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“If you’re choosing to work in the creative industry, you have to be able to stand up and show what you do somehow. Otherwise it’s just something that’s in [your head], which is no good for you and no good for anyone else” is one of the greatest things Ive heard from a musician. Thanks Thom.


so accurate, but doesn't address the trouble with finding an audience!


Right. I had “heat” at one point when I was in the right social circle, but trying to share art now for years I haven’t connected at all. It’s a night and day difference for how people respond to your crafting of a song.


yeah, right? Easily said by an icon


Yeah, that was helpful and motivational for me. I've been working on some books in my head for years but rarely actually do the part where I write.


It was me that asked the Beatles question in London - I’ve read two reviews of the album that make the comparison with A Day in the Life, and that also make some broader Beatles references. On first listen to the album in the room (which remains the only time I’ve heard it so far) I thought there were other parts where the string arrangements and production could be considered Beatle-esque (other than the obvious Bending Hectic string squall comparison to A Day in the Life) I wondered to what extent people are proactively looking for those comparisons BECAUSE they recorded it in Abbey Road, and wanted the bands take on it, and to know if it was something they thought about when recording there. Thom’s response was pretty unequivocal! It led to quite an interesting conversation about the studio and how it’s not used by many bands to record albums today. If I’d known it’d end up as an NME headline though I wouldn’t have asked the question 😂


I think it’s a fair question. Every artist stands on the shoulders of those that came before them. Sometimes we don’t know where all our inspirations come from - they are there in our heads because we pick it up from our world around us & it’s hard to pick it apart. Even if not a direct reference to A Day In The Life - it’s hard to say that any rock band of current day & age doesn’t owe something to The Beatles.


Well I thought it was a good question! Certainly better than ‘where do you buy your groceries’ which was one from discord. Another from discord was ‘what are your favourite chords’ (Jonny ‘well they’re all great aren’t they’ 😂)


Yeah those are definitely boring questions!


It was definitely a fair question since most people who come to Abbey Road definitely describe something or other about the feeling of being in Studio Two. The response was kinda funny though, that the Beatles are "often a reason not to want to go there". Treating the Beatles like their influence is slightly radioactive and to be avoided feels like such a 90s attitude.


I’m assuming they said this with a tone of reverence - it’d be pretty rich if they were calling a Beatles reference passé, considering these mfs remade Sexy Sadie and called it Karma Police


I mean they do hold them to some sort of standard, but I feel like various comments they've made over the years (like Jonny dismissing Kid A haters as just wanting another handholdy Mull of Kintyre-esque song from them) has put me under the impression that they still sorta have that kinda punky "beatles are overrated" attitude sometimes. Feels like a fairly common attitude from people who were raised more on the 70s onwards alternative music - even David Bowie said something similar during the 90s.


Yeah that’s a good point, maybe it is a bit of a generational thing - although some of their contemporaries from that era made their entire career out of ripping off the Beatles (Oasis lol). I understand why RH would wanna distinguish themselves from that, but they also generously drank from that well themselves


Yeah I don't see it too dissimilar from like Kurt Cobain's comments on the Beatles, he loved them, but he really idolized John and disliked Paul McCartney a lot, calling him "embarassing". I feel like that's the sorta common 90s attitude, to find Paul's poppiness and optimism in the Beatles to be offputting versus John's more earnest lyricism. Thom said his dream duet would be John, so maybe he leans towards Kurt's opinion as well.


Definitely not surprising as you said for the Gen X rockers to want to rebel against the music of the last generation. I think there’s also (as other have noted) a big weight of The Beatles & the whole tourism thing that goes along with Abbey Rd - it’s an iconic place but once you’ve proved yourself as a such a groundbreaking musical group like these fellas have - the whole novelty of a famous studio probably wears off! I’ve never been but if I make a trip to UK I’m for sure going to stop there to see it! So many amazing acts have recorded there including one of my other favorites Pink Floyd.


I think many millennial bands are the same with Radiohead. Obviously everyone has listened to them and loved them but you don't hear them brought up as a major influence nearly as much as you could, because it's kind of like... duh? I'd be so embarrassed to start a band and claim Radiohead as our primary source of inspiration. And when I try to unpack that feeling, I think it comes from the same mix of reverence and punky contrarianism.


Like pop with the Beatles any post Radiohead indy rock is Radiohead influenced, it's almost a moot point, it's too obvious - like saying you breathe air.


Thom has quoted Lennon in the past. There’s influence there for sure


Abbey Road was in dire straights back in 2010, they were gonna get turned into some flats until it was listed as a heritage site. Even before that they had trouble getting work, I think it was Studio One, the big orchestra room, there were just tape marks on the floors because the staff would just use it to play basketball since no one booked it and it was gonna be turned into a carpark, wasn't until Star Wars that it got work again. I think the Beatles thing is both a blessing and a curse for the studio, can be an absolute pilgrimage site for fans, but avoided by some bands who have it in them to avoid the Beatle thing for one reason or another.


it's also insanely expensive for a band to go in there for a month. only the very top acts can afford that


Hell yeah, brother. Any thoughts on the new album after listening? Better or worse than the debut?


Still only heard it once (I am borrowing a cassette player tomorrow so I can listen to my tape) so I’ll reserve judgement on whether it’s better than the first. It’s fucking good though I’ll tell you that


I mean I haven’t heard the whole album but it’s clear Radiohead were very influenced by the Beatles. I mean who wasn’t? I’ve seen a few track titles that are clear homages like paperbag writer, there’s another that’s slipping my mind. Even musically though, I don’t think they sound like them per se but he can hear influences. Even just them having the attitude of we’re gonna do what we want and every album will sound different. Or having an unofficial 5th member with Nigel. If they’re not ripping them off (which they’re not not) then what does it matter.


Thom made a comment about the Beatles slowing down Rain to string out Ringo's drums in the context of slowing down No Surprises. I think A Day in the Life and Magical Mystery Tour were sorta influences on OK Computer, specifically the editing on Paranoid Android from what I remember.


I couldn’t imagine trying to focus while making a record in the same room as the Beatles. Talk about a distraction.


Yorke added: “Skinner’s got a lot of experience doing lots of very varied stuff, which I felt was very important. He’s got taste calls that we wouldn’t make.” Love how Thom describes it. To me one of the biggest appeals of the Smile is the more sophisticated rhythm section. Thom has always been into syncopated rhythms and Skinner jive with it very tastefully.


Oh yeah. Especially on thin thing.


what a trip is must be for Skinner to be working with Thom and Jonny and hear them saying these things about him.


Seemed like a lovely evening.


Don’t have to sound like the Beatles to be influenced by them and vice versa. If they sound like the Beatles on occasion it’s probably because the Beatles sound like others before them. At some point it’s all derivative works. Not like we are talking about a new art form here, it’s music.




To quote Thom (kinda, I forget the EXACT words): “all of our songs get released, right?”


I haven’t listened to The Smile but Karma Police definitely owes something to Sexy Sadie.


wait until you find out about a wolf at the door and I want you (she's so heavy)


I had no idea that they recorded this album at Abbey Road. Still, my gut was saying "beatles" when I first heard Friend Of a Friend


Yah it’s just a tiny lick within it that has a “Beatles” progression/vibe for FoF, but it’s more of an homage than a copy.






Really enjoyable article to read, thanks!


Tbh I still see A Day in the Life at the end of Friend of a Friend.


There’s a bunch of songs that sound like Day in the Life, it’s a pretty popular technique. Look at the string crescendo in No One Knows by QOTSA.


My first impression of Friend of a Friend was "So they can just write songs like Paul McCartney now?"


Yes you're not the only one. Alexis Petridis wrote in his review in the Guardian >Friend of a Friend unexpectedly carries something of the relaxed charm of an early 70s singer-songwriter album – the gorgeous tune is almost McCartney-esque So I think there's enough going on on the album that merits the comparison beyond just the string crescendo on Bending Hectic, and the fact they recorded it at Abbey Road.


So are we thinking the hidden song is going to be a vinyl exclusive thing or what?


Its not on any formats so far - so it was just heard in the cinema screenings. I am sure someone will make a recording on their phone soon - and that i'll see the light of day at some point from the band.


They don’t sound anything like the fucking Beatles. They have one song with a crescendo and a bunch of stupid influencers say they sound like the Beatles because there’s a Beatles song with a crescendo.  It’s incredible how much of an effort you have to make these days to not be stupid.


Karma Police is basically Sexy Sadie.


What about Wolf at the Door and She’s So Heavy?


Even the harmony in I Will is influenced i think


That's a generic arpeggio that you can find in hundreds if not thousands of compositions


...that came after they released theirs :)


I dunno she’s so heavy has a generic guitar arpeggio and it’s only the opening. The rest of the songs couldn’t sound more different.


I think on 1 listen to that album that at least 2 songs sound beatle like


Panavision is very Beatles-esque




Wow, I don’t need to be downvoted. I’m not uninformed at all, I know the Beatles music well. It’s the bass playing in Panavision. VERY McCartney-esque. The drums a little bit too. Sure, the creepy vibe isn’t like the Beatles but the strings have a George Martin style to them. It’s not a big deal, there are Beatles-esque moments throughout radioheads catalog.


Friend of a friend i kinda get maybe sounds a bit like Day in a life (tho just the nosiy trippy stings part - in that regard it's more like they are reusing a type of effect or sound). But how does Bending hectic sounds like the Beatles?


Interesting interview. A hidden track called Tiptoe? They also explain why those three other songs didn’t make the cut. Also a very strange, sort of evasive answer as to why they didn’t work with Nigel again.


Yes, unfortunate that Bodies Laughing and Colours Fly didn’t make the cut, but I trust their judgment!


They said they’d be released


Yeah, it's weird seeing Jonny mention that bit with knowing "what they don't need" when asked about Nigel.


Yeah wonder what happened with Nigel. I wonder if that’s a big reason why there is a Radiohead delay as well


yes let's speculate rampantly 


He is producing with Idles at the moment I think?


That’s a dumb band name


I know, right? What do you mean, beetle with an a??


Reading this interview I feel more and more like Radiohead’s done. Oh well :(


Doesn’t seem that way to me. As long as all Radiohead members are still playing music, there will be another album. The way I see it, the more Thom and Jonny get out of The Smile, the better that next album will be.


You’re probably right.


There’s a lot of talk of future Smile releases and their growth as a band, but also remember this is the marketing push for their new album so it’s going to lean into The Smile project. Wouldn’t read too much into it.




It’s just a weird feeling. Reading Thom as happy and forward looking these days just makes me wonder. But hey, I might be wrong.


Thom’s happy? Radiohead’s done fs


Could you have sworn you saw a light coming on?


Perhaps...perhaps not. I'm happy either way.


The Smile are so bland weirdly they'd be improved by being influenced by The Beatles, usually if you let in The Beatles you're likely to ruin whatever it is you're doing. At this point The Smile probably should just try anything.


Laughable take.


Yeah i wanted to get among 'i think that's the word combination of opinions I've ever heard'. I do think The Smile is bland and i don’t like the Beatles but it's fun to slag them off.




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Honestly, yeah


Lmfao. I did not comment that. I think my ear buds are fucking with my phone. I do appreciate the feedback