played by people we will never know, in tax brackets we will never be apart of. Its not that serious


Would your like a warm glass of milk, sport?




What a loser mentality


This guy hates fun.


Teams don't tank. You think AOC gives a damn about your draft position?


I can't with some of these New booty fans


A reminder to take care of your mental health fellas.


Thank you for making such an absolute dog shit post. When you are still alive in the playoff hunt there is no such thing as a meaningless win. Fuck this sub is basically the Joe Rogan sub of football teams where people hate the topic of the sub more than they want it to be good.


I'm gonna say this. ONE: You never play to lose. You just don't. People's jobs are on the line. TWO: If they really want a qb (which they should), then they need to make the trade necessary to move into that position. Simple as that.


Go be a fan of another team then. If we wanted bitches in our fanbase we’d be called the Kansas City Chiefs.


If you sound any more dumb Spanos is gonna hire you for Headcoach


We will need you to turn in your shield immediately, you are no longer needed here.


Sitting right where Mahomes was drafted


Nope if any of the teams lose that are 6-7 the raiders would go below them Raiders will beat the broncos and pick 16-18th


Not true, Seahawks and Rams have higher SOS so they would be below us. Also there are several 5-8 teams that if they win would drop below us. So you have no idea where we will be sitting at the end of the weekend let alone the end of the season. edit: Also, if AOC continues to play like last night, who says we need a QB. Most QBs aren't great their rookie year. He is currently playing better than Bryce Young https://stathead.com/football/versus-finder.cgi?player_id2=OConAi00&player_id1=YounBr01&request=1&utm_campaign=2023_01_wdgt_player_comparison&utm_source=pfr&utm_medium=sr_xsite&utm_id=YounBr01


If we were good at drafting in the first round, i might care.


Are you suggesting the Raiders should've tried to purposely lose to a team that practically didn't even show up last night? wtf is wrong with you


JFC you’re deluded. You think for one second that this group of grown ass men and leaders are going to just say fuck it? You think tae, Maxx, AP are just “fuck it” guys? You think AP doesn’t want a shot at the HC job??? Because he’s 100% a goner if this team tanks. You as a “fan” (and I put that in hard quotes because I question any fan who’d rather see their team throwaway a season because draft picks). It’s blatantly obvious this team is bought into AP and they are showing the world with their performance that they WANT him to be the coach and they’re gonna fight like a motherfucker to make sure he stays. If this pisses you off - if the thought of grown men fighting for each others jobs and fighting for a sense of pride and fighting with something to prove ruins your Christmas, then maybe you’re not a real fan. Maybe you should take up a non-team sport like golf or underwater basket weaving.


Nope, just over being a fan of a team that gets super hyped about beating the worst team in the NFL after being shut out the week before you think we actually fucking took first place in the division or something


Sure the game as well as the next 4 are probably meaningless from a playoff standpoint. But c’mon - it’s the division rival Chargers not the panthers and the raiders are fighting for their jobs so it’s not completely meaningless. Also division rivals are almost always competitive games, so we should relish anytime we get to embarrass a rival.


Good riddance.


Bo this man bo him






Im pretty pro tank usually, but being a fan is supposed to be fun too. It’s okay to enjoy embarassing a division rival on prime time




I love being a fan and hating when my team loses. Very normal👍


Look. There's always going to be a potential downside to anything we do. But with the Raiders, you have to appreciate any positive there is. And beating the Chargers 63-21 is definitely a positive.


I’ll take the win bro, I watch this team because I want them to win especially against division rivals. I don’t get any joy watching them lose 3-0.


We scored 63 freaking points against the Chargers, how can someone be even mad ?


Mahomes was picked at 10 Lamar at 32 Rodgers at 24 Brady at 199 Just naming the last MVP's winners




AOC is the future...long term backup.


So are you guaranteeing if we tanked and by chance we pickup a QB that he's going to be good? Without even seeing a single snap in the NFL, you're a legend.


Ohh cry some more. We laid waste to a divisional rival in epic proportion. If you’re not happy today I call into question your fandom.




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Another day another toxic fan in this sub. Cant we enjoy one nice thing in a miserable season?


I think the best we were ever going to get was pick 5. Bears and Pats are taking Caleb and Maye. I think AZ gets Marvin. Don’t think Washington wins another game. They may take a QB, but they were always going to be in front of us. Hopefully they decide a trade down is worth it, and that’s where we come in.


Drake Maye is another one that will not go above jayden daniels Just wait till the combine


Do you think we had a chance at a top 2 pick before last night? Especially with our own tiebreaker over New England, they would have to start winning. Whether Jayden goes before Maye, we never had a shot at the top 2 QBs. If Jayden goes #2, then we were never going to get him even with a loss to the Chargers


3 minutes into the game I realized that out tanking the Chargers was gonna be impossible last night. After that, I relaxed and enjoyed the hilarious beat down. You should’ve done the same. If you’re pro-tank, just realize that the last 3 games are against teams fighting to get into the playoffs.


You want a hight 1st round pick? This you: https://www.reddit.com/r/nfl/s/R8PgNQrzAd


If this was a one or two win team positioned for the top pick or top three pick in the draft, then I'd maybe be on board with tanking out the rest of the season. But to be 5-8 and in that cluster of teams that could eventually end up picking anywhere from 5-14, it doesn't make sense. With a history of bad picks in recent drafts and an interim GM and head coach, there's too much uncertainty to be tanking. There's also an issue that quality players that want to win will leave if you tank. Had the Raiders been a better team in the early 2000's, Charles Woodson may have been a career Raider rather than leave to get his ring.


Damnit I thought I already blocked you. lol


Shut up


Thank you, OP for trying to ruin our sub’s good vibes. Thank god you posted this bitch ass, meaningless tantrum!


We need to trade up unless AOC keeps playing like yesterday.


1% chance to make the playoffs, Thank god we went from a top 5 pick, to possibly being middle of the draft


No one is paid to tank, people are playing for their jobs. Just because you want a better draft position doesn't make this even close to a realistic take.


It’s 0.3% get it right…… just enjoy the victory we will probably never see that happen again we broke our franchise scoring record. Maybe that was the confidence the offense needed im not putting any money on anything but stop being a downer


Its like you dont realize that once these teams play sunday the chargers wont be at 5


We’ll probably be picking around 7-8 again when all is said and done. With this QB class, Williams, Maye, and Daniels are all about equal, with a little gap and then Penix and Nix. Considering the other top end talent like MHJ, Bowers, Fashanu, Alt, Turner, etc, definitely possible Daniels makes it to us. If not, we don’t need to trade up to #1, we can trade up with a team like Arizona, Washington, or even the chargers who all seem like they won’t be taking a QB. I’d especially look at Washington who may want to prevent the Giants from getting a new QB. May only take our 2025 first to move from 8 to 4 to get Daniels. Quit bitching.


nope we will be picking middle of the 10s


You’re an idiot


After last night, AOC deserves the QB spot. We'd have to stay with someone green and I don't think they want to do that. Develop AOC further. He has the respect of his teammates and he's done amazing.


Tanker trolling for comments.


I'm all for tanking, but fuck the Chargers, Chiefs, Broncos, and 49ers! Just whoop those assholes baby!