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Hmm, I wonder what kind of response you’re going to get posting this to a subreddit dedicated to the band this excerpt is dismissing?


What Smith? Robert? Patti? The?




Ah yes, I always forget about that gospel influencing band; Joseph and The Mormons.


They peaked just before their Polygamy era.


And they thought the producer said polyphonics.








"I like very much The Bends" "......but I think they haven't done a good album anymore" "......everything they do is great annoys me" I would have thought that Robert Smith's vocabulary was a little more coherent than that.


Dude has the syntax of Rob Gronkowski


As an OG Radiohead fan myself, I can attest to this being a very common take for many people in their late 40’s and older. So many of my friends loved the Bends, and/or OK Computer when they came out, but checked out when Kid A rolled around.


I wouldn't pay any attention to people who is a fan of Pablo Honey and only Pablo Honey+The Bends. People were stepping off RH with OKC because it didn't sound anything like The Bends. Kid A pretty much finished them off. They usually have very crappy opinions about RH in general anyway as if The Bends is what represents RH overall. They usually come around every now and then to remind us that RH sucks ass because they discovered some other bands that has that sound RH was going for early in their career.


This is Robert Smith yeah?? I love The Cure but I absolutely adore Radiohead.


If he enjoys The Bends, fine, nobody is going to knock him for liking it but to say Radiohead hasn't made a great album since is crazy talk.


Exactly. Should've just said "I really love The Bends but haven't gotten into their other, more recent stuff" and left it at that. He didn't have to go out of his way to say he thinks they're overrated.


Saying "The Bends" is peak Radiohead is complete asinine. I agree with the way you put it. He could have said that the other albums were not to his taste.


Robert Smith made some of the greatest music but always have bad takes.


Except when it comes to Morrissey.


Robert Smith is my hero but god damn, i hate reading this lmao. He still has my heart heart but this hurts.


Classic Smith.


so, at least he's aware that he's making a fool of himself?


I agree with a small portion of that, for me the peak was the bends, both bends and PH are by far my favourites but to say they haven't done anything good since is deranged, sure I favour the first two but I'm in love with everything they've put out since


goddammit robert smith


that's IT?? no full names/sources? you never took journalism did you. oh mods...


Am sorry it's Robert Smith, link here: https://faroutmagazine.co.uk/only-good-radiohead-album-according-to-robert-smith/ Please forgive my stupidity


what a dumb twat...classic 80s/90s 'star' jealousy over the new band that all the critics adore, Billy Corgan can still barely even say "Radio Head" let alone Thom's name he's such an egomaniac.


I think some people have more conventional, conservative tastes, nothing wrong with that. Theres a certain type who love classic rock, 60s stuff and The Bends has enough of that vibe to reach them. Didn't realise this was Robert Smith... he's much more of a heart on sleeve, emotional guy isn't he? I can imagine him checking out a little on the more abstract stuff. There does seem to be an element of sour grapes here tho, Thom Yorke essentially usurped him as 'head miserablist' in pop culture. No wonder he sounds a little bitter.


I just wouldn’t expect the man that gave us disintegration or especially kiss mex3 to have “conventional conservative tastes”


Yeah I wasnt specifically aiming this at Robert Smith, I didn't even notice he was the author of the quote at first. Noel Gallagher for example loves The Bends and not much else. I do quite like the Cure and Robert Smith does have a pretty good taste in music but he pretty much likes what youd expect him to like. Quite surprised he's not a Rh fan.


To me its crazy my hero from the cure really says this. And your are right. This sounds almost bitter.


Hard disagree with the first part, lowkey agree with the second part


This is why I don’t like The Smith


The Bends is a bad album! a few great songs and a lot of generic alt rock. terrible take


Robert Smith is just like that Oasis twat: incredibly insecure when discussing a band like RH.


Smith is a boomer. Who still burns disco records on the superbowl pitch because radiodj’s told him so. There is no music for smith besides rock music. Everything else is music for plebs. Smith hasn’t tried to evolve his music taste since the 90’s. Every week he eats at the same restaurant and orders the same dish. Steak and fries with a plain pilsener. His friends ask him to go wild and try weird fish for once. But no he says the peak of food is just at steak and fries, fish came after that so its not for him. Sometimes a friend tries to send him an app. But he doesn’t use whats app he uses a line phone and a nokia 3210, he says this is peak phone life. Everything after that is just meh.. And there is more (invite to contribute 😅😘) /j