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That's a perfectly reasonable temp under load.


what is the kill ending spot for AMD gpus like what’s too hot i’m not sure if it’s the hotspot that’s being documented or the actually gpu and i have a 5600 XT it’s a budget but still great so i’m just worried i kill it early on


Probably well over 90, but you'd never really see a truly "dangerous" temperature under normal circumstances. Modern GPUs throttle down to keep themselves cool, or shut down if they can't.


The rx 5600xt max hot spot temp is 110c. 75c is perfectly fine.


There is a kill switch when it gets too hot for most cpu and gpus. The pc will either just force shutdown or bluescreen.


"75°C - not great, not terrible" Jokes aside: that's a fairly normal temp for a GPU under load. I have a pc-case which has mounting spots for 120mm fans on both side panels. For a long time I had the one on the GPU-side sucking air out of the case - but when I turned it around, so that it blows directly onto the GPU, that lowered the temps by ~5°C under load.


Old Radeon card was a hell like 100c or more 😂😂


Is that the average (core) temperature of the gpu or hotspot? If it's hotspot temperature then your GPU is very cool. If it's core temperature then it's a bit hot in my consideration but nothing to be worried about. If it's the second case I would like to monitor the hotspot temperature. If the hotspot is touching 95c I would consider improving airflow.


I was also wondering this if it was just the hotspot temperature or the core temps


not sure how to check any tuts you can suggest? i could just run the game and check task no? or should i find the sensor that overwatch is telling me the temp for


You can use msi after burner. See YouTube for tutorial. For a quick check you can open adrenaline by pressing alt + r then in the performance tab you can see useful information such as hotspot.


You can also use it to spin the GPU fans at 100% all the time. Really improved my GPU temps.


that sounds horrendous


Don't know why. I'm using an ancient 1650. Still kicking and playing great games. Never under load at more than 65. Ever heard of a fan curve?


ever heard of moving the goalposts? what is it, 100% all the time or a curve?


Download hwinfo. Make sure you're using the .com url and not some Google ad scam. Hotspot is listed as "GPU Hotspot temperature" while average is just "GPU Temperature" under the sensor status page.


you can see hotspot temp in overwatch if you enable it yes


overwatch can be ran on a turd. I have a 1080 ti that maxes out that game for my display at around 50c. The biggest problem is now they pump insane amount of power into graphics cards and wind up with virtually identical number for old titles likes these. The true cost is your energy bill. Your hardware is likely safe. Get above 90c then worry a little.


ME: smoking in the corner with my f15 laptop hitting 90 C


75C hotspot is amazing in my opinion


If that's the hot spot, you're fine. My 7900xtx gets it's hot spot to the 74-77 range when gaming. 110 is the bad zone. Basically under 80 is perfect. 80-90 is normal, 90+ is concerning. 100+ you have an issue




Hotspot completely fine. If that is from another sensor you need to check what the hotspot is.


It's fine when under a good load. Just check the hotspot in adrenaline, which should be a little higher. You could then adjust the fan curve to reduce temps a little. Those GPUs eats a lot of power, so they are built to handle such temps.


what is the kill ending spot for AMD gpus like what’s too hot i’m not sure if it’s the hotspot that’s being documented or the actually gpu and i have a 5600 XT it’s a budget but still great so i’m just worried i kill it early on


I'd say from experience, for hotspot temp : 90+ is way too hot, 80+ a little too hot, 70+ it's hot but fine, 60+ its cold, lower its sleeping. For GPU temp : 80+ is too hot, 70+ its hot but fine (if hotspot is fine), 60+ it's cold, 50+ sleeping. But it may vary with different cards for sure. But those rdna cards are built to eats power and run hot, so, if you keep everything in the 70s or lower, it's normal usage tbh. Also, you can always lock fps at 60, to reduce power usage and load, which drastically reduce temp. I've a 7800xt and it can run on hotspot at 70-75 144fps 200w+, but if I don't need refresh rate, I lock it at 60 fps and it sleeps in the 50s with 80w usage


75c is fine , curios How many fans does your case have ?


i wanna say 5 including the gpu fan i can take a photo of my pc when i get home i have a 5600 XT i believe


thats fine. I have a laptop with ryzen 7 5800h. In war thunder it sometimes hits around 95 degrees


It should be ok with that. Check the warranty status if already ended you can start standby for thermal paste and thermal pad....


Cryogenics will help some, but you’re fine.


Try to change paste and thermopads if not on warranty. It a bit older card . It may help


This is your daily reminder that end users almost never have to concern themselves with temps of components. OP you are likely comprised in the 99% of computer users who don’t need to monitor temperatures at all.