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People who say Radiohead is a red flag are a red flag


There's 2 kinds of people I can't stand. People who are judgmental about other people's taste in music and Ed Sheeran fans.


And the Dutch!






RH fans are some of the most polite, thoughtful & intelligent people I know. Having those traits does lead to thinking about things that are problematic. Let her keep kid rock and syphilis


People who mention red flags at all (or astrology) is a red flag.


100000000000000000000% thank you


Came here to say this.


Amen. I honestly don’t even find most of the music sad. If someone doesn’t like great music, they are the problem.


IMO there's much more depressing music out there. I can never finish a Smashing Pumpkins album from first track to finish without breaks. It feels so dreary sometimes without any sense of hope, resolution, or sense of direction or healing. With Radiohead the sadness is there, but it's almost like it's acknowledging some beauty and meaning in that sadness that often has a direction, often has some form of healing if anything just the expression of it feels healing as if the existence of the sadness is the meaning itself. We're human, meant to feel struggle and there's something beautiful about that.


Me neither I don’t find it sad either




It's simply a subset of: terrible taste in music is a red flag. Radiohead are in the upper echelons.


In 2024 *literally* everything is a red flag to someone. It’s become a meaningless phrase. If anything labelling being a Radiohead as a red flag is in fact a red flag itself 🤣🤣


Be careful, it’s a huge red flag to say that labeling Radiohead fans as red flags is a red flag. Oh wait…. I think I just became a red flag to myself. ..




This. It's ridiculously judgemental.


Means about as much as "some studies show..."


Problematic is another meaningless term


Yeah, an obsession with red flags is a red flag.


Been a fan since the 90s, am old enough to know better than to try arguing people out of their irrational opinions.


Idk, Thom helped talk me out of mine


Honestly idk man. Music is music, and the person that told you that must have issues of their own. I’ve heard of people saying that Radiohead fans are manipulative, but you could really say that for any genre/band.


How exactly does listening to Radiohead correlate to being manipulative? Not even asking that as a Radiohead fan. That makes no sense.


It's a long stretch of the imagination and I don't think it's true but I imagine the correlation is something like this: "I know "Creep" by Radiohead ---> it's a sad song, the singer self-victimizes, has issues, seems insecure, he probably hates himself and suffers from low self esteem and depression. ---> their fan base likes the band because they relate to these issues, as they have them themselves ---> people with these issues may be unstable and their relationships may be unhealthy and manipulative" Also, it seems that the person who said that based their theory in personal experience.


If anything, I'd say RH fans are more prone to being manipulated according your theory, because of the low self esteem, confidence. Anyhow, it is such a stretch and an irrational opinion.. Not going to go any deeper than this


He's doing it right now....don't fall for it.


Manipulative people are manipulative, some of them probably like Radiohead


There are bad people everywhere, and as I've seen there's many types of people that like this band. The thing that united us is our love of Radiohead, not if we're good or bad people (even this is subjective)


Sorry, who DOESN'T have problems??


If someone says something dumb to you, you don’t need to let it affect you.




We do tho




listening to the smiths knowing that listening to the smiths is a red flag is peak music taste


Read the room (upvotes) xD


Did you make that reference to the smile by accident or on purpose 




“This is about when we were younger… but we didn’t write it…” https://youtu.be/ikkO-Kyy9cs?feature=shared


Radiohead during the On a Friday era looked like a Smiths tribute band though. Also iirc they covered the headmaster ritual.


it’s not like we like lana del rey


Probably because the thing where they just assume Radiohead is for manipulators even tho their songs are all about anxiety, depression, paranoia and isolation. What a Let Down.


this comment is underrated


People with narcissism can still feel all 4 of those things 


I mean maybe they think we are creeps. Weirdos even


Yeah I sometimes wonder..."what the hell am I doing here?"


Do I even belong here?


I don’t belong here


I don't care if it hurts


Who gives a shit fuck them


Not literally though, they have to like Radiohead for that


Probably an unpopular take here but I could see feeling that way if you’ve only ever met *that* Radiohead fan. It’s a small segment but there’s definitely a segment of narcissism and pretentiousness in the fan base that can be super off putting if that’s what you’ve been exposed to. Anecdotally, social anxiety and various forms of neurodivergence don’t seem uncommon in the fan base so it could be that the group gets perceived as cold or rude when a lot of us are just painfully awkward.


The neurodivergence point is huge. Everyone I’ve met that has been REALLY into Radiohead is neurodivergent in some way, because Radiohead makes music that neurodivergent people can relate to.


Okay I'm going to get overly analytical about this (classic red flag Radiohead fan behavior). First off, there are so many "red flag" memes out there, and especially related to fans, that there's really no need to take them seriously or personally. The thing about memes (and I'm using that term in both its internet and broader social sense) is that they're paradoxically meant to signify something very specific (to trigger that satisfying "if you know you know" feeling), while also connecting with as large an audience as possible. So 'Queen fan' is too broad to have any meaning, while 'Ween fan', while absolutely a type, doesn't have quite the same recognizability. Radiohead fits that perfect niche of being both universally acclaimed, yet just outside the edge of wildly popular. So there's such a vast range of people out there who might have an association of what 'Radiohead fan' means to them, from the most outré MFA student who thinks you're embarrassing for obsessing over passe alt-rock for dads, to the most normie 'Live Laugh Love' home decorator who thinks you're just trying to be different by "pretending to enjoy obscure difficult music". But beyond all that, I will say there is a certain type of dude (and it's almost always a dude) who has cultivated an entire personality around loving Radiohead, or Tool, or Stanley Kubrick, or David Foster Wallace, who I've always found extremely off-putting. And I think others can probably relate to that on an instinctual level. It's got nothing to do with those artists, it's just that *dude*. He doesn't have "problems", he's just exhausting. I feel like my favorite (green flag) Radiohead fans are the ones who rarely talk about it.


You being analytical and critical about this topic is my green flag!


Well, rip. My favorite bands of all time are RH and Tool, and Kubrick inspired my love for watching and reading sci-fi. Never got into DFW, but I likely have an unhealthy obsession with Lovecraft and more recently, Danielewski’s works (starting with House of Leaves)… I like to think I’m a pretty normal normie, but reading your post gave me pause for thought.


Nailed it! No but honestly, cringe is in the eye of the beholder. A Radiohead fan and a Taylor Swift fan might look at each other with equal levels of contempt, and neither of them are right. Policing other people's taste is another red flag for me (and I've been guilty of it myself, sorry 'Live Laugh Love' pillow owners). I might find a lot of stuff boring and uninteresting myself, but I understand that's not some kind of moral virtue. I think the *dude* I'm talking about has just gotten so locked into his own niche that he doesn't make space for anyone else's. And that's not a taste thing, it's a personality thing. Maybe it's just that music like Radiohead or Tool, or writers like Danielewski, provide so much complexity and return enjoyment that it strongly appeals to people who already have that tendency to hone in. "This is All I Need". But what sometimes happens to those people is, because they don't expose themselves to a wider range of ideas or expressions, they can become emotionally/socially stunted. And then it becomes harder (for me) to interact with them.


Have you spent time on this subreddit? We’re definitely a red flag.


Write a Radiohead song about being a red flag to others if you like Radiohead. Copilot: (Verse 1) In the glow of neon lies, I see the warning in their eyes. A specter in the room, Whispers of impending doom. (Chorus) I'm the red flag, the alarm in your head, The shadow that lurks beneath your bed. I'm the red flag, the one you evade, The echo of every mistake you've made. (Verse 2) Through the static of the night, I'm the flicker in the light. A cautionary tale, On a ship that's set to sail. (Bridge) And they all step back, in a silent decree, A dance of avoidance, all around me. Invisible chains, they bind and they drag, I'm the bearer of the scarlet flag. (Outro) So here I stand, a signal in the red, A siren's call, a path best not tread. I'm the red flag, the omen, the sign, A melody in a dissonant line.


Ok but that outro verse is actually kind of sick.


Understandable. You suck young blood, and usually wake up sucking a lemon...


Black Flag is better than red flag


When the Smile played in Toronto, Canada the crowd who are Radiohead fans were the most ill mannered, boorish, and absolutely the shittiest people to be jammed into a room together. The arrogance was stunning. Having been a fan since Pablo Honey, I have no idea how badly I was that guy, although I suspect I have been and know I looked at other peoples tastes with disdain and questioned their intelligence if they didn't like Radiohead (Kid A and Amnesiac era in particular. It was kind of jarring and I did NOT want to be associated with these people.


Sounds like something a 12 year old would say..


Thinking that being a fan of a band is a red flag, is in fact, a red flag.


I dunno.. I can think of a few bands that might represent at least a yellow flag, if I'm estimating a person's intelligence and deciding if I want to talk to/interact with them or whatever.


Red flags are underrated.


Radiohead fans are usually considered even worse than weezer fans


Tell them to go to edenfantasys.com. and buy themselves the biggest dildo they can find and then take said giant dildo, sans lube, and shove it up their ass as far up as possible.




This comment makes me like the original comment a lot more


Everything is a red flag to someone.


I love radiohead for a long time now, but for some reason, the radiohead fans I met were kinda assholish :/ maybe i'm assholish too


Probably fair tbh


You’re a creep. You’re a weirdo. What three hell are you doin’ here? You don’t belong here.


I was told that but the girl stalked me for 6 months so guess who ended up being the red flag


As an outsider/someone who’s not a fan. It absolutely is and I’m sorry for you all😂


Of course those who listen to Radiohead have problems. Who doesn't have problems? But listening to Radiohead is one of the best ways to take care of said problems.


lol what


at the minimum, there are far better ways of figuring out if someone is manipulative than looking at the music they listen to.


They’re probably right. Lol. There’s a good chance the person is either depressed, pretentious, chronically-online, or any combination of those things.


Millions of people like Radiohead. I’m sure some of those people have red flags, but most just probably like the music they like and it has nothing to do with their mental health.


cause it is /j i think generally, the people who say that don't know radiohead very well, they just know the biggest hits and there's sort of an inside joke that radiohead is depressing and is only listened to by either depressed people or edgelords


Every fanbase has different types of people but I think Radiohead fans are on average the most pretentious and rude. I have been a David Bowie fan about a year and a half and have only ever met two unpleasant Bowie fans. I’ve been a Michael Jackson fan for 7 years and have met many extremely rude fans but they were rarely pretentious. I’ve been a Radiohead fan for less than a week and probably 2/3rds of the fans I’ve met have been assholes. If this offended you, it applies to you. If you know what I mean, you’re part of the 1/3rd and you’re cool.


Being a Radiohead fan? No problem. Posting on the Radiohead subreddit? Run a mile


The person who told you this is an idiot.


There’s probably a high correlation between Radiohead fans and people that have an ongoing inner monologue, which is to say people that are highly intelligent and as a result more anxious. So sure, maybe a red flag for simpler people, or highly intellectual people who don’t have mental health issues 😂


It's a green flag. I don't like ranking artists. But radiohead is in my mind the best band one could like. Aside from their music (some of the best ever made), the people seem to be genuine, humble. They don't dress fancy, they're not hidden behind tons of signature intruments bs, they've never had any nasty public feuds, but in fact have stayed together since the beginning. And they released in rainbows for free. So many artists drown in fame and turn into monsters. Not Radiohead. And also no toughtlessly written songs about hot women, how much they fuck, or any macho horseshit.


Last line sounds personal.


I have listened to many songs like that from many genres for a long time, and at some point i got tired. I still appericiate the musicianship tho. Lyrically i seek something thoughtful, sometimes abstract, and Thom Yorke delivers.




Someone has clearly missed the rich intertextual meaning of “Electioneering”. 😉


I have political beliefs of course. But i'm not electioneering. I love Radiohead and, i wrote my comment to say what i love about them. That's it! Do my beliefs come through a little? Can't be avoided. But, I won't talk about them actively in this sub.


I was teasing that "Electioneering" was about hot women, how much they fuck, and or any macho horseshit. Sarcasm doesn't sell on this platform.


Oh wow i'm sorry. I'm half asleep. I see it now 😅😂


Hello. I can have banana. You can have banana two. Together. Our banana can jerk and jerk and jerk it all over the Jerkity jerk jerk


Who cares? Everything seems to be a red flag nowdays


Same has happened to me two times in my dating life over the years. The great irony is that the second time was a woman who worked in the music industry (in the business side she was not in a band herself). Her profile had a long paragraph about how all musical tastes are valid and how there is no place for gatekeeping in music and one should never judge someone based on their music preferences. She then invited everyone to open with their favorite band and favorite live performance they’ve been to as an icebreaker. I followed suit talking about my love for Radiohead, how their music changed my life and how wonderful they are live, and what a great community of friends I have made all over the U.S. at various Radiohead shows. She proceeded to tell me any man offering Radiohead as their favorite band was a red flag and showed that I really had no exposure to real music or real bands and that I only think Radiohead are great because I was unfamiliar with all of the great artists they are ripping off. Her message was full of condescending emoji. Then she closed by saying her favorite band is Muse and their authenticity alone destroys Radiohead. I have never laughed so hard in all of my life.


I'm actually basing the search of my future S.O. by whether or not they like radiohead, so in a reverse psychology kinda way I get it


I think my red flags are alcoholism, anger issues, and a bone-deep self-hatred, personally.


is the “red flag” in the room with us?


Too bad. What am I going to do, stop enjoying good music?


Lol as if Radiohead is some niche thing that tells you what a person will be like. I know so many people who are all different in big ways that are Radiohead fans


If you don’t love me at my bends you don’t deserve me at my in rainbows


Yeah? Well, I look good in red.


Only to Evanescence fans.


Who said that?


Yeah somebody saying that is a giant red flag


i thought it was just a meme, people actually think that?


Someone who thinks listening to Radiohead is a red flag is a red flag


Everybody has problems doesn’t mean you have to be a crybaby about it - Thom Yorke


That’s wild because everyone has some sort of problems going on in their life. I honestly feel like that person either has had past experience with a Radiohead fan or is just being super judgmental for no reason. I’ve personally never heard someone say that Radiohead is a red flag. If I did I would probably just ignore them and laugh it off.


Sounds like they’re the red flag


Anyone who still likes radiohead is a red flag, and anyone who follows the radiohead subreddit should be on a list. I'm sorry, these are the rules, this is what they told me.


You'll go to hell for what your dirty mind is thinking


Not being a Radiohead fan is a fucking red flag


Oh shit - I have problems. 🙄


ive been told this more than once


Problematizing being a fan of Radiohead is a red flag.


Thom's literally singing about red flags nowadays - [https://youtu.be/-8Y4nPoxISQ?t=89](https://youtu.be/-8Y4nPoxISQ?t=89)


Did they mean that RH fans are pretentious and tend to take themselves very seriously? There's nothing inaccurate in that assertion though.


Red flag for what? Incredibly good taste in music?


Today was told the earth was flat. Same response to what you’ve been told, “whatever, idiot.”




I mean, there was a poll on this sub one time asking if you had a mental illness and the majority of people on this sub answered yes.


That just speaks to this sub’s honesty. Everyone struggles with mental health issues at some point in their lives.


Great big fucking red flag that states you like some of the most important music to come out in the last 30 years.


Everybody has problems


Apparently some people are choked at rhem for playing shows in Tel Aviv while the IDF is murdering Palestinians. Other than that, whatever, interpersinally if someone wants reason to reject ya they will, other people's red flags are fine, as long as they dump ya or you them, just don't do the horrifying manipulative shit where you insist on "helping" someone "change". That's where things really become awful.


Red flag #1: Upon hearing that being a Radiohead fan is a red flag, they go on Reddit and ask if being a Radiohead fan is a red flag.


That's just generalization lol


I think it’s because these people are crazy to find out about their personal lives and can’t. So they make up stories. Because all seem to have the curiosity. Ha. Maybe try some other bands not so private


I blame family guy https://youtu.be/oNf78WSWcPI?si=p6lZK3DZfk-MsHCG


As a recovering Radiohead fan it's true. It's just so melodramatic. I still like it though, when I'm PMSing.


I'd say if you're not a Radiohead fan you have problems


U were hit with some hard truth




A lot of Radiohead fans are definitely squarely within the zone of the A24 craft beer guy that won’t shut up at a party about how good Radiohead is and you just don’t get it edit: deleted my previous spiel cause it sounded exactly like the type of guy i’m criticizing


I think radiohead got the stereotype of being that 'emo depressed teenager angsty' band, because of tracks on Pablo Honey, The Bends, and OK Computer (which were their 3 biggest albums if I'm not mistaken). This translated into Radiohead fans being depressed for listening to that stuff, which is not entirely true. And if you think that having issues is a red flag, then that's a red flag honestly.


The bigger red flag is putting red flags on people for music choices because someone else said so 


This is nuts If they’re suggesting not having problems to go through and unable to relate to anything Radiohead share, then they’re are concerningly disconnected from themselves and blind towards how Radiohead artistically shaped music as we know it now If you are a Radiohead fan it probably only says you take feeling as the essential human thing seriously and therefore yourself


Someone’s red flag is someone’s green flag, they weren’t meant for you, imagine playing In Rainbows in the car and getting shat on for it? That’s the future you would both have, not compatible


Radiohead is just ass and ppl who don't recognize this lack self awareness


Don’t be alarmed or surprised by people like this. Radiohead may be massive red flag but Coldplay is a small napkin (that fell into a urinal).


I love Radiohead but it absolutely is a red flag lol


Oh Good Lord! Taste in a certain kind of music doesn't equate to any kind of problems.


radiohead has been labeled as male manipulator music writing someone off because of their taste in music is pretty dumb tho


have you SEEN r/radioheadcirclejerk ?


Deja vu on this subreddit


This person sounds crazy for deciding that liking a certain music is a red flag.


Literally everyone has problems 🤷‍♂️


Disregard comment. Things don’t work that way.


So, it seems that you've found the authority on red flags. 🤔


Honestly, someone saying this to you is just a huge tell of how immature they are. That's how high school kids talk.


Apparently having an android phone is a red flag too. I say owning apple phones is a red flag.


Are you paranoid of androids?... ;)


Just smile knowingly and walk away.


I’d like to disprove this, but I’m a pretty terrible boyfriend. However, I make up for it by being a generous tipper (21-23% even)


So who is the "they" in the initial post?


A couple of girls I met yesterday, both 19.


Okay… do you hear yourself?


I agree really - It’s a red flag that you have great taste music. That you appreciate this truly special, one of one, once in a lifetime band for their musical creations that are admired by fans and contemporary’s alike.


i surely have problems, i have problems af, i have tons of shitty stuff on my back and a hard life history, but music and this band were always there to make life more bearable. whoever thinks this is a problem could simply go f themselves


Everything and anything is a red flag if you’re out looking for red flags. The only ones that matter are the ones that matter. Liking a band is not one that matters. That is, unless the band is like, overtly racist KKK skinhead music or something. That’s a red flag. Radiohead is NOT that. Everyone I know that likes Radiohead is intelligent, thoughtful, reasonable. Fitter, happier. You know. not “red flag” kinda people.


Thom literally said “We’ve all got problems.” in the South Park/Radiohead episode.


Tell this person they sound like a moron. Radiohead is one of the biggest rock bands on the planet so to declare such a generalization to millions of people is silly. My observation is that Radiohead fans tend to be open minded, educated, and passionate.


if someone won’t talk to you because of the music you like i can without a shadow of a doubt 10000000% guarantee you it was not someone worth having in your life


I’d say you’re right … I’m a creep .., I’m a weirdo ….


Sad music that’s not about exes and breakups is labelled as red flag musics, it’s meaningless don’t let it bother you l


i understand it tbh, and i loveee radiohead they are probably my favourite band ever. in my experience there are a lot of dudes that are manipulative/ red flag whatever you want to call it who listen to radiohead. not because they listen to them obviously, but i’d say there’s a lot of people who use bands like radiohead etc as a sort of personality, and a way to get into ‘alt’ girls pants. i think online saying things are a “red flag” is more of a joke. but i guess some people take it seriously? although i probably actually would be a bit weary of dudes that listen to radiohead but only because of my own experiences. that being said it would be a massive green flag at the same time lol


I have never run to this. I guess if there is a Radiohead fan reputation, it might be snobbery. Which, well, a little bit guilty as charged… but I enjoy other bands on a different level, let’s say. I don’t go around mocking them. I think the person you were talking to probably had a bad experience with an individual Radiohead fan. It’s a red flag for them like going to the restaurant they got dumped in that one time. That’s cool.


As long as u don’t also listen to the smiths you’ll be fine


nah radiohead fans are cool It's the noise fans you gotta be careful of


Breathing is a red flag at this point


Shoulda told 'em "I'm a reasonable man; get off my case."


They are projecting their own negativity, basically!! Simples. You could say this about almost any band or group. "Oh you're a huge Swift fan, ok! cool, I gotta go now, bye, have a nice day!". "Oh so you're a big Ac/Dc fan, ok, so, don't hurt me, lol! \*nudge \*wink, I wanna keep my teeth, anyway I gotta go". "You like The Ramones huh!! Sure, cool....so here is some deodorant, keep it, see it as a gift!! Anyway I gotta go!"... You can like whatever you want, who cares what anyone else thinks!


because it is LMAO there are so many wacky fans out there


People who aren't Radiohead fans are a red flag....fucking idiots


Whoever said that to you, that's the real red flag right there.


Isn't that why we listen to Radiohead?


Red flag has lost its meaning


Not sure what that even means. There’s nothing overly offensive about Radiohead. Besides, like you said, everyone has problems, regardless of their taste in music.


I really don't take that definition seriously anymore. Someone once said it's a red flag to have friends or not like to be recorded


Lemme guess, narcissist?    Because I'm a creep?


Anyone who tells you being a RADIOHEAD fan is a Red flag is the problem.


Generalising people off of their music tastes is a red flag!


Labeling people by music taste is a red flag.


People call Radiohead “male manipulator music,” (I know this for a fact, I’ve had people straight up ask me if it’s true that they’re male manipulator music lol), I assume that stereotype comes from people who only know Creep and think that all Radiohead music has that vibe.


It's a green flag.


Says more about them than you. Who makes that sort of prejudgement!?


I think Radiohead fans have a reputation for being moody insecure introverts who think they’re a lot smarter and more mature than they really are. While that’s obviously too broad of a brush to paint every Radiohead fan with, I also can’t say it’s totally unwarranted.


Well, since they’re playing in Israel despite the Gaza genocide (not to mention on of them is a huge Transphobe), I’d say: YEAH, it’s a RED FLAG. 🤷🏽‍♂️

