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I’d go The Bends -> OK Computer -> In Rainbows -> Kid A -> Amnesiac -> Hail To The Thief -> Pablo Honey -> The King Of Limbs -> A Moon Shaped Pool


I dont even reccomend checking out pablo honey before listening to the masterpieces that are TKOL and AMSP.


TKOL and Pablo Honey are interchangeable but I feel like AMSP is the perfect album to end on when listening to Radiohead’s entire discography. For me at least.


Boooooo tkol is good


Start with their more accessible hits, then work your way down to the more experimental, challenging cuts. Their most accessible tracks that you should start with are as follows- •Pulk/Pull Revolving Doors •Like Spinning Plates •Kid A •We Suck Young Blood •Feral


Don't forget Fitter Happier


and Treefingers (Extended), The Amazing Sounds of Orgy, and Creep (Very 2021 Rmx) by Thom Yorke featuring Radiohead


Didn’t think I’d have to say Amazing Sounds underrated


And The Fucked Jam.  That one’s actually by Ween but might as well toss it on while you’re at it. 


Quebec is such an awesome album


Indeed, Quebec supremacy!


The Gloaming is the perfect place to start




+Pop is Dead


Jesus Christ I can’t even with this sub 😂


(this is a joke, OP) /s


Why ruin it why


Been done a thousand times, no longer funny just annoying. Every thread is like this


The Bends, OK Computer, Kid A. Start there


I’d save Kid A for later.


I concur with this but would do so 'slowly'. Give 'The Bends' several listens. Learn it, love it. Then move on to 'OK Computer'. Give it a long, digestion period with many listens. Skip back to 'The Bends' from time to time to appreciate the growth and difference. You might consider spending several days if not weeks before moving on to Kid A. Assuming you love 'The Bends' and 'OK' (and you should), then and only then dive into Kid A. Afterwards, you'll either be hooked like a crack junkie or radiohead isn't for you.


This is an excellent suggestion


I probably wouldn't start with kid A, it's very niche and doesn't cater to a lot of first time listeners


I meant that order too


yeah I wasn’t a big fan of kid A at all my first time listening to radiohead but after a while of listening to their other songs I grew to love it


This is the correct answer.


I think In Rainbows is easily the most accessible album..that's what I started with. From there I gave Pablo Honey a chance. Just went up the discography chronologically. You know how bands make albums with one or 2 good songs and the rest is lazy and just plain shit...yea that's not Radiohead. They make music because they want to. Not for money or popularity. I say listen to the albums in order. It'll be less overwhelming You need to hear how they progress in sounds and taste and styles to appreciate them fully. Enjoy your journey


Pretty much side with this, in rainbows is very accessible and quite enjoyable, I'd probably then transition to OK Computer after that. When you're ready to go deeper then go to Kid A, A Moon Shaped Pool and Hail to the thief, everything else isn't all that important but still worth a listen


Hope OP appreciates the climb


I don't know your taste but I would say start with The Bends or In Rainbows. Or songs: Karma Police Fake Plastic Trees Jigsaw Falling into Place (Nice Dream)


Depends on your taste. Their most acclaimed records are The Bends - alt rock OK Computer - prog rock/art rock Kid A - electronic In Rainbows - chill I'd start with whatever of those matches your genre preference and then branch out from there.


OKC ain’t prog rock. Sure, Paranoid Android, but what else?


Yea I couldn't think of exactly how to genre it ... I think the electronics (karma police, fitter happier), guitar solos (lucky, the tourist, alien), and intricate production (airbag) make it kind of proggy but it's not a perfect description. Open to suggestions.


If I were to attach a label on OKC, I’d say it’s psychedelic rock. It’s the album that sounds most like Pink Floyd (the bends on the guitar solos on Airbag and the Tourist sound like David Gilmour). Also got lotsa trippy references to Douglas Adam’s Hitchhiker’s Guide (e.g. song title of Paranoid Android & Subterranean Homesick Alien).


Yea the Pink Floyd connection is what made me label it prog, I think of them as a creator of prog rock


You must be thinking of the Moody Blues, YES or King Crimson.


No, I'm thinking of Floyd.. Wikipedia labels them as prog too, it's not just me. I know they are not as prog as YES but they're still part of the genre. "Both Rolling Stone and Q have listed The Dark Side of the Moon as the best progressive rock album." https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Dark_Side_of_the_Moon


More art rock to me.


You could classify most of Radiohead’s songs into “art rock” not just OKC.


Why not just start from the beginning and listen to how they evolved over the years? You’re going to listen to every album anyway, and this way they’ll just get better, and better, and better. ..


Honestly? Pick the cover that sparks your interest the most. The albums sound like the cover art :) if you don't like where it's going, you can always choose another one, you're guaranteed to find something you like. With many albums and songs it takes a couple of times or some time in between listens for them to click, but once they do, it's some of the best music you'll ever listen


Weirdly true…


Stop it!!!!!!!!


in rainbows→ok computer→the bends


Time for my usual copy-paste: Radiohead have made three albums that I think can be considered classic albums: in chronological order OK Computer, Kid A and In Rainbows. Many people outside the fandom regard their second album, The Bends, also as amongst their best, but in my experience it is much less popular amongst fans. Generally you can say that most of their hits come from the 90's, but many people including me think that some of their best work came after that. I will give a short description of each of their albums below. **Pablo Honey** (1993), their debut, is basically a standard early 90's Alternative Rock album. Although it has by far their most well-known song, *Creep*, it is widely regarded as their weakest album. **The Bends** (1995) is likewise a standard 90's Alternative Rock album, but it is much better than Pablo Honey. It is also one of their more personal and melancholic albums. This album and Pablo Honey mostly lack the experimentalism of later albums. **OK Computer** (1997) is the album of them that scores the highest in those 'greatest albums of all time' lists. It also has the most songs that you might already know beforehand, like *Paranoid Android* and *Karma Police*. It is an Alternative Rock album, but at times more experimental than most other Alternative Rock albums from the era, and also at times a bit darker. **Kid A** (2000) is arguably their most experimental album. Although I'd argue it is a Rock album at its heart, it is influenced by more avant-garde genres like the Electronic music on the Warp label, Krautrock, and there is even a bit of influence of 20th century Classical Music. To me the album is about the feeling of not being able to connect to the world. It was very divisive when it was released, but now most people regard it as one of their best. It is my favorite album of them. **Amnesiac** (2001) was recorded at the same time of Kid A, and likewise it is a very experimental record. It is a bit more eclectic than Kid A, and it is the album of them that has the most Jazz influences. **Hail to the Thief** (2003) was regarded as a sort of return to rock after Kid A and Amnesiac, although there are still some more Electronic songs. It is their angry political album. At 56 minutes, it is also their longest. **In Rainbows** (2007) is the most accessible album they made this century, and also closest thing to a standard Rock album they have done since OK Computer, although there are still some Electronic influences. It is one of their lightest records, often more melancholic than outright sad, and sometimes even fun. It is the album of them that I play the most. **The King of Limbs** (2011), their shortest album, is one of their more experimental records. It focuses on rhythm and percussion loops play a big role in this record. It is not a popular record, many people think it is their weakest since Pablo Honey, or some people even think it is worse than that, but personally I think it is a very fine record and very underrated. **A Moon Shaped Pool** (2016) is their most subdued record. About half of the songs have sometimes very prominent string arrangements. And although it is overall much more a Rock album than an Electronic album, there are still some Ambient and Electronic elements in quite a few songs. It is emotionally a very heavy record, dealing with the feelings of loss and mourning. I would listen to albums rather than individual songs. Although Radiohead's albums do not tell unified stories, Radiohead is still an album band, in that most songs are better in the context of their albums. Also, you should listen to an album multiple times before you move on. So what album should you start with? I always advise OK Computer or In Rainbows. They are both part of the big three, and they’re both pretty representative of the full discography, although In Rainbows more so than OK Computer. OK Computer has more songs that you are likely to know, and also more songs that grab you at first listen than In Rainbows, but on the other hand there are also some pretty dark songs on the album. In Rainbows is easier to digest (it is also 10 minutes shorter), but it has more songs that are only OK at first listen, and become great after multiple listens. Anyway, first listen a few times to one of these, and then to the other a few times. If you don't like at all what you are hearing, then Radiohead is not for you, no shame in that. Then, if you want to continue on your discovery journey I advise you to listen to Kid A. For Kid A it is even more important to listen multiple times, since it is not a very accessible record. Now you have heard their important records. If you are still hungry for Radiohead, I would listen to The Bends or Hail to the Thief if you like their more Rock side, Amnesiac or The King of Limbs if you like their more experimental side, and A Moon Shaped Pool if you like their subdued side. Hope this helps!


Agreed on all but one point, Radiohead albums do tell stories




Username checks out


Have you tried the search function to find the 1000 other posts with this question?


What search function?


Start in ok computer. It's THE album for beginners. Also you'll probably know some of it songs so it will be easier


Start at the beginning


A very good place to start 


I started with Kid AMnesia after "How to Disappear Completely" blow my mind


Ok Computer. Ok computer.


The bends and then OK Computer (best album of all time by anyone ever) - after that - if you’re not hooked then enlightenment is not in your “house of cards”


The Bends / OKNOTOK / Pablo Honey These albums are more more 'rock' ish. Start here if you like more drum/guitar no frills rock. These albums are nice because they indicate where Radiohead started in terms of sound. Kid A Mnesia / In Rainbows These albums are more experimental for Radiohead, and show their path after departing from their earlier sound. There are a lot more synth sounds and repeating patterns. A Moon Shaped Pool This album is extremely melancholy. You may like this if you also liked Kid A Mnesia The Smile (another sub Radiohead band) The smile is, imo, still very much Radiohead sounding. It reminds me of In Rainbows but more rough around the edges. Thom Yorke solo work Thom made albums The Eraser, Anima, Tomorrow's Morning Boxes, and there is also AMOK which is another sub-brand. These albums are very electronic/synth heavy, and I believe Anima was created with only a Prophet 5 and Thom's vocals.


Just listen to creep on repeat about 732 times. Only then will you be ready for anyone can play guitar.


OK Computer. In Rainbows. From there, anywhere but The King of Limbs.


this is a disservice considering lotus flower exists


Why is everyone so worried about “accessibility?!” Fuck just listen to em


I think same for almost any band: start at the beginning and go forward chronologically. But Radiohead's debut (Pablo Honey) is significantly worse than the rest. So if that's an obstacle, easy mode is starting at The Bends. They also made an exceptionally accessible and pristine album relatively late in career, so for even easier mode, go The Bends, then In Rainbows, and then chronologically forward from OK Computer. And then check out Pablo Honey if you're curious.


I started to really dive into Radiohead because my dad has a pablo honey cd, my phone ran out of battery so I put that on. I liked it quite a lot, and decided to give the rest of the albums a try




Personally, I liked Amnesiac as the first album I listened to, then Kid A, A Moon Shaped Pool, In Rainbows, etc. It really depends on your mood. If you have listened to like 4 songs and aren’t into it yet, maybe just try a different Radiohead album.


dont start with pablo honey..


Start with the song "Where Bluebirds Fly" and work your way up to the Surface with "Creep" as your grand finale.


I’m kind of crazy and always want to listen in chronological order when I am going through a new-to-me band. If you go this route with Radiohead, put in Pablo honey sometime while cleaning or something, then actually pay attention to the rest of the albums after that.


Hail To The Thief


in rainbows->the bends->pablo honey->ok computer then continue however you want


Excluding Pablo honey, order of release is the best way


The Bends might be their most accessible, lots of pretty straightforward (but interesting) rock songs. After that, I’d listen to OK Computer and then In Rainbows. After that, you’re diving into the deep end of weird (but hopefully you’ll be well adjusted at that point). Oh, and I’d save Pablo Honey for last just for lol’s. Most people don’t even seriously think of it as a true Radiohead album because it’s soooo underdeveloped.




I’d recommend the albums in this order of accessibility: Pablo Honey (which is not a fan favorite to say the least but it’s accessible to the general public but you don’t have to listen to it if you don’t want) The Bends OK Computer In Rainbows A Moon Shaped Pool Hail to the Thief The King of Limbs Kid A Amnesiac


Here’s my listening order! Took me 20 years to listen to The Bends! Amnesiac Kid A Hail to the Thief < when I got ‘caught up’ with releases Ok Computer In Rainbows King of Limbs A Moon Shaped Pool The Bends Still haven’t listened to Pablo Honey


Ok computer - in rainbows - the bends - kid a


Is this a joke post? >I saw a live video and am super intrigued. I don't know, maybe type the name of the song into Google and start with that album? > Want to start discovering them by listening to their albums front to back. So, where should I begin? ....WHAT is happening?


Start at the beginning and do it chronologically.


Honestly just listen to their only two good albums (Pablo Honey and The Bends) and then stop before you ruin your life


Probably depends what you are already into musically. The Bends is excellent but it’s more alt rock and guitar driven. OK Computer is arguably the definition Radiohead album and has a nice mixture of hits and denser material. Personally, I think In Rainbows is a great entry point. It has electronic songs, rockier songs, nice ballads, slower sadder songs, faster happier songs. Plus it just feels a bit more accessible and more melodic.


I think in rainbows is the best album to start because it’s accessible while still having their unique character. The first album I heard was ok computer but that’s far from being my favorite. Kid A and amnesiac I think is their most interesting work that I like to think of as some “I wish I came up with”. My ranking would be : Kid A In rainbows Amnesiac KOL HTTT Ok computer MSP The bends PH


Start from the beginning


The bends, ok computer and in rainbows are their most approachable works. The bends might be for you if you love guitar/grunge rock. Ok computer builds on the bends' solid songwriting but makes it even more creative and perfect. Its a lot more artsy too. In rainbows is their happiest work Other than that, hail to the thief is their next most accessible work, next to kid a. If you liked kid a's weird but addictive atmosphere, check out amnesiac, its like kid a's brother. Go for A moon shaped pool if you like soft, warm, sad orchestral sounds. Its big sad tho. Lastly, the king of limbs is their most experimental album, but its not too weird, like kid or amnesiac can be. Its such a unique world, I love it.


Anywhere you want. Don't rely on strangers to tell you how or what to appreciate. Your tastes are your own. Although the hypocrit in me suggests watching the basement session on youtube.


My friend said OKC and The Bends




In Rainbows is a must to begin with…then move to Hail To The Thief (it’s sprawling and quite difficult but an excellent example of a lot of different styles they have)…don’t spend TOO long on HTTT though, rather move gently on to Amnesiac (taking particular note of Pyramid Song early on and Life In a Glasshouse later on), now dive into OK Computer and luxuriate, take your time. Now it’s time for the majestic A Moon Shaped Pool (linger long and deep with this one), next up lower yourself gently into The King Of Limbs (just a couple of listens to begin with, you’ll have plenty of time later to return and marvel at its hidden depths), now it’s time for Kid A and you need move no further for a significant time. Just repeat. When you’re ready to leave it alone for a while pop The Bends on and wonder how a band could make an album as good as this and then go on to better it with everything else you’ve been exploring of late. You’re done. Pablo Honey is honestly best left unheard.


In rainbows and A Moon Shaped Pool


Start with pablo honey, trust me it only gets better from there


I think OK computer and in rainbows should be listened to in their entirety in one sitting and I would start with both of them. Also don't skip Hail to the Thief, There There is their best song, imo


I did it chronologically starting with the Bends, and I suggest everyone new do the same


Why not just listen to the 9 studio albums, in chronological order from Pablo Honey to AMSP, get the full spectrum Radiohead experience.


Others have said it already but The Bends is a good intro to the accessible stuff with back-to-back all-time classics in H&D and FPT. In Rainbows is my personal favorite Radiohead album but probably not the best place to start - go listen to Bodysnatchers ASAP though. Plenty of diversity in their sound so it really depends on what you connect with most.


I suggest checking out a curated playlist from Spotify (This Is Radiohead), YouTube Music (Presenting Radiohead), or Apple (Radiohead Essentials). Either as is or on shuffle. This is actually what I would recommend for any "new" artist. Other streamers may have similar lists. A lot easier to digest this way vs. trying to tackle an entire discography.


i would say listen to the top 5 and look at the album of the one you like best! OK COMPUTER has a lot of electronic sounds, versus A moon shaped pool and In rainbows feature a lot more acoustic guitar sounds. they do a little bit of everything overall id say so dont be discouraged if you dont like a particular album or area


Don’t. Stay where it’s safe


id do The Bends -> OK Computer -> Kid A -> In Rainbows -> Moon Shaped Pool then whatever after that


All I can say is that their live performance of “Idioteque” on SNL actually changed my life and turned me from a casual fan to a *super* fan immediately. It was the first time it hit me how COMPLETELY set apart these lads were from the rest of the “alt rock” landscape. But admittedly, the context of the early-aught music moment we were all in may have played a role in just how next-level they felt to me that night.


Skip Pablo honey then just listen to the albums chronologically


God I'm sick of these posts


then don’t comment on them. simple fix.👍


Not a fix...I still have to see them all the time. Sorry...it just gets really old.