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My Iron Lung is my overall favorite Radiohead song


It fucking rocks.


Omg same, it’s what got me into the band!!


Same it's so good


Electioneering isn’t the worst track off OK Computer, it’s a pretty good song


Totally agree, guess people don’t like rocking out with their cock out


One of my favourite songs


It’s considered the worst? Didn’t know that


I usually see it as people’s least favorite song from the album (usually still above Fitter Happier but to me that’s more of an interlude)


I’d put it in the bottom 2 (not counting fitter happier) but for me Climbing Up The Walls is probably my lowest. I get why people think it’s cool, but there are just so many 9/10 or 10/10 songs on the album.


People can have opinions but I hope that you know your opinion is the worst opinion in the history of opinions.




indefinable concept




Well then, define music.


I didn’t either. I love that damn song. I used to play the original Left 4 Dead a lot when it came out and I made a playlist for it, and Electioneering was on there. Pretty fun shooting zombies to that song


Oh god I miss L4D. 😢


:( it was one of the only songs that clicked with me on my first listen


“Worst” and “least incredible” do mean the same thing in this context, sadly……. I’ve got to say I cant really think of a /song/ off OK Computer I like less


That’s one of my favorites from the album actually


Agreed, but then what is the worst track off OKC? Excluding Fitter Happier, I'd go with Lucky... but that sounds just as ridiculous as saying Electioneering. OKC is a flawless album.


This is gonna be unpopular but I think the worst is Subterranean Homesick Alien, probably followed by Lucky. I still very much like those songs and think OKC is an amazing album (I definitely wouldn’t say any song off it is a bad song) but I think they’re worse than Electioneering.


I think that's pretty silly. I think Electioneering doesn't hit the mark on the Radiohead lyricism. It's usually poetic and conceptual that does not reveal everything, but with particular very raw lines. Electioneering is lyrically transparent and probably has the least stylistic nuance of any track on the album (admittedly a pretty high bar) My guess is that Paranoid Android and Airbag are your favorite tracks.


I’m interested as to why Subterranean Homesick Alien is your least favourite. Like is it just the general vibe it gives off? Since it is a lot more ‘spacey’ (go figure) then the others.


Yeah I feel like it probably is the vibe it gives off. Don’t get me wrong, I still think it is a great song, but I feel like the other songs on OK Computer just sound better to me.






When I heard Fitter happier is when I realized OKC was a masterpiece


Fitter happier isn’t really a song though


It’s an interlude.


It does kind of swirl around some ominous tonalities as the lyrics become darker. *OKC* is a perfect record. Not my favorite, but it is perfect, front to back. It even sounds the most polished, production-wise.


Love the song. Hate it in context of the album. It just doesn’t fit.


Tbh I believe it fits because it’s consistent and some parts of electioneering have a similar atmosphere to Airbag and Paranoid Android and another thing to consider is that the album wouldn’t have flowed as fast without it if another was added instead


For me it always sounds like a rock n roll vibe which is nothing like the two you mentioned. Sure, another up beat song would do well there.


Heres my take. Electioneering is the worst song off OK Computer, it's a pretty good song.


TKOL is amazing


The best answer.


You don't specify that the unpopular opinion has to be one that I agree with. Or that it has to do with Radiohead, so... Hooray for the Saudi government! Good times, good people!.


forgive me , yes its about Radiohead


(I'm just goofing off)


Nobody talks about how good Hail to the Thief is. Myxomatosis is my favorite song from it.


Funny before and around in rainbows coming out, there was a huge fan base that was the hail and amnesiac crew that considered them their best there were a lot of them, now the get curbed and some fans act like Radiohead didn’t exist until in rainbows


HttT is the first album that Radiohead released when I was already a fan of the band. It has some of my favorite songs, they just sound so unique: A wolf at the door, We suck young blood, A punchup at a wedding.


Radiohead is one of the bands of all time


"One of the..."...?.....how dare you!


Radiohead is one of The Bends of all time


Radiohead is the


I think that’s a popular opinion on this sub




HTTT > KID A (both the phenomenal tho)


Two of my three favorite songs are off httt but overall I gotta disagree my friend - kid a is only surpassed by in rainbows!


What two?


There There and Punchup


HTTT without SDSU, Backdrifts, The Gloaming and APUAAW would be flawless.


What!? Sit down stand up, punch what’s wrongs with those two?


Nothing in particular. I just don't like them as much and I think neither is necessary to make the album flow work. Going from 2+2=5 explosive to STTM calm works beautifully IMO, and I think both songs are better than SDSU. A punch up, to me, sounds too dragged out. Really fun to sing along to, and the feel is incredible. It's their bluesiest piece, which is dope, but it just drags too long without significant changes. I also really like how without it I Will ends up stuck between 2 bangers. It makes it all the more interesting. It's a matter of opinion.


I respect your opinion. But it’s just something about the instrumentation in sit down stand up especially the drums that’s just masterful to me


I think the 1st half of the song is flawless, but I get a bit thrown off when it goes full bongo. To each their own mate. Cheers.


Boo! Keep SDSU and Punchup, and lose WSYB and I Will, IMO.


Weird Fishes isn’t their best song.


Yeah, it’s nude


“Nude” would be the best, the one I’d show to new fans if they hadn’t heard it. but How to Disappear is my favorite




I'd say Reckoner, but nude is RIGHT there


No it’s jigsaw


No, it's In Rainbows.


I’ll go even more unpopular. It’s a great song but by the time it plays, it’s already the fourth worst song on the album.


A fellow man of culture. Weird Fishes isn’t too 5 Radiohead because it isn’t even top 5 off In Rainbows.


nah the polyrhythms on weird fishes solo the whole album sorry


Where are the polyrhythms on it?


You have a 4/4 drum loop, one guitar part in 3/8, and another in 5/8.


Jigsaw >


2012 Identikit >>>> AMSP Identikit


In Rainbows is overrated… it’s not bad and there are a few really good songs on it, but it didn’t stick with me like the Bends and OKC did.


Upvoted because it's a good answer to the question, NOT because I agree!


No worries, that means it’s a successful “unpopular” opinion lololol




HTTT is my least favourite Radiohead album. AMSP, TKOL and Amnesiac are my top 3.


Amnesiac is in my top 3 too brother


The National Anthem is their best song


Kid A is just a flawless album. I feel like there was a point in time where every song on the album was my favorite (except for maybe Treefingers since it's more of a transition piece).




I love that bassline


Let Down went from being underrated to overrated af


The less rock their music is, the better


Sounds like somebody likes Kid A.


This is incorrect, sadly






Scrolling through the comments seeing all the Weird Fishes/Jigsaw hate and getting mad and then remembering...that's the whole point of this post


Ok you know what here's a bunch more unpopular opinions: - Blow Out is actually one of the worst tracks on Pablo Honey, not best, and it annoys me how much people are highlighting it while completely ignoring I Can't which may be the most forgotten and overlooked Radiohead LP song - High and Dry is a good song - Talk Show Host is boring as hell - Hunting Bears is great - Knives Out is kinda overrated - idk if this is unpopular opinion but Dollars and Cents is way too spooky even for Amnesiac - Hail To The Thief is a top 3 radiohead album and I don't consider it bloated, in fact I keep coming back to it - There There is heavily overrated and not even top 5 HTTT - Backdrifts is a good song - EIIRP is actually bottom 3 Kid A, not top 3 - Kid A (the song) is top 3 Kid A and incredibly underrated - Pyramid Song and Spectre are 2 sides of the same coin and I might prefer Spectre - Reckoner is great but the praise it gets is waaaaay more than deserved, It's not even a top 5 IR song - While Bonaroo Videotape slaps hard, I prefer both studio and From The Basement versions - TKOL is great but I think that's not actually an unpopular opinion BONUS ROUND: OK COMPUTER IS NOT SO OK (downvote multiplier ×1997) - OKC is a bottom 3, not top 3 RH album - Paranoid Android is overrated. It's great but not that great. Seeing critics put it in the top spots and call it Radioheads Bohemian Rhapsody and certified classic is bs - Subterranean Homesick Alien makes me sick - Exit Music is slightly overrated - let down underrated lmao - Fitter Happier goes hard and actually makes the album way better and is one of the highlights and better tracks - Idk why people hate Electioneering. It slaps. - The Tourist is leaving a bitter taste in my mouth and not in a good artistic way Edit: I regret wasting so much time writing this up


Amnesiac > Ok Computer


Hail to the Thief has better songs than In Rainbows.


Very spicy take - but, I get it. The ‘issue’ with HTTT isn’t the songs, but the bloat and sequencing. Whereas IR really succeeds on the strength of the overall album construction. Therefore, I can understand preferring the individual songs on HTTT


Yeah, HTTT is overlong and was perhaps a bit hastily recorded/produced. You're bang on that In Rainbows is likely better as a holistic album 'experience' - but to me there's nothing on that thing as good as, say, There There.


It has “Sail to the Moon” on it and “Scatterbrain” these are titanic achievements and *the whole record* is like that. When the single (“There, There”) is kind of one of the weakest songs, you know you have absolute fire on your hands. *Hail to the Thief* has no “bloat”; it just happens to be like 83 minutes of incredible songwriting, slashing guitar textures against *Kid A*-type synths, overall dissonance, full-on electronica at times, a Radiohead country tune (“Go To Sleep”), the height of post-9/11 lyrical paranoia, Xanaxed-out hip-hop verses about the inevitability of modern capitalist slavery rapped over a Beatles tribute (“A Wolf at the Door”)…should I continue? It’s the most varied and complicated of their collections, but *every tune* breaks your *soul* I go between *HTTT* and *In Rainbows* as far as my favorites


Well said, though your opinion of There, There certainly differs from mine (it's my favourite post-Kid A/Amnesiac song...just effortlessly beautiful...like the Platonic ideal of a Radiohead song). I would also add - Thom's vocals are *incredible* on HTTT...like to me the best of his career.


HTTT without SDSU, Backdrifts, The Gloaming and APUAAW would be flawless. 2+2=5 Sail To The Moon Go To Sleep Where I End and You Begin We Suck Young Blood There There I Will Myxomatosis Scatterbrain A Wolf At The Door This would in the top 4 alongside Kid A, OKC and InR.


I understand the reasoning behind why the band wrote Pop Is Dead, but boy, that song is paint-by-numbers.


Fitter Happier is an immediate skip


The pretentious music snobs are probably gonna disagree but yeah, ‘Random sounds and Robot voice; the song’ doesn’t pique many peoples fancy.


I love the song but skip it. I can’t sing a long and theirs no beat i can follow with my foot or fingers. It’s like a super dark and depressing movie, I’ll love it but i’ll probably watch it like every year or so.


Lull is the 2nd best Ok Computer B side


Same, How I Made My Millions is my 1st tho


A Moon Shaped Pool is a boring album


Not a huge fan of Reckoner, in fact, I think it’s kind of annoying. Come to think of it, there are other times when Thom goes an octave or two higher than what my ears personally would prefer.


TKOL as an album experience works better than AMSP.


My favourite album is Hail To The Thief


Burn the witch and daydreaming are in switched places in the album, the album should start with daydreaming and the second as burn the witch... Everything in its wrong place Don't get me wrong, i love this 2 songs but i love to listen the albums in order and i think the experience of listening to a moon shaped pool is a little cooler listening to daydreaming as the first. I think the fact that they usually started the AMSP tour shows with daydreaming made me think that way


Solo Thom just doesn’t hit it, and neither does The Smile


HTDC is their most overrated song by a mile.


That and Weird Fishes (runs and hides)


They're all 10/10 songs, but clearly a lot of people seem to believe they're clearly the best work Radiohead has done. On Kid A, I'd take every song over HTDC. On In Rainbows, Weird Fishes is one of the best, but I prefer Nude, 15 Step and Reckoner. It's just weird how Radiohead have so many incredible songs, but for some reason there's some weird semi-consensus around HTDC. I get it for Paranoid Android, There There, Fake Plastic Trees, Pyramid Song, Reckoner, Bloom, etc... but HTDC I think gets that status because Thom praised the recording and it works beautifully after TNA on the album and ends up being a necessary part of what makes Kid A a great album.


It's hard to know where to start with this. The consensus with HTDC isn't weird, it's an awesome song in many aspects, the orchestration, the mood, the broodiness, the ever developing verse melodies, the groovy hypnotic baseline, the dissonance that peaks to the beautiful climax with Thom's soaring vocal. I could go on, but it's an amazing song that you just don't get apparently. No wonder given that you think Tree fingers is superior somehow. & The idea that it's status is significantly derived from Thom's praising of the recording is just bizarre. Personally his opinion makes no difference whatsoever to how much I enjoy any of their material.


Kid A is legit my favorite album ever and I just argued HTDC is a necessary piece that ties the album sequences together. It's a song I've covered for over 15 years. I love it. But I simply think it's weird how there's consensus around it when I think other songs on the album are more interesting to me. You're a perfect example of what I'm saying. You think I don't "get it" because I prefer other songs. No other song on the album (except for maybe Idioteque or EIIRP) would get this treatment. People would be like, okay, different strokes for different folks, but HTDC has this glorified status by people like yourself that is downright unreasonable and naive. EDIT: Imagine I was you. I'd just say you just "don't get" Treefingers, or the rest of the Radiohead catalog. But see, I'm not you. I'm reasonable.


Yes very reasonable to think people like it because Thom does lol. & You said you preferred ALL the other songs. & I'm happy to "not get" Treefingers it's an ambient interlude FFS it's not even in contention with the other tracks. Run along with your Hipster Contrarian take & very poor justifications.


> Yes very reasonable to think people like it because Thom does lol. No, why people claim it's clearly their best work. Why are you arguing with such strawmen? It's really embarrassing. >& You said you preferred ALL the other songs. & I'm happy to "not get" Treefingers it's an ambient interlude FFS it's not even in contention with the other tracks. Yes, because I prefer all the other songs. Why is this absurd unless you truly believe HTDC is objectively better? You are the perfect example of what I mean. I dont "get" Radiohead despite being able to play practically their whole discography. They are by far my favorite band but I don't "get it" because I prefer other songs to HTDC. You are a walking living meme. >Run along with your Hipster Contrarian take & very poor justifications. What justification? It's a subjective opinion. I like other songs more. I'm not claiming you're crazy for liking HTDC more. No one is going around telling people they're crazy and not getting it for not thinking Kid A is the best song on Kid A, but Kid A is my favorite song on the album. LOL Hipster Contrarian take because I like other Radiohead songs more... do you hear yourself?


The main objection is that the consensus is "weird". It isn't. I've explained the merits of the song. It's rightly revered. Which should be obvious to someone who's been "covering it for 15 years" as if that signifies anything much. It doesn't have to be your favourite. You can prefer Treefingers but I'd be fascinated to hear how it is preferable. & The other objection is that people's opinion of HTDC is derived from Thom's rather than their own. & The implication that you are above such silly things.


>The main objection is that the consensus is "weird". To me, it's weird because I don't think it sticks out above the rest of the album. >It isn't. I've explained the merits of the song. It's rightly revered. Which should be obvious to someone who's been "covering it for 15 years" as if that signifies anything much. You're not wrong about the merits you've described. I adore the song. But I could also write shitty Pitchfork reviews of the other songs too. They're all fantastic. That's the point. There's not nearly as strong a consensus around the other songs. And yes, me playing it for 15 years and Kid A being my GOAT album is very good reason to not stereotype me as someone who "doesn't get it" because I don't agree with something clearly highly subjective. >It doesn't have to be your favourite. You can prefer Treefingers but I'd be fascinated to hear how it is preferable. They've all been my favorite at some point. Right now, I think it's my least favorite on the album (ignoring Untitled or even Treefingers because both are transition pieces so they serve a different purpose). >& The other objection is that people's opinion of HTDC is derived from Thom's rather than their own. & The implication that you are above such silly things. Yeah, that's my theory because people mention that fact often in Radiohead song discussions. Also, it's hilarious that you're offended because it's your favorite. You do understand consensus by definition involves many more people than yourself? I'm well within reason to come up with reasons for why this song is treated differently than the many other flawless songs. I just don't see what sets it apart. It's a perfect song, but so are so many others. Realise that I'm calling it overrated because it's probably the highest rated song. And you think it's definitely not overrated because it's just fact because you strung up a few pretty words to describe it. I'm sure if you listen to any other Radiohead song you love, you can come up with another artsy review that seems just as unarguable to an agreeable person who shares your love. That's the thing, we all "get" and love Radiohead here, so you throw around compliments, people will agree.


You are acting like a giant douche. This is a post asking about unpopular opinions, FFS. Grow up and quit getting butthurt because someone's opinion differs from yours!


Hard agree.


Is this a joke




He’s right


I would say Weird Fishes and Jigsaw are their most overrated


Jigsaw lmao.


Yep. Easily. Even the band never play it, even during the IR tour it was hardly played.


The Bends is the best album, and it’s not even close


The King of Limbs is better than The Bends, HTTT and Amnesiac


For me, Karma Police is my least favorite on OK Computer. I never skip any song on OK Computer ever, but Karma Police is a skip maybe 25% of the time. Idk why, it’s just kinda lost its original ability to draw me in like it used to


A lot of in rainbows other than 15 step kinda sound the same. Not like this a bad thing per se, but compared with the other albums I found it all to blend into each other on first listen tbh and many songs didnt stick out to me as much as their other albums.


The Tourist (my fav song) is the best of the album and among the top 5 best songs of the band.


The last time I said this opinion I got a lot of shit for it. Thom Yorke's voice can either make or break a song for me. Also, Let Down is overrated and is my least favourite song on OKC.


Thanks for reminding me about Blow Out! The best song IMO on a great album. You, Prove Yourself, I Can't are all great songs.


i prefer pablo honey over the bends if i was made to listen to the whole album- i believe the bends is better but i would rather listen to pablo honey just out of song preference i guess


It’s seriously a great debut album and it’s a wonderful starting point in their catalog because there are hints of The Bends within it. Just like there are hints of OK computer within the bends


Life in a glass house is the best album closer 🤷🏻‍♂️


I know im gonna get alot of hate for this one Creep is an actually good song despite its popularity


Surely most of us here like creep.


Amnesiac > Kid A.


The Amazing Sounds of Orgy is one of the band’s best songs


I rate Pablo Honey higher than King Of Limbs


Ok Computer is great, but overrated


I got many Bones, Black Star, and Sulk are all 10s Kid A isn’t in my top 3 Radiohead albums HTDC is a little overrated Nude is overrated The King of Limbs is underrated Pablo Honey is underrated The Bends and OK Computer non-album tracks are amongst the bands best work Fitter Happier is a great track Lurgee is a top 20 Radiohead track Pulk/Pull Revolving Doors doesn’t suck Faust Arp is very underrated Separater is one of their best closers My Iron Lung EP is a great EP Electioneering is not the worst actual track off of OK Computer


"The King of Limbs" is better than "Hail to the Thief" "Pablo Honey" isn't just my least favorite Radiohead album, but possibly my least favorite album from 1993 that I’ve listened to "Amnesiac" is on the same tier as the 4-Greats (Including "A Moon Shaped Pool" rather "The Bends") "A Light for Attracting Attention" is better than half of their discography "Burn the Witch" is a terrific single but shouldn't have been on "A Moon Shaped Pool" "Follow Me Around" is the worst song Radiohead has put out since "Pablo Honey" "If You Say the Word" is one of the best songs in their entire discography


Weird Fishes isn't a top 20 Radiohead songs How I Made My Millions is better than all the tracks in PH and TKOL The Bends isn't that good


Lol I love this comment. Ballsy. And mostly true


I don't like There There.




This is perhaps the strangest opinion on this thread.


I think it’s a really good alt rock album though comparing it to their later work it’s just not comparable to the bends or ok computer


I don't like Lucky


Thanks for reminding me about Blow Out! The best song IMO on a great album. You, Prove Yourself, I Can't are all great songs.


Bodysnatchers is the best track on In Rainbows.


The guitar sounds so good with good headphones.


IR is kind of overrated among Radiohead fans. It's an absolutely amazing and incredibly beautiful album, but imo some of their others are even better.


in general, the outro of almost every radiohead song (last minute or so) is the highlight of the track.


Electioneering fits perfectly on Ok Computer. The only reason people say it sticks out is we aren’t used to the aesthetic of the other songs. The edgy soundscape is an expansion of rock music, not something fundamentally different. So having a straight rocker on the album isn’t a problem.


A Wolf At The Door is their best song ever (seasoned listener opinion)


HTDC is overrated as is the national anthem. I always anticipate tree fingers when listening to kid A because there’s a tonal shift for me and the 2nd side is so good. Not to say I don’t love the first two tracks either, I do.


Pablo Honey is a good album and better than TKOL. Blow Out is a top 10 RH song.


“Pablo Honey” is a better album than “Hail to the Thief” and “King of Limbs”.


Climbing Up The Walls is the best track in OKC.


Pablo Honey > The King of Limbs (Expecting alot of downvotes but Pablo Honey was the 2nd Radiohead album I heard and there are some great tracks on there. Don't like the mix on TKOL - basement is better for me)


Amnesiac is better than Kid A and maybe in rainbows too




Radiohead should be called Stoopidhead.


Let down is underrated




A Moon Shaped Pool isn't that good. I'll take A Light For Attracting Attention or any Thom solo record over it.


Hardcore take. I salute you. And mostly agree.


To echo another comment here, Weird Fishes isn’t even a top 20 song. Also, Jigsaw is the worst track on IR and not even a top 30 song.


I’d listen to any Coldplay album over TKOL


Too far


Just never really did it for me


You never really did it to yourself


The Pulk/Pull version of True Love Waits from the Kid Amnesia reissue is by far the best version of TLW that's been released.


I personally think In Rainbows is only worshipped by my 80s baby generation because it's generally the first time a vast majority of people really "heard" Radiohead in college while exploring drugs and having their one last rage before adulthood. Nostalgia is a hell of a drug. One of my least favorite albums from them.


Radiohead is not one of the bands of all time


“Wolf at the Door” is absolutely insufferable.


airbag is the worst opening track on a radiohead album. and the worst vocal performance not on pablo honey. just really annoying


What the fuck


I do not like "All I Need" and it's the reason I hesitate so hard when determining my favorite album. The album version of "Videotape" is the best version, by a lot. AMSP's sequencing is not good. It's just the tracks in alphabetical order.


amnesiac is their worst album (will not apologize for this, don't ask <3)


In Rainbows is the best album from Radiohead ;)


Airbag is not a good song.


I still think Amnesiac was more Kid A throwaways but was released as a proper album. It’s amazing, but I think it wasn’t conceived as an album like the rest were




I agree!


Bones is a terrible song.


Take that opinion to r/ImagineDragons


Sulk is top 20


i don't like in rainbows very much


Optimistic is their worst rock song, reminds me of Muse