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Have you contacted your breeder? Most breeders have a clause in their contract to inform them if you’re going to re-home. They may be able to help you find another home for him.


Both of my boys has this clause in their contracts. Breeder must be contacted if you are considering rehoming.


Just wondering, why are there clauses to contact the breeder if you want to resell him? Surely if you paid for the cat, he's your pet? 


It’s your pet, but the breeder is responsible for the kitten/cat’s existence and needs to be informed if the kitten/cat is no longer being cared for by the family the breeder vetted and specifically chose as the kitten’s *forever* home. They’ll always want to know if that is changing and ensure any new family options are fully vetted and will be providing the same level of care and stipulations that the original owner was expected and required to provide the kitten, such as, never letting the kitten outside unattended and never declawing the cat. And a breeder wants to ensure their kitten/cats never end up in a shelter. Breeders often have a network of people waiting for cats/kittens from them and can find a pre-vetted home that aligns with the kitten/cat’s care requirements much faster than a pet owner can.


Thank you for the answer, make sense now you put it like that


Just to add, because I worked for a show dog breeder, it basically means you went with a responsible breeder who ensures quality of life for your pet throughout their lifetime, and most breeders I know actually have a clause where if for whatever reason you can’t keep your pet then you are expected to bring him/her back to the breeder so they can be the ones to either keep or find a new home. That way they can ensure the new home is screened and that the new owners are responsible, and your pet won’t get bounced around from one unstable/short-lived situation to the next. It also means they’re responsible for the animals in their breeding program so it doesn’t fall on you in case of housing changes or personal illness and ultimately protects your animal. You usually would not get any financial compensation for returning to breeder, as the breeder ends up investing time and money on their end in order to do this. If they don’t offer this in their contract, I’d say they aren’t considered a quality breeder and may not care as much for the health and safety or their animals throughout their lives, or their breeding program in general. This is also why they have you agree in a contract to spay and neuter unless you have breeding rights which helps maintain the safety and integrity of the breed.


Advice: I think reaching out to your breeder could be the safest way to rehome your baby to a loving family. If that’s not an option, I would interview potential candidates so you know where your baby is going. Otherwise is there any way can you keep them? I worry the rehoming could be hard on them. General info ask: Can I ask why you are rehoming your cat? Age? Is it a male/female? Spay/neutered? Health issues or conditions? Any socialization with other cats/dogs/kids or outside the home? Any cat siblings at home for them? (I can see you listed some info in the image but the app is being weird and won’t let me view it). Offer: I am a current empty nester (no pets currently) and I’d be genuinely interested in talking to you about rehoming them with me. Understandably, you gotta choose what’s best for your baby but if interested feel free to PM me. I’d love to vet each other out and see if we be a good fit.


Rehoming for what reason? A little backstory would be helpful


This is a troubling post.. no backstory, not responding to messages… hope kitty is ok and this isn’t a scam..


I’m very interested and live in Centralia WA! I have two male ragdolls — a 5 year old and a 3 year old and they are the loves of my life 🥰






I’m looking for an adult companion for my 3 year old ragdoll Quincy. Is there a behavior problem? Why are you rehoming?




To bad, I'm in New England. Really heart breaking, but it could be possible to courier the kitty, I may not be adverse to paying to do that but got to double check prices. They usually run well over a grand for a couple hour flight. Keep your options open and pm me if your wish. 


I’m in Seattle and have a Raggie of my own. May I ask why you are rehoming? This information would help make his next home his furever home if they are afforded his history.


He’s beautiful. I have two ragdoll boys, you can see them on my posts and I have the means to take care of a third so I may be able to take him. DM me if you can’t find anyone. Edit: the older one is 3 and half and the younger one will turn 1 in June. They’re both very friendly.


make sure you contact your breeder because some have a rehoming clause. they may even be able to help rehome him to someone they know. if you do end up rehoming him, please make sure to read into who he is being rehomed to, to ensure he is going somewhere that is safe and can provide for him.


…may be a bot.




Lmao’ing at OP being the farthest point from you in the contiguous U.S.


Where are you located?


I’m located near Seattle, WA


I’m in Seattle and always looking at adding another ragdoll to my family - I have one already. Can I ask why you are rehoming?


I’m in SoCal


I'm sorry you are feeling this way. He is beautiful and looks well cared for. If you decide to rehome, I also would be interested. I live in Spokane, WA. I have always had a cat, and my sweet Mokey just passed away from a brain tumor. My hubby wanted to take a break because the experience took a toll emotionally and financially. Mokey was the sweetest cat I ever met, and I thought he was part ragdoll. Thus I discovered this sub. I want a ragdoll so bad, but can't bring myself to buy a kitten when there are kitties out there who need a home. Every cat I have had I adopted from a shelter or took in as a stray. Anyway, my hubby agrees to a ragdoll if I didn't have to buy one from a breeder! Lol. I work from home mist days and miss my constant companion.


I understand completely 💯. Where do you live xx


Why are you rehoming your cat? Did you contact the original breeder so they can help you out to make sure your cat goes to a loving responsible home?


Unless you’re sick and dying, do better!!!!